Research Paper Elsevier - Heating Greenhouses by Light A Novel Concept For Intensive Greenhouse Production

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Research Paper

Heating greenhouses by light: A novel concept for

intensive greenhouse production

David Katzin a,b,*, Leo F.M. Marcelis c, Eldert J. van Henten a,

Simon van Mourik a
Farm Technology Group, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research, PO Box 16, 6700 AA,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs, Wageningen University and Research, PO Box 644, 6700 AP,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Horticulture and Product Physiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research,
PO Box 16, 6700 AA, Wageningen, the Netherlands

article info
High-tech greenhouses are characterised by high yields and high energy consumption.
Article history: Current trends towards expanded use of supplemental lighting further increase the in-
Received 20 October 2022 tensity of crop production and energy use, and it is expected that the availability of light-
Received in revised form emitting diodes (LEDs) will accelerate this trend. At the same time, an increase in green-
21 March 2023 house lighting reduces the heating energy needed from the heating system. This study
Accepted 9 April 2023 presents a novel concept for greenhouses, where both lighting and heating are derived
Published online 11 May 2023 exclusively from lamps. Such greenhouses can be highly efficient, as light is used both for
crop growth and for heating. If the electric grid is based on renewable sources, such
Keywords: greenhouses can also be carbon-neutral and fossil-free. By using model simulations for a
greenhouse tomato greenhouse in the Netherlands, it was found that such greenhouses could be
lighting realised by employing a heat storage system with a heat storage capacity of 2 MJ m2 and
heating LEDs with a power capacity of 150 W m2 and a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)
modelling of 450 mmol m2 s1. The greenhouse heated by light was predicted to have 44% higher
energy use yields and 60% higher energy inputs than a reference greenhouse, equipped with a boiler
LED and LEDs with a PPFD of 200 mmol m2 s1. This result was part of a general trade-off that
was found between yield and energy efficiency. This exploration helped identify avenues
for further improvement of the energy efficiency of greenhouses heated by lamps, high-
lighting their promise as a potential new direction in greenhouse intensification.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IAgrE. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (

* Corresponding author. Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs, Wageningen University and Research, PO Box 644, 6700 AP,
Wageningen, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: (D. Katzin).
1537-5110/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IAgrE. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 243

Nomenclature QLampIn Flux density of energy used by the greenhouse

toplights (W m2)
Terms and abbreviations QIntLampIn Flux density of energy used by the greenhouse
COP Coefficient of performance () interlights (W m2)
DMC Dry matter content RBlScrSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
HPS High-pressure sodium greenhouse black out screen to the sky (W m2)
Interlighting Lighting placed within the crop canopy RCanSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the crop to
LED Light emitting diode the sky (W m2)
MCD Mechanical cooling and dehumidification RCov;eSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
NIR Flux density of near infrared radiation (W m2) greenhouse cover to the sky (W m2)
PAR Flux density of photosynthetically active radiation RFlrSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
(W m2) greenhouse floor to the sky (W m2)
PPE Photosynthetic photon efficacy (mmol J1) RGlob SunAir Flux density of global solar radiation absorbed
PPFD Photosynthetic photon flux density (mmol m2 s1) by the greenhouse structure and transferred to
the greenhouse air (W m2)
Scenario codes
RGlob SunCov;e Flux density of global solar radiation absorbed
20H 20 h maximum daily lighting period (as opposed to
by the greenhouse cover (W m2)
18 h in other scenarios)
RIntLampSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
B Including boiler
interlights to the sky (W m2)
BB Big heat storage buffer
RLampSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
GL Gradual lamp control based on solar radiation
toplights to the sky (W m2)
H/L Hybrid lighting system (HPS toplights and LED
RNIR SunCan Flux density of NIR from the sun to the canopy
(W m2)
HS Including heat storage
RNIR SunFlr Flux density of NIR from the sun to the floor (W
L LED lighting
L/L LED toplighting and LED interlighting
RPAR SunCan Flux density of PAR from the sun to the canopy
N No lighting
(W m2)
NBO No blackout screen
RPAR SunFlr Flux density of PAR from the sun to the floor (W
SB Small heat storage buffer
Energy flows RPipeSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the heating
HAirMech Flux density of sensible heat collected by the heat pipes to the sky (W m2)
storage system (W m2) RThScrSky Flux density of thermal radiation from the
HAirOut Flux density of convection from the main greenhouse thermal screen to the sky (W m2)
greenhouse compartment to the outside air (W
Model inputs
IGlob Flux density of global solar radiation (W m2)
HBoilPipe Flux density of energy transfer from the
ISky Flux density of infrared radiation from the sky (W
greenhouse boiler to the heating pipes (W m2)
HBufHotPipe Flux density of energy transfer from hot water
RHOut Outdoor relative humidity (%)
energy buffer to the heating pipes (W m2)
TOut Outdoor air temperature ( C)
HCov;eOut Flux density of convection from the greenhouse
TSoOut Soil temperature ( C)
cover to the outside air (W m2)
vWind Wind speed (m s1)
HSo5SoOut Flux density of convection from the greenhouse
floor to the soil (W m2) Parameters
HTopOut Flux density of convection from the top Aflr Greenhouse area (m2)
greenhouse compartment to the outside air (W cCold
BufSize Size of the cold water energy buffer (MJ m2)
m2) Hot
cBufSize Size of the hot water energy buffer (MJ m2)
LAirBlScr Flux density of latent heat released by vapor COPMech Coefficient of performance for MCD ()
condensation on the blackout screen (W m2) COPHeatPump Coefficient of performance for heat pump ()
LAirMech Flux density of latent heat collected by the heat PBoil Maximum heating flux density of the boiler (W
storage system (W m2) m2)
LAirThScr Flux density of latent heat released by vapor PMech Maximum flux density of electrical input for
condensation on the thermal screen (W m2) mechanical cooling and dehumidification (W m2)
LCanAir Flux density of energy absorbed as latent heat by PHeatPump Maximum flux density of electrical input for heat
crop transpiration (W m2) pump (W m2)
LTopCov;in Flux density of latent heat released by vapor PBufHot Maximum flux density of energy delivery from the
condensation on the thermal screen (W m2) hot water energy buffer to the heating pipes (W
QAirMech Flux density of total heat collected by the heat m2)
storage system (W m2)
244 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

rgFruit Potential fruit growth rate coefficient at 20  C (mg hMech Relative electricity consumption of pumping
{CH2O} m2 s1) water through the MCD ()
rgLeaf Potential leaf growth rate coefficient at 20  C (mg hLampPAR Fraction of toplight lamps electrical input
{CH2O} m2 s1) converted to PAR ()
rgStem Potential stem growth rate coefficient at 20  C (mg qIntLampMax Maximum flux density of electrical energy input
{CH2O} m2 s1) to the interlights (W m2)
zIntLampPAR Photons per joule in PAR emitted by interlight qLampMax Maximum flux density of electrical energy input to
lamps (mmol J1) the toplights (W m2)
zLampPAR Photons per joule in PAR emitted by toplight
Control variables
lamps (mmol J1)
UHeatPump Operation of heat pump (0e1)
hIntLampPAR Fraction of interlight lamps electrical input
UMech Operation of MCD (0e1)
converted to PAR ()

Bosmans, Vanderbruggen, & van Delm, 2020), either above

1. Introduction the crop canopy (toplights), or within the canopy (interlights)
(Dueck, Janse, Eveleens, Kempkes, & Marcelis, 2012;
High-tech greenhouses are some of the most productive Moerkens, Vanlommel, Vanderbruggen, & Van Delm, 2016).
agricultural systems in the world. Yields in such greenhouses The result is thus an unprecedented increase in the intensity
have greatly increased in the last few decades, due to a com- of supplemental lighting used in greenhouses.
bination of a high level of control, advanced cultivation Light is not only used for crop growth through photosyn-
techniques, improved cultivars, and new technologies thesis, it is also a source of heat. In the open field, less than 5%
(Marcelis, Costa, & Heuvelink, 2019). Such systems also of the light energy absorbed by a plant is used for photosyn-
consume a considerable amount of energy, primarily for thesis (Taiz, Zeiger, Müller, & Murphy, 2015, p. 178), and when
heating and lighting, as well as for cooling and dehumidifi- considering the crop's energy balance, this quantity is often
cation. While greenhouses’ energy efficiency has increased in neglected (Gutschick, 2016). Besides this negligible quantity,
recent years, their total energy use remains high, and efforts and a small amount of light reflected out of the greenhouse, all
are being made to reduce their energy use and further in- the light reaching a crop is released as heat inside the green-
crease their efficiency (Hemming, Bakker, Campen, & house. Similarly, essentially all the energy consumed by
Kempkes, 2019). lamps contributes heat to the greenhouse indoor climate. One
The current trend in high-tech greenhouse horticulture is consequence of this was shown by Katzin et al. (2021b):
towards more intensive production, and in particular, an greenhouses with HPS lamps consumed more energy for
increased use of supplemental lighting. In the United States, lighting, and consequently required less energy for heating,
for example, the total area of illuminated greenhouses is ex- than greenhouses with LEDs.
pected to grow by 15%e25% each year (Stober, Lee, Yamada, & The fact that supplemental lighting contributes heat to the
Pattison, 2017). In the Netherlands, supplemental lighting in greenhouse, together with the trend where greenhouses are
greenhouses is increasing both in the total land area where it using increasingly higher lighting intensities, opens the door
is used and in its intensity (Van der Velden, Smit, & Buurma, to the possibility of heating greenhouses exclusively with
2018). The ratio between energy uses in greenhouses is lamps: in temperate climates, heat must be provided to the
therefore shifting towards a higher share of electricity, sup- greenhouse in order to produce during the cold season. If this
plied through the lighting system, and a declining share of heat is provided in the form of PAR light, it will not only
heating energy, supplied through the heating system (Smit & maintain the desired indoor temperatures, but will also
Van der Velden, 2021). meaningfully accelerate crop growth. This double benefit
An important factor contributing to the increased use of could contribute to intensive and efficient production, which
greenhouse illumination is LED lighting (Mitchell et al., 2015). can provide meaningful economic advantages to growers,
LEDs have a high photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE, or ef- both in terms of investment costs and running costs. A
ficacy in short), defined as the conversion rate from input greenhouse that does not require a heating system might also
electricity to photons of photosynthetically active radiation have simpler climate control and energy management sys-
(PAR). Compared to the traditional high-pressure sodium tems. Many greenhouses burn fossil fuels such as natural gas
(HPS) lamps used in horticulture lighting, LEDs have a nearly for their heating system and use electricity from the public
70% higher PPE (Kusuma, Pattison, & Bugbee, 2020). As LEDs grid for their lighting system (Stanghellini, Van ’t Ooster, &
continue to become more efficient and lower in costs (Kusuma Heuvelink, 2019). If only lighting is used, fossil fuels do not
et al., 2020), longer and more intense use of lamps in the need to be burned in the greenhouse, and if the electricity grid
greenhouse becomes economically feasible (K. Lee, Elliott, & is based on renewable sources, the greenhouse could become
Pattison, 2020). One evidence of this is the fact that LEDs are completely carbon neutral.
often used not as a replacement for existing HPS lamps, but Some questions arise with regards to greenhouses heated
rather as an addition to them (Vanlommel, Huysmans, with light: are such systems feasible? What would they
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 245

require in terms of climate control equipment, type of lamps, greenhouse (De Zwart, 2012) includes mechanical cooling and
and intensity of lighting? What are their benefits and draw- dehumidifying of the air, a heat pump, and energy storage
backs? And what would the consequences be for crop pro- buffers. These systems are available for greenhouses,
duction, energy use, energy efficiency, environmental impact, although they are not yet common (Van Beveren, Bontsema,
and costs? Van 't Ooster, Van Straten, & Van Henten, 2020). In this
The concept of greenhouses heated with light is currently study, we assumed that energy is stored in above-ground
absent from the discussion about greenhouse intensification, water tanks as in Righini et al. (2020), and not in under-
energy systems, and resource use. To the best of our knowl- ground aquifers as in, e.g., De Zwart (2012).
edge, no studies have considered this concept. Lastly, several properties of the greenhouse system as
This study, therefore, aimed to explore the possibilities of described by Katzin et al. (2021b) were considered in this
heating greenhouses exclusively by lamps. We tested if such a study. These included the possibility of using a boiler for
system is feasible, identified the steps required to reach it, and heating, thermal screens, blackout screens, cooling and
determined whether it is beneficial in terms of crop produc- dehumidification through window ventilation, and CO2
tion, energy use, energy efficiency, and running costs spent on enrichment. It was assumed that CO2 supply was available as
energy. The main criterium to determine if a greenhouse needed from a source such as a liquid tank or a network such
setup was feasible was the ability to maintain the desired as the OCAP (OCAP, 2019), and independent from the use of a
indoor temperatures for a sufficient amount of time. A second boiler.
performance criterion was the energy efficiency of each sys- A stepwise approach was used in this study. At each step,
tem e the amount of energy inputs required per each kg of greenhouse systems were simulated, and the simulation re-
harvested product. Furthermore, in order to put the results sults were used to determine the next step required to
into practical context, running energy costs and carbon foot- advance the system towards a greenhouse that is exclusively
print were estimated based on the state of affairs in the heated by lamps, as described below. The guiding principle
Netherlands in 2019. This exploration provided insights on a was that the simulations represented realistic scenarios, ones
novel approach for greenhouse design and control, and on a that are currently practiced or can be achieved. The benefit of
possible future for the greenhouse industry. In particular, this this stepwise approach is that insights are gained regarding
approach proposes an intensive system that is not dependent each of the scenarios examined along the way, and not only
on natural gas. Such an approach could entail a complete on the final target.
transformation of its energy sourcing, potentially facilitating a This study was based on weather data and common
transition to a carbon-neutral and fossil-free greenhouse growing practices from the Netherlands. The Netherlands
system. provides a useful use case as it is a country with a high density
of high-tech greenhouses (Rabobank, 2018) and a climate
characterised by relatively dark and mild winters, making
2. Methods heating by lamps especially relevant there. Nevertheless, the
approach employed and the insights derived from this study
2.1. Approach and demarcation are relevant for high-tech greenhouses everywhere. As a point
of departure, a greenhouse without supplemental lighting was
A scenario-based modelling approach was employed using considered, using the model of Katzin et al. (2020), with pa-
the GreenLight model (Katzin, Van Mourik, Kempkes, & Van rameters describing a modern high-tech greenhouse as in
Henten, 2020; Katzin et al., 2021b). GreenLight is a process- Katzin et al. (2021b). Then, a heat storage system was added,
based model of the greenhouse climate and a tomato crop, based on the model of Righini et al. (2020), followed by
which describes greenhouses with supplemental lighting of increasing the lamps’ intensity as was done in Katzin et al.
various types. Greenhouse climate models are an effective (2021b), and adding a new model component to describe
tool for analysing greenhouse systems, and have been used interlighting e lamps placed within the crop canopy. A
for several decades for the advancement of greenhouse sys- detailed description of the model additions is described in
tems (Katzin, van Henten, & van Mourik, 2022), and in Appendix A. A full description of the GreenLight model is
particular for reducing energy use (De Zwart, 1996; Dieleman given in Chapter 7 of Katzin (2021).
& Hemming, 2011; Elings et al., 2005; Ko € rner, 2019). This The resulting model was used to derive insights in an
approach allows to test and derive insights from a broad range approach termed “consolidative modelling” (Bankes, 1993):
of scenarios in a way that would be cumbersome and expen- the model represented what we currently know about a
sive in real-world trials. particular system, and its predictions were understood in that
A greenhouse system that is heated by lamps requires context. This exercise was useful for two reasons: first, it
several attributes which were considered in this study (Fig. 1). helped derive insights regarding the system as we understand
First, the greenhouse must be equipped with high intensity it and potential knowledge gaps; second, it identified the most
lighting from either HPS or LED lamps, or a combination of the promising scenarios out of the wide range examined, which
two. Second, since the lamps cannot be continuously on can then be tested in practice. This study was thus focused on
without damaging a tomato crop (Velez-Ramirez, Van Ieperen, what we can learn from the model predictions; the context of
Vreugdenhil, & Millenaar, 2011), a system must be in place for these predictions, the range of their validity and how they can
collecting excess heat, storing it, and using it when the lamps be applied in practice, are addressed in the discussion as
are off. Such a system, also known as a semi-closed points for further research.
246 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Fig. 1 e Outline of the greenhouse system considered in this study. Arrows indicate the direction of energy or mass transfer.
Heating may originate from a boiler or from the lamps. The boiler transfers heat to the heating pipes, which in turn heat the
greenhouse air. Lamps heat the greenhouse air by convection and radiation on greenhouse objects. Heat from the
greenhouse air (sensible and latent) is collected by mechanical cooling and dehumidification (MCD), and transferred to the
cold buffer. A heat pump transfers energy from the cold to the hot buffer, which in turn heats the heating pipes. Toplight
lamps are either high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps or LEDs, interlights are always LEDs. The mechanical cooling and
dehumidification, buffers and heat pump are collectively termed the heat storage (or heat harvesting) system. Cooling and
dehumidification may also be done by window ventilation. CO2 is supplied by a tank or a network, independent of the
heating system. Thermal screens are used to reduce heat losses to the outside, and blackout screens are used to prevent
light pollution at night when the lamps are on.

2.2. Greenhouse model and weather input data

thesis and
The GreenLight model (Katzin et al., 2020), extended by adding katzin-phd-chapter5. The code used for generating the figures
a module for a heat storage system and modifying the inter- is at
lighting module, was used for all simulations in this study. BiosystemsEngineering2023.
GreenLight is based on the model of Vanthoor, De Visser, Model parameters were chosen to represent a high-tech 4-
Stanghellini, & Van Henten (2011a); Vanthoor, Stanghellini, ha greenhouse as in Katzin et al. (2021b). Weather data were
Van Henten, & De Visser (2011b), which was expanded to based on a typical meteorological year of Amsterdam, the
include lamps and blackout screens (Katzin et al., 2020). De- Netherlands (ASHRAE, 2001), retrieved from the EnergyPlus
tails of the model are available in the electronic appendices of website (EnergyPlus, 2020). The typical meteorological year
Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b); Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et combines several years of weather records to create one year
al. (2011a) and in Katzin et al. (2020). The model extensions of data that is representative of the weather pattern in a given
included in this study are described in Section 2.3 and in location (ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.2, 2021). The
Appendix A. The source code for the model and simulations growing seasons' length was 350 days. Following practice in
used in this study is available online at the Netherlands (Raaphorst, Benninga, & Eveleens, 2019), in
davkat1/GreenLight. The specific versions of the code used scenarios without lamps the season started on December 16
for generating the data in this study are available at https:// and ended on November 30 the next year. In scenarios with
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 247

lamps, the season started on September 27 and ended on density (PPFD) of 200 mmol m2 s1 above the crop (toplights),
September 11 the next year. The following variables from the and LEDs with varying intensities placed within the crop
ASHRAE dataset were used as weather input: global solar ra- canopy (interlights). The interlighting model component
diation IGlob (W m2), air temperature TOut ( C), relative hu- described by Katzin et al. (2020) was designed under the
midity RHOut (%), wind speed vWind (m s1), and infrared assumption that the greenhouse had a mature crop with a full
radiation from the sky falling on a horizontal upward-facing canopy. As such, it was assumed that the canopy absorbed all
surface ISky (W m2), given in 1-h intervals and interpolated radiation coming from the interlights. In contrast, in the
to 5-min intervals by using a piecewise cubic Hermite inter- current study a full crop season was considered, starting
polating polynomial. Soil temperature TSoOut ( C) was given in when the crop is small and the canopy absorbs little radiation.
monthly average values and interpolated to 5-min intervals by Therefore, the model was modified so that radiation ex-
fitting the values to a sine function with a period of one year. changes between the interlights and canopy depended on the
Outdoor CO2 concentration value was set at 410 ppm. canopy size, determined by the leaf area index (LAI). Radiative
exchanges between the interlights and other greenhouse ob-
2.3. Modifications to the GreenLight model jects (cover, screens, toplights, pipes, floor) were also
included. Details of these modifications are given in Appendix
In order to explore the possibilities for a greenhouse heated by A.
lamps, the model described by Katzin et al. (2020) was
extended by adding a heat storage system and by modifying 2.3.3. Crop yield and dry matter content
the interlighting component of the model. Lamps were not on The model component predicting yield in the GreenLight
continuously, since typical tomato cultivars are damaged model was based on the tomato crop model of Vanthoor, De
when grown under continuous light (Velez-Ramirez et al., Visser, et al. (2011b). This model has been shown to predict
2011). Thus, excess heat was extracted from the greenhouse yield very well, particularly in high-tech greenhouses under
air during the light hours and returned to the greenhouse Dutch weather conditions (Vanthoor, De Visser, et al., 2011b).
when lamps were off. The interlighting component of the More recently, the model has been shown to predict yields of a
model was modified to describe a greenhouse with inter- tomato crop under HPS and LED lights with a total relative
lighting starting from a small crop stage, and the crop model error of less than 5% (Righini et al., 2020). However, it should
component was adjusted to avoid reductions to growth due to be noted that the model predicts yield in dry weight (i.e.,
crop sink strength limitations. In this section, a short over- excluding water in the fruit). In order to convert dry weight
view of the model modifications, and an overview of the crop yield predictions to fresh weight yield predictions, an estimate
growth and yield components of the GreenLight model are of the dry matter content (DMC) of the fruit is required. The
given. The full details are given in Appendix A. DMC of tomatoes ranges from 4 to 7.5% (Heuvelink, Li, &
Dorais, 2018). In this study, a constant DMC of 6%, based on
2.3.1. Heat storage what was found by Righini et al. (2020), was assumed.
The heat storage sub-model was based on Righini et al. (2020) In the crop model of Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b),
and Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a). This system had constant parameters are used to describe the potential growth
four components: a mechanical cooling and dehumidification rates of the crop's fruit, leaves, and stem. These parameters
(MCD) unit, a cold water buffer, a heat pump, and a hot water represent the organs' sink-strength, describing the maximum
buffer (Fig. 1). ability of the organs to attract assimilates that are synthesised
Under the initial greenhouse settings, the buffers were during photosynthesis. If the rate of photosynthesis is higher
composed of a cold buffer size cCold
BufSize of 0.42 MJ m and a hot than the combined crop's sink strength, the crop is said to be
water buffer size cHot 2 sink-limited: increasing the light intensity will not increase
BufSize of 0.84 MJ m (Righini et al., 2020). The
crop growth (Li, Heuvelink, & Marcelis, 2015). Advanced
maximum rate of energy extraction by the MCD unit was set at
growers regulate the crop sink-strength by fruit pruning and
200 W m2 (Vanthoor et al., 2012), comprised of an electrical
by adjusting the crop's stem density (Kubota, De Gelder, &
input PMech of 50 W m2 and a coefficient of performance
Peet, 2018). Ideally, this manipulation ensures that the crop
COPMech which was assumed to equal 4 under the conditions of
is practically never sink limited, as sinks are constantly being
the studied greenhouse. The coefficient of performance (COP)
removed and growth is directed towards the harvestable or-
indicates the ratio between electrical input to the MCD unit
gans. In order to represent an expert grower that manages the
and its cooling capacity; thus, a COP of 4 and an electrical
crop in an ideal way, we ensured that the modelled crop is also
input of 50 W m2 resulted in a cooling rate of 200 W m2. The
never sink limited. In order to do this, the potential growth
maximum rate of energy transfer by the heat pump was set at
rate of the fruit, leaves, and stem were doubled in this study,
62.5 W m2 (Van Beveren et al., 2020), comprised of an elec-
compared to their original values in Vanthoor, De Visser, et al.
trical input PHeatPump of 11.36 W m2 and a coefficient of per-
(2011b). The values for the potential growth rate of the fruit,
formance COPHeatPump of 5.5 (Van Beveren et al., 2020). The
leaf, and stem were thus set at 0.656, 0.19, and
maximum rate of energy delivery from the hot buffer to the
0.148 mg m2 s1, respectively.
pipes PBufHot was set at 150 W m2 (Van Beveren et al., 2020).
2.3.4. Greenhouse energy use
2.3.2. Interlighting Greenhouse energy use included the following components of
Interlighting was simulated to examine a hybrid HPS and LED purchased energy: electricity consumed by the lamps; heating
system, with HPS lamps with a photosynthetic photon flux generated by the boiler; electricity used by the MCD unit;
248 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

electricity used by the heat pump; and electricity used for the summarised below. Here, “daytime” is the period from sunrise
water pumps in the heat storage system. This was calculated to sunset; “night-time” is from sunset to sunrise; “light period”
as is daytime, or night-time when lamps are on; and “dark
ð period” is the part of the night-time when lamps are off.
E ¼ 106 HBoilPipe þ QLampIn þ QIntLampIn þ ð1 þ hMech ÞUMech PMech
   1. Lamps: Lamps were off every day between 18:00 and
þ UHeatPump PHeatPump dt MJ m2 : (1) 24:00. This was done since typical tomato cultivars
require dark intervals in order to avoid injury (Velez-
where HBoilPipe (W m2) is the energy used for heating from the
Ramirez et al., 2011). Between midnight and 18:00 the
boiler; QLampIn (W m2) is the electric consumption of the top-
lamps were on, with the following exceptions:
lights; QIntLampIn (W m2) is the electric consumption of the
o The lamps were switched off whenever global
interlights; UMech PMech (W m2) is the electric consumption of
solar radiation outside the greenhouse was above
the MCD; hMech is the relative electricity costs of pumping water
400 W m2.
through the MCD system; and UHeatPump PHeatPump (W m2) is the
o The lamps were switched off if the indoor tem-
electricity consumption of the heat pump. The operator !ðÞdt
perature was above 26.5  C.
denotes integration over the full season and 106 denotes the
o The lamps were switched off at night if the
conversion from J to MJ. The value for hMech was 0.25.
blackout screens were forced to open.
2. Blackout screens: blackout screens, used to avoid
2.3.5. Nominal model parameters
light pollution towards the outside, were closed at
The parameters used as a starting point for heat storage,
night when the lamps were on, in accordance with
lamps, yield and energy calculations are given in Table 1.
Dutch regulations (Activiteitenbesluit milieubeheer,
2017). The following exceptions were made:
2.4. Greenhouse climate control
o The blackout screens were forced to open if the
indoor relative humidity was above 90%, unless
The standard rules for controlling the greenhouse climate
the indoor temperature was 1  C less than the
were based on common practice of tomato growers in the
heating setpoint or colder. The reasoning behind
Netherlands (Raaphorst et al., 2019; Vermeulen, 2016) and are

Table 1 e Nominal model parameters used in the current study. Modification of these parameters were made for the
various scenarios studied as described in Section 2.5 and Table 2. Other model parameters are given in Table A. 1 and Table
A. 2.
Parameter Meaning Initial value
Heating and heat storage
BufSize Size of the cold buffer (MJ m2) 0.4184 (Righini et al., 2020)
BufSize Size of the hot buffer (MJ m2) 0.8368 (Righini et al., 2020)
COPHeatPump Coefficient of performance of the heat pump () 5.5 (Van Beveren et al., 2020)
COPMech Coefficient of performance of MCD () 4
PBoil =AFlr Maximum heating rate from the boiler (W m2) 150 (Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006)
PBufHot Maximal energy flow rate from hot buffer to pipes (W m2) 150 (Van Beveren et al., 2020)
PHeatPump Maximal electric consumption of the heat pump (W m2) 11.36 (Van Beveren et al., 2020)
PHeatPump ,COPHeatPump Maximal rate of energy transfer by the heat pump (W m2) 62.5 (Van Beveren et al., 2020)
PMech Electric consumption of MCD (W m2) 50
PMech COPMech Maximal rate of energy extraction by MCD (W m2) 200 (Vanthoor et al., 2012)
hMech Electricity required to run the water pump, relative to 0.25
the electric consumption of the MCD system
Lighting system
hIntLampPAR ,zIntLampPAR Photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE) of the interlights 3 (Katzin et al., 2021b)
(mmol {PAR} J1 {input})
hIntLampPAR ,zIntLampPAR ,qIntLampMax PPFD of the interlights (mmol {PAR} m2 s1) 0 (no interlights)
hLampPAR ,zLampPAR Photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE) of the toplights 3 for LEDs, 1.8 for HPS (Katzin et al., 2021b)
(mmol {PAR} J1 {input})
hLampPAR ,zLampPAR ,qLampMax Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of the 200 (Katzin et al., 2021b)
toplights (mmol {PAR} m2 s1)
qIntLampMax Electrical energy input to the interlights (W m2) 0 (no interlights)
qLampMax Electrical energy input to the toplights (W m2) 67 (Katzin et al., 2021b)
Crop attributes
DMC Dry matter content of the fruit 0.06 (Section 2.3.3)
rgFruit Potential fruit growth rate coefficient at 20  C 0.656 (Section 2.3.3)
(mg{CH2O m2 s1})
rgLeaf Potential leaf growth rate coefficient at 20  C 0.19 (Section 2.3.3)
(mg{CH2O m2 s1})
rgStem Potential stem growth rate coefficient at 20  C 0.148 (Section 2.3.3)
(mg{CH2O m2 s1})
Table 2 e Summary of scenarios tested in this study. N B: no lamps, with boiler, no heat storage; N B HS: no lamps, with boiler, with heat storage; B: with boiler; L: LED
toplighting; L/L: LED toplighting and LED interlighting; NBO: no blackout screens. GL: gradual lamp control based on solar radiation; 20H: 20 h maximum daily lamp period;
BB: big heat buffers; SB: small heat buffers; H/L: HPS toplighting and LED interlighting. The cold and hot energy buffer sizes were 1/3 and 2/3, respectively, of the total heat
buffer size. The growing season was December 16-November 30 for scenarios without lamps and September 27-September 11 for scenarios with lamps. The scenarios N B
and N B HS were used to establish the requirements for a greenhouse without lamps (Sections 2.5.1-2.5.2). The scenario L B 200 was used a point of comparison to current
practice. The scenario L 450 represented the nominal setting for a greenhouse heated by lamps. Other scenarios examined the influence of control and design

b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6
modifications from the nominal setting.
Scenario Lamp type: PPFD of lamps: Power of Blackout Boiler Maximum daily lamp Lamp Total heat buffer
toplights/ toplights þ interlights the lamps: screens capacity (W m2) hours (hours per day) control size (MJ m2)
interlights ¼ total (mmol m2 s1) toplights þ
¼ total (W m2)
NB None 0 0 7 150 0 none 0
N B HS None 0 0 7 150 0 none 2
L B 200 LED 200 67 ✓ 150 18 on/off 2
L 450 LED 450 150 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
L/L 450 LED/LED 225 þ 225 ¼ 450 75 þ 75 ¼ 150 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
L 450 NBO LED 450 150 7 0 18 on/off 2
L 450 GL LED 450 150 ✓ 0 18 on/half/off 2
L 450 20H LED 450 150 ✓ 0 20 on/off 2
L 450 BB LED 450 150 ✓ 0 18 on/off 3
L 450 SB LED 450 150 ✓ 0 18 on/off 1.26
L 400 LED 400 133 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
L 500 LED 500 167 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
H/L 320 HPS/LED 200 þ 120 ¼ 320 110 þ 40 ¼ 150 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
H/L 320 NBO HPS/LED 200 þ 120 ¼ 320 110 þ 40 ¼ 150 7 0 18 on/off 2
H/L 370 HPS/LED 200 þ 170 ¼ 370 110 þ 57 ¼ 167 ✓ 0 18 on/off 2
H/L 370 NBO HPS/LED 200 þ 170 ¼ 370 110 þ 57 ¼ 167 7 0 18 on/off 2

250 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

this was that if it is cold and humid indoors, it is dehumidification, and the air temperature was
better to lower the relative humidity by heating warmer than 1  C less than the heating setpoint.
and raising the indoor temperature, rather than 8. Cooling by ventilation: cooling by roof window
ventilate. ventilation occurred when the indoor temperature
o The blackout screens were forced to open if the was 5  C above the setpoint for heating.
indoor temperature was 26.5  C or more. 9. Dehumidification: dehumidification occurred
3. Lamp cool-down: for the HPS lamps, a cool-down whenever the indoor relative humidity was above
period was set: if the lamps were switched off, they 87%, unless the indoor temperature was colder than
were not allowed to switch back on for the following 1  C less than the heating setpoint. The MCD system
1 h. No cool down period was set for LEDs. had priority over window ventilation: if the MCD was
4. Thermal screens: in order to maintain heat inside available and working, the setpoint for dehumidify-
the greenhouse as much as possible, a control ing by ventilation was raised to a relative humidity of
strategy with extensive use of thermal screens was 89%.
employed, based on Dieleman & Kempkes (2006). 10. Heat pump: the heat pump of the heat storage sys-
Thermal screens were closed when the outdoor solar tem transferred energy from the cold buffer to the
radiation was less than 50 W m2 and the outdoor hot buffer whenever the cold buffer was not empty
temperature was less than 18  C, or when the out- and the hot buffer was not full. Here, an empty buffer
door solar radiation was more than 50 W m2 and the indicates a buffer that cannot supply more energy e
outdoor temperature was less than 5  C. Thermal all the water in the buffer is at the minimum allowed
screens were forced to open under the following temperature. A full buffer indicates a buffer that
circumstances: cannot store more energy e all the water in the
o The thermal screens were forced to open if the buffer is at the maximum allowed temperature.
indoor temperature was more than 4  C higher
than the heating setpoint. Naturally, for simulations that did not include any of the
o The thermal screens were forced to open if the systems described above (lamps, MCD, heat pump, lamp
indoor relative humidity was above 85%, unless cooling), the control decisions for that system were excluded.
the indoor temperature was colder than 1  C less The nominal control settings are summarised in Fig. 2.
than the heating setpoint. Actuators were controlled using a smoothed proportional
5. CO2 injection: CO2 was injected during the light controller, as in Katzin et al. (2021b). The p-band values for the
period, whenever the indoor CO2 concentration was proportional controllers were: 1  C for heating; 100 ppm for
below the target setpoint of 1000 ppm. CO2 injection; 1  C for thermal screens closure due to cold
6. Heating: the desired minimum indoor temperature outdoor temperatures; 1  C for thermal screens opening due to
was 18.5  C during the light period and 17.5  C excess indoor heat; 10% relative humidity for thermal screens
during the dark period (Vermeulen, 2016 pg. V59). opening due to excess humidity; 4  C for ventilation opening
However, as a consequence of using a proportional due to excess heat; 1  C for ventilation closure due to low
controller, there was an offset between the setpoint indoor temperature; 50% relative humidity for ventilation
for heating and the realised indoor temperature opening due to excess humidity; 1  C for cooling by the MCD;
(Bequette, 2003). Trial simulations showed that the 2% relative humidity for dehumidification by the MCD; 0.5  C
offset was on average 1  C. Therefore, the setpoint for blackout screens opening due to excess indoor heat; 0.5%
for heating was set at 19.5  C during the light period relative humidity for blackout screens opening due to excess
and 18.5  C during the dark period. The hot buffer of humidity.
the heat storage system had priority over the boiler,
meaning that heating from the boiler was only 2.5. Scenarios studied
supplied if the heat storage system could not supply
heat (the hot buffer was empty of energy, i.e., the The scenarios (see Table 2) were performed in three steps:
water at the buffer were at the minimum allowed first, a greenhouse with a boiler, without lamps and without
temperature), or it was heating at full capacity and heat storage was simulated (scenario N B in Table 2). This
the indoor temperature reached 2  C below the simulation was used to find nominal settings for the heat
setpoint. storage system that would be sufficient for a greenhouse
7. Mechanical cooling and dehumidification: The MCD heated by lamps, used in the following simulations. In
system simultaneously cooled and dehumidified the particular, the heat demand of the greenhouse in the hours
greenhouse. The system was available whenever the between 18:00 and 24:00 was examined. This was done
indoor temperature and dew point were above the because in the nominal setting of greenhouses heated by
temperature TMech of the cold surface of the MCD (set lamps, lamps were switched off from 18:00 to 24:00 to avoid
at 10  C), and the cold buffer was not full. The system injury to the crop due to continuous light (see Section 2.4).
was used for cooling whenever it was available and Therefore, the heat storage system had to be chosen in such a
the greenhouse air temperature was 2  C above the way that it was able to supply enough heat to the greenhouse
setpoint for heating. The system was used for in those hours.
dehumidification if it was available, the indoor Second, a greenhouse without lamps and with a heat
relative humidity was above the setpoint for storage system was simulated, where the settings for the heat
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 251

Fig. 2 e Control of heating, ventilation and thermal screens in the standard setting. Tsp is the temperature setpoint for
heating. Dehumidification was done by the MCD system or by roof ventilation, with priority for the MCD. CO2 was injected
during the light period if the indoor CO2 concentration was below 1000 ppm. Lamps were on from midnight to 18:00 unless
instantaneous solar radiation was above 400 W m¡2, indoor temperature was more than 7  C above the setpoint, or blackout
screens were forced to open. Blackout screens were deployed at night when the lamps were on, but were forced to open if
the indoor relative humidity was above 90%.

storage system were based on results from the first step the dynamics of the greenhouse climate and control are pre-
(scenario N B HS in Table 2). The results from this step helped sented in Section 3.
establish the nominal settings for the lamps in the green-
houses heated by lamps, which were used in the following 2.5.1. Greenhouse without lamps or heat storage
simulations. Besides determining the intensity of the lamps, The first scenario was of a greenhouse with heating from a
this scenario was also used to establish a daily control boiler and without heat storage (scenario N B in Table 2). It was
strategy for the lamps: in common practice, lamps are not found that the maximum daily heating demand in this sce-
used on days when there is sufficient sunlight. One way to nario was 7.2 MJ m2 d1; the maximum heating demand for
determine which days have sufficient sunlight is to set a the period between 18:00 and 24:00 was 1.8 MJ m2; the
threshold for daily solar radiation sum, such that the lamps maximum heating rate was 150 W m2; and the maximum
are not used on days with that amount of sunlight or more, as heating rate between 18:00 and 24:00 was 110 W m2.
in Katzin et al. (2021b). Another approach is to switch off the Since the maximum heating demand for 18:00e24:00 was
lamps starting from a certain date in spring or summer nearly 2 MJ m2, a heat storage capacity of that size was
(Vanlommel, Fabri, Wittemans, Vermieren, & Steppe, 2018). needed for the next step in simulations, in order to heat a
The simulation of the greenhouse without lamps and with greenhouse that is heated with lamps (without a boiler) in
heat storage was used to find a lamp strategy that fulfilled the those periods when the lamps were off. Furthermore, a
heating needs but avoided using the lamps on days when this heating rate of up to 150 W m2 was needed. Considering the
was not needed. standard settings for the heat storage system (Table 1), the
Third, to identify and analyse the potential benefits of only required change for the scenario without lamps and with
heating a greenhouse with lamps, scenarios with lamps and heat storage (see following section) was to increase the buffer
with heat storage were simulated, with settings based on 2
capacity to a cold buffer size cCold
BufSize of 0.67 MJ m and a hot
results from the previous two steps. In addition, as part of 2 2
buffer size cHot
BufSize of 1.33 MJ m , with a total of 2 MJ m ca-
this step a greenhouse with heat storage and with lamps at
pacity in the two buffers.
an intensity that is currently common in practice was
simulated, to serve as a point of comparison to the other
scenarios. 2.5.2. Greenhouse without lamps, with heat storage
Following common practice in the Netherlands (Raaphorst Settings for the scenario without lamps and with heat storage
et al., 2019), in the first two steps (scenarios without lamps) the were identical to the scenario without lamps and without heat
season started on December 16 and ended on November 30 storage, except that heat storage was used, with a total storage
the next year. In the third step (scenarios with lamps), the capacity of 2 MJ m2 (see previous section). While the number
season started on September 27 and ended on September 11 of days and hours where heating from the boiler was greatly
the next year. reduced by heat storage, the maximum heating demands
In the following subsections (Sections 2.5.1-2.5.2), results of hardly changed: 7.2 MJ m2 for a full day; 1.8 MJ m2 for the
the first two steps are described, as those formed the basis for period 18:00e24:00; a maximum heating rate of 150 W m2 for
the following scenarios. Results regarding the primary objec- all hours; and a maximum heating rate of 90 W m2 between
tives of this research, including yearly energy use, yield, and 18:00 and 24:00.
252 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Since the maximum heating rate in the greenhouse with a examine a wide range of scenarios for greenhouses heated by
heat buffer remained 150 W m2, the nominal power con- lamps (Table 2), including various settings for lamp type, lamp
sumption of lamps in the greenhouses heated by lamps was control strategy, heat buffer size, and the use of a blackout
set at this rate. Since the photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE) screen.
was 3 mmol J1 for LEDs and 1.8 mmol J1 for HPS lamps, this A scenario with LEDs at 200 mmol m2 s1, with heat storage
meant using only LEDs at a PPFD of 450 mmol m2 s1, or a and a boiler (L B 200 in Table 2), was used as a point of com-
hybrid system with HPS toplights at a PPFD of parison, representing a lamp intensity that is currently com-
200 mmol m2 s1 (110 W m2) and LED interlights at a PPFD of mon in illuminated tomato greenhouses (Raaphorst et al.,
120 mmol m2 s1 (40 W m2), with a total of 320 mmol m2 s1. 2019). Other scenarios were used to test the influence of
As mentioned in Section 2.5, the scenario without lamps various design and control choices on the performance of the
and with heat storage was also used to decide on a daily greenhouse heated by lamps. These scenarios included: using
strategy for control of the lamps. As it turned out, there was no a combination of toplights and interlights instead of all top-
threshold of daily solar radiation such that all days below that lights (L/L 450); not using the blackout screens (L 450 NBO); a
threshold required heating, and all days above that threshold bigger or smaller heat buffer size (L 450 BB, L450 SB); lower or
did not require heating (Fig. 3). For example, 10 April had a higher lamp intensity (L 400, L 500); hybrid HPS and LED
daily solar radiation of 19 MJ m2 and required 2 MJ m2 of lighting, at the same power consumption of the nominal
heating, while 18 August had a daily solar radiation of setting or higher, with and without blackout screens (H/L 320,
5 MJ m2 and did not require heating. This is because heating H/L 320 NBO, H/L 370, H/L 370 NBO).
demands do not depend solely on the daily solar radiation The hybrid scenarios were chosen since currently, a com-
sum; the fluctuations in radiation, as well as the outdoor mon setting for an illuminated tomato greenhouse is HPS
temperature, also play a role. Switching off the lamps on days toplights at 200 mmol m2 s1 (Raaphorst et al., 2019).
with a solar radiation of more than 5 MJ m2 would have Advancing such a greenhouse to being fully heated by lamps
resulted in insufficient heating in April; switching off the by adding interlight LEDs would thus be a relatively easy
lamps on days with solar radiation of more than 19 MJ m2 adjustment. At the same time, it was expected that extensive
would have resulted in many days of high lamp use in use of HPS lamps, especially with blackout screens, would
summer. cause excessive heat and humidity inside the greenhouse and
Thus, a control strategy based on the day of year was would limit the ability to use the lamps as intended. It was
chosen, namely, setting the lamps off from 24 May to 11 tested whether a hybrid system with the same power con-
September, when the season for illuminated greenhouses sumption as the nominal setting (150 W m2) would be suffi-
ended. During those days, practically no heating from the cient for heating the greenhouse by lamps, or whether a
boiler was used in a greenhouse with heat storage (Fig. 3). higher lamp power consumption (167 W m2) was needed.
Also, the influence of blackout screens in these scenarios was
2.5.3. Greenhouses heated by lamps tested.
Based on the findings of the previous two steps, a range of Two scenarios with an adjusted lamp control strategy were
scenarios was devised to assess the benefits of heating also tested. The first was a lamp control strategy with a
greenhouses with lamps. The following nominal settings were maximum lamp use of 20 h per day (L 450 20H). Here, lamps
used for the scenarios of greenhouses without lamps: a total were on every day from 22:00 to 18:00 the next day, with the
heat buffer size of 2 MJ m2; a lamp power consumption of same exceptions as described in Section 2.4 and Section 2.5.2.
150 W m2, set as all LED toplights; lamps off from 24 May. The The reasoning behind this scenario was to test the influence of
nominal settings were modified in various ways in order to the 6 h dark period, which was enforced in the standard

Fig. 3 e Daily solar radiation sum and heating demand in the scenario without lamps and with heat storage. No threshold of
daily solar radiation exists, such that all days below the threshold require heating and all days above the threshold do not
require heating. As an example, the dashed horizontal line shows that heating is needed on days with either more or less
than 10 MJ m¡2 d¡1 of solar radiation (e.g., 04/02, 26/03). Nevertheless, as indicated by the dashed vertical lines, practically
no heating is needed between 24 May and 11 September, when the season for illuminated greenhouses ends.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 253

scenarios. As mentioned earlier, in those scenarios it was greenhouse (PAR above the canopy from the sun and lamps,
assumed that the crop requires a dark period in order to avoid plus PAR from the interlights) was calculated, expressed as a
damage. Since the crop model used in this study did not sum of PAR from the sun and PAR from the lamps. The energy
include the influence of insufficient darkness, the scenarios efficiency of each scenario was defined as the amount of
chosen in the standard case enforced a daily 6 h dark period. purchased energy input (MJ m2 year1) divided by total fresh
This additional scenario, with a 4 h dark period instead, was weight harvest (kg m2 year1), measured in MJ kg1. Note that
used in order to test the influence of the length of the dark with this definition, a low energy use per product indicates
period on the performance of the greenhouse. high energy efficiency.
A second scenario with an adjusted lamp control strategy
used a gradual response to outdoor solar radiation (L 450 GL): 2.6.3. Running costs and carbon footprint
in this setting, lamps were on at full intensity In order to evaluate the simulated scenarios in terms of eco-
(450 mmol m2 s1) if the solar radiation was below 200 W m2, nomic and environmental costs, data from Raaphorst et al.
and lamps were on at half intensity (225 mmol m2 s1) if the (2019) for an illuminated tomato greenhouse was used. This
solar radiation was between 200 W m2 and 400 W m2. As in data included the cost price and carbon footprint for natural
all other scenarios, lamps were off if the solar radiation was gas used by the boiler and electricity purchased from the grid,
above 400 W m2 (Section 2.4). expressed in kg of CO2 equivalent emissions (kgCO2eq), per
Additionally, greenhouses with lamps with a power con- kWh of electricity purchased from the grid and per m3 of
sumption of 167 W m2 were also tested. This meant using natural gas burnt in the boiler. These units were converted to
only LEDs with a PPFD of 500 mmol m2 s1, or a hybrid system MJ by using a conversion ratio of 3.6 MJ kWh1 and a conver-
with HPS toplights at a PPFD of 200 mmol m2 s1 (110 W m2) sion ratio of 31.65 MJ per m3 of natural gas (Raaphorst et al.,
and LED interlights at a PPFD of 170 mmol m2 s1 (57 W m2), 2019). These values were then used to calculate the total
with a total of 370 mmol m2 s1. The nominal buffer size was yearly economic and environmental costs for each scenario,
set at 2 MJ m2 (1.33 MJ m2 for the hot buffer and 0.67 MJ m2 as well as the costs per each kg of harvested tomato (Table 3).
for the cold buffer). The effects of a bigger buffer, sized
3 MJ m2 (2 MJ m2 for the hot buffer and 1 MJ m2 for the cold 2.6.4. Analysis of energy fluxes
buffer), and a smaller buffer, sized 1.26 MJ m2 (0.84 MJ m2 for In order to understand how heating by lamps influences the
the hot buffer and 0.42 MJ m2 for the cold buffer, as in Righini greenhouse's energy balance, the yearly sums of incoming
et al. (2020), were also tested. and outgoing energy flows of the greenhouse system were
calculated. These flows comprise of all the energy flows going
2.6. Assessment of scenarios into or coming out of the greenhouse system. These inputs
and outputs (all in MJ m2 year1) are given below, together
2.6.1. Maintenance of indoor temperatures with their notation in the studies where they were first
In order to evaluate whether a greenhouse was able to described (Righini et al., 2020; Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al.,
maintain the required indoor temperatures, the minimum 2011a); see also Appendix A and Nomenclature and
realised indoor temperature and the total number of cold abbreviations).
hours were recorded. An hour was considered cold if the
average indoor temperature during that hour was colder than  Solar radiation: energy from the sun absorbed by the
the desired setpoint, which was defined as 1  C less than the greenhouse structure, the canopy, and the floor.
heating set point (see Section 2.4). Even for greenhouses with
heating from a boiler, it is possible for cold hours to occur, for RGlob SunAir þ RPAR SunCan þ RNIR SunCan þ RPAR SunFlr þ RNIR SunFlr
example, due to a temporary drop in temperature when þ RGlob SunCov;e
thermal screens open (Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006). As
another example, in the Netherlands heating costs are influ-
enced by the total capacity, i.e., the maximum supply rate of  Heating from boiler: energy input from the boiler to the
the heating system (Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006). Growers heating pipes: HBoilPipe
may thus choose for a maximum heating capacity that does  Lighting: energy input to the lamps: QLampIn þ QIntLampIn
not cover all the greenhouse's heating needs, with the
assumption that a limited number of cold hours has no
harmful influence on crop growth and development.
Table 3 e Assumed cost price and carbon footprint for gas
2.6.2. Energy use, light, and yield and electricity used in this study, based on an illuminated
The greenhouses’ purchased energy input (MJ m2 year1) was tomato greenhouse in the Netherlands (Raaphorst et al.,
calculated as described in Section 2.3.4, and expressed as a 2019). A kWh is equal to 3.6 MJ. It was assumed that a m3
sum of lamp energy input, heating from the boiler, and energy of natural gas contains 31.65 MJ of energy. kgCO2eq is a
carbon footprint equivalent to a kg of CO2.
input to the heat storage system. Yearly dry weight fruit yield
(kg m2 year1) was an output of the model, and was con- Cost price Carbon footprint
verted to fresh weight by assuming a fruit dry matter content Natural gas used 0.2V m3 1.8 kgCO2eq m3
of 6% (Section 2.3.3). In order to understand the influence of by the boiler ¼ 0.006 V MJ1 ¼ 0.06 kgCO2eq MJ1
lighting system on yield, the total yearly sum of photosyn- Electricity purchased 0.085V kWh1 0.64 kgCO2eq kWh1
from the grid ¼ 0.024 V MJ1 ¼ 0.18 kgCO2eq MJ1
thetically active radiation (PAR) light (mol m2 year1) in the
254 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

 Heating from the buffer: energy input from the heat

storage system to the heating pipes: HBufHotPipe 3. Results
 Convection to the soil: HSo5SoOut
 Radiation to sky: thermal radiation output emitted from 3.1. Maintenance of indoor temperature
the greenhouse cover, screens, lamps, canopy, pipes,
and floor towards the sky: The greenhouses heated with a boiler e without lamps or heat
RCov;eSky þ RThScrSky þ RBlScrSky þ RLampSky þ RCanSky þ RPipeSky storage, without lamps and with heat storage, with heat
þRIntLampSky þ RFlrSky storage and with LEDs at a PPFD of 200 mmol m2 s1 e expe-
 Convection through cover: energy output to the outdoor rienced 45, 72, and 41 h that were colder than the desired
by convection through the cover: HCov;eOut setpoint, respectively (Fig. 4). The minimum realised indoor
 Ventilation: energy output through ventilation: HAirOut þ temperature in these greenhouses were 15.7  C, 16.8  C, and
HTopOut 17.8  C, respectively. Since these scenarios represented com-
 Latent heat: the net loss of sensible heat by conversion mon practice, it was concluded that this amount and intensity
to latent heat. This value is composed of loss of sensible of cold periods is small enough to be acceptable by growers
heat due to transpiration minus gain of latent heat due and to avoid meaningful losses.
to condensation on the screens and cover: LCanAir  Recall that the scenarios without lamps were only used to
LAirThScr  LAirBlScr  LTopCov;in determine the required capacities for the system with lamps
 Sensible heat collected by the heat storage system: and heat harvesting. At the same time, and following common
HAirMech practice, the scenarios without lamps considered a growing
 Latent heat collected by the heat storage system: LAirMech season from mid-December to the end of November, while the
scenarios with lamps considered a season starting and ending
The heat collected by the heat storage system (sensible and in September (Section 2.5). Therefore, it might be expected
latent heat) was transferred to the hot water energy buffer that the required heating capacities predicted by the unil-
with a heat pump that had a coefficient of performance (COP) luminated scenarios, might be too low, as they exclude one of
of 5.5. This meant that the total sum of energy available for the coldest periods of the year (the first half of December).
4:5 ¼ 1:22
heating from the hot buffer HBufHotPipe was a factor of 5:5 However, this appeared not to be the case.
larger than the sum of energy collected by the heat storage Indeed, the majority of scenarios of greenhouses heated
system (QAirMech ¼ HAirMech þ LAirMech , see also Appendix A). exclusively by lamps showed more success in maintaining

Fig. 4 e Number of cold hours (colder than the desired setpoint) and lowest indoor temperature ( C) realised in the tested
greenhouse scenarios. See Table 2 for description of scenarios.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 255

indoor temperatures than the greenhouses that used a boiler, gradual control of the lamps based on the sun's intensity, and
with a lower number of cold hours and a higher minimum the scenario with hybrid lighting at 320 mmol m2 s1 and
indoor temperature. The exceptions were the greenhouse blackout screens. Although this hybrid lighting system had
with small energy storage buffers (L 450 SB), the greenhouse the same power consumption (150 W m2) as the scenario
with LEDs at a PPFD of 400 mmol m2 s1 (L 400), and the with all-LEDs at 450 mmol m2 s1, in this scenario lamps were
greenhouses with a hybrid lighting system (HPS and LED) at a used less often due to high humidity levels forcing the
PPFD of 320 mmol m2 s1 (H/L 320 and H/L 320 NBO). Over- blackout screens to open (see Section 3.3). When blackout
heating of the greenhouse due to the lamps was avoided by screens were not used, the lighting hours increased, and the
switching the lamps off when the indoor temperatures were energy demand grew to 2419 MJ m2 year1.
above 26.5  C (Section 2.4). All scenarios received roughly the same amount of PAR
from the sun, close to 6000 mol m2, on a total yearly basis
3.2. Energy use, light, and yield (Fig. 5B). Differences in PAR from the sun are due to the control
of the thermal screens during the day: the screens were
The scenario without lamps or heat storage required opened if the indoor air was too hot or too humid. The sce-
1115 MJ m2 year1 of energy inputs, in the form of heating nario with LED toplights at 450 mmol m2 s1 had nearly
from the boiler. Heat storage reduced the energy demand to 6500 mol m2 of PAR from the lamps. This was raised by more
959 MJ m2 year1 (Fig. 5A). The energy demand of an illumi- than 10% to 7200 mol m2 in the scenario with 20 h daily lamp
nated greenhouse with a lamp intensity of 200 mmol m2 s1 use and with LEDs of 500 mmol m2 s1. However, the yield
was 1582 MJ m2 year1. The greenhouses heated by lamps increases associated with these modifications were only 2e5%
had an energy demand between 2000 and 2600 MJ m2 year1. (Fig. 5C), rising from 143 kg m2 with LED toplights at
The intensity of the lamps and the number of hours they were 450 mmol m2 s1 to 146 kg m2 with 20 h daily lamp period
used was the main factor influencing the energy demand: the and 150 kg m2 with lamps of 500 mmol m2 s1. The light use
scenarios that used more than 2500 MJ m2 year1 were the efficiency, expressed in grams of yield divided by the PAR
scenario with a 20 h daily lamp period, the scenario with a above the canopy, was around 10 g mol1 for the unillumi-
lamp intensity of 500 mmol m2 s1, and the hybrid scenario nated scenarios, and between 11 and 12 g mol1 in the illu-
with a lamp intensity of 370 mmol m2 s1. The scenarios minated scenarios. One factor contributing to a higher light
which used less than 2300 MJ m2 year1 were the scenario use efficiency in the illuminated scenarios are the many
with a lamp intensity of 400 mmol m2 s1, the scenario with a night-time hours when lamps are on: during those hours, the

Fig. 5 e Energy use, PAR, and yield in the scenarios studied (Table 2). A: Energy input from the lamps, boiler, and electricity
used for heat storage (MJ m¡2 year¡1). B: Total PAR above the canopy from the sun and the lamps (mol m¡2 year¡1). C: Total
fresh weight yield (kg m¡2 year¡1). D: Total energy efficiency (MJ of input energy per kg of fresh weight harvest). Labels in C
and D also correspond to A and B.
256 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

crop is under a relatively low light (compared to summer time phenomena that were behind the ability to maintain the
solar light), and light use efficiency is higher under low light desired indoor temperature setpoints in each of the studied
intensities. scenarios.
In the scenarios without lamps, the use of heat storage In the scenarios without lamps, cold periods are often
greatly influenced the energy efficiency of the greenhouse, by caused by a temperature drop when the thermal screens are
reducing the energy input and hardly influencing yield opened (Fig. 7). For example, on 09/03 and 11/03, the thermal
(Fig. 5D). In these scenarios, heat storage reduced the energy screens were opened when the outdoor temperature exceeded
use per product from 18.8 MJ kg1 to 13.7 MJ kg1. Increasing 5  C, causing the indoor temperature to briefly drop below the
the lamp intensity resulted in higher yields but also in a higher desired setpoint. This phenomenon has also been observed in
energy use per product. For example, increasing the intensity other studies (Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006). The indoor tem-
of LED toplights from 200 to 400, 450, and 500 mmol m2 s1 peratures were often lower with heat storage, due to cooling.
increased the yield from 99 to 135, 143, and 150 kg m2 and the This caused the temperature drops to be more severe in the
energy use per product from 14 to 15, 15.8, and 16.6 MJ kg1, scenario with heat storage: the temperature drop on 08/03,
respectively. Replacing HPS lamps with LEDs of an equivalent which was due to cold outdoor temperature, resulted in an
power consumption resulted in higher yields and lower en- indoor temperature below the desired setpoint in the scenario
ergy use per product. For example, the hybrid HPS/LED system with heat storage, but not in the scenario without heat stor-
at 320 mmol m2 s1 had a yield of 116 kg m2 and energy use age. Nevertheless, the differences over the whole growing
per product of 18.3 MJ kg1. The yield was thus 19% lower and season were minor (Fig. 4).
the energy use per product 14% higher than the LED toplight With lamps at an intensity of 400 mmol m2 s1
system with the same power consumption of 150 W m2, and (133 W m2), the heating coming directly from the lamps was
a light intensity of 450 mmol m2 s1. often insufficient to maintain the desired setpoints (Fig. 8,
The daily light integral (DLI) of PAR light from the sun is as top). In this scenario, heating was often drawn from the heat
low as 1.5 mol m2 d1 in the end of December (Fig. 6). These buffer while the lamps were on (Fig. 8, middle). On December
low light levels are insufficient to sustain a fruiting tomato 7e9, from around midday until 18:00, energy from the lamps
crop, which explains why in unilluminated greenhouses the heated the greenhouse, in such a way that no heat was added
crop is usually planted in December. In spring and autumn, to the buffers or drawn from it (Fig. 8, bottom). Once the lamps
the DLI from the sun is around 10 mol m2 d1, and in summer went off, energy was drawn from the buffers and they were
it can reach as high as 40 mol m2 d1. Lamps at an intensity of quickly depleted, resulting in very cold temperatures during
200 mmol m2 s1 for 18 h a day added nearly 13 mol m2 d1, the dark period. December 10 was warmer than the previous
and lamps at an intensity of 450 m mol m2 s1 added nearly days: on that day the heat buffers could be filled during the
30 mol m2 d1. light hours. In the scenario with small heat buffers, the indoor
temperature was equivalent to the scenario with the nominal
3.3. Factors influencing cold indoor temperatures buffer size for most of the day (Fig. 8, top), but at some point
during the dark period the buffer was depleted (Fig. 8, bottom),
In this subsection, the mechanisms behind the results pre- no more heating could be supplied (Fig. 8, middle), and tem-
sented in Fig. 4 are elucidated by focusing on a selected group peratures dropped below the setpoint.
of scenarios during specific times of the growing period. These Scenarios with a hybrid HPS/LED lamp configuration with a
scenarios and periods are representative of general total lamp intensity of 320 mmol m2 s1 resulted in many cold
hours, despite the fact that the power supply of the lamps,
150 W m2, was equivalent to the scenario with only LEDs at
450 mmol m2 s1. The reason for these cold hours was excess
humidity (Fig. 9). Indeed, several theoretical studies have
found that crops transpire more under HPS lamps than under
LEDs (Katzin, Marcelis, & Van Mourik, 2021a,b; Nelson &
Bugbee, 2015).
Recall that blackout screens were forced to open, and
consequently the lamps were switched off, during the night
time when the indoor temperature was above 26.5  C or the
indoor relative humidity was above 90% (Section 2.4).
Comparing the all-LED scenario to the hybrid HPS/LED sce-
narios, it can be seen that lamps often switched off in the
hybrid scenarios with blackout screens (Fig. 9, middle e note
that the curves in this figure represent hourly averages; the
LEDs often switched off and back on again). This was not due
Fig. 6 e Daily light integral (mol PAR m¡2 d¡1) of PAR light to temperatures above 26.5  C (Fig. 9, top), but due to relative
above the crop in the scenario with LEDs of humidity above 90%, caused by excess transpiration. This
200 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L B 200) and the scenario with LEDs of transpiration, which converted sensible heat to latent heat, as
450 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L 450). “DLI from sun” is the sum of well as increased relative humidity and therefore required
solar light above the crop. “Total DLI” is the sum of light ventilation, resulted in lower temperatures and lower heat
(solar þ lamps) above the crop. buffer contents in the hybrid scenario (compare L 450, H/L 320,
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 257

Fig. 7 e Hourly average indoor temperature (top), thermal screens use and cooling (middle), and outdoor weather (bottom) in
the scenarios without lamps during 4 days in March. Date marks indicate midnight at the beginning of each day. N B:
scenario without lamps, with boiler, without heat storage. N B HS: scenario without lamps, with boiler, and with heat
storage. Desired setpoint: minimum temperature desired for the indoor temperature. Thermal screens were used when the
solar radiation was below 50 W m¡2 and the outdoor temperature was below 5  C, or when the solar radiation was above
50 W m¡2 and the outdoor temperature was below 18  C.

and H/L 320 NBO e all with lamps at 150 W m2 e in Fig. 9, top the greenhouse. In this scenario, heating was provided pre-
and bottom). When the lamp intensity was increased to cisely at the right amount required to maintain the desired
167 W m2, as in scenarios H/L 370 and H/L 370 NBO, there was indoor temperatures. Therefore, the daily amount of heating
sufficient energy supplied to the greenhouse to maintain the provided in the case N B HS can be viewed as an estimate to
desired temperatures (Fig. 9, top) and energy contents of the the daily heat requirements of the simulated greenhouse. This
buffers (Fig. 9, bottom). Nevertheless, when the blackout estimate should be seen as a rough point of reference, since
screens opened and the lamps shut off due to high humidity, there are also important differences between the unillumi-
the indoor temperature dropped momentarily (scenario H/L nated and illuminated greenhouses, for instance, the fact that
370 in Fig. 9, top and middle). A similar phenomenon was the season start and end times, and therefore the crop size,
observed for thermal screens (Fig. 7). are different in the unilluminated case.
Using the heat provided in the scenario N B HS as a refer-
3.4. Daily and yearly energy use ence, it can be see that the greenhouses with lamps (L B 200, L
450) supplied a lot more energy to the greenhouse than what
The simulation of the greenhouse without lamps (N B HS) was needed to maintain the indoor temperatures (Fig. 10).
provides a useful reference to how much heating is needed in Comparing the greenhouse with lamps of 200 mmol m2 s1 to
258 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Fig. 8 e Hourly average indoor temperature (top), energy inputs (middle), and energy content of the heat buffers (bottom) in
the scenario with LED toplights at 450 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L 450), LED toplights at 400 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L 400), and LED toplights at
450 mmol m¡2 s¡1 with smaller heat buffers (L 450 SB) during 4 days in December. The heat buffers content is the sum of the
energy stored in the cold and hot water buffers. Date marks indicate midnight at the beginning of each day. The total buffer
size was 2 MJ m¡2 in the nominal scenarios and 1.26 MJ m¡2 in the small buffer scenario.

the greenhouse with no lamps, it can be seen that in the first The excess energy provided to the greenhouse in the sce-
weeks of the season (27/09e26/10), the lamps provided more narios with lamps was removed by radiation, convection,
heat than needed on a daily basis, so no heating was used ventilation, and transpiration (Fig. 11). As with PAR from the
(‘Lighting L B 200’ is equal to ‘Heating þ lighting L B 200’). Later sun (Fig. 5B), the total yearly radiation from the sun was
in October (e.g., 26/10, 31/10), the heating need was higher roughly equivalent, around 2500 MJ m2, in the scenario
than what the lamps provided, so this was compensated by without lamps (N B HS), with LEDs of 200 mmol m2 s1 (L B
adding heating, with a total daily energy input 200), and LEDs of 450 mmol m2 s1 (L 450). Differences in
(‘Heating þ lighting L B 200’) equivalent to the greenhouse absorbed solar radiation are due to the control of the thermal
without lamps (‘Heating N B HS’). From December onwards, screens. The scenario N B HS added more than 1200 MJ m2
the daily heating needs with lamps of 200 mmol m2 s1 were additional energy input from the boiler and the energy buffers.
higher than the needs in the greenhouse without lamps, the The scenario L B 200 added around 2000 MJ m2 more energy
lighting was not sufficient to cover these needs, and additional from the boiler, lighting, and energy buffers, and the scenario
heating was provided. L 450 added more than 2500 MJ m2 more energy from the
The total energy inputs of the greenhouse with lamps of lighting and energy buffers. As was seen with the daily heat-
200 mmol m2 s1 provide an estimate of the heating needs of an ing demands (Fig. 10), the scenario L 450 provided consider-
illuminated greenhouse. It is clear that with 450 mmol m2 s1 ably more energy inputs than what was needed for heating.
the lamps provided considerably more heat than what was The excess energy inputs were removed from the greenhouse
needed. This is expected when recalling Section 2.5.2: the through several factors: higher radiation to the sky and con-
maximum daily heat demand of the greenhouse without lamps vection through the cover due to higher indoor temperatures,
was 7.2 MJ m2 day1, and it was often a lot lower. With lamps at higher transpiration due to higher radiation on the crop, and
450 mmol m2 s1 (150 W m2) on for 18 h a day, the heat pro- higher ventilation in order to remove excess heat and
vided was up to 9.72 MJ m2 day1, resulting in an excess of heat. humidity.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 259

Fig. 9 e Hourly averages of indoor temperature (top), lamp input (middle), and energy content of the heat buffers (bottom) in
the scenarios with LED toplights at 450 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L 450), hybrid HPS/LED at 320 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (H/L 320), hybrid HPS/LED
at 320 mmol m¡2 s¡1 without blackout screens (H/L 320 NBO), hybrid HPS/LED at 370 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (H/L 370), and hybrid HPS/
LED at 370 mmol m¡2 s¡1 without blackout screens (H/L 370 NBO), during 4 days in January. The heat buffers content is the
sum of the energy stored in the cold and hot water buffers. Date marks indicate midnight at the beginning of each day.
Lamps were forced to switch off due to the blackout screens opening, which happened if the relative humidity exceeded 90%
during the night. Once the lamps were switched off, HPS lamps cooled down for 1 h before switching back on. LEDs could
switch back on immediately.

Fig. 10 e Daily heating and lighting input of the scenarios with no lamps with heat storage (N B HS), LEDs of
200 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L B 200), and LEDs of 450 mmol m¡2 s¡1, without a boiler (L 450). The season for the N B HS scenarios
started on 16/12 and ended on 30/11, so no values are given for 01/12e15/12. ‘Heating N B HS’ provides an estimate of the
heating needs of the greenhouse for each day. ‘Heating þ lighting L B 200’ is the combined energy input (heating from the
boiler and lighting) in the scenario L B 200. Since no heating from the boiler was provided in the scenario L 450, ‘Lighting L
450’ is the combined energy input in the scenario L 450.
260 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Fig. 11 e Incoming and outgoing energy flows in the scenario without lamps and with heat storage (N B HS), the scenario
with LEDs at 200 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L B 200), and the scenario with LEDs at 450 mmol m¡2 s¡1 (L 450). Heat is removed from the
greenhouse by cooling with a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.5, and returned to the greenhouse by using a heat pump
with a COP of 5.5 (see Section 2.6.4). Thus the total energy available for heating from the buffer is equal to 5.5/4.5 ¼ 1.22
times the collected heat.

3.5. Running costs and carbon footprint case examined of a greenhouse in the Netherlands, the min-
imal requirements that were found to make such a system
Considering the costs and carbon footprint of natural gas and possible in an all-LED greenhouse were: lamps with a power
electricity as they were in the Netherlands in 2019, illumi- consumption of 150 W m2 or higher and a heat storage buffer
nated greenhouses had considerably more running costs and of 2 MJ m2 or higher (Fig. 4). For a hybrid HPS/LED greenhouse
carbon footprint compared to unilluminated ones (Fig. 12). system, a lighting system with a power consumption of
This is because in 2019, electricity purchased from the grid 167 W m2 was needed to maintain sufficient temperatures.
was 4 times more expensive and had 2.6 times higher carbon Increasing the lamp use e either in intensity or duration of
footprint compared to natural gas, when expressed per MJ of operation e contributed to higher yields but also to a higher
energy (Table 3). Under these conditions, the running costs for energy use, resulting in a lower energy efficiency of the system
the LED greenhouse (L B 200) were more than 4 times higher (compare e.g., N B HS, L B 200, L 400, L 450, L 500 in Fig. 5). An
than the unilluminated greenhouse (N B), and the running exception to this rule was the case where LEDs replaced HPS
costs for greenhouses heated with lamps were up to 9 times lamps with an equivalent power consumption (L 450 vs. H/L
higher (Fig. 12A). In terms of carbon footprint, the LED 320; L 500 vs. H/L 370): this transition resulted in an increase in
greenhouse (L B 200) had more than 3 times higher footprint energy use but a larger relative increase in yield due to higher
than the unilluminated greenhouse (N B), and the green- light intensities, and thus in a higher energy efficiency.
houses heated with lamps had more than 6 times higher
footprint (Fig. 12B). Unilluminated greenhouse had lower costs 4.1. Comparison of model predictions with previous
and footprint also when taking their reduced production into findings
account: the LED greenhouse (L B 200) had nearly 3 times
higher costs per kg product compared to the unilluminated The model prediction that higher light intensities will increase
greenhouse (N B), and the greenhouses heated by lamps had yield but reduce efficiency is in line with the fact that photo-
around 4 times higher costs per kg product (Fig. 12C). Simi- synthetic response to light is a saturating function with
larly, the LED greenhouse (L B 200) had more than double the “diminishing returns” (Hikosaka, Noguchi, & Terashima,
carbon footprint per kg product compared to the unillumi- 2016). This is also in line with the observation that more
nated greenhouse (N B), and the greenhouses heated by lamps intensive production often results in lower efficiency: in
had around 3 times higher footprint per product. standard practice, greenhouses with HPS lamps were found to
require 60% more energy per kg tomato produced than
greenhouses without lamps (Raaphorst et al., 2019 pp. G33-
4. Discussion G34). When optimal control was applied, greenhouses with
lighting (HPS or LED) were predicted to require 30%e45% more
The scenarios examined in this study show that it is possible energy per kg than unilluminated greenhouses (Kuijpers et al.,
to implement a greenhouse system that is exclusively heated 2021). In a trial in Belgium, Vanlommel et al. (2020), found that
by lamps and does not require heating from a boiler. For the during the winter period (when lamps were used), light use
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 261

Fig. 12 e Running costs and carbon footprint, scaled per m2 floor area and per kg harvested product, in the scenarios studied
(Table 2), based on costs and carbon footprint as outlined in Table 3. A: Running costs associated with energy expenditure
per m2 floor area. B: Carbon footprint associated with energy expenditure per m2 floor area. C: Running costs associated
with energy expenditure per kg harvested product. D: Carbon footprint associated with energy expenditure per kg
harvested product.

efficiency was inversely related to lamp intensity. One for an LED greenhouse. The carbon footprint associated with
exception to this trend was found in the case of lettuce pro- this energy was roughly 70 kgCO2eq m2 year1 for an unil-
duction in the arctic circle (Graamans, Baeza, Van den luminated greenhouse, and 250 kgCO2eq m2 year1 for an
Dobbelsteen, Tsafaras, & Stanghellini, 2018). In this case, the LED greenhouse. Comparing to common practice in the
increased yield due to supplemental HPS lighting was higher Netherlands, and counting electricity generated by the CHP
than the increased energy use, resulting in a roughly 15% and sold to the grid as negative energy costs and carbon
higher energy efficiency compared to an unilluminated footprint, an unilluminated greenhouse spends 3.42 V m2
greenhouse. However, it should be noted that this scenario year1 on running energy costs, while an HPS greenhouse
addresses a very extreme case of low light and very low out- spends 27.25 V m2 year1. Regarding the associated carbon
door temperatures, where the benefit of additional light and footprint, the unilluminated greenhouse has a footprint of 34
heat from lamps seems to be exceptionally high. kgCO2eq m2 year1 while the HPS greenhouse has a footprint
The high running costs and carbon footprint associated of 241 kgCO2eq m2 year1 (Raaphorst et al., 2019 pp. G33-G34).
with electricity use (Fig. 12) are related to the assumptions Thus, the unilluminated greenhouse in this study had roughly
about the costs and carbon footprint of natural gas and elec- twice as much energy costs and carbon footprint compared to
tricity (Table 3), which were based on the case of the practice, and the LED greenhouse had similar energy costs and
Netherlands in 2019. Under these assumptions, electricity carbon footprint compared to an HPS greenhouse in practice.
purchased from the grid was 4 times more expensive and had The differences may be explained by the fact that practical
2.6 times higher carbon footprint compared to natural gas. This greenhouses use CHPs: it seems that for the unilluminated
resulted in all scenarios with lighting having much higher greenhouse, using the CHP reduced the energy expenses and
costs and carbon footprint than the scenarios without lighting. footprint by around half. The HPS greenhouse in Raaphorst
In practice, many growers in the Netherlands use a com- et al. (2019) used more electricity than the LED greenhouse
bined heat and power (CHP) generator, burning gas to produce in this study, but again, due to the use of a CHP the associated
heat and electricity simultaneously. In this way, the high costs costs and footprint were reduced, so that the actual perfor-
and carbon footprint associated with electricity are avoided, mance is comparable to the LED greenhouse in this study.
and may actually be a benefit, since the grower can sell elec- The finding that the need for energy from the heating sys-
tricity back to the grid. tem diminishes as the lighting input increases, is in line with
In this study (assuming electricity is purchased from the Katzin et al. (2021b), who compared greenhouses with either
grid), the running energy costs were around 7 V m2 year1 for HPS or LED lamps with equivalent PPFD but with different
an unilluminated greenhouse, and more than 30 V m2 year1 lamp power consumption, and showed that the greenhouses
262 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

with a lower energy input to the lighting system required a what is found in practice. Such a modification would result in a
higher energy input to the heating system. The prediction of lower energy input per product in the unilluminated green-
the heating requirement for the greenhouse without lamps or houses (N B, N B HS in Fig. 5), strengthening the conclusion that
heat storage e 1115 MJ m2 year1, is in line with Raaphorst adding lamps reduces the energy efficiency of a greenhouse.
et al. (2019) who reported an energy use of 1089 MJ m2 Another factor that influences yield is the organ sink
year1 for a greenhouse with heating from a boiler. strength (Section 2.3.3). It has been shown that light quality,
Using a heat storage system was predicted to save 156 such as the proportion of far-red radiation, increases the fruit
MJ m2 year1 in the unilluminated greenhouses, which is a sink strength in tomato (Ji et al., 2020). Further exploration of
lower estimate compared to the findings of Kempkes et al. the influence of sink strength and calibration of model pa-
(2017), who estimated that 225 MJ m2 year1 can be saved rameters for potential growth rate of the organs would help
by heat storage in a Dutch tomato greenhouse, and Ntinas, improve the model's yield predictions over a broad range of
Dannehl, Schuch, Rocksch, and Schmidt (2020), who found a scenarios and lighting configurations.
reduction of 290 MJ m2 with heat storage for a tomato crop in Lastly, the maximum yield predicted e 150 kg m2 with
Germany. The greenhouse with LEDs of 200 mmol m2 s1 lamps of 500 mmol m2 s1 e is comparable to an estimate that
required an energy input of 1580 MJ m2, which is 335 MJ m2 greenhouse tomato production can reach yields of up to
less than a comparable greenhouse in a previous study of 200 kg m2 (Heuvelink & Kierkels, 2013). In that study, a DMC
Katzin et al. (2021b). Although specific simulations are of the fruit of 5.5% and a greenhouse roof transmissivity of
required to explain the causes for this energy use reduction, 90% was assumed. Here, the DMC was 6% and the effective
around 200 MJ m2 of it can be attributed to the use of heat roof transmissivity was on average 72%. Taking these differ-
storage (Ntinas et al., 2020), around 30 MJ m2 to the extended ences into account, and using the rule of thumb that each
use of thermal screens (Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006), and extra 1% input of light will result in 1% more production
around 100 MJ m2 to the use of blackout screens (De Gelder, (Marcelis, Broekhuijsen, Nijs, Raaphorst, & Meinen, 2006), the
Poot, Dieleman, & De Zwart, 2012). yield prediction of 150 kg m2 would become 205 kg m2,
The yield predictions for the greenhouse with lamps at an which is in line with Heuvelink and Kierkels (2013).
intensity of 200 mmol m2 s1, found to be 99 kg m2, are in line In a greenhouse trial testing tomato cultivation under high
with Raaphorst et al. (2019), who reported a yield of 93 kg m2 light intensities, Vanlommel et al. (2020) found that the light
for a tomato greenhouse illuminated with 198 mmol m2 s1. use efficiency of a tomato crop over a full growing year was
The yield prediction for greenhouses without lamps e between 10 and 11 g of yield per mols of PAR above the canopy.
59e60 kg m2, is lower than the 73.4 kg m2 that was reported This is slightly lower than the values of 11e12 g mol1 found in
by Raaphorst et al. (2019) for a similar greenhouse. Thus, while the current study for the illuminated scenarios (Section 3.2).
Raaphorst et al. (2019) report a yield increase of 27% by adding The differences may be due to the choice of DMC in this study,
lamps to a greenhouse, in this study a yield increase of 65%e the assumption that the crop was not sink limited, or due to
68% was predicted. the fact that indoor CO2 concentrations were always high in
It is possible that the use of a constant dry matter content the simulated greenhouses, a condition that may be difficult
(DMC) to convert dry weight yield to fresh weight yield is the to achieve in practice. It should also be noted that in the
cause for this discrepancy. In particular, a DMC of 6% chosen in current study, the unilluminated scenarios had a poorer light
this study was based on a trial in an illuminated greenhouse use efficiency, of around 10 g mol1. The higher light use ef-
(Righini et al., 2020). However, in practice the DMC depends on ficiency under artificial lamps may be due to the fact that with
the specific cultivar and the crop environment. The mecha- illumination, the crop reached a fully closed canopy faster.
nisms that influence fruit DMC in tomato are unclear. It is Further research comparing the results of the current study
known that high electrical conductivity in the root zone in- with greenhouse trials could further elucidate the benefits and
creases DMC (Fanasca, Martino, Heuvelink, & Stanghellini, drawbacks of cultivation under high light intensities.
2007), and that crops typically show a higher DMC in sum-
mer and a lower DMC in winter (Kla € ring & Krumbein, 2013). 4.2. Energy use, energy efficiency, and future
€ ring &
This seasonal effect is arguably not due to radiation (Kla opportunities
Krumbein, 2013), but rather due to temperature (Kla € ring,
Klopotek, Krumbein, & Schwarz, 2015). Thus, it may very well The results of this study show that while lamps at an intensity
be that the average DMC is higher in illuminated greenhouses of 150 W m2 (LEDs of 450 mmol m2 s1 or above) were
than unilluminated ones: first, because illuminated green- necessary to maintain sufficient indoor temperatures (Fig. 4),
houses are warmer, due to heating from lamps as well as using this intensity throughout the year typically resulted in
longer periods under a “day” temperature setpoint (Section an excess of heat supplied to the greenhouse (Fig. 10), which
2.4). Second, illuminated crops transpire more (Fig. 11), which consequently had to be removed (Fig. 11). This large input of
may lead to faster drying, and thus a higher electrical con- excess heat was the result of a lamp strategy that typically
ductivity of the root zone. Further research into the influence illuminated for 18 h per day at a constant rate of 150 W m2,
of illumination on fruit DMC would help improve the knowl- arriving at a total of 9.72 MJ d1 (Fig. 10).
edge regarding the benefits of illumination in greenhouses, In that respect, the scenario with LEDs of 450 mmol m2 s1
and could be incorporated into models for future studies. Using (L 450) was not substantially different from a typical HPS
a lower DMC for the unilluminated greenhouse would result in greenhouse, which illuminates up to 18 h a day (Moerkens
higher yield predictions for unilluminated greenhouses and et al., 2016) at an intensity of 110 W m2 (Raaphorst et al.,
lower yield increases due to lamps, which may be closer to 2019). Indeed, the total purchased energy for the scenario L
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 263

450, which was 2378 MJ m2 year1, was close to what was of the reference case of LEDs at 200 mmol m2 s1
found by Katzin et al. (2021b) for an HPS greenhouse with (“Heating þ lighting L B 200” in Fig. 10). The heating require-
lamps at 200 mmol m2 s1 (110 W m2): 2290 MJ m2 year1. In ment for a crop under higher illumination may be higher,
that study yield was not considered, but it was assumed that since in general, crops under more light require more heating
HPS and LED lamps had an equivalent influence on the crop. to enhance metabolism and keep the crop in balance. At the
Thus, an estimated yield of 99 kg m2, as was found in the same time, the total yield would be higher than the reference
current study for the scenario with heating, and with LEDs at case, due to all of the energy coming from lamps rather than
an intensity of 200 mmol m2 s1 (L B 200), is a good assump- some of it supplied by the boiler, and the energy and CO2 in-
tion. The result is an energy use per product of 23 MJ kg1 in puts would be lower, due to their dynamic optimisation
the case of an HPS greenhouse. In that respect, the greenhouse throughout the season. Such a scenario would thus reverse
heated by lamps at an intensity of 450 mmol m2 s1 (L 450), the trend seen in Fig. 5D, where higher intensities result in
with an energy use per product of 16.7 MJ kg1, is considerably lower energy efficiency. This could expose a new avenue for
more efficient. This may be expected, as the scenario L 450 is greenhouse intensification, where higher yields are achieved
equipped with LED lamps (which have a higher efficacy than without increasing the total energy inputs. Further explora-
HPS lamps), and a heat storage system (which minimises heat tions in this direction could be extremely valuable.
The results also indicate that some simple adjustments to 4.3. Running costs and carbon footprint
the system could be used to help make a greenhouse heated
by lamps considerably more energy efficient: first, the As mentioned earlier, the analysis of running costs and car-
maximum heating demand could be reduced, consequently bon footprint was based on an energy market where elec-
reducing the required lamp intensity. This can be done by tricity purchased from the grid is considerably more
increasing the greenhouse's insulation, or by an extended use expensive, and has a much higher carbon footprint, compared
of thermal screens. For example, two thermal screens can be to natural gas. Any modification to the system that increases
used instead of one: one with a high insulating value and the use of electricity results in a considerable increase in
another with high light transmittance and an anti- running costs and carbon footprint (Fig. 12). This is also the
condensation film (De Gelder et al., 2012). Another possible case with current practice in the Netherlands (Raaphorst et al.,
avenue for improvement is lowering the temperature setpoint 2019). In fact, the reason that illuminating greenhouses in the
during the dark period, and possibly compensating for this by Netherlands is adopted is due to the fact that illuminated
setting a higher temperature setpoint during the light period. greenhouses may start the season earlier, and begin selling
Alternatively, a more sophisticated lighting strategy could be their produce in winter, when prices are high.
used. The scenario with a gradual lamp control, where lamp The economic and environmental analysis performed in
intensity was reduced by half depending on solar radiation, this study used the market conditions of the Netherlands in
consumed less energy and was more efficient than the sce- 2019. Since illuminated greenhouses were quite common in
nario with an on/off control strategy (Fig. 5). Further refining this market, it is reasonable to assume that the increase in
this control strategy would reduce the use of lamps when energy costs from around 0.1 V kg1 to around 0.3 V kg1
there is sufficient heating and lighting in the greenhouse, and (Fig. 12C) can still be attractive to growers due to higher pro-
could greatly improve the energy efficiency of the green- duce prices in winter. However, the analysis shows that a
houses heated by lamps. Such a refinement could include greenhouse heated by lamps will have an even higher energy
deciding on an hourly basis whether lamps should be used cost: 0.4e0.5 V kg1. Considering that such a greenhouse will
(Serale, Gnoli, Giraudo, & Fabrizio, 2021), or dynamically con- also have substantial investment costs, it seems unfeasible to
trolling the intensity of LEDs by dimming or pulse-width construct such a greenhouse, given the assumed market
modulation (Van Iersel & Gianino, 2017; Wang, Xu, & Wei, conditions. Such a greenhouse is also difficult to justify from
2018). Similarly, the greenhouse's transmissivity and insu- an environmental point of view (Fig. 12D).
lation could also be controlled dynamically, by employing an The conclusion is that a greenhouse heated by lamps is not
adaptive greenhouse shell (C. Lee, 2017). economically attractive under the current state of affairs,
A more refined control strategy for the lamps could prevent where the energy sources used for heating are considerably
excess energy supplied to the greenhouse. Consider for cheaper than electricity. Such greenhouses will only be
example the scenario L 450 in Fig. 10. Adjusting the lamp attractive if the energy market offers cheap electricity sources,
control strategy could ensure that the daily energy input is ideally ones that do not originate in fossil fuels. For example, if
precisely equal to the heating needs of the greenhouse. This electricity from the grid was based on renewable sources, its
can be done, for instance, by controlling the lamps in the same carbon footprint would be considerably lower e presumably
way as the boiler (for example, by using a proportional lower than the carbon footprint of natural gas. In this case, it
controller that is based on the difference between the indoor would be easier to justify the use of greenhouses that rely
temperature and the temperature setpoint). Alternatively, the heavily on electricity. If electricity was also considerably
lamp control could depend not only on outdoor solar radiation cheaper than natural gas, such greenhouses would also be
(as was done in the current study), but also on outdoor tem- more attractive from a financial point of view.
perature. This dynamic control of light intensity could also Fortunately, it seems that the electricity system, at least in
depend on, and be combined with, a dynamic control of CO2 the Netherlands, is slowly transitioning towards cleaner en-
injection. Ideally, the lamp input in such cases, and therefore ergy sources. While our analysis assumed that electricity from
the total energy input, will be comparable to the energy input the grid has a carbon footprint of 0.64 kgCO2eq kWh1 (Section
264 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

2.6.3), more recent figures suggest that this value is now 0.45 may be lower than what was found here. If that is the case, the
kgCO2eq kWh1 for the fossil-based electricity consumed in achieved yield may be lower than what is predicted here.
the Netherlands, and 0.37 kgCO2eq kWh1 for the total elec- For hybrid greenhouses with interlights, shading on the
tricity market in the Netherlands (CE Delft, 2022). This devel- crop by the interlights was also neglected (Section A.3). This
opment indicates that it is quite likely that greenhouses too may cause a slight overestimation of the light reaching the
heated by lamps will become more beneficial (from an envi- crop. However, when it comes to interlighting, a possibly
ronmental point of view) in the near future. bigger limitation of the current model is the use of a “big leaf”
Naturally, if the energy system is such that electricity from approach. For the model used in this study, crop photosyn-
the grid is cheap and clean, one possible solution would be to thesis and transpiration is estimated by considering the total
use boilers that are powered by the grid. In order to evaluate amount of PAR absorbed by the canopy, regardless of light
the best scenario in this case, the energy efficiency of the gradients (Vanthoor, De Visser, et al., 2011b). However, since
system in terms of energy input per product is the most leaf photosynthesis has a saturating response to light, it is
important factor (Fig. 5D). It can be seen that in this case, expected that a crop receiving a uniform light distribution due
greenhouses with heat storage have a very strong advantage. to interlighting would be more productive than a crop under
Among those greenhouses, the unilluminated one (N B HS) toplighting with equivalent intensity (Trouwborst et al., 2011).
had the highest energy efficiency, but relatively low yields. In practice, other physiological effects interact with this po-
Other scenarios showed considerably higher yields and only tential benefit of interlighting, and the theoretical advantages
slightly lower energy efficiency, which could also likely be of interlighting have not yet been achieved (Go  mez & Mitchell,
improved further, as described in the previous subsection. 2016; Trouwborst, Oosterkamp, Hogewoning, Harbinson, &
It should be noted, however, that the analysis in this study van Ieperen, 2010). Thus, it can be argued that the “big leaf”
did not include aspects other than the running environmental approach to interlighting is sufficient to describe what is
and financial costs. Investment costs and other consider- currently seen in greenhouses. Nevertheless, a more refined
ations may play an important role on whether greenhouses crop model can help examine the potential advantages of
heated by light are attractive from a commercial or practical interlighting, elucidate how these potentials can be reached,
point of view. A greenhouse heated by lamps may have lower and more accurately reflect practice once they are realised.
investment or maintenance costs, and may provide the Possible approaches are the use of Gaussian integration of
benefit of offering simpler management or control schemes. photosynthesis across the canopy (Goudriaan, 2016), or 3D
models of the crop and greenhouse (De Visser, Buck-Sorlin, &
4.4. Limitations of the current study and consequences Van der Heijden, 2014).
for general practice Furthermore, in the scenarios studied, the crop model was
modified to ensure that the crop is never sink limited (Section
While the model used in this study and the subcomponents 2.3.3). This modification was based on the assumption that an
within it have been found to provide reliable predictions expert grower manages the crop by leaf and fruit pruning and
under several conditions (Katzin et al., 2020; Righini et al., by adjusting the stem density. Such a modification could
2020; Vanthoor, De Visser, et al., 2011b; Vanthoor, ideally ensure that the crop is never sink limited. In practice,
Stanghellini, et al., 2011a), the scenarios investigated here however, many growers will not manage their crop in such an
are exploratory in nature and therefore have not been vali- ideal manner, and the crop will be sink limited, at least part of
dated. The predictions provided here should thus be viewed as the time, especially if the crop is exposed to high light in-
indicating potential directions, and not as a promise for a tensities. Therefore, the results shown in this study regarding
particular value for yearly yield or energy use. the scenarios under high light might be a bit too optimistic;
One limitation of the model used in this study is that it the achieved yields might be lower than predicted here,
considers the greenhouse air below the screens as homoge- especially as growers will need to learn how to adapt to this
nous and neglects horizonal or vertical temperature gradients. new approach for growing.
Since convective heat rises vertically, it may be difficult to Another model assumption that should be reconsidered is
heat the air and crop when LEDs are used as toplights. In order the assumption that energy used for assimilation during
to overcome this in practice, using LEDs as both interlights photosynthesis is negligible. This can be done by including the
and toplights may be preferred, and the results of this study energy used for fixation of carbon (Gutschick, 2016). Including
do not predict meaningful changes in terms of energy use or carbon fixation in the greenhouse energy balance means that
yield (Fig. 5, compare L 450 and L/L 450). Alternatively, fans less energy will be heating the greenhouse, especially in the
may be employed to ensure air flow from the lamps towards case of high intensity lighting. Presumably, this would result in
the crop. In this case, the total greenhouse energy use might slightly higher heating needs or more cold hours. However, a
be slightly higher than predicted in this study. careful consideration, including the entire greenhouse energy
Another challenge for a greenhouse heated by lamps is the dynamics, is required before any conclusions can be made.
installation of the MCD unit of the heat storage system. In a Another assumption in the scenarios considered in this
previous trial, the MCD unit was installed above the crop, in a study is that supplemental CO2 was available from an exter-
way that obstructed 11% of the sunlight coming into the nally supplied tank or from a network supplying industrial
greenhouse (Dannehl, Schuch, & Schmidt, 2013). In the cur- CO2. In practice, the lack of available CO2 may limit the
rent study however, shading by the MCD was assumed to be implementation of greenhouses heated by lamps. Currently,
negligible. Ideally, the MCD could be installed in such a way advanced greenhouses extract CO2 from flue gasses that are
that shading is minimal, but the sunlight reaching the crop emitted when fossil fuels are burned to heat the greenhouse
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 265

(Stanghellini, Van ’t Ooster, & Heuvelink, 2019, p. 228). in practice, they do not change the overall conclusions, and
Reducing the burning of fossil fuels in greenhouses is ex- the expectation that as lamp use intensifies in greenhouses,
pected to create a shortage of supplemental CO2 (Van der yields and total energy use will increase, while heating de-
Velden & Smit, 2019). Thus, no matter how greenhouses will mands and energy efficiency will decrease. The limit to this
develop in the future, the issue of CO2 is one that will need to trend will likely be determined by economic issues, such as
be addressed. One possible solution to this problem is trans- what is profitable to growers and what resources are available.
porting CO2 that is emitted by factories for use in greenhouses, Currently, it seems that intensifying lamp use is economically
but this requires appropriate infrastructure (OCAP, 2019). One beneficial, despite it resulting in higher energy use and lower
advantage of the systems proposed in this study is that energy efficiency. Predicting where this trend will saturate
ventilation to the outdoors is minimised due to mechanical depends on developments and fluctuations in the global en-
cooling and dehumidification. This allows to conserve much ergy market, which lie outside the scope of this study. What is
of the CO2 in the greenhouse air and increases the system's clear, however, is that the scenarios described here open up a
CO2 efficiency. Incidentally, it also increases the greenhouse's new avenue for the future development of the greenhouse
water use efficiency (Katsoulas, Sapounas, De Zwart, sector, including the possibility to do away with fossil-fuel
Dieleman, & Stanghellini, 2015). burning boilers.
The scenarios examined in this study focused on the
Netherlands as a particular use case, using one standard
meteorological year of weather data. Nevertheless, the 5. Conclusions and recommendations
methodology used in this study can be employed for other
locations or for other weather patterns by using a different set The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a green-
of inputs. The details of the results will change, but some house system that is heated exclusively by lamps is feasible,
important factors will remain the same. First, a certain value and to examine the yield, energy use, and energy efficiency of
will be found representing the maximum heating rate such a system. By using a stepwise approach, insights were
required for the greenhouse. This value will serve as a basis gained not only on this novel greenhouse system, but also on
for the choice of the lamp intensity. If the heat is properly current greenhouse practice. To summarise, the following
maintained in the greenhouse (by the use of screens and heat conclusions can be drawn:
storage), this will result in more heat being provided to the
greenhouse than what is needed, since by definition, the 1. A greenhouse system that is entirely heated by lamps is
lamp's energy input will be higher than the heating require- feasible, as long as the lamps and the heat storage
ment for most of the year. However, the steps described in system installed have a capacity that can sufficiently
Section 4.2 e reducing the maximum heat demand and cover all the greenhouse's heating needs. For the use
employing a more dynamic lighting strategy e will help case examined in the Netherlands, this required
reduce the greenhouse's energy use and increase its efficiency. installing LEDs at an intensity of 150 W m2
Similarly, the scenarios in this study were based on a (450 mmol m2 s1), and a diurnal heat storage system
specific set of climate control decisions. In practice, these with a total buffer size of 2 MJ m2.
controls vary greatly between growers and throughout the 2. Assuming equivalent lamp types, and control strategies
year. Modifications of the control strategy can substantially that followed an identical set of rules, there was a trade-
improve a greenhouse's performance and reduce its energy off between increasing yield and energy efficiency.
use (Van Beveren, Bontsema, Van Straten, & Van Henten, Going from no lamps to LEDs at a PPFD of 200, 400, 450,
2015). In particular, the optimal control strategy for current and 500 mmol m2 s1, the predicted yields gradually
practice is likely not the optimal strategy for a greenhouse increased, but the predicted energy use increased even
heated by lamps. At the same time, as is the case for different more, resulting in a decrease in energy efficiency.
locations, the principle behind this study remains even if the 3. An exception to the trade-off between increasing yield
control strategy is modified: first, the maximum heating rate and energy efficiency was found when LEDs replaced
is found. An improved control strategy may significantly HPS lamps in a hybrid system. An all-LED system of
reduce this value. Next, lamps at this rate are installed. Lastly, 450 mmol m2 s1 had a higher yield and a higher energy
a control strategy is devised such that the maximum benefit efficiency than hybrid HPS/LED systems of 320 or
can be derived from the lamps, ideally with minimal energy 370 mmol m2 s1.
losses due to lamp use that exceeds the greenhouse's heating 4. Greenhouses with supplemental lighting typically pro-
demands. Here as well, the opportunities described in Section vide more heating energy than what is needed in order
4.2 could prove useful. As mentioned there, a lamp control to maintain the required temperature setpoints. This is
strategy that is adjusted according to the greenhouse's heating true even for LEDs at current typical intensities
demands could greatly improve the energy efficiency of (200 mmol m2 s1). One possible way to improve the
greenhouses heated by lamps. Optimal control methods (Van greenhouses heated by lamps considered in this study
Straten, Van Willigenburg, Van Henten, & Van Ooteghem, is by dynamically controlling the lighting intensity ac-
2010) could take this another step forward, by not only cording to the greenhouse's heat demand, while also
responding to the current heating demands, but also pre- balancing the crop needs in terms of light, heat, and
dicting them and adjusting the control strategy accordingly. CO2.
In any case, while the limitations described above may 5. While the greenhouses heated by lamps had a lower
hinder the implementation of a greenhouse heated by lamps energy efficiency than those heated with a boiler,
266 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

potential avenues for improving this efficiency were Heuvelink for their useful input, comments, and suggestions.
identified. These included reducing the maximum We would also like to thank 3 anonymous reviewers for their
heating demand by increasing insulation and using helpful comments.
more screens, reducing the temperature setpoint during
the dark period, or employing a dynamic control of the A. Appendix. detailed description of new model
lamps such that an excess supply of heat to the green- components
house is prevented. Under these circumstances, green-
houses heated by lamps have the potential to increase The model used in this study was a new version of the
yields while maintaining or reducing total energy use, GreenLight model (Katzin et al., 2020). GreenLight is based on
thus breaking the yield vs efficiency trade-off. the model of Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b); Vanthoor,
Stanghellini, et al. (2011a), extended to add lamps and a
blackout screen. Details of the model are available in the
Data availability electronic appendices of Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b);
Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a), in Katzin et al. (2021b);
The data used in this study and simulation outputs generated Katzin et al., (2020), and in Chapter 7 of Katzin (2021).
by the model are available at the 4TU database, https://doi. The model of Katzin et al. (2020) was extended by including
org/10.4121/14575965 (Katzin et al., 2021a). The code used for a mechanical cooling and dehumidification and a heat storage
this study is available at system, modifying the interlighting component, and by
GreenLight. adjusting the crop sub-model. Furthermore, the model was
modified such that whenever HPS lamps were switched off,
they were not allowed to switch back on again for a duration
CRediT author statement of 1 h. The heat storage sub-model was based on Vanthoor,
Stanghellini, et al. (2011a) and Righini et al. (2020). Some
David Katzin: Conceptualisation, Methodology, Software, model parameters were based on Van Beveren, Bontsema,
Formal Analysis, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing e Van ’t Ooster, Van Straten, & Van Henten (2020). The inter-
Original Draft, Writing e Review & Editing, Visualisation. Leo lighting model combined components already existing in the
FM Marcelis: Conceptualisation, Writing e Review & Editing, Greenlight model (Katzin et al., 2020) and components from
Supervision, Funding Acquisition. Eldert J van Henten: Con- Righini et al. (2020). Further details are described in Chapter 7
ceptualisation, Writing e Review & Editing, Supervision, of Katzin (2021).
Funding Acquisition. Simon van Mourik: Conceptualisation, The new model components were connected to the model
Writing e Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding Acquisition. described in Katzin et al. (2020) in two ways. First, a hot water
buffer from the heat storage system was connected to the
greenhouse heating pipes, influencing their temperature
Funding (marked here in bold):

This work was part of the “LED it be 50%” Perspectief program capPipe T_Pipe ¼ HBoilPipe þ HBuf HotPipe  RPipeSky  RPipeCov;in  RPipeCan
number 14217, supported by the Netherlands Organisation for  RPipeFlr  RPipeThScr  HPipeAir  RPipeBlScr þ RLampPipe W m2
Scientific Research - Domain Applied and Engineering Sci- (A.1)
ences (NWO-AES), Glastuinbouw Nederland, Signify, B-Mex,
and Ridder Growing Solutions. Here, T_ Pipe ( C s1) is the rate of change in the temperature of
the greenhouse heating pipes and HBufHotPipe (W m2) represents
energy from the hot buffer used to heat the greenhouse
Declaration of competing interest heating pipes.
The heat storage system included a mechanical cooling
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal and dehumidification (MCD) unit which affected the temper-
relationships which may be considered as potential competing ature and water vapor pressure of the greenhouse air (marked
interests: David Katzin reports financial support was provided in bold):
by Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research.
David Katzin reports financial support was provided by Glas- capAir T_ Air ¼ HCanAir þ HPipeAir þ RGlob SunAir  HAirMech  HAirFlr
tuinbouw Nederland. David Katzin reports financial support  HAirThScr  HAirOut  HAirTop  HAirBlScr þ HLampAir þ RLampAir (A.2)
was provided by Signify. David Katzin reports financial support þ HIntLampAir þ HGroPipeAir W m2
was provided by B-Mex. David Katzin reports financial support
was provided by Ridder Growing Solutions. _ Air ¼ MVCanAir  MVAirThScr  MVAirTop  MVAirOut  MVAirBlScr
capVPAir VP
 MVAirMech kg m2 s1

Acknowledgements Here, T_Air ( C s1) is the rate of change in the temperature of

the greenhouse air, VP _ Air (Pa s1) is the rate of change in the
The authors would like to thank Bert van ‘t Ooster, Frank vapor pressure of the greenhouse air, HAirMech (W m2) is sen-
Kempkes, Bram Vanthoor, Peter van Beveren, and Ep sible energy extracted from the greenhouse through cooling
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 267

by the MCD, and MVAirMech (kg m2 s1) is water vapor extracted with UMech the control valve of the MCD (0e1), COPMech () the
from the greenhouse through dehumidification by the MCD. coefficient of performance of the MCD unit, and PMech (W m2)
Other expressions in Eq. A. 1-Eq. A. 3, indicating energy and the electrical capacity of the MCD unit.
water vapor flows in the greenhouse air, are described in Combining Eq. A. 7 with Eq. A. 1, Eq. A. 2, Eq. A. 6 results in
Katzin et al. (2020); Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a)) For (assuming VPAir  VPMech ):
consistent notation, we replaced HMechAir which appears in
QMech ðTAir  TMech Þ  
Righini et al. (2020); Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a) by HAirMech ¼ W m2 (A.9)
TAir  TMech þ 6:4,109 LðVPAir  VPMech Þ
HAirMech ¼ HMechAir and replaced the notations HECMechAir ,
TMechCool , VPMechCool by HECAirMech , TMech , VPMech , respectively.
QMech ,6:4,109 LðVPAir  VPMech Þ
LAirMech ¼
TAir  TMech þ 6:4,109 LðVPAir  VPMech Þ (A.10)
A.1. Mechanical cooling and dehumidification (MCD) kg fwater vaporgm2 s1 :

Combining Eq. A. 9 and Eq. A. 10 results in:

Mechanical cooling and dehumidification (MCD) was done
simultaneously by the mechanical cooling instrument HAirMech þ LAirMech ¼ QMech W m2 : (A.11)
described by Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a). The heat
and humidity extracted by the system were described by: This is consistent with the definition of QMech as the amount
of energy extracted from the greenhouse by the MCD unit, with
HAirMech ¼ HECAirMech ðTAir  TMech Þ W m2 (A.4) HAirMech (W m2) the amount of sensible energy extracted from
the air onto the cold surface of the MCD, and L,MVAirMech (W
  m2) the amount of latent energy that is removed from the air
MVAirMech ¼ max 0; 6:4,109 HECAirMech ðVPAir  VPMech Þ
  as MVAirMech (kg {water vapor} m2 s1) condenses in the MCD.
 kg fwater vaporgm2 s1 (A.5)

where HAirMech (W m2) is the energy removed from the A.2. Heat storage
greenhouse air by the MCD, HECMechAir (W m2 K1) is the
heat exchange coefficient between the MCD unit and the The heat storage component was modelled based on Righini
greenhouse air, TAir ( C) is the temperature of the green- et al. (2020). It was composed of a cold buffer, a hot buffer,
house air, TMech ( C) is the temperature of the cold surface of and a heat pump connecting them. The model for the buffers
the cooling unit, MVAirMech (kg {water vapor} m2 s1) is the was based on the following assumptions: the buffers are tanks
water vapor removed from the greenhouse air by the MCD, filled with water that is in a temperature gradient, with water
VPAir (Pa) is the vapor pressure of the air, VPMech (Pa) is the at a temperature of TMin ( C) in the bottom and TMax ( C) at the
saturation vapor pressure at the temperature TMech , and 6:4, top. The buffers supplied energy by letting out water at TMax
109 (kg {water vapor} Pa1 K J1) is a conversion factor and simultaneously letting in water at TMin . The buffers
relating the heat exchange coefficient (W m2 K1) to a received energy in a reverse process. Based on these actions,
vapor exchange coefficient (kg m2 s1 Pa1). It was the average buffer temperature varied between TMin and TMax .
assumed that whenever the MCD was operational, TMech was The buffer was considered empty, i.e., it cannot supply more
held constant at 10  C. energy, if its average temperature was TMin , and the buffer was
Removal of vapor MVAirMech (kg {water vapor} m2 s1) oc- considered full, i.e., it cannot receive more energy, if its
curs by condensation on the cold sheet of the MCD and is only average temperature was TMax . Since the buffers were used for
possible when the dew point of the air is above TMech , or fast (diurnal) storage and release of energy, energy losses to
equivalently, when VPAir  VPMech . Since cooling and dehu- the environment were assumed negligible.
midification occur simultaneously, the MCD only operated Based on the above assumptions and in order to ease
when TAir  TMech and VPAir  VPMech . Condensation is related integration with the greenhouse model, the buffers were
to a corresponding latent energy flow: described using the available energy they contain rather than
  their average temperature. For this, two state variables, EBufHot
LAirMech ¼ L,MVAirMech W m2 (A.6)
and EBufCold (MJ m2), representing the available energy in the
where LAirMech (W m ) is the energy released by condensation buffer, were introduced. A value of 0 MJ m2 represented an
of vapor on the cold surface of the MCD, and L ¼ 2:45, 106 J empty buffer, i.e., a buffer with average temperature TMin . A
kg1 {water} is the latent heat of evaporation of water (denoted value of cBufSize , the maximum energy available in the buffer
DH in Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a)). (MJ m2), represented a full buffer, i.e., a buffer with average
The heat exchange coefficient between the mechanical temperature TMax . The value of cBufSize depended on the tem-
cooling unit and the greenhouse air was defined by perature difference of the buffer and its size:

HECMechAir ¼ W m2 K1 cBufSize ¼ 4:184,cBufVol ðTMax  TMin Þ MJ m2 : (A.12)
TAir  TMech þ 6:4,109 LðVPAir  VPMech Þ
3 2
(A.7) where cBufVol (m m ) is the volume of the buffer relative to the
greenhouse floor area and 4.184 MJ m3 K1 is the energy
where QMech (W m2) was the energy extracted from the needed to raise the temperature of one m3 of water by 1  C. As
greenhouse by the MCD unit: can be seen by Eq. A. 12, what was important for modelling the
  system was not the actual temperatures of TMin and TMax , but
QMech ¼ UMech COPMech PMech W m2 (A.8)
rather the assumed difference between these temperatures,
268 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

which influenced how much energy the buffers can contain. Finally, the heat from the hot buffer was transferred to the
Thus the values of the temperatures described below are only greenhouse heating pipes:
meant for illustrative purposes, since the flows and states of  
the buffers were not modelled as water with a certain tem- HBufHotPipe ¼ UBufHot PBufHot W m2 (A.18)
perature, but rather as energy flows (measured in W m2) and where UBofHot (0e1) is the control of energy flow from the hot
available energy content (measured in MJ m2). Following buffer to the heating pipes, and PBufHot (W m2) is the maximal
Righini et al. (2020), the cold buffer was assumed to have flow rate of energy from the heat buffer to the pipes.
TMin ¼ 5  C and TMax ¼ 15  C and the hot buffer was assumed to
have TMin ¼ 30  C and TMax ¼ 50  C. Under standard settings, the A.3. Interlighting
size of both buffers cBufVol was 0.01 m3 m2, resulting in cCold
BufSize ¼

4:184,0:01,ð15 5Þ ¼ 0:4184 MJ m2 and cHot

BufSize ¼ 4:184,0:01,
The interlighting component of the model was similar to the
ð50 30Þ ¼ 0:8368 MJ m2. top lighting model described in Katzin et al. (2020). In that
When the MCD removed sensible and latent energy from the study, an interlighting component was described which
greenhouse air, it did so by simultaneously heating water from assumed a fully grown crop, which therefore absorbed all the
the cold buffer. In other words, the energy QMech extracted by the radiation coming from the interlights. In this study, a more
MCD system was transferred to the cold buffer. This process refined interlighting component was used.
stopped when the cold buffer was full, since in this case there
was no cold water available to maintain the MCD cold enough to A.3.1. Short wave radiation (PAR and NIR)
operate. Two differences between toplighting and interlighting are that
When the heat pump was on, it extracted energy from the (1) radiation from the interlights originates from a vertical
cold buffer and added it to the hot buffer. This could only position in the middle of the canopy, and (2) it is emitted both
happen if the cold buffer was not empty and the hot buffer upwards and downwards. Five parameters were used to
was not full. Lastly, the hot buffer supplied energy to the describe the PAR and NIR radiation from the interlights to the
greenhouse's heating pipes. canopy and floor. the first was the vertical position of the
Put in equations, the system has the same structure as the interlights within the canopy, denoted by vIntLampPos . This
one described by Righini et al. (2020): parameter (denoted as hLed LAI by Righini et al. (2020)), ranged
from 0 to 1, indicating what fraction of the total leaf area index
106 E_BufCold ¼ HAirMech þ LAirMech  HBufColdHeatPump W m2 (A.13) (LAI) of the canopy lies below the interlights: a vIntLampPos of
0 indicates that the interlights are completely below the can-
106 E_BufHot ¼ HHeatPumpBufHot  HBufHotPipe W m2 (A.14) opy and a vIntLampPos of 1 indicates that the interlights are above
the canopy.
where 106 is a conversion from J to MJ, E_BufCold (MW m2) is the A second parameter, FIntLampY , indicates what fraction of the
net energy flux of the cold buffer, HBufColdHeatPump (W m2) is the emitted radiation of the interlights (PAR and NIR) was directed
energy flux from the cold buffer to the heat pump, HLampCool (W downwards. Interlighting lamps that are set to project light
m2) is the energy flux to the cold buffer by lamp cooling, exclusively upwards have an FIntLampY of 0, and Interlighting
E_BufHot (MW m2) is the net energy flux of the hot buffer, lamps that project light exclusively downwards have an
HHeatPumpBufHot (W m2) is the energy flux from the heat pump to FIntLampY of 1. Lastly, three extinction coefficients K1 IntPAR ,
the hot buffer, and HBufHotPipe (W m2) is the energy flux from K2 IntPAR , and KIntNIR were included to describe light penetration
the hot buffer to the greenhouse heating pipes. to the canopy from the interlights. These are analogous to the
Removal of energy from the cold buffer by the heat pump extinction coefficients K1 PAR , K2 PAR , KNIR in Vanthoor,
was described by: Stanghellini, et al. (2011a) that describe light penetration to
the canopy from above and below.
HBufColdHeatPump ¼ COPHeatPump  1 UHeatPump PHeatPump W m2 With these parameters, PAR and NIR from the interlights to
(A.15) the canopy was described (Figure A. 1). Light penetration
through the canopy was modelled according to the
Where COPHeatPump () is the COP for heating of the heat pump,
LamberteBeer law, which states that a canopy with an LAI of l
COPHeatPump -1 () is the COP for cooling of the heat pump (see Eq.
intercepts a fraction 1  ekl and transmits a fraction ekl of the
(9.4) in Stanghellini, Van ’t Ooster, & Heuvelink (2019)), UHeatPump
light coming from above, with k an extinction coefficient of
(0e1) is the degree of operation of the heat pump, and PHeatPump
the canopy (Goudriaan, 2016).
(W m2) is the electrical consumption of the heat pump.
The fraction of light going downwards from the interlights
Extraction of energy into the hot buffer by the heat pump
is FIntLampY . Out of this light, 1  expðK1 IntPAR vIntLampPos LAIÞ
was defined as:
reaches the canopy, and expðK1 IntPAR vIntLampPos LAIÞ is trans-
  mitted to the floor. Light going up from the interlights behaves
HHeatPumpBufHot ¼ COPHeatPump UHeatPump PHeatPump W m2 (A.16)
in a similar way, with 1  FIntLampY instead of FIntLampY and with
Combining Eq. A. 15 and Eq. A. 16 results in the total energy 1  vIntLampPos replacing vIntLampPos . The total fraction of light
added to the system by the heat pump: from the interlights reaching the canopy is:
QHeatPump ¼HHeatPumpBufHot HBufColdHeatPump ¼UHeatPump PHeatPump Wm2 FIntLampCanPAR ¼ 1  FIntLampY exp  K1 IntPAR vIntLampPos LAI
þ FIntLampY  1 exp  K1 IntPAR 1  vIntLampPos LAI (A.19)
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 269

For example, if vIntLampPos ¼ 1, the interlights are above the RNIR IntLampFlr ¼ hIntLampNIR QIntLampIn , FIntLampY ð1  rFlrNIR Þ,
canopy, so a fraction 1  FIntLampY of the light emitted by the    (A.27)
exp  KIntNIR vIntLampPos LAI W m2
interlights is transmitted upwards, a fraction
FIntLampY ð1 expðK1 IntPAR LAIÞÞ of the light emitted by the with 1  rCanNIR () the NIR absorption coefficient of the floor.
interlights reaches the canopy, and a fraction PAR and NIR energy emitted by the interlights and not
FIntLampY expðK1 IntPAR LAIÞ reaches the floor. On the other hand, absorbed by the canopy or floor are assumed to be absorbed by
if vIntLampPos ¼ 0, the interlights are below the canopy, a fraction the greenhouse construction elements and immediately
ð1 FIntLampY ÞexpðK1 IntPAR LAIÞ of the light emitted is trans- transferred to the greenhouse air:
mitted upwards, a fraction ð1 FIntLampY Þð1 expðK1 IntPAR LAIÞÞ  
RIntLampAir ¼ hIntLampPAR þ hIntLampNIR QIntLampIn  RPAR IntLampCan
reaches the canopy, and a fraction FIntLampY reaches the floor.  
 RNIR IntLampCan  RPAR IntLampFlr  RNIR IntLampFlr W m2
Emission of NIR from the interlights to the lamps is
modelled analogously, with KIntNIR replacing K1 IntPAR . Based on (A.28)
this, the PAR and NIR from the interlights to the canopy and For the choice of parameters used in this study, it was
floor is calculated. The PAR emitted by the interlights is: assumed that the interlights were always positioned in the
  middle of the canopy (vIntLampPos is 0.5), and that they emit light
RPAR GhIntLamp ¼ hIntLampPAR QIntLampIn W m2 (A.20)
up and down in equal amounts (FIntLampY is 0.5). In this case, the
with hIntLampPAR () the fraction of electrical input to the inter- total fraction of PAR light from the interlights reaching the
lights converted to PAR, and QIntLampIn (W m2) the electrical canopy was (see Eq. A. 19):
input to the interlights:
FIntLampCanPAR ¼ 1  expð  0:5K1 IntPAR LAIÞ (A.29)
QIntLampIn ¼ UIntLamp ,qIntLampMax ðW m2 Þ (A.21) Since it was assumed that light penetration from the inter-
lights was equal to light penetration from above, the PAR light
where UIntLamp (0e1) indicates whether the interlights are
extinction from the interlights K1 IntPAR was chosen to be twice
switched on (0 if all lamps are off, 1 if all lamps are fully on),
the value of the PAR light extinction from above K1 PAR , so that
and qIntLampMax (W m2) is the electrical input for the interlights
FIntLampCanPAR will be equal to 1  exp ð  K1 PAR LAIÞ ¼ 1
when they are fully on.
exp ð0:7LAIÞ (Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al., 2011a). This meant
The PAR from the interlights directly absorbed by the
that K1 IntPAR was chosen as 1.4. Out of similar considerations, all
canopy is:
interlight light extinction coefficients were double the value of
  the comparable light extinction coefficients for light coming
RPAR IntLampCanY ¼ RPAR GhIntLamp FIntLampCanPAR ,ð1  rCanPAR Þ W m2
from above: K2 IntPar was set at 1.4 (), KIntFIR was set at 1.88 (),
and KIntNIR was set at 0.54 ().
with 1  rCanPAR () the PAR absorption coefficient of the can- Nominal lamp parameters were chosen as in Katzin et al.
opy. The PAR from the interlights absorbed by the floor is: (2021b), which described LEDs at an intensity of
200 mmol m2 s1. In order to consider higher lamp intensities,
RPAR IntLampFlr ¼ RPAR GhIntLamp FIntLampY , exp
    the same approach as in Katzin et al. (2021b) was used: for a
 K1 IntPAR vIntLampPos LAI ,ð1  rFlrPAR Þ W m2 (A.23)
lamp with an intensity that is x times the nominal intensity of
with 1  rFlrPAR () the PAR absorption coefficient of the floor. 200 mmol m2 s1, the following parameters were multiplied
The PAR reflected from the floor and absorbed by the by a factor of x: the lamp power consumption qLampMax (W m2),
canopy is: the heat capacity of the toplights capLamp (J K1 m2), the heat
exchange coefficient between the toplights and surrounding
RPARIntLampFlrCan [ ¼ RPAR GhIntLamp FIntLampY rFlrPAR , ð1  rCanPAR Þð1  exp air cHEClampAir (W K1 m2), and the lamp area ALamp (m2 m2).
ð  K2 IntPAR LAIÞÞ,exp  K1 IntPAR vIntLampPos LAI W m
The lamp PPFD hLampPAR ,zLampPAR ,qLampMax (mmol m2 s1) was
(A.24) multiplied by a factor x as a consequence of multiplying
qLampMax . The transmissivity of the lamp layer to PAR, NIR, and
with 1  exp ðK2 IntPAR LAIÞ () the fraction of PAR reaching the
FIR was set at 1  ALamp (), assuming that the change in in-
canopy, out of the PAR emitted from the interlights and re-
tensity was due to installing less or more lamps.
flected by the floor. The total PAR from the interlights absor-
Similar considerations were used for parametrisation of
bed by the canopy is:
the interlights. The nominal parameters for interlights at
  200 mmol m2 s1 were equivalent to those of toplights at
RPAR IntLampCan ¼ RPAR IntLampCanY þ RPAR IntLampFlrCan[ W m2 : (A.25)
200 mmol m2 s1. For other lamp intensities, the parameters
The NIR from the interlights absorbed by the canopy is: for the heat capacity of the interlight capIntLamp (J K1 m2),
  the heat exchange coefficient between the interlights and
RNIR ¼ hIntLampNIR QIntLampIn FIntLampCanNIR ,ð1  rCanNIR Þ W m2
surrounding air cHECintLampAir (W K1 m2), the interlights' power

(A.26) consumption qIntLampMax (W m2), and consequently, the

with FIntLampCanNIR () calculated analogously to FIntLampCanPAR (Eq. interlights’ PPFD hIntLampPAR ,zIntLampPAR ,qIntLampMax (mmol m2
A. 19) and 1  rCanNIR () the NIR absorption coefficient of the s1), were modified as above. The area of the interlights
canopy. AIntLamp (m2 m2) and the transmissivity of FIR passing through
The NIR from the interlights absorbed by the floor is: the interlights layer tIntLampFIR () were held at their standard
270 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

values, with the assumption that interlights are added by The lamp areas Alamp and AIntLamp are parameters that
stacking them on top of each other, thus maintaining the depend on the choice of the lamps. The emissivity of the
same horizontal surface area. toplights εLamp is different between the top and the bottom side
of the lamp. Thus, two emissivity values εLamp , εBottom
Lamp are used,
A.3.2. Far infrared (FIR)
depending on the direction of radiation emitted from the
The long wave (FIR) heat exchange between the greenhouse
toplights. Table A. 1 also includes which of these values is
objects is calculated according to the StefaneBoltzmann law,
used for the toplights. For FIR exchange between the toplights
as was done by Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a) based on
the model of De Zwart, 1996: and interlights, εBottom
Lamp was used.

 The view factor between the interlights and the canopy is

Ri;j ¼ Ai εi εj Fi;j s ðTi þ 273:15Þ4  Tj þ 273:15 W m2 (A.30) calculated in a similar way as in Section A.3.1 (Figure A. 1),
with a fraction of the FIR radiation going upwards from the
where Ai (m2 m2) is the surface area of object i per area of interlights reaching the canopy:
greenhouse floor; εi , εj () are the emissivities of objects i and j;
Fi;j is the view factor between the two objects i; j; and Ti , Tj are FIntLampCan[ ¼ 1  exp  KIntFIR 1  vIntLampPos LAI ð  Þ (A.31)
the temperatures of the objects ( C). This formula provides an
and a fraction of the FIR radiation going downwards from the
expression for the net radiation exchange from object i to j,
interlights reaching the canopy:
provided that the surface area, view factor, and emissivities
are known. FIntLampCanY ¼ 1  exp  KIntFIR vIntLampPos LAI ð  Þ: (A.32)
The areas Ai , emissivities εi , and view factors Fi;j used are
The surface area of the top and bottom side of the interlights
given in Table A. 1. The toplights, interlights, and blackout
is AIntLamp (m2 m2), and the emissivity of the interlights is
screen obstruct the view between objects in the greenhouse,
εIntLamp . For greenhouse objects that the interlights lie between
and the long wave heat exchanges (as they were defined in
them, a transmissivity factor tIntLampFIR is included to take into
Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a)) were modified accord-
account obstruction of FIR by the interlights. The obstruction of
ingly, with the assumption that the blackout screen is directly
radiation towards the canopy by the interlights is neglected.
below the thermal screen.

Table A.1 e Parameters for long wave (FIR) heat exchange, including the influence of the interlights, lamps, and blackout
screens. RObj1Obj2 indicates net radiation exchange from Obj1 to Obj2. Expressions marked in bold are additions or
modifications to the model of Katzin et al. (2020). BlScr: blackout screens; Can: canopy; Cov,e: external side of the cover;
Cov,in: internal side of the cover; Flr: floor; GroPipe: grow-pipes; IntLamp: interlights; Lamp: toplights; Pipe: pipe-rail
heating pipes; ThScr: thermal screens.
FIRi;j εi Ai (area) Fi;j (view factor)
RCanCov;in εCan 1  eKFIR LAI tLampFIR tUBlScrFIR tThScrFIR

RCanSky εCan 1  eKFIR LAI tLampFIR tBlScrFIR tCovFIR tU

RCanThScr εCan 1  eKFIR LAI tLampFIR tUBlScrFIR UThScr
RCanFlr εCan 1  eKFIR LAI 1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e
RPipeCov;in εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR tThScrFIR

RPipeSky εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR tCovFIR tThScrFIR

RPipeThScr εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR UThScr 0:49e
RPipeFlr εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e 0:49
RPipeCan εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e 0:49ð1  eKFIR LAI Þ
RFlrCov;in εFlr 1 tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR tThScrFIR

ð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e ÞeKFIR LAI

RFlrSky εFlr 1 tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR tCovFIR tThScrFIR

ð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e ÞeKFIR LAI

RFlrThScr εFlr 1 tIntLampFIR tLampFIR tU BlScrFIR UThScr ð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e Þe
RThScrCov;in εThScr 1 UThScr
RThScrSky εThScr 1 tCovFIR UThScr
RCov;eSky εCov 1 1
RLampSky εLamp ALamp tCovFIR tU
RLampCov;in εLamp ALamp tU
RLampThScr εLamp ALamp UThScr tUBlScrFIR
RLampBlScr εLamp ALamp UBlScr
RFIR LampCan εBottom
Lamp ALamp 1  eKFIR LAI
RLampPIpe εBottom
Lamp ALamp tIntLampFIR 0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e eKFIR LAI
RFIR LampFlr εBottom
Lamp ALamp tIntLampFIR ð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e ÞeKFIR LAI
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 271

Table A.1 e (continued )

FIRi;j εi Ai (area) Fi;j (view factor)
RBlScrSky εBlScr UBlScr tCovFIR tU
RBlScrCov;in εBlScr UBlScr tU
RBlScrThScr εBlScr UBlScr UThScr
RCanBlScr εCan 1  eKFIR LAI tLampFIR UBlScr
RPipeBlScr εPipe plPipe 4Pipe;e tIntLampFIR tLampFIR UBlScr 0:49eKFIR LAI
tIntLampFIR tLampFIR UBlScr ð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e Þ
RFlrBlScr εFlr 1
ð1  FIntLampCan[ ÞtLampFIR tU ThScrFIR
RIntLampSky εIntLamp AIntLamp
RIntLampCov;in εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCan[ ÞtLampFIR tU

RIntLampThScr εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCan[ ÞtLampFIR tU

RIntLampBlScr εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCan[ ÞtLampFIR UBlScr
RIntLampLamp εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCan[ ÞALamp
RFIR IntLampCan εIntLamp AIntLamp FIntLampCan[ þ FIntLampCanY
RIntLampPipe εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCanY Þ0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e
RFIR IntLampFlr εIntLamp AIntLamp ð1  FIntLampCanY Þð1  0:49plPipe 4Pipe;e Þ

A.4. Adjustments to the crop model the fruit, leaves, and stem were rgFruit ¼ 0.328, rgLeaf ¼ 0.095,
and rgStem ¼ 0.074 mg {CH2O} m2 s1, respectively. These
In the crop model of Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b), values were used by Katzin et al. (2020) and by Katzin et al.
constant parameters were used to describe the potential (2021b), where crop yield was not considered. In this study,
growth rates of the crop's fruit, leaves, and stem. These pa- the values for these parameters were doubled, resulting in
rameters represent the organs' sink-strength, which is the rgFruit ¼ 0.656, rgLeaf ¼ 0.19, and rgStem ¼ 0.148 mg {CH2O} m2
maximum ability of the organs to attract assimilates that are s1.
synthesised during photosynthesis. If the rate of photosyn-
thesis is higher than the combined crop's sink strength, the A.5. Reference model parameters
crop is said to be sink-limited: increasing the light intensity
will not increase crop growth (Li et al., 2015). Advanced The parameters used in this study are described in Table A. 2.
growers regulate the crop sink strength by fruit pruning and Parameters related to far infrared radiation are given in Table
by adjusting the crop's stem density (Kubota et al., 2018). To A. 1. Parameters not mentioned in these tables were used as in
avoid a sink-limited crop, the potential growth rate of the Katzin et al. (2021b) and in the electronic appendix of
fruit, leaves, and stem were doubled, compared to their Vanthoor, De Visser, et al., 2011b and as in the Dutch green-
original values in Vanthoor, De Visser, et al. (2011b). The house described in the electronic appendix of Vanthoor,
original values for the potential growth rate coefficients of Stanghellini, et al. (2011a).

Table A.2 e Parameters of the GreenLight model used in this study. Parameters related to far infrared radiation are given in
Table A. 1. Parameters not mentioned by these tables were used as in Katzin et al. (2021b), Vanthoor, De Visser, et al.
(2011b), and as in the Dutch greenhouse described in the electronic appendix of Vanthoor, Stanghellini, et al. (2011a).
Lamp parameters: toplights
Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications
hLampPAR ,zLampPAR Photosynthetic photon efficacy 3 for LEDs, 1.8 for HPS (Katzin et e
(PPE) of the toplights (mmol al., 2021b)
{PAR} J1 {input})
hLampPAR ,zLampPAR ,qLampMax Photosynthetic photon flux 200 (Katzin et al., 2021b) 0 for no lamps; 450 or 500 for LEDs
density (PPFD) of the toplights at higher intensity
(mmol {PAR} m2 s1)
qLampMax Electrical energy input to the 67 for LEDs, 110 for HPS (Katzin 0 for no lamps; 150 or 167 for LEDs
toplights (W m2) et al., 2021b) at higher intensity
ALamp Surface area of the lamps per 0.02 (Katzin et al., 2021b) 0 for no lamps; 0.045 for 150 W m-2
area of greenhouse floor (m2 LEDs; 0.05 for 167 W m-2 LEDs
tLampPAR Transmission of sun's PAR 1  ALamp (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
through the toplight lamp layer
(continued on next page)
272 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Table A.2 e (continued )

Lamp parameters: toplights
Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications
tLampNIR Transmission of sun's NIR 1  ALamp (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
through toplight the lamp layer
tLampFIR Transmission of FIR through 1  ALamp (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
the toplight lamp layer
hLampPAR Fraction of lamp electrical 0.55 for LEDs, 0.37 for HPS e
input converted to PAR by the (Katzin et al., 2021b)
hLampNIR Fraction of lamp electrical 0.02 for LEDs, 0.22 for HPS e
input converted to NIR by the (Katzin et al., 2021b)
capLamp Heat capacity of the toplights (J 10 for LEDs, 100 for HPS (Katzin 22.5 for 150 W m-2 LEDs; 25 for
K1 m2) et al., 2020) 167 W m-2 LEDs
cHEClampAir Heat exchange coefficient 2.3 for LEDs, 0.09 for HPS 5.175 for 150 W m-2 LEDs; 5.75 for
between the toplights and (Katzin et al., 2020) 167 W m-2 LEDs
surrounding air (W K1 m2)
cLampOffTime Time between lamp switch off 0 for LEDs, 3600 for HPS (Katzin,
until next lamp switch on (s) 2021)

Lamp parameters: interlights

Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications

zIntLampPAR Photons per joule in PAR 5.41 (Katzin et al., 2021b) e

emitted by the interlight (mmol
{PAR} J1 {PAR})
hIntLampPAR ,zIntLampPAR Photosynthetic photon efficacy 3 (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
(PPE) of the interlights (mmol
{PAR} J1 {input})
hIntLampPAR ,zIntLampPAR ,qIntLampMax Photosynthetic photon flux 0 (no interlights) 120 or 170(hybrid scenarios)
density (PPFD) of the interlights
(mmol {PAR} m2 s1)
qIntLampMax Electrical energy input to the 0 (no interlights) 40 or 57 (hybrid scenarios)
interlights (W m-2)
hIntLampPAR Fraction of lamp electrical 0.55 (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
input converted to PAR by the
hIntLampNIR Fraction of lamp electrical 0.02 (Katzin et al., 2021b) e
input converted to NIR by the
capIntLamp Heat capacity of the 10 (Katzin et al., 2020) 6 for 40 W m2 interlights; 8.5 for
interlights(J K1 m2) 57 W m2 interlights
cHECIntLampAir Heat exchange coefficient 2.3 (Katzin et al., 2020) 1.38 for 40 W m2 interlights; 1.955
between the interlights and for 57 W m2 interlights
surrounding air (W K1 m2)

Interlighting radiative exchanges (Section A.3)

Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications

AIntLamp Surface area of the interlights 0 (no interlights) 0.02 (hybrid scenario)
per area of greenhouse floor (m2
fIntLampY Fraction of light emitted by the 0.5 (assumed) e
interlights that is directed
downwards ()
K1 IntPAR PAR extinction coefficient for 1.4 (Section A.3.1) e
light from the interlights to the
K2 IntPAR PAR extinction coefficient for 1.4 (Section A.3.1) e
light from the interlights
reflected by the floor to the
KIntFIR FIR extinction coefficient for 1.88 (Section A.3.2) e
light from the interlights to the
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6 273

Table A.2 e (continued )

Lamp parameters: toplights
Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications
KIntNIR NIR extinction coefficient for 0.54 (Section A.3.1) e
light from the interlights to the
εIntLamp Emissivity of the interlights 0.88 (Katzin, Marcelis, & Van e
Mourik, 2021)
tIntLampFIR Transmissivity of FIR passing 1 (no interlights) 0.98 (hybrid scenario)
through the interlights layer ()
vIntLampPos Vertical position of the 0.5 (Section A.3) e
interlights with respect to the
canopy LAI

Heat storage (Section A.2)

Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications
BufSize Size of the cold buffer (MJ m ) 0.67 (Section 2.5.1) 1 for big buffer, 0.42 for small buffer
(Righini et al., 2020)
BufSize Size of the hot buffer (MJ m2) 1.33 (Section 2.5.1) 2 for big buffer, 0.84 for small buffer
(Righini et al., 2020)
COPHeatPump Coefficient of performance 5.5 (Van Beveren, Bontsema, e
(COP) of the heat pump () Van ’t Ooster, Van Straten, &
Van Henten, 2020)
COPMech COP of the MCD unit () 4 e
PBoil Maximum heating capacity of 600,000 for a 4 ha greenhouse, e
the boiler (W) so that PBoil =AFlr ¼ 150 W m2
(Dieleman & Kempkes, 2006)
PBufHot Maximal energy flow rate from 150 (Van Beveren, Bontsema, 0 for greenhouses without heat
hot buffer to pipes (W m2) Van ’t Ooster, Van Straten, & storage
Van Henten, 2020)
PHeatPump Maximal electric consumption 11.36 (chosen so e
of the heat pump (W m2) PHeatPump COPHeatPump ¼ 62.5, (Van
Beveren, Bontsema, Van ’t
Ooster, Van Straten, & Van
Henten, 2020))
PMech Maximal electric consumption 50 (chosen so 0 for greenhouses without heat
of the MCD unit (W m2) PMech COPMech ¼ 200, (Vanthoor storage
et al., 2012))
TMech Temperature of the cold 10 e
surface in the MCD unit ( C)
hMech Electricity required to run the 0.25 e
water pump, relative to the
electric consumption of the
MCD system ()

Crop growth and yield (Section A.4)

Parameter Meaning (unit) Standard value (reference) Modifications

DMC Dry matter content of the fruit 0.06 (Section 2.3.3) e

(kg{dry weight} kg{fresh
rgFruit Potential fruit growth rate 0.656 (Section A.4)
coefficient at 20  C (mg{CH2O
m2 s1})
rgLeaf Potential leaf growth rate 0.19 (Section A.4)
coefficient at 20  C (mg{CH2O
m2 s1})
rgStem Potential stem growth rate 0.148 (Section A.4)
coefficient at 20  C (mg{CH2O
m2 s1})
274 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 2 3 0 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 2 e2 7 6

Figure A.1 e PAR light from the interlights reaching the canopy and transmitted through it, following the LamberteBeer law
(Goudriaan, 2016). NIR was modelled analogously, with KIntNIR replacing K1 IntPAR .

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