An Analysis of Postoperative Epidural Analgesia.43

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An Analysis of Postoperative Epidural Analgesia Failure

by Computed Tomography Epidurography

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Cyrus Motamed, MD* In this prospective study involving 125 patients, we analyzed epidural analgesia
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failure after major abdominal surgery using computed tomography (CT) epidu-
Fayezi Farhat, MD* rographies to compare the incidence of dislodgement of epidural catheters and
leakage of solution from the epidural space between two groups of patients:
patients with successful or failed epidural analgesia. Our hypothesis was that the
Francis Rémérand, MD* incidence of dislodgement and leakage should be low when epidural analgesia is
successful. A thoracic epidural catheter was inserted before general anesthesia and
Jean Stéphanazzi, MD* secured by subcutaneous tunneling. Bupivacaine (0.25%) was administered during
surgery followed by continuous epidural analgesia with 0.125% bupivacaine (10
Agnès Laplanche, MD† mL/h) and morphine (0.25 mg/h) for 48 h. Failure was defined as a visual analog
scale pain score at rest more than 30 mm and/or interruption of epidural analgesia
Christian Jayr, MD* before 48 h for any reason. When failure was not due to unintentionally withdrawn,
kinked catheters or adverse events (n ⫽ 11), a CT scan with contrast injection was
performed. Control CT scans were also performed in patients with adequate
analgesia (i.e., the success group). The incidence of failure was 24.8% (n ⫽ 31). CT
scans in the failure group (n ⫽ 20) showed seven patients with catheters outside the
epidural space, nine with normal distribution, one with unilateral spread, and three
with leakage of solution outside the epidural space. In the success group, CT scans
(n ⫽ 19) showed 11 patients with normal distribution, five with unilateral spread,
and three with leakage. We conclude that the major cause of epidural analgesia
failure was dislodgment of the catheter. CT scans were mostly useful for detecting
leakage of injectate, which may be the early phase of dislodgment.
(Anesth Analg 2006;103:1026 –32)

E pidural analgesia provides superior postoperative

analgesia compared with parenteral opioids (1– 4).
are probably under-estimated, especially at the begin-
ning of catheter displacement outside the epidural
Unfortunately, epidural analgesia is often associated space (13,23).
with failures that may be difficult to resolve when the We, therefore, conducted a prospective study to
patient is in a surgical ward or during the night (5–9). analyze epidural analgesia failure by CT epidurogra-
Epidural analgesia failures may result from technical phy after major abdominal surgery for cancer. Our
difficulties (10,11), insufficiencies or overdosing of hypothesis was that the incidence of dislodgement
local anesthetics (12,13), epidural septum or midline and leakage should be low when epidural analgesia is
adhesions (14), placement of the epidural catheter successful. Therefore, the main objective of our study
through an intervertebral foramen or into the anterior was to compare the incidence of dislodgement of
epidural space (15) and problems related to the cath- epidural catheters and leakage of liquid infusion out
eter itself (13,16 –18). Mechanical problems with the of the epidural space between two groups of patients:
catheter include the formation of kinks and knots, patients with successful or failed epidural analgesia.
breakage, dislodgement, leakage, and disconnections
(19 –22). Dislodgement and leakage are common but
This prospective study was performed after approval
of the IRB. Written informed consent was obtained from
From the *Department of Anesthesia; and †Department of each patient. Inclusion criteria were patients undergoing
Biostatistics; Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, major elective abdominal surgery for cancer via a mid-
94805 Villejuif, Cedex, France.
line, subcostal, or bisubcostal incision, 18 –75 yr of age,
Accepted for publication June 23, 2006.
ASA I–III and weight 50 –100 kg. Exclusion criteria were
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Cyrus Mota-
med, Service d’Anesthésie, Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille patient refusal, contraindications to epidural analgesia
Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif, Cedex, France. Address e-mail to (e.g., preoperative coagulopathy and localized or uncon- trolled systemic infection) and technically impossible
Copyright © 2006 International Anesthesia Research Society epidural catheter placement. Patients were premedi-
DOI: 10.1213/01.ane.0000237291.30499.32
cated with 0.5 mg alprazolam 1 h before surgery.
1026 Vol. 103, No. 4, October 2006
Epidural Catheter Placement and Management The following criteria signaled failure of analgesia:
of Anesthesia • Interruption of epidural analgesia before 48 h for
Before general anesthesia, an epidural catheter was any reason.
placed by an attending anesthesiologist in a patient who • A VAS score that exceeded 30 mm at rest and
was seated upright. After local anesthesia of the skin and persisted for 45 min after a rescue 5 mL epidural
the intervertebral tissue, the epidural space (T9 –11) was 0.125% bupivacaine injection and 1 g paracetamol
identified using an 18-gauge Tuohy needle via a midline IV were administered.
approach, and the loss-of-resistance technique with sa-
line solution. An open-end, single-hole catheter (Portex If the patient did not meet the failure criteria after
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the rescue dose, the infusion rate was then increased.

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Ltd威) was then advanced 4 cm into the epidural space

The absence of a sensory level with a VAS not
and 5-cm subcutaneous tunneling was performed. The
exceeding 30 mm was considered successful analgesia.
catheter was sutured and dressed with Tegaderm威. A
If an epidural analgesia failure occurred, a vertebral
5-mL test dose of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine (5
axial CT scan was acquired after injection of contrast
␮g/mL) was injected, and 0.25% bupivacaine (8 –10 mL)
medium via the catheter into the epidural space (5 mL
with epinephrine (5 ␮g/mL) and fentanyl (0.1 mg) was
iopamidol, 400 mg/mL). Image slices (2.5 and 5 mm
injected. Bupivacaine was reinjected until the sensory
thick) were acquired; two vertebrae above and below the
block attained the T4 level. The extent of analgesia was site where the epidural catheter had been inserted. A
determined by bilateral loss of sensation to ice. When the tiny lead ball taped onto the skin marked the vertebral
T4 level was obtained, general anesthesia was induced level where the catheter had been inserted for CT scan
with etomidate, fentanyl, and neuromuscular blocking detection.
drugs, and was maintained with isoflurane and nitrous On the third postoperative day, before the removal
oxide in oxygen. Intraoperative analgesia was obtained of the epidural catheter, a CT scan was also performed
by intermittent epidural injections of 0.25% bupivacaine in 19 patients in the success group (control group).
approximately every 45 min. If hypotension occurred, a These patients were selected as follows: after CT-
bolus of ephedrine (3– 6 mg) was injected. Adequate epidurography in a patient in the failure group, CT-
intraoperative analgesia was evaluated according to epidurography was performed in the next patient
hemodynamic stability (heart rate and arterial blood with successful epidural analgesia.
pressure within 25% of baseline) and fentanyl was Both a radiologist and anesthesiologist who were
administered IV when bupivacaine failed to provide blinded to the efficacy of epidural analgesia interpreted
adequate intraoperative analgesia. After completion of the CT scans. Three categories of images were defined: if
surgery, tracheal extubation was performed after rever- contrast medium was present in the epidural space on at
sal of the neuromuscular block. least one slice, it was “IN,” (Figs. 1a and 2), if contrast
medium was not found in the epidural space, it was
“OUT” (Fig. 1b). When the contrast medium was “IN”
Postoperative Pain Management and “OUT” on the same image, it was considered to be
In the recovery room, a mixture of 0.125% bupiva-
“LEAKING” out of the epidural space (Fig. 2).
caine (10 mL/h) and morphine (0.25 mg/h) was
infused continuously into the epidural space. The
infusion rate was reduced if motor block was above 0
according to a modified Bromage scale (0 ⫽ no motor
block; 1 ⫽ inability to raise extended legs; 2 ⫽ inability
to flex knees; 3 ⫽ inability to flex ankle joints) (2– 4).
Paracetamol (1 g/4 h) was injected IV on request when
pain relief exceeded 30 mm at rest or when the patient
complained of pain other than from abdominal origin
(e.g., sore throat).
Abdominal pain was assessed at rest and while
coughing using a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS) (0
mm ⫽ no pain; 10 mm ⫽ worst pain imaginable) every
15 min in the recovery room and every 4 h thereafter.
The spread of sensory block was determined by loss
and return of cold sensation to ice. Patients were
discharged from the recovery room when the pain Figure 1. (a) Left: Lower thoracic axial computed tomogra-
score at rest was ⬍30 mm. phy scan after contrast injection through a catheter in a
On the surgical ward, the following variables were patient with a normally functioning catheter. (b) Right:
Computed tomography scan after contrast injection through
recorded every 4 h: level of sedation, VAS at rest and a catheter in a patient in whom epidural analgesia failed.
while coughing, extent of sensory blockade, presence The contrast medium accumulated in the subcutaneous
of motor block as well as vital signs. tissue outside the epidural space.

Vol. 103, No. 4, October 2006 © 2006 International Anesthesia Research Society 1027
Data were expressed as mean ⫾ sd, or percent-
ages. A P-value of ⬍0.05 was considered statistically

One-hundred-twenty-five patients were included
in this study. No patients were excluded because of
technical difficulties during catheter insertion.
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Thirty-one patients (24.8%) were classified as fail-

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ures while the others were classified as successes.

Twenty CT scans were performed in the failure group.
For the other 11 patients, CT scanning was not re-
Figure 2. Lower thoracic axial computed tomography scan quested because the cause of analgesia failure was
depicting a posterior leak after contrast injection through a obvious: adverse events, unintentional catheter with-
catheter in a patient in whom postoperative epidural analgesia drawal, and difficult venous access in a patient who
failed. was able to ingest fluids. Nineteen CT scans were
performed in the success group. Different CT images
are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
The presence or absence of symmetrically sur-
Demographic characteristics and sensory block in-
rounding contrast medium was recorded as well as its
formation are detailed in Table 1 and Figure 3. There
unilaterality or bilaterality.
were no differences in the body mass index, the
In the failure group, all catheters that were displaced
duration and type of surgery, or in the amount of
from the epidural space were leaking, exhibited total
intraoperative fentanyl administered between groups.
unilateral distribution, or were in the foramen were
Intraoperative ephedrine was administered more of-
removed, and epidural analgesia was switched to par-
ten in the success group (Table 1, P ⬍ 0.05).
enteral morphine, but those with normal distribution
After multivariate analysis, only intraoperative
inside the epidural space were maintained and the
ephedrine requirements were associated with success-
infusion rate was readjusted so as to provide efficient
ful epidural analgesia.

Statistical Analysis The Failure Group: (n ⴝ 31)

The main objective of our study was to compare the Interruption of Epidural Analgesia Despite Good
incidence of epidural catheter dislodgement and leak- Pain Relief (n ⴝ 2)
age of liquid infusion out of the epidural space be- In one patient, morphine was removed from the
tween two groups of patients: patients with successful infusion because of intense pruritus. Despite the pres-
versus failed epidural analgesia. As dislodgment and ence of an adequate symmetrical sensory block, pain
leakage may be responsible for 66% of epidural anal- scores increased to 45 mm at 48 h. Epidural analgesia
gesia failure (13) and the incidence of dislodgement was therefore interrupted and subsequently replaced
and leakage should be low when epidural analgesia is by parenteral morphine.
successful, we estimated that 40 patients would be In another patient, epidural analgesia was stopped
required to demonstrate a difference of 50% in dis- after 36 h because of a total, unilateral (right) block
lodgment and leakage on CT scan between groups and concomitant prolonged hypotension, which was
with a 5% type I error and a 10% type II error using a treated with ephedrine and intravascular volume re-
two-tail test. placement. Pain scores remained less than 10 mm on
Preoperative characteristics in the two groups were the VAS. However, a CT scan was performed before
compared using ␹2 analysis for category variables and removal of the catheter. The epidural space was
the Student’s t-test for continuous variables. Analysis bilaterally opaque without any leakage, but right
was performed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS, asymmetry (more opacity on the right side) was
Cary, NC). noted. No contrast medium was detected in the sub-
Univariate and multivariate analyses were per- dural or intradural spaces.
formed to search for factors associated with epidural
analgesia failure, such as demographic characteristics, Interruption Unrelated to Epidural Analgesia (n ⴝ 2)
type of surgery and incision, the physician performing Two catheters were removed at 24 and 36 h. It was
the procedure, distance from the skin to the epidural not possible to achieve peripheral venous access in
space, extent of sensory block, presence of motor one patient. However, oral fluid and per os medication
blockade, low arterial blood pressure, and asymmetri- were allowed because he had undergone a nephrec-
cal sensory blockade. tomy. The second patient expressed major anxiety
Postoperative category variables were compared by concerning the epidural analgesia. Pain scores, how-
␹2 analysis or Fisher’s exact test when necessary. ever, were ⬍30 mm in both cases.
1028 CT Scan in Epidural Failure ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA
Table 1. Demographic and Operative Characteristics
Success Failure
(n ⫽ 94) (n ⫽ 31)
Age (years) 52 ⫾ 14 50 ⫾ 12
Sex (F/M) 29/62 11/23
Weight (kg) 62 ⫾ 13 61 ⫾ 12
Height (cm) 164 ⫾ 9 164 ⫾ 8
Duration of surgery (min) 168 ⫾ 64 189 ⫾ 70
Intraoperative bupivacaine 0.25% (mL) 18 ⫾ 4 19 ⫾ 4
Fentanyl (␮g) 420 ⫾ 70 450 ⫾ 120
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% Patients receiving ephedrine 74 55*

Ephedrine received (mg) 19 ⫾ 13 19 ⫾ 12
Incision type: median (mid-abdominal)/subcostal/bi-subcostal, n (%) 83/9/2 (88/10/2) 26/4/1 (84/13/3)
Type of surgery: n (%)
Colorectal 33 (35) 12 (39)
Gastrectomy 7 (7) 2 (6)
Hepatectomy 2 (2) 1 (3)
Hysterectomy with pelvic and lumbo-aortic lymphadenectomy 25 (27) 7 (23)
Cystectomy with enteroplasty 6 (7) 1 (3)
Nephrectomy 9 (10) 4 (13)
Lumbo-aortic lymphadenectomy 7 (7) 3 (10)
Laparotomy 5 (5) 1 (3)
Values are mean ⫾ SD.
Only the percentage of patients receiving ephedrine was statistically different between the two groups.
*P ⬍ 0.05.

Obvious Failure of Epidural Analgesia (n ⫽ 8) postoperative hours). In one case, catheter kinking
Seven catheters were unintentionally completely blocked the infusion on the first postoperative day and
withdrawn (1 in. the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), subsequent reinfusion was not possible. CT scans
4 during the first 24 h, and 2 between 24 and 48 were not performed.

Figure 3. Upper and lower left and right sensory blocks observed on both sides of patients assessed after insertion (test dose),
in the postanesthesia care unit, at days 1 and 2. When sensory blockade was present, no differences were noted between
groups. Patients with no sensory block were not included in the figure.

Vol. 103, No. 4, October 2006 © 2006 International Anesthesia Research Society 1029
Table 2. Results of Epidurography by Computed Tomography (CT Scan) in the Failure and Success Groups
Success Failure
CT scan performed (n ⫽ 19) (n ⫽ 20) P value
CT scan images
Contrast medium “OUT” of the epidural space 0 7 ⬍0.01
Contrast medium “IN” the epidural space: 16 10 0.05
Normal (symmetrical) spread of contrast medium in 11 9 0.07
the epidural space
Asymmetrical spread of contrast medium 5 1 0.09
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Contrast medium “leaking” out of the epidural space 3 3 0.9

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Sensory spread/CT scan injectate spread

Clinical asymmetrical sensory blocks confirmed by CT 4/5 1/1 NA
Clinical symmetrical sensory blocks confirmed by 10/11 8/9 NA
normal spread on CT scan
No. of clinical asymmetrical sensory blocks out of all 14/94 (15%) 5/31 (16%) 0.9
the patients in each group
Day when epidural failure occurred Day 0 (postanesthesia
(n ⫽ number of patients) care unit): 7
Day 1: 16
Day 2: 8
Epidural catheters outside epidural space according to Day 0: (5/7) 71% NS
the day when failure occurred: 14 catheters were Day 1: (6/16) 37% Day 0
considered outside the epidural space (with seven Day 2: (3/8) 37% Versus Day 1 and 2
CT scans performed) among 31 epidural failures
(n) and %
Five milliliters of contrast medium was injected into the catheter. In the success group, 19 CT scans were performed for 94 patients; in the failure group, 20 CT scans were performed for 31
patients. Therefore, 11 patients in the failure group did not have a CT scan for the following reasons: (a) epidural analgesia was interrupted despite efficient analgesia due to intense pruritus,
difficult venous access, and major anxiety (n ⫽ 3); catheters were unintentionally withdrawn (n ⫽ 7); kinked catheter and injection was not possible (n ⫽ 1). NA, not applicable.

Analgesia Failure Without Any Obvious Cause epidural space between patients with failed epidural
(n ⴝ 19) analgesia and those with efficient epidural analgesia
In these patients, the VAS score at rest exceeded 30 in a large homogenous population of patients after
mm (see Methods section). The results of clinical major abdominal surgery for cancer.
assessments and CT scan findings are detailed in The results of this observational study revealed a
Table 2. relatively frequent incidence (24.8%) of suboptimal
epidural analgesia using bupivacaine and morphine.
CT Scan Results
The major cause of failure of epidural analgesia was
The Failure Group (n ⴝ 20 of 31) dislodgment of the epidural catheter (45%, P ⬍ 0.01).
In seven patients, no contrast medium was seen in No other differences between the two groups were
the epidural space (OUT) (Fig. 1b). This difference seen on CT scan. Eight percent (n ⫽ 10) of the total
with the control group was statistically significant
patient population had inadequate pain relief despite
(P ⬍ 0.01).
catheter placement in the epidural space. The inci-
Contrast medium was strictly seen in the epidural
dence of perioperative hypotensive episodes was
space in 10 patients (IN) (Fig. 1a and Table 2) but there
more frequent in the success group; however, it is
was no statistical difference between groups.
difficult to compare the two groups as they were
Contrast medium leakage was observed in three
unequal in size (Table 1). Interestingly, 5/6 (83%)
patients; in one case from the intervertebral foramen
and in the other two from the posterior wall (Fig. 2 dislodgment events in the PACU did not result in
and Table 2). perioperative hypotension, suggesting that the cath-
eter had not functioned properly during surgery.
The Success Group (n ⴝ 19 of 94) Intraoperative hypotension may, therefore, be predic-
In none of the success group patients was the tive of epidural analgesia efficacy.
catheter outside the epidural space (Table 2, P ⬍ 0.05). We found that the spread of sensory block was often
Three patients had leakage of contrast medium (in one confirmed by the spread of contrast medium in the
case from the intervertebral foramen, in two cases epidural space (Table 2), which is consistent with what
from the posterior wall). has been reported (24). CT scans were therefore mostly
useful for detecting leakage of contrast medium.
DISCUSSION Other published reports cite dislodgment as a com-
The main objective of this prospective study was to mon cause of technical failure, with incidence rates
compare the incidence of dislodgement of epidural comparable to those in our study. Studies on large
catheters and leakage of liquid infusion out of the patient populations (i.e., 1,014 –5,628 patients) reported
1030 CT Scan in Epidural Failure ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA
dislodgment rates of between 10% and 13% of all popu- Burstal et al. (30) tried a subcutaneous tunneling
lation (5,13,23). However, the proportion of dislodge- technique that resulted in a significant reduction of
ment and leaking responsible for inadequate epidural backward and frontward movement of the epidural
analgesia may be as high as 66% (13) and 45% in our catheter, whereas Ballantyne et al. (13) tried various
study. By contrast, less dislodgment (2%–3%) was re- means of securing catheters. None of these methods
ported in other studies (7,25,26), but the reason for these improved the standard fixation method that involves
discrepancies among studies is unclear. securing the catheter with a clear, adhesive dressing,
In our experience, dislodgment occurred early in surrounded by paper or plastic tape. In another study,
the PACU or late in the surgical ward. Nonetheless, the Lockit威 device was compared to the standard
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some studies have reported an increase in the failure rate dressing with a clear adhesive and was found to be
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according to the duration of epidural catheterization superior (31). The standard tunneling technique and
(27,28). the suture technique were compared in one study, but
Lumbar epidural catheter tip position and the dis- no differences were observed for dislodgment (32).
tribution of injectate assessed by CT scanography have Secondary dislodgement might not be due entirely to
been reported exclusively in patients receiving suc- the fixation device; other mechanisms such as skin
cessful epidural anesthesia (29). In that study, CT was movement could also cause dislodgement.
performed within 4 h of surgery and with an addi- In summary, the major cause of epidural analgesia
tional 10 mL injection of contrast medium. The author failure in our study was catheter displacement. The
found that nonuniform distribution of injectate was second reason for analgesia failure was the dosing of
common (at least 57% of cases) and compatible with the epidural medication that may partly be solved by
uniform anesthesia (29) which is similar to our results a more adaptable infusion rate and/or a higher bolus
since 42% of CT epidurography did not show uniform dose in a patient-controlled epidural analgesia device.
spread of contrast medium in our success group. Only ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
5 mL of contrast medium was injected in our study, The authors thank Lorna Saint Ange for her patience and
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