Total Quality Management-GHCFGF

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Course: Total Quality Management

Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2023 Examination

Q1. Maxx Industry is in the process of implementing TQM across the entire organization. You are asked
to make a presentation to the senior managers on the aspects of TQM and points to consider while
implementing. Discuss your presentation. (10 Marks)

Answer: Introduction

Total Quality Management is the continuous quality improvement of the product or service offered by a
business through continuous feedback. Its simple objective is to do the right thing the first time, and every
subsequent time so that resources are not wasted fixing mistakes and broken processes.

Total Quality Management looks at an organization as a collection of processes. To this effect there is a
need for stringent recommendations and best practices that must be developed to improve them.

Through Total Quality Management the processes and practices which are being constantly tweaked
based on data and feedback produce small changes which accrue over time to positively impact culture
and business vision.

This sets up an effective loop where culture and processes benefit from each other, the nuts and bolts of
ensuring customer satisfaction are regularly optimized and the business can boldly prepare for the future.

Concept & Application


Total Quality Management acknowledges the fact that where humans are involved, there is always
room for error.

But the rules that control processes should step in to compensate:

First and foremost, there should be provisions to ensure that mistakes are not made.

Second, if they do creep in, there should be a system to detect errors efficiently and swiftly.

Third, if an error is somehow propagated down the value chain, there must be authority vested in
individuals or processes to shut down the production flow so that more errors aren’t added the mix
resulting in faulty units or poor service delivery for future clients.

The three-pronged approach springboards off of mundane, well-defined processes. But it also
necessitates a culture of honest communication where each employee acts as a sensor gathering
feedback and using it to plug the holes in the current process set, without fear of repercussions.

There are of course teething pains and implementation struggles. Employees may not have the
mindset of “speaking up” and by default look to consensus for action. Managers may not appreciate
the new-found employee independence. But once the culture of improvement is in place and the
numbers prove that the effort is worth the while, total quality management frees up the company to
be progressive, innovative, risk taking and free thinking.

Presentation to the Senior Managers on the aspects of TQM and points to consider while

Title: Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation in Maxx Industry

Slide 1: Introduction

• Welcome and Agenda

• Introduction to TQM

• Key Aspects of TQM

• Points to Consider During Implementation

• Benefits of TQM

Slide 2: What is TQM?

• Define Total Quality Management (TQM)

• Emphasize TQM as a holistic approach to quality improvement

• Mention that TQM involves everyone in the organization

Slide 3: Key Aspects of TQM

• Customer Focus

• Understanding and meeting customer needs

• Leadership

• Commitment and support from top management

• Employee Involvement

• Engaging employees in quality improvement

• Continuous Improvement

• Ongoing efforts to improve processes and products

• Process Approach

• Focusing on end-to-end processes

• Data-Driven Decision Making

• Using data and metrics for informed decisions

• Supplier Relationships

• Collaborating with suppliers for quality

Slide 4: Points to Consider During TQM Implementation

• Clear Objectives

• Define specific quality goals and objectives

• Top Management Commitment

• Secure commitment and involvement of senior managers

• Employee Training

• Provide training on TQM principles and tools

• Employee Empowerment

• Encourage employees to make decisions and contribute to improvement

• Continuous Feedback

• Establish mechanisms for regular feedback and communication

• Data Collection and Analysis

• Implement systems for data collection and analysis

• Process Mapping

• Map and analyze key processes for improvement opportunities

• Teamwork and Collaboration

• Promote cross-functional teamwork and collaboration

• Benchmarking

• Study best practices in the industry

• Quality Tools and Techniques

• Train employees in quality tools like Six Sigma, PDCA, etc.

Slide 5: Benefits of TQM

• Improved Product Quality

• Increased Customer Satisfaction

• Cost Reduction

• Higher Employee Morale

• Enhanced Market Reputation

• Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Slide 6: Challenges in TQM Implementation

• Resistance to Change

• Lack of Resources
• Inadequate Training

• Failure to Sustain Efforts

Slide 7: Successful TQM Examples

• Briefly showcase real-world examples of organizations that have successfully implemented TQM

Slide 8: Implementation Roadmap

• Outline a step-by-step implementation plan

1. Assessment of Current Quality Practices

2. Setting Quality Objectives

3. Top Management Commitment

4. Employee Training

5. Process Analysis and Improvement

6. Data Collection and Analysis

7. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback

Slide 9: Monitoring and Evaluation

• Explain the importance of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of TQM initiatives

• Highlight the need for regular reviews and adjustments

Slide 10: Conclusion

• Summarize key points discussed

• Emphasize the transformative potential of TQM for Maxx Industry

Slide 11: Q&A

• Open the floor for questions and discussion

Slide 12: Thank You

• Express gratitude for the audience's attention and participation

• Provide contact information for further inquiries or follow-up discussions

Concept & Application

Remember to engage the senior managers throughout the presentation, encourage questions and
discussions, and tailor the content to Maxx Industry's specific needs and goals for implementing Total
Quality Management.
Q2. What would be your advice to a design team on quality management techniques that may support
in removing defects in products at design phase or the production phase? (10 Marks)

Answer. Introduction

Quality Management Techniques- Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to improving quality by identifying
and eliminating process defects. It uses statistical analysis and data to identify the root cause of problems
and implement solutions to prevent them from occurring in the future. Lean manufacturing, also known
as the Toyota Production System, aims to minimize waste and optimize efficiency by streamlining
processes and eliminating non-value-added activities.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a holistic approach to quality that involves the active participation of
all employees in continuously improving processes, products, and services. TQM requires a company-wide
commitment to quality and a focus on customer satisfaction. It involves setting quality goals, gathering
and analyzing data to identify problems and areas for improvement, and implementing changes to
address these issues.

Another key aspect of quality management is quality control, which involves inspecting products or
services to ensure they meet the required standards. Quality control can be carried out at various stages
of the production process, including during raw material inspection, in-process inspection, and final
inspection. Training personnel can perform quality control using visual inspection, testing, and
measurement techniques.

Concept & Application

Quality management techniques play a crucial role in identifying and removing defects in products,
whether at the design phase or during production. Here is some advice for a design team to effectively
manage quality and reduce defects:

1. Understand Customer Requirements: Begin by thoroughly understanding customer

requirements and expectations. This includes both functional and non-functional requirements. The more
aligned the design is with customer needs, the fewer defects you'll encounter later.

2. Use Quality Function Deployment (QFD): Implement QFD techniques to translate customer
requirements into specific design characteristics and features. This method ensures that design decisions
are directly linked to customer needs.

3. Design Reviews: Conduct regular design reviews with cross-functional teams to identify potential
issues early in the design phase. Encourage open and constructive feedback from team members.

4. Risk Analysis: Perform risk analysis and risk assessment to identify and prioritize potential sources
of defects. This helps in proactively addressing high-risk areas.

5. Design for Manufacturability (DFM): Consider the ease of manufacturing during the design
phase. Design products that are easy to manufacture, assemble, and maintain to minimize defects during

6. Design for Reliability (DFR): Incorporate DFR principles to ensure product reliability. Identify
potential failure modes and design features that prevent or mitigate these failures.

7. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Use FMEA to systematically evaluate potential failure
modes, their causes, and their effects. This helps in prioritizing and addressing high-risk failure modes
early in the design phase.
8. Prototyping and Testing: Create prototypes to test and validate design concepts. Conduct various
tests, including functional, stress, and usability testing, to identify and rectify design flaws.

9. Design Verification and Validation: Establish clear design verification and validation processes to
ensure that the design meets all specified requirements and standards before moving into production.

10. Standardization: Standardize components and materials whenever possible to reduce variability
and defects in the production process.

11. Continuous Improvement Culture: Foster a culture of continuous improvement within the design
team. Encourage team members to report defects, suggest improvements, and participate in root cause

12. Supplier Quality Management: Collaborate closely with suppliers and ensure they meet quality
standards. Defects in purchased components can lead to defects in the final product.

13. Documentation and Traceability: Maintain comprehensive documentation of the design process,
including design changes and rationale. This helps in tracing defects back to their source and making

14. Lean and Six Sigma Principles: Implement Lean and Six Sigma principles to identify and eliminate
waste and defects in the design and production processes.

15. Training and Skill Development: Invest in training and skill development for the design team to
ensure they have the necessary knowledge and tools to identify and address defects effectively.

16. Root Cause Analysis: When defects do occur, conduct thorough root cause analysis to
understand the underlying causes and prevent recurrence.

17. Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops between design and production teams to ensure that
lessons learned from production defects are applied to future designs.

By integrating these quality management techniques into the design process and fostering a culture of
quality, the design team can significantly reduce defects and improve the overall quality of products from
the early design stages through production.


In conclusion, quality management is a vital process that helps organizations to ensure that their products
and services meet the needs and expectations of their customers. By setting quality standards, identifying
customer needs, designing and implementing effective processes, and continuously monitoring and
reviewing those processes, organizations can continuously improve the quality of their products and
services. Quality management also involves using various tools and techniques, such as Six Sigma, lean
manufacturing, and Total Quality Management (TQM), to identify and eliminate defects and improve
efficiency. By implementing a robust quality management system, organizations can increase customer
satisfaction, improve business performance, and stay ahead of the competition.

Q3. Below is data collected for the percentage of defective from a process (n=100).
a. Find all control limits for this process. (5 Marks)

b. Discuss two types of control charts you will use for attributes data. (5 Marks)

ANSWER: a. To find the control limits for a control chart for attribute
data, you can use the following formula for the upper and lower control

1: Calculate the Sample Proportion (p̂ )

 Add up the number of defective items in all samples.
 Divide this total by the total number of items in all samples.
For the provided data:

Total Defective Items = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 +

14 + 15 = 109

Total Items = 100 * 15 = 1500

p̂ = Total Defective Items / Total Items


2: Choose a Confidence Level and Find Z-Score

 Decide on a confidence level for your control chart (e.g., 99.73%
for a 3σ chart).
 Find the Z-score corresponding to this confidence level (you can
use standard normal distribution tables or a calculator).
For a 99.73% confidence level (3σ), the Z-score is approximately 3.

Step 3: Calculate Control Limits

 Use the following formula to calculate the control limits:
Upper Control Limit (UCL) =p̂ +Z×p̂ (1−p̂ )n
Lower Control Limit (LCL) = p̂ −Z×p̂ (1−p̂ )n

 p̂ is the sample proportion you calculated in Step 1.
 Z is the Z-score you found in Step 2.
 n is the sample size (in this case, n = 100).
Calculate UCL and LCL:



UCL ≈ 0.07267 + 3 0.07104 ≈ 0.28679 (approximately)

LCL ≈ 0.07267 - 3 0.07104 ≈ -0.14145 (approximately)

Since control limits cannot be negative, set the lower control limit to

So, the control limits for this process are:

UCL ≈ 0.28679 LCL = 0


To find control limits for attribute data, follow these 3 steps:

1. Calculate the sample proportion (p̂ ) by dividing the total number of
defects by the total number of items.
2. Choose a confidence level and find the Z-score (e.g., 3σ for
99.73% confidence).
3. Calculate the control limits using UCL = p̂ + Z √(p̂ (1 - p̂ ) / n) and
LCL = p̂ - Z √(p̂ (1 - p̂ ) / n). Ensure that the lower control limit is non-

b. Two types of control charts commonly used for attributes data are:

1: Understand the Nature of the Data and the Need for Control Charts
 Attributes data is discrete data that can be categorized as either
conforming (non-defective) or non-conforming (defective). This
data is often collected as counts or proportions.

 The primary purpose of using control charts for attributes data is

to monitor and control the quality of a process by detecting
variations in the occurrence of defects or non-conforming items.
 The decision to use a specific type of control chart depends on
the nature of the data and the sampling method, particularly
whether sample sizes are constant or variable.

2: Choose the Appropriate Control Chart Type Two common types of

control charts for attributes data are P-Charts and NP-Charts:

a. P-Chart (Proportion Chart):

 Use a P-chart when the sample sizes vary, but you record the
number of defective items in each sample.
 The P-chart monitors the proportion (or percentage) of defective
items in each sample over time.
 This chart is suitable for situations where the sample sizes
fluctuate from one data point to another, and you want to track
the percentage of defective items in each sample.

b. NP-Chart (Number of Defective Items Chart):

 Use an NP-chart when the sample sizes are constant, and you
record the number of defective items in each sample.
 The NP-chart monitors the number of defective items (non-
conforming items) in each sample over time.
 This chart is appropriate when the sample sizes are consistent
and you are interested in tracking the actual count of defective
items in each sample.

3: Implement and Monitor the Chosen Control Chart

 Once you've selected the appropriate control chart type (P-chart
or NP-chart), you'll need to collect your attribute data and create
the chart.

 Record the number of defective items or the proportion of defects

in each sample.

 Calculate the control limits for the chart using appropriate

statistical methods, as discussed in the previous answer.

 Plot your data points on the control chart and update it over time
as new data becomes available.

 Monitor the chart for any points that fall outside the control limits,
as this may indicate special causes of variation that need
investigation and corrective action.
 Use the control chart to make informed decisions about process
improvements and quality control.


Two common control charts for attributes data are:

1. P-Chart: Monitors the proportion of defective items in samples,
suitable for variable sample sizes.
2. NP-Chart: Monitors the number of defective items in samples,
ideal for constant sample sizes.

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