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Discussion Assignment Unit 1.

University of The People

Quality Management Course
BUS 4406-01-AY2024-T3.
Instructor: Prof. Mohd Asad Siddiq
February 5, 2024
Unit 1: Understanding Quality Management
What Drives Consumers Not To Buy GM Cars.
The contributor (feedback from one customer) implies that, in their view, quality in the
automotive industry is primarily associated with durability, reliability, fuel efficiency, and overall
low cost of operation. The suggestion that customers are switching from Detroit Big Three
vehicles to Honda and Toyota due to these factors indicates a belief that these foreign brands
excel in delivering these quality attributes. The demand for five-passenger, fuel-efficient vehicles
with extended warranties reflects a desire for long-term reliability and cost-effectiveness.
Are these expectations unrealistic? Opinions may differ. Some might argue that expecting a
100,000-mile warranty and 35 MPG is unreasonable given current technology and manufacturing
costs. Others might see these demands as reflections of growing environmental and economic
concerns, pushing the industry towards innovation.
This demand for quality can be seen as customers asserting their expectations for a certain
standard of performance and longevity from the products they purchase. It doesn't necessarily
suggest unrealistic expectations, but rather a desire for vehicles that provide value over an
extended period.
Are customers demanding their rights? From a legal standpoint, consumers have basic rights
related to product safety and merchantability. However, the specific expectations mentioned here
fall more into the realm of desires and preferences. It's not necessarily a "right" to have a car
with a 100,000-mile warranty, but it's certainly a strong preference expressed by many
Does this demand for quality drive innovation? Absolutely! When customers demand better
fuel efficiency, longer warranties, and lower operating costs, it puts pressure on manufacturers to
innovate and develop new technologies. This can lead to breakthroughs in engine design,
materials science, and production processes. This demand for quality could drive automakers,
including Detroit's Big Three, to invest in research and development to enhance the durability,
reliability, and fuel efficiency of their vehicles. Meeting or exceeding these customer
expectations may push manufacturers to adopt new technologies, materials, and engineering
practices to remain competitive in the market.
Neff, J. J. (2007, July 8). What Drives Consumers Not To Buy GM Cars. Bloomberg

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