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The true essence of sports

"Knowledge will give you power, but character respect" That quote came from
one of the most famous actor and martial artist Bruce Lee.
If there is one goal that is aspired by all schools, it is to develop the intelligence of
all their students. But intelligence is not only composed of intellectual intelligence
I.Q. which is knowledge, it also has emotional intelligence E.Q. which molds a
person’s character.
Knowledge can empower individuals by providing them with literacy skills, and
capabilities to achieve their goals but, character, which refers to the moral and
ethical qualities of a person, is essential in earning respect from people that
surround the person.
One of the tools that could be used to enhance emotional intelligence E.Q. is
SPORTS. Sports are not merely just physical activities; they are powerful tools for
character development. The lessons learned on the field extend far beyond
winning and losing.
Beyond just improving a person's physical fitness, sports give a lot of mental and
emotional benefits that can shape a student’s personality and life skills. Through
sports, students learn about respect, the importance of being fair, leadership,
resilience, and self-discipline, which are essential for social integration and
emotional growth.
By fostering self-discipline, resilience, teamwork, and leadership, sports mold
students to become strong individuals who eventually could contribute positively
to society and will earn the respect of a lot of people.
But…. On what ground should you earn RESPECT? By winning? At what cost? If
you win by losing your character to gain a respectable reputation, is it worth it?
My answer to his question is Matthew 16:26 for what is a man profited, if he shall
gain the whole world and loose his soul.
It is important for an athlete to win; it is the reason for joining a contest in the first
place. But as a school we should always teach all our students’ athletes that the
true essence of sports is not just to build a respectable reputation as a champion,
it is to the Development of the person’s righteous character

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