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ARC 1137
Poblete, Oscar Renuel, M.
Ar. Lorelei de Viana

Threats and Risks to Built Heritage

Natural Calamities
Basilica Minore de Santo Nino
On October 15, 2013 a 7.2
magnitude earthquake struck Cebu and
Bohol. This left several historical structures
of Cebu massively damaged. The 1737
structure suffered major damages on its
facade and belfry and was immediately
restored to its last sound condition.

Wars and Human Induced Armed

Kharkiv City Hall
Following the ongoing invasions of
Russia to Ukraine, many cultural and
historical structures have been greatly
destroyed by Russian troops. Kharkiv is
considered to be the capital of Ukrainian
constructivism. Ukrainian President,
Volodymyr Zelensky has called the situation
a war crime.

Random or Drastic Change Due to

Notre-Dame Cathedral
Notre-Dame de Paris is the most
recognized of the Gothic cathedrals of the
Middle Ages and is distinguished for its
size, antiquity, and architectural interests. In
2019 a massive fire caught the cathedral and
left it in ruins. Among the destroyed features
was the 295 foot spire which collapsed
during the fire. The famous rose window of
the cathedral was saved and in good

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