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what is public speaking?

A way of making your ideas public

■ Sharing ideas with other people while
influencing them in some way.
Public speaking is the process and act of speaking or giving a
lecture to a group of people in a structured deliberate manner
intended to inform ,influence, or entertain listening audience.
Elements of public speaking:
→ The speaker: The speaker refers simply to the person who is presenting

→ The message:The message is the content being presented. The audience:The

audience is the intended recipient of the message. These three elements are
sometimes referred to as who, what, and whom

→ The channel:The channel is the medium used to the share the message--it is
used the message gets sent

→ The effect(s):The effect is the result of the message having been sent and
received. The effect is not necessarily consistent with the speaker's goal.
Some benefits of having good public speaking skills:
→ Increases audience engagement
→ Allows an audience to absorb a clear message
→ Boosts confidence
→ Enhances critical thinking and debate skills
→ Provides personal satisfaction
→ Presents opportunities to establish new social and networking
What is presentation?
" A structured , prepared and speech
based means of communicating
information, or ideas to a group of
interested people ,in order to inform
persuade them" .
Need for Presentation skills Training

→ To properly structure your presentation.

→ To overcome nervousness.
→ To develope powerful Body Language.
→ To deliver effective presentation.
→ To learn what not to do during presentation
→ To design and use visual aids effectively
Common cause of Ine ective Presentation

→ Failure to motivate the audience

→ Confusing structure
→ Excessive details
→ Poorly designed slides
Steps needed to make an E ective Presentation

→ For delivery an effective presentation we

need to take the following steps:
→ 1.Planning
→ 2. Preparation
→ 3. Delivery
→ What is the purpose of your
→ Who will be your audience?
→ What are you trying to achieve
through this presentation?
Planning (cont)
→ Design your message
→ Organise your material
→ Design the look of your presentation
→ Create the slides
Step - 1: List your objectives

→ why are you making this

presentation ?
→ what do you expect to
Step- 2: Focus on the audience
→ Who are the they?
→ Focus on what your audience needs to
know ,NOT - what you know.
→ Consider audience's level and interest
→ Decide what you want the audience to do , as a
result of your presentation
Step - 3: Determine the message
→ Tailor the points to the audience's
technical level: information needs
and interest.
→ Modify the presentation for each
new audience
→ Fundamental rules for presentation are:
→ 1. Subject of presentation:
→ a) Decide your message in advance
→ b) Have a strong conviction on what you
want to talk
→ 2. Organise your points logically:
→ a) What to say at the beginning?
→ b) What you deal in the middle?
→ c) How to close?
→ (May be by summarizing entire presentation.)
→ 3. Rehearse in private:
→ You need to practice delivery of
→ Because , 'Practice makes a man
→ 4. keep notes to a minimum:
→ If necessary use index cards
→ Jot down the main points
9 Ps oh how to overcome fear of public speaking
→ " Prior & Proper
→ Preparation
→ Prevents
→ Poor
→ Performance of the
→ Person
→ Putting on the
→ Presentation "
→ The Eyes
→ The voice
→ Expression
→ The Body
Tips & Techniques for Effective
→ Maintain good eye contact
→ Vary your speaking volume
→ Use pauses
→ Do not read your presentation
→ Don't stand between the audience and the slides
→ Use stories, questions, clips , example etc.
Than yo
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