W4 U4 MBA S4 Digital Marketing Brand MGT

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Digital Marketing and Brand

Unit – 04
Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers

Master of Business Administration
Digital Marketing & Brand Management


Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

Names of Sub-Unit
Introduction to Foundation PPC, Search Ads & Keyword Targeting, Increasing Reach with
Display Network, Reaching the Target Audiences, How PPC Fits into the Digital Strategy
Reporting & Tracking.

The PPC module covers the foundational aspects of Pay-Per-Click advertising, spanning
search ads, keyword targeting, display networks, audience segmentation, integration with
digital strategy, and reporting. It provides a comprehensive understanding of leveraging PPC
for effective online visibility and marketing success.

Learning Objectives

 Understand the fundamentals of PPC advertising and its role in digital marketing.
 Master the techniques of creating effective search ads and optimizing keyword
 Explore strategies to increase reach through the Google Display Network.
 Learn audience targeting approaches and customization for diverse segments.

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, participants will

 Ability to design compelling search ads and implement targeted keyword strategies.
 Proficiency in utilizing the Google Display Network to enhance online presence.
 Skill in reaching and engaging specific target audiences through tailored PPC
 Competence in aligning PPC goals with broader digital strategies for cohesive

Pre-Unit Preparatory Material

 Title: "Google Ads Help Center"

 Link: https://support.google.com/google-ads
 Title: "The Beginner's Guide to PPC" by Moz
 Link: https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-ppc
Table of topics

4.1: Introduction to Foundation PPC

4.2: Search Ads & Keyword Targeting
4.3: Increasing Reach with Display Network
4.4: Reaching the Target Audiences
4.5: How PPC Fits into the Digital Strategy
4.6: Reporting & Tracking

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
4.1 Introduction to Foundation PPC

Pay per Click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each
time their ad is clicked. It's a way of buying visits to a website rather than earning those visits
organically. PPC is widely used in online marketing strategies due to its effectiveness in
driving targeted traffic to websites and achieving specific business goals. Here's an overview
of PPC and its significance in online marketing:

Overview of Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising:

 Ad Placement:
 PPC ads are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) and various
 On search engines, ads typically appear above or below the organic search
 Auction-Based System:
 PPC operates on an auction-based system, where advertisers bid for the
placement of their ads.
 The highest bidder typically gets the top spot, but other factors like ad
relevance and quality also influence placement.
 Immediate Visibility:
 Unlike organic traffic, PPC provides immediate visibility, making it a quick way
to increase website traffic.
 Targeting Options:
 Advertisers can target specific demographics, locations, devices, and times of
the day, ensuring ads reach the right audience.

Importance of PPC in Online Marketing Strategies:

 Measurable Results:
 PPC offers detailed analytics, allowing advertisers to measure the performance
of their campaigns accurately.
 Cost Control:
 Advertisers have control over their budget and can set maximum bid amounts,
ensuring they don't exceed their spending limits.
 Quick Results:
 PPC can generate quick results, making it suitable for businesses looking for
immediate traffic and conversions.

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Complements SEO:
 PPC and SEO can work together to enhance a brand's overall online presence.
While SEO builds organic visibility, PPC provides immediate visibility.
 Flexibility:
 Advertisers can modify PPC campaigns in real-time, making it easy to adapt to
changing market conditions.

Key Terms and Concepts in PPC:

 CPC (Cost Per Click):
 The amount an advertiser pays when a user clicks on their ad. Advertisers bid
for clicks, and the highest bidder typically pays the CPC.
 CTR (Click Through Rate):
 A metric representing the percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing
it. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of
impressions and multiplying by 100.
 Impressions:
 The number of times an ad is displayed.
 Ad Rank:
 A value used to determine the position of an ad on a search engine results
page. It is calculated based on the bid amount, ad quality, and ad extensions.
 Quality Score:
 A metric used by search engines to evaluate the relevance and quality of an
ad. It considers factors like click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page

Understanding these key terms and concepts is crucial for creating effective PPC campaigns
and optimizing them for better performance in online marketing strategies.

4.2 Search Ads & Keyword Targeting

Creating Effective Search Ads for Maximum Visibility:

 Compelling Ad Copy:
 Craft attention-grabbing headlines and concise ad copy.
 Include unique selling propositions to differentiate your ad.
 Relevant Keywords:
 Align keywords in your ad with user search queries.

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
 Use dynamic keyword insertion when appropriate.
 Clear Call-to-Action (CTA):
 Include a strong and clear CTA to encourage clicks.
 Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity when possible.
 Ad Extensions:
 Utilize ad extensions (sitelinks, callouts, location extensions) to provide
additional information and improve ad visibility.
 Mobile Optimization:
 Ensure your ads are optimized for mobile devices.
 Consider mobile-specific ad extensions and features.

Understanding Keyword Targeting Strategies:

 Keyword Research:
 Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms.
 Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to discover new keywords.
 Long-Tail Keywords:
 Incorporate long-tail keywords for more specific targeting.
 Long-tail keywords often have lower competition and can attract more
qualified leads.
 Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords:
 Create separate campaigns for branded and non-branded keywords.
 Allocate budget based on the performance and importance of each.
 Keyword Grouping:
 Group related keywords into ad groups for better organization.
 Tailor ad copy to match the keywords in each group.

Implementing Match Types and Negative Keywords for Precise Ad Targeting:

 Match Types:
 Use different match types (broad match, phrase match, exact match, and broad
match modifier) to control how closely the keyword needs to match a user's
search query.
 Experiment with match types to find the right balance between reach and
 Negative Keywords:
 Identify and add negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing for
irrelevant searches.

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Regularly review search term reports to discover new negative keywords.

 Phrase and Exact Match for Precision:
 Utilize phrase match and exact match for highly targeted campaigns.
 This helps ensure your ads are triggered by specific, relevant queries.
 Broad Match for Discovery:
 Use broad match to reach a wider audience, but monitor search terms closely.
 Refine broad match keywords based on performance to improve targeting.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization:

 Performance Analysis:
 Regularly analyze campaign performance, focusing on key metrics like CTR,
conversion rate, and cost per conversion.
 A/B Testing:
 Conduct A/B testing with different ad copies, headlines, and CTAs to identify
what resonates best with your audience.
 Bid Management:
 Adjust bids based on keyword performance and campaign goals.
 Ensure you're bidding competitively for high-value keywords.
 Landing Page Optimization:
 Ensure the landing page is aligned with the ad's message and provides a
seamless user experience.
 Optimize for speed, relevance, and conversions.

By implementing these strategies and regularly optimizing your campaigns, you can create
search ads that not only maximize visibility but also attract and convert the right audience
for your business.

4.3 Increasing Reach with Display Network

Exploring the Google Display Network (GDN) and Its Benefits:

 Overview of GDN:
 The Google Display Network is a collection of websites, apps, and digital
platforms where advertisers can display visual ads.
 It reaches a vast audience, allowing advertisers to showcase their products or
services beyond search results.
 Benefits of GDN:

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
 Wide Reach: GDN reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide, providing
extensive exposure.
 Visual Appeal: Display ads allow for visual creativity, showcasing images,
videos, and interactive elements.
 Brand Awareness: GDN is effective for building brand awareness through
visually engaging campaigns.
 Targeting Options: Precise targeting options help advertisers reach specific

Designing Compelling Display Ads:

 Eye-Catching Visuals:
 Use high-quality images and graphics to capture attention.
 Ensure visuals align with your brand and message.
 Clear Messaging:
 Craft concise and compelling ad copy.
 Clearly communicate the value proposition and call-to-action.
 Branding Elements:
 Incorporate your logo and brand colors to enhance brand recognition.
 Maintain a consistent brand image across display ads and other marketing
 Interactive Elements:
 Consider interactive elements like animations or clickable features to engage
 Responsive Design:
 Design ads that adapt to various screen sizes and devices for a seamless user

Targeting Options within the Display Network to Expand Reach:

 Audience Targeting:
 Demographic Targeting: Reach users based on age, gender, income, and
other demographic factors.
 Interest Targeting: Target users interested in specific topics, hobbies, or
 Placement Targeting:
 Choose specific websites, apps, or placements within the GDN where you want
your ads to appear.

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Select placements that align with your target audience and industry.
 Keyword Targeting:
 Target websites and pages based on relevant keywords.
 This helps ensure your ads appear on content closely related to your offerings.
 Topic Targeting:
 Target pages and content based on specific themes or topics.
 This allows advertisers to align their ads with content relevant to their target
 Remarketing:
 Reach users who have previously visited your website but did not convert.
 Craft personalized messages to re-engage and encourage conversions.

Continuous Optimization and Analysis:

 Performance Tracking:
 Regularly monitor the performance of display campaigns using metrics like
impressions, clicks, and conversion rates.
 Ad Rotation:
 Experiment with different ad creatives and rotate them to identify the most
effective ones.
 A/B testing can help optimize for better engagement.
 Adjust Bids and Budgets:
 Fine-tune bidding strategies based on the performance of specific placements,
audiences, or keywords.
 Allocate budget effectively to high-performing segments.
 Ad Placement Exclusions:
 Exclude placements that are not driving results or are not aligned with your
brand values.
 Refine targeting based on performance data.

By leveraging the Google Display Network strategically, designing visually appealing ads,
and using precise targeting options, advertisers can significantly increase their reach, engage
with a broader audience, and achieve various marketing objectives. Regular optimization
and analysis are essential for ensuring ongoing campaign success.

4.4 Reaching the Target Audiences

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
Utilizing Audience Targeting Features in PPC Campaigns:
 Audience Segmentation:
 Divide your target audience into segments based on demographics, behaviors,
or interests.
 Understand the unique characteristics and preferences of each segment.
 Remarketing Lists:
 Create remarketing lists to target users who have previously interacted with
your website.
 Tailor ads based on their previous interactions to encourage conversions.
 Customer Match:
 Upload customer lists (emails, phone numbers) to target specific individuals
with customized ads.
 Use customer match to nurture existing relationships and encourage repeat
 Similar Audiences:
 Expand reach by targeting users with similar characteristics and behavior to
your existing audience.
 Utilize Google's algorithms to find new potential customers.

Implementing Demographic, Geographic, and Behavioral Targeting:

 Demographic Targeting:
 Age and Gender: Tailor ads based on the age and gender of your target
 Income Level: Adjust targeting based on the income levels relevant to your
product or service.
 Geographic Targeting:
 Location-Based Targeting: Specify regions, countries, or proximity to your
 Local Search Ads: Use location extensions and specific keywords for local
 Behavioral Targeting:
 User Intent: Target users based on their online behavior and intent.
 Browsing History: Consider users' past interactions and tailor ads accordingly.

Customizing Ads to Resonate with Specific Audience Segments:

 Personalized Messaging:

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Craft ad copy that speaks directly to the pain points, needs, and interests of
each audience segment.
 Use language and tone that resonates with the target demographic.
 Ad Creative Customization:
 Design visuals and creative elements that appeal to the preferences of specific
audience segments.
 Rotate different creatives to find the most effective ones for each segment.
 Offer Customization:
 Tailor your offers based on the characteristics of each audience segment.
 Provide exclusive deals or promotions that align with their preferences.
 Landing Page Optimization:
 Ensure landing pages align with the messaging in your ads.
 Create unique landing pages for different segments to enhance relevance.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization:

 Performance Analysis:
 Regularly review the performance of each audience segment.
 Identify high-performing segments and allocate budget accordingly.
 A/B Testing:
 Experiment with different ad variations for each audience segment.
 Test headlines, ad copy, and visuals to determine the most effective
 Bid Adjustments:
 Adjust bids based on the performance of different demographics, locations, or
 Allocate more budget to segments driving better results.
 Refine Targeting Criteria:
 Use performance data to refine demographic, geographic, and behavioral
targeting criteria.
 Exclude underperforming segments and focus resources on high-value

By effectively utilizing audience targeting features, implementing demographic, geographic,

and behavioral targeting, and customizing ads for specific audience segments, PPC
campaigns can maximize relevance and engagement. Continuous monitoring and

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
optimization are essential to adapt to changing audience behaviors and ensure ongoing
campaign success.

4.5 How PPC Fits into the Digital Strategy

Integrating PPC into a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy:

 Complementary Role:
 View PPC as a complementary element within a broader digital marketing
 Integrate PPC with other channels to create a cohesive and consistent brand
 Aligning Messaging:
 Ensure consistency in messaging and branding across PPC, social media, email
marketing, and other channels.
 Coordinate campaigns to reinforce key messages.
 Cross-Channel Coordination:
 Coordinate timing and messaging across channels to maximize impact.
 Avoid conflicting promotions or messages that may confuse the audience.
 Data Sharing:
 Share insights and data between PPC and other channels to enhance overall
targeting and optimization efforts.
 Leverage cross-channel data for a holistic view of customer behavior.

Understanding the Synergy between PPC and Other Online Marketing Channels:
 SEO and PPC Collaboration:
 Use PPC to supplement SEO efforts, especially for new or competitive
 Share keyword insights between teams to enhance both organic and paid
search strategies.
 Social Media Integration:
 Utilize PPC ads on social media platforms to target specific demographics.
 Align social media and PPC campaigns for a consistent brand message.
 Email Marketing Alignment:
 Incorporate PPC campaigns into email marketing strategies.
 Use targeted PPC ads to promote specific offers highlighted in email

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Content Marketing Support:

 Use PPC to amplify the reach of content marketing efforts.
 Drive traffic to blog posts, infographics, or other content assets through
targeted ads.

Aligning PPC Goals with Overall Business Objectives:

 Business Objectives:
 Clearly define overall business objectives and key performance indicators
 Align PPC goals with these broader business objectives.
 Conversion Tracking:
 Implement robust conversion tracking to measure the impact of PPC on
specific business outcomes.
 Track leads, sales, or other conversions that align with business goals.
 Revenue and ROI:
 Tie PPC performance directly to revenue generation and return on investment
 Analyze the cost-effectiveness of PPC campaigns in relation to revenue
 Customer Lifecycle Alignment:
 Tailor PPC campaigns to different stages of the customer lifecycle.
 Align ad messaging with where customers are in the buying journey.

Continuous Optimization and Adaptation:

 Performance Analysis Across Channels:
 Regularly analyze performance across all digital marketing channels.
 Identify synergies and opportunities for optimization.
 Budget Allocation:
 Allocate budget based on the performance and contribution of each channel
to overall business goals.
 Adjust budgets dynamically to maximize ROI.
 Cross-Channel Insights:
 Extract insights from one channel to enhance strategies in another.
 Leverage successful tactics or messaging from PPC in other channels.
 Customer Feedback Integration:
 Integrate customer feedback from various channels into PPC strategies.

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
 Use insights to refine messaging, targeting, and overall campaign

By seamlessly integrating PPC into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy,

understanding the synergy between PPC and other online marketing channels, and aligning
PPC goals with overall business objectives, businesses can create a powerful and cohesive
online presence. Continuous optimization and adaptation based on cross-channel insights
are crucial for staying competitive and achieving sustained success.

4.6 Reporting & Tracking

Importance of Tracking and Analyzing PPC Campaign Performance:

 Data-Driven Decision Making:
 PPC tracking provides valuable data that informs decision-making.
 Use data to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.
 ROI Measurement:
 Tracking allows for the measurement of return on investment (ROI) in PPC
 Understand the financial impact of ad spend on business outcomes.
 Campaign Effectiveness:
 Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate (CTR),
conversion rate, and cost per conversion to assess overall campaign
 Identify high-performing and underperforming elements.
 Continuous Improvement:
 Tracking facilitates continuous optimization of PPC campaigns.
 Regular analysis enables the identification of trends and opportunities for

Setting Up Conversion Tracking for Measuring Success:

 Define Conversions:
 Clearly define what actions constitute a conversion for your business (e.g., form
submissions, purchases, sign-ups).
 Align conversions with specific business goals.
 Utilize Conversion Tracking Tools:

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 Set up conversion tracking tools provided by advertising platforms (e.g.,

Google Ads conversion tracking).
 Implement tracking codes on relevant pages to capture conversion data.
 E-commerce Tracking:
 For e-commerce businesses, implement e-commerce tracking to capture
transaction-specific data.
 Track revenue, average order value, and other e-commerce metrics.
 Cross-Device and Cross-Platform Tracking:
 Ensure tracking is set up to capture user interactions across devices and
 Understand the cross-channel impact of PPC efforts.

Generating Reports and Utilizing Insights for Continuous Optimization:

 Regular Reporting:
 Generate regular reports to review PPC performance.
 Reports should include key metrics, trends, and insights.
 Customize Reports:
 Tailor reports to highlight metrics that align with specific business goals.
 Customize reporting based on the needs of different stakeholders.
 Performance Benchmarks:
 Establish performance benchmarks and compare actual results against these
 Identify areas where performance deviates from expectations.
 Identify Trends and Patterns:
 Analyze historical data to identify trends and patterns.
 Use insights to make informed adjustments to campaign strategies.

Continuous Improvement and Optimization:

 A/B Testing Analysis:
 Evaluate the results of A/B testing to understand the impact of different ad
 Implement successful elements into ongoing campaigns.
 Budget Allocation Optimization:
 Use performance data to optimize budget allocation across campaigns, ad
groups, and keywords.
 Shift budget towards high-performing segments.

Digital Marketing & Brand Management
 Keyword Performance Analysis:
 Analyze the performance of individual keywords.
 Adjust bids and strategies based on the success of specific keywords.
 Ad Copy and Creative Analysis:
 Review the performance of ad copies and creative elements.
 Incorporate high-performing elements into future ad designs.

Proactive Problem Identification:

 Anomaly Detection:
 Utilize tools for anomaly detection to identify sudden changes in campaign
 Proactively address issues that may impact results.
 Customer Feedback Integration:
 Integrate customer feedback and inquiries into the analysis.
 Understand how customer interactions may impact PPC performance.
 Competitor Analysis:
 Monitor competitor activities and adjust strategies accordingly.
 Stay informed about industry trends and changes.

By placing a strong emphasis on reporting, tracking, and analysis, businesses can gain
valuable insights into the performance of their PPC campaigns. Setting up robust conversion
tracking, generating customized reports, and utilizing data-driven insights for continuous
optimization contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of PPC efforts. Regular
monitoring and adaptation based on insights ensure that campaigns remain aligned with
business objectives and deliver optimal results.

4.7 Conclusion:

In conclusion, mastering the foundational aspects of PPC is essential for a successful digital
marketing strategy. From search ads and keyword targeting to leveraging display networks
and reaching specific audiences, the synergy between PPC and broader digital strategies is
evident. Tracking and reporting serve as the linchpin, providing insights for continuous
optimization. Integrating PPC seamlessly into a digital strategy ensures businesses maximize
visibility, engage target audiences, and achieve overarching objectives.

4.8 Glossary:

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively

 PPC (Pay per Click): A digital advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time
their ad is clicked.
 CPC (Cost Per Click): The amount an advertiser pays for each click on their PPC ad.
 CTR (Click Through Rate): A metric representing the percentage of users who click on
an ad after seeing it.
 Google Display Network (GDN): A network of websites, apps, and digital platforms
where advertisers can display visual ads.
 Keyword Targeting: The practice of selecting specific keywords for ad targeting to
reach relevant audiences.
 Conversion Tracking: Monitoring and measuring the actions users take after clicking
on a PPC ad.
 Audience Segmentation: Dividing the target audience into specific groups based on
demographics, behaviors, or interests.
 Remarketing: Targeting users who have previously interacted with a website or ad but
did not convert.
 ROI (Return on Investment): A metric that measures the profitability of an investment,
calculated as the ratio of net profit to the cost of the investment.
 A/B Testing: Comparing two versions of an ad or webpage to determine which
performs better.

Self- Assessment questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Answers for Self- Assessment questions

Descriptive Questions:
1. How can businesses effectively balance between search ads and display network
strategies for comprehensive online visibility?
2. What role does audience targeting play in enhancing the effectiveness of PPC
campaigns, and how can businesses tailor ads for specific audience segments?
3. How can businesses align PPC goals with overall digital marketing strategies to create
a cohesive online presence?
Digital Marketing & Brand Management
4. What are the key metrics and best practices in reporting and tracking PPC campaign
performance for continuous improvement?
5. In what ways can businesses adapt PPC strategies to evolving market trends and
consumer behaviors?

Post Unit Reading Material

 Google Ads Help Center: https://support.google.com/google-ads

 Moz - The Beginner's Guide to PPC: https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-ppc

Topics for Discussion forum

 Discuss the role of demographic and behavioral targeting in PPC and how businesses
can leverage these strategies for better campaign performance.
 Explore the challenges and opportunities in integrating PPC with other digital
marketing channels and how businesses can achieve a cohesive cross-channel

UNIT 04: Pay per Click: Reaching the Customers Effectively


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