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UEMX 1943 / UEME 1143 / UEMB 2143

– Dynamics
Tutorial 1 [Total 20 Marks]
Part A: Kinematics of Particles

Figure: Question 1

1. Ball A is thrown straight up. Which of the following statements about the ball are true
at the highest point in its path? [2 Marks]
(a) The velocity and acceleration are both zero.
(b) The velocity is zero, but the acceleration is not zero.
(c) The velocity is not zero, but the acceleration is zero.
(d) Neither the velocity nor the acceleration are zero.

Figure: Question 2

2. A The brakes of a car are applied, causing it to slow down at a rate of 3 m/s2. Knowing
that the car stops in 100 m, determine, [2 Marks]
(a) how fast the car was traveling immediately before the brakes were applied, and
(b) the time required for the car to stop.
Figure: Question 3

3. In a boat race, boat A is leading boat B by 50 m and both boats are traveling at a constant
speed of 180 km/h. At 𝑡 = 0, the boats accelerate at constant rates. Knowing that when
B passes A, 𝑡 = 8 s and 𝑣𝐴 = 225 km/h, determine, [2 Marks]
(a) the acceleration of A, and
(b) the acceleration of B.

Figure: Question 4

4. The elevator shown in the figure moves downward with a constant velocity of 4 m/s.
Determine [2 Marks]
a. the velocity of the cable C,
b. the velocity of the counterweight W,
c. the relative velocity of the cable C with respect to the elevator,
d. the relative velocity of the counterweight W with respect to the elevator.
Figure: Question 5.

5. A motorist starts from rest at Point A on a circular entrance ramp when t = 0, increases
the speed of her automobile at a constant rate and enters the highway at Point B.
Knowing that her speed continues to increase at the same rate until it reaches 100 km/h
at Point C, determine
a. the speed at Point B,
b. the magnitude of the total acceleration when t = 20 s. [2 Marks]

Part B: Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law

Figure: Question 6

6. A 1000 N boulder B is resting on a 200 N platform A when truck C accelerates to the

left with a constant acceleration. Which of the following statements are true (more
than one may be true)?
(a) The tension in the cord connected to the truck is 200 N
(b) The tension in the cord connected to the truck is 1200 N
(c) The tension in the cord connected to the truck is greater than 1200 N
(d) The normal force between A and B is 1000 N
(e) The normal force between A and B is 1200 N
(f) None of the above [2 Marks]
Figure: Question 7

7. The two systems shown start from rest. On the left, two 200 N weights are connected
by an inextensible cord, and on the right, a constant 200 N force pulls on the cord.
Neglecting all frictional forces, which of the following statements is true?
(a) Blocks A and C will have the same acceleration.
(b) Block C will have a larger acceleration than block A.
(c) Block A will have a larger acceleration than block C.
(d) Block A will not move.
(e) None of the above. [2 Marks]

8. If an automobile’s braking distance from 90 km/h is 45 m on level pavement, determine

the automobile’s braking distance from 90 km/h when it is, [2 Marks]
(a) going up a 5° incline, and
(b) going down a 3-percent incline.
Assume the braking force is independent of grade.

Figure: Question 9

9. The two blocks shown are originally at rest. Neglecting the masses of the pulleys and
the effect of friction in the pulleys and between block A and the horizontal surface,
determine, [2 Marks]
(a) the acceleration of each block, and
(b) the tension in the cable.
Figure: Question 10
10. During a hammer thrower’s practice swings, the 7.1-kg head A of the hammer revolves
at a constant speed 𝑣 in a horizontal circle as shown. If 𝜌 = 0.93 m and 𝜃 = 60°,
determine, [2 Marks]
(a) the tension in wire BC, and
(b) the speed of the hammer’s head.

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