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Nayla and Novita

Greetings :
Hello everyone good morning, how’s your feeling today? So in this moment let us introduce
our selfs. Hi my name is Nayla nuramelia and this is my partner, hi my name is Novita
What are we gonna make today Novita?
Today we will show you how to make our product that known as “catfish cireng .”
Woaw sounds amazing nayla, come on let them know how yummy our product!!
First of all we need the inggriendts thats are for Cireng dough we have:
- 2 kg of catfish
- 500 grams of Tapioca flour
- 250 grams of Flour
- 250 ml of Hot Water
- 2 stalks of Green Onion
- 1 pcs of Pepper Powder
- Salt and Flavorings to taste
For the Seblak Soup we need:
- 2 clove of fine Ganangal
- 3 cloves of Gralic
- 2 cloves of Onion
- ½ kg of Red Chili

Alat- alat:
- Basin
- Chopper
- Frying pan
- Sutil
- Tray
- Pot

How to make catfish cireng :

- First, grind the spices such as galangal, onion, and chili in a different chopper and cut
the green onion into small pieces
- Secondly, wash and clean the catfish and then skin the meat.
- After the catfish is clean, boil it over medium heat until the meat is soft.
- After the catfish is soft, grind the meat using a chopper and take the bones, then set
- Take a basin container and pour tapioca flour 1 packet together with flour as much as
6: 2 between tapioca flour and flour.
- Then add garlic that has been mashed as much as 1 ½ tbs then add salt and Royco to
taste one packet.
- Then add pepper powder to taste then add the catfish that has been mashed then stir
the mixture until evenly distributed.
- After that pouring hot water into the dough and knead until smooth.
- Shape the dough according to taste and you ca put it aside on the tray
- Then fry the cireng over medium heat.
- After the cireng is cooked, remove and drain.

How to make seblak soup:

- First, saute spices such as garlic and galangal that have been pureed until fragrant.
- After fragrant, pour water about 300 ml and add royco, pepper, salt according to taste.
- After boiling, taste whether it is good.
- If you want spicy, add the fine chili into the soup.
- And then seblak soup was finished.

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