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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016 859

Evaluation of Using Geosynthetic Material and the Process of Grouting to Improve

Pavement Performance over Sand Dunes Subgrade
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Dr. Saad F.I. Al-Abdullah1; Dr. Gandhi G. Sofia2; and Zaman T. Teama3
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., (C.E.), MISSMGE.M.I.ASCE, College of Engineering, Al-
Mustansiria Univ., Iraq. E-mail: drsaadfarhan@yahoo.com
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., (C.E.), College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiria Univ., Baghdad,
Iraq. E-mail: gandhisofia@gmail.com
B.Sc., M.Sc., (C.E.), College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiria Univ., Iraq. E-mail:

Transportation Engineers face many problems in using Sand Dunes available in huge
quantities through the desert areas in Iraq as construction Materials for Roads. This
study consists of using Sand Dunes as local material in road construction. Two
approaches are adopted to achieve this goal; the first is carrying out laboratory tests
through simulation of three layers of paved road, using a steel box model where
Subgrade layer represented by Sand Dunes at relative density 55.7% (in situe Value).
The study oriented as well to the improvement of sand dunes through using
reinforcement with two types of Geosynthetic material. Two models were studied, one
of which is reinforced by single layer of geotextile at subbase- subgrade interface and
the other using single layer of geogrid at the same depth to improve the subgrade,
grouting technique is used through the injection of the subgrade with a mixture of
cement, bentonite, and water. Using of geotextile and geogrid, leads to increase the
number of passes 108.53%, 78.05% respectively. The using of injection technique
increase the number of passes about 18.29%. FE approach using Abaqus program
was applied to find out displacement distribution through build pavement structure
model. The results obtained from both laboratory and finite elements are very much
encouraging with using Sand Dune as construction materials for Roads. However, using
reinforcement in between subbase- subgrade interface also satisfied the minimum
stability requirements for roads foundation structure with sand dunes as subgrade layer.
Keywords: Sand dunes subgrade; Geosynthetic materials; Grouting process; Abaqus.


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Geosynthetics are planar products manufactured from polymeric materials (the
synthetic) used with soil, rock, or other geotechnical- related materials (the geo) as
part of a civil engineering project or system. There are few developments that have
had such a rapid growth and strong influence on so many aspects of civil engineering
practice as geosynthetics. In 1970, there were only five or six geosynthetics available,
while today more than 600 different geosynthetics products are sold throughout the
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world. The size of the market, both in terms of square meters produced and their value, is
indicative of their influence AL-Atbi .During construction and operation of roads or
highways on sand dunes bed may encounter several problems. Some of the associated
problems are mentioned ;A)The real problem of sand dunes is their crawl that affects
development of projects; such as highways, railways, irrigation and drainage canals,
agricultural lands, and other projects. Sand Dunes cause a decrease in the efficiency
and an increase in the maintenance costs for these projects. The delay of work in a
highway between Diwaniyah and Nasriyia is a good example for that (Salem, 2011),
B) the formation of depressions and settlement of road (Aiban, 1994), C) Shallowness of
the ground-water in some parts (Fookes and H igginbottom,1975) which alters the
compressibility of the soil and can lead to fines migration , D)Variability in strength
and compressibility leading to differential settlement (Abu-Taleb and Egeli, 1981; Al-
Amoudi et al., 1991) E)Sand movement causes abrasion to the existing structures and
blockage of some streets and highways. These problems and others are challenging for
both the short and long term consequence and not fully understood. This presents an
unacceptable risk in normal practice and calls for the improvement of the geotechnical
properties of such soils prior to any construction (Aiban et al., 1996).
Subgrade: Laboratory experimentation is done to investigate effect of change
relative density of sand dunes subgrade
Subbase Course: The sub base is brought from Al_ Nibaee quarry, north of Baghdad, this
type of sub base is commonly used as a layer in flexible pavement construction.
Surface course: 50-60-penetration grade bitumen is considered forexperimentation
and aggregates confirming midpoint gradation of grade II specifications as per Iraq
specification have been used.
Geogrid Reinforcement. The geogrid material used in this study is Pars Mesh
Polymer (PMP) Type SQ12 manufactured by the Iranian company Pars Mesh Polymer.
Tension tests performed on geogrid as per ASTM D6637 to determine its strength and
tensile modulus. Table (3.6) summarizes the physical and mechanical.
Geotextile Reinforcement. Geotextile in this study is woven
Laboratory pavement setup. Laboratory based pavement sections with conventional
materials and that with one value of subgrades relative density is prepared , subbase
layer and surface course is prepared in a prefabricated box type arrangement made of
mild steel of size 600mm length X 500 mm width X 400 mm depth. Four Laboratory
based multi-layer sample pavement sections were formed, one of them unreinforced
pavement section with sand dunes subgrade at relative density 55.7% , the second
reinforcement with single layer of geotextile at subbase /subgrade interface, third
model reinforced with single layer of geogrid at same location and the last one


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unreinforced but improve it by use process of grouting through injection the sand
dunes subgrade.
Material Properties
Table 1 show properties of sand dunes which used, Table 2 show properties of subbase
layer and Table 3 show properties of asphalt layer which used. Tension tests performed
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on geogrid as per ASTM D6637 to determine its strength and tensile modulus. Table 4
summarizes the physical and mechanical properties of geogrid, the physical and
mechanical properties of geotextile, used in this study, as shown in Table 5

Table 1: Properties of sand dune

Property Type properties Index Standards
GS Specific 2.67 ASTM: D -854 -02
L.L Liquid Limit 25 ASTM: D -4318-00
P.L Plastic Limit NP ASTM: D -4318-00 PI
Plasticity Index NP
γ max Modify 18.7 ASTM 698-00 γ
min minimum dry 12KN/m3
Soil SP-SM (USCS).

Table 2: Properties of Subbase

Chemical Element Result %
So3 2.26
Gypsum 4.87
Tss 2.12
Om 1.69
Maximum density 2200
Soil classification GP
Table (3) Properties of asphalt cement

Property ASTM Designation AsphaltCement

Number [16] Daurah (40-50)
Penetration (25°C, 100 gm., D-5 43
5sec), (1/10 mm)
Softening Point (Ring and Ball), D-36 51.5
Ductility, cm D-113 > 100
Flash Point (Cleave land open- D-92 335
Specific Gravity , 25 °C D-70 1.048
Loss on heat (5 hrs, 163 °C, D-1754 0.18
1/8 ") , %


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Table 4 Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Geogrid

The physical properties
Property Data
Mesh type square
Standard Color amber
Polymer type HDPE
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Packaging Rolls
Technical Properties
Elastic modules Gpa 0.25
Peak Tensile Strength kN/m .25

Table 5 the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Geotextile

Type of geotextile Woven
Color black
thickness 2 mm
Modulus of elasticity 800 Mpa
Laboratory Based Multi-Layer Pavement
The thickness of the pavement layers have been designed to ensure that the stresses
reach the subgrade level. It was proposed to form the multi-layer sample pavement
section with the 50mm thick bituminous concrete, 100mm thick subbase layer and 200
mm thick as show Figure 1 depict the laboratory pavement.

Figure 1. Cross section multi-layer pavement section


Model geometry. F.E. has been proven suitable for application to complex pavement
problems. 3D mode was built by using the finite elements program ABAQUS (6.12- 3),
to understand, with more precision, the distribution of the displacements in the entire
pavement layers when different densities of subgrade layer, (3D-DFEM) program that
has the capacity to simulate actual vehicle loading conditions and estimate the
structural response for flexible pavements are used to simulate


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laboratory models. The thickness of layers are same thickness of laboratory are
200mm sand dunes subgrade , 100 subbase and 50 mm and 100mm asphalt ,as shown
in Figure (2). Elastic properties (modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio) are shown in
Table (6)
Finite Element Types and Mesh Size
All the parts of the model are modeled using the 8-node continuum three dimensional
brick element (C3D8R) with reduced order numerical integration available in
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ABAQUS (6.12-3). This element has the capability of representing large deformation,
geometric and material nonlinear Solid element (C3D8R) has three degrees of freedom at
each node. . All layers are simulated with the same shape to preserve the continuity of
nodes between consecutive layers (Massod, 2013). Figure (3) shows total model

Figure 2. General Geometry of the Pavement Layers by Lab and ABAQUS Program

Table (6) material properties

Layers Modulus of Elasticity
(MPa) Poisson’s ratio(ૅ)*
Asphalt layer 1200 0.35
Subbase layer 110 0.35
Subgrade very loose layer 2 0.3
Subgrade loose layer 2.5 0.3
Subgrade medium layer 2.7 0.3

Figure 3. Mesh of All Layers

Boundary Condition and Interaction Between layers
The boundary conditions have a significant influence in predicting the response of the
model, the bottom surface of the subgrade and sides of layers is assumed to be fixed,


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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016 864

that means that nodes at the bottom of the subgrade and sides of layer cannot move
horizontally or vertically. This represents the bottom and sides of steel box. Figure (4)
shows the boundary conditions used in the analysis. Surface to surface contact used to tie
the asphalt, subbase, Geosynthetic and subgrade
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Figure 4. The Boundary Condition & Interaction Between layers

Moving Load
The wheel load applied in the Abaqus is 96 kg (0.96 KN) and is distributed uniformly
over the total contact area. The resulting uniform contact pressure is 550 MPa which
is equal to the pressure of tire which used two parameters, longitudinal and transverse
distribution of vertical pressure on loaded area (Al-Qadi and Wang Hao 2009).
Loading is applied to simulate wheel horizontal motion in a pre-determined speed. In
this method, loading position should be moved in a gradual form in order to have a
complete wheel rolling as shown in Figure (5).Figure (6) show wheel path in model

Figure 5 .Schematic Illustration of Tire Moving along Pavement Surface

Figure 6. Show wheel path

Wheel tracking device was used to evaluate the rut depth. These laboratory based
pavement were subjected to wheel tracking on the wheel-tracking device under a


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contact pressure of 550 MPa and temperature 50 cº result indicates that geotextile was
more effective in increase number of passes than geogrid and grouting ,the geogrid
more effective in increase number of passes to reach same rut depth than grouting,
Figures 7,8and 9 show the relation between number of passes and rut depth foe asphalt
,subbase and subgrade layer respectively for unreinforced model. Figures 10,11 and 12
show the relation between number of passes and rut depth foe asphalt ,subbase and
subgrade layer respectively for reinforced model with geotextile (GT) Figures 13,14
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and 15 show the relation between number of passes and rut depth foe asphalt ,subbase
and subgrade layer respectively for reinforced model with geogrid (GG) and Figures
16,17and 18 show the relation between number of passes and rut depth foe asphalt
,subbase and subgrade layer respectively for grouting (injection) mode (INJ).Figure
19 show number of passes with rut depth for all models.,
The results of Abaqus program are very close to results of laboratory tests, Figure 20
and 21 shows the Abaqus out displacement (rutting) .Figure 22 and 23 show shows the
Result of Lab and Abaqus for unreinforced model and reinforcement with geotextile
respectively. Figure 24 show the shape of Abaqus model after run program. . The
electronic digital which have the measuring range (0-15mm, resolution 0.01mm,
accuracy: ±0.02mm

Figure 7. Flexible Pavement Surface Profile for unreinforced model

Figure 8. Asphalt /Subbase Interface Profile for unreinforced model


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Figure 9.Subbase/Subgrade Interface Profile for unreinforced model

Figure 10. Flexible Pavement Surface Profile for reinforcement model with

Figure 11. Asphalt /Subbase Interface Profile for reinforcement model with

Figure 12.Subbase/Subgrade Interface Profile for reinforcement model with



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Figure 13. Flexible Pavement Surface Profile for reinforcement model with geogrid

Figure 14. Asphalt /Subbase Interface Profile for reinforcement model with georid

Figure 15. Subbase/Subgrade Interface Profile for reinforcement model with geogrid

Figure 16. Flexible Pavement Surface Profile for grouting


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Figure 17. Asphalt /Subbase Interface Profile for grouting

Figure 18. Subbase/Subgrade Interface Profile for grouting

Figure 19. Relation between rut depth and number of passes for all models

Figure 20.Abaqus output of displacement side for 50mm asphalt thickness


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Figure 21. The Result of Lab and ABAQUS for 50mm asphalt thickness

Figure 22. Abaqus output of Displacement Side for Reinforcement with Geotextile

Figure 23. The Result of Experimental and Abaqus for Reinforcement with Geotextile

Figure 24.Abaus Result After Run


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Using single layer of geotextile at subbase/subgrade interface leads to increase the
number of passes and reduces the subgrade displacement. the use of
geotextile is more effective in improving the pavement structure in to
accommodate moving compared to other solutions .This may be to the effective
of geotextile in preventing intrusion of subbase practical into subgrade and
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more distribution of the stress on subgrade which leads to decrease the

rutting in subbase and subgrade layers. Using single layer of geogrid at
subbase/subgrade interface leads to increase the number of passes and reduce
the subgrade displacement. The use of geogrid is effective in improving
slightly the pavement structure in carrying loads, and leads to decrease the
displacement in subbase and subgrade layers. The grouting of subgrade in
wheel path direction lead to increase in the number of passes which reaches the
same value of rutting for unreinforced model. ABAQUSE program was
successful in simulation pavement structure models, so Abaqus program can use
in analysis paved road.

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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016

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