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StarAgile DCP : Started on : 16th Nov.


16th Nov. 2023
DevOps Fundamentals :::

Module 1

DevOps Overview :::

AWS Fundamentals
DevOps on Cloud (AWS)
Linux Fundamentals

DevOps Overview :::

DevOps :::

Waterfall & Agile Method ??

Stages of DevOps ????

DevOps ::::

- Software -->

- Application Software
--> Desktops Applications --> Billing system
--> Web Applications --> ECommerce, Online
--> Mobile Applications --> Mobile Apps
- System Software

SDLC -> Software Development Life Cycle :::

--> Desktops Applications --> Billing system

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Coding / Development
- Testing
- Implementation
- Maintainence/Monitoring

1. Waterfall Model ::: - Linear in approach

It strictly follows top down
It is meant for Monolith
Application Architecture

--> Desktops Applications --> Billing system BASIC / COBOL

Billing Application :
- Inventory Mgmt
- Price Mgmt
- User-Interface - CLI
- Order placement
- Payment

Project 1:
- Requirement Analysis ==> 9 months to complete
this project.
- Design
- Coding / Development mid of 4th Month
- Testing
- Implementation
- Maintainence/Monitoring

Project 2:
- Requirement Analysis ==>
- Design
- Coding / Development
- Testing
- Implementation
- Maintainence/Monitoring

Tele-comm Domain ::
SP1 --> Introduce a new offer to their customers
-> IT Team to implement this ASAP
SP2 -->

2. Agile Methodology :::

--> Desktops Applications --> Billing system BASIC / COBOL

Billing Application :
- Inventory Mgmt
- Price Mgmt
- User-Interface - CLI
- Order placement
- Cash-Payment
- Online-payment

Iterations 1: Inventory Mgmt

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Coding / Development
- Testing
- Implementation***
- Maintainence/Monitoring***

Iterations 2: - Price Mgmt

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Coding / Development
- Testing
- Implementation***
- Maintainence/Monitoring***

Iterations n: - Online-payment
- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Coding / Development
- Testing
- Implementation***
- Maintainence/Monitoring***

Using Agile Methodologies we can able to achieve :::

Continous Development
Continous Integration
Continous Testing
Continous Delivery to Production
- This Expect Manual approval for
Production Release.
But we cannot achieve :::
Continous Deployment to Production
- This Doesnt expect any manual
approval for Production Release. We can automate Production Release without any
manual intervension.

3. DevOps :::

What is DevOps ????

DevOps is a Software Development Strategy, which helps to

promote the collaboration between the Development Team and Operations Team to
achieve Continous Development, Continous Integration, Continous Testing, Continous
Delivery, Continous Deployment and Continous Monitoring in more automated fashion.

Teams ::

DevOps Team
1. Infra-Structure Management Team
2. Application Development Team
3. Testing Team
4. Release Management Team
5. Production Support Team
6. Production Monitoring Team
7. Security Team

Stages of DevOps ::

Infra-Structure Management ::
IAC - Ansible & Terraform

Continous Development ::
- It is capability of Application Development
to continously develop the code.
- Increase the productivity of Developers.
Developer --> Role of developer ???
Coding the Business Application.
- Create source code
- Manually build the code
- Create Artifacts
- Manually perform unit testing
- Promote the code to Testing
- Notify the testing team to do further

Using DevOps Approach :::

- Create source code Update the code in a
source code repository

DevOps take the responsibility :

- Automate build the code
Application Build :
It is process of
compiling the source code and creating artifacts.
Artifacts are - Binaries
- Automate Create Artifacts
- Automated unit testing
- Automate Promote the code to Testing
- Automate the Notification - Notify the
testing team to do further testing

Tools :
Eclipse based IDEs(Integrated Development
Environment) - Eclipse, Pycharm, Intellij
DevOps Tools ::
GIT, Jenkins, Build Tools(Maven,JUnit)

Continous Integration ::
- It is capability of Application Development
to continously integrate their code change for further testing without waiting for
any dependencies.

Tools ::
- Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes

Continous Testing ::
- To enable Automated Testing ::
- QA Testing
- UAT Testing

Tools ::
- Jenkins, Junit/TestNG/Selenium

Continous Delivery & Continous Deployment

Tools : Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes

- Both are related to Production Release :

Continous Delivery :
Continous Delivery to Production
- This Expect Manual approval for
Production Release.

Banking Application :
Online Banking :::
release new feature to
Production Environment:::
Open a Production
Deployment Window :: (4 - 6 Hrs) - Non-Business Hours
Take manual
approval from all stake holders for this release
Thorough Testing
in Production Environment.
If anything
goes wrong :
the Issue.

Continous Deployment :
- Can be achieved with the matured
DevOps Strategies/Process.
- This Doesnt expect any manual
approval for Production Release. We can automate Production Release without any
manual intervension.
- No Downtime.


Continous Monitoring :

- Mainly used to achieve Business


- Infra-Structure Monitoring
Monitor the Production
Servers -- Memory/CPU utilization & Traffic

Tools ::

- Application Monitoring

DevOps Tools ::

Self Managed - Open Source Tools :

Manage Services from Service Providers


17th Nov. 2023

DevOps Fundamentals
AWS Fundamentals

Teams ::

DevOps Team
1. Infra-Structure Management Team ==> Server
Provisioning & Configuration
2. Application Development Team
3. Testing Team
4. Release Management Team
5. Production Support Team
6. Production Monitoring Team
7. Security Team

Stages of DevOps ::::

Pre-requisites for Effective DevOps Implementation.

Application Development & Deployment

Application Architecture

SDLC Perspective :

1. Monolith Application Architecture :

- It is a tightly coupled Application
- It is difficult to Add More features quickly
- All the Application Dependencies are closely
couple with each other.

Billing Application :
- Inventory Mgmt
- Price Mgmt
- User-Interface - CLI
- Order placement
- Cash-Payment
- Online-payment

2. Micro-Service Based Application Architecture :

- A smallest unit of task
- It is loosely coupled application
- It allows the developers to independently
develop, test, and develop the changes to production.
- Eleminate all the dependencies and enable
independent development and implementation.

- Sign-up - Micro-Service1 - Developer -

Independently code, test and Release the changes to Production.
- Sign-In
- Search-products
- Add to Cart
- Place the order
- payment
- confirm the order
- track the order

3- tier architecture - Front-End Design,Application

Logic, BackEnd(Database)

DevOps Tools ::

Self Managed - Open Source Tools :

Manage Services from Service Providers


DevOps is all about :::

People ==>
Process ==>
Tools ==>

Architect ==> Client ==> Devops

Teams ::

DevOps Team
1. Infra-Structure Management Team ==> Server
Provisioning & Configuration
2. Application Development Team
3. Testing Team
4. Release Management Team
5. Production Support Team
6. Production Monitoring Team
7. Security Team

Assessment :::
Identify the scope for automation.

Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Team :

DevOps Associate
Sr. DevOps Associate
DevOps Engineer
Sr. DevOps Engineer
DevOps Lead
Sr. DevOps Lead
DevOps Architect
Sr. DevOps Architect
DevOps Consultant

Waterfall - Agile - DevOps - DevSecOps - SRE - GitOps - MLOps -

AWS Fundamentals :::

Basic services of AWS.

Cloud Platform ???

Cloud Computing ::: What & Why ???

Type of Services provided ?


Cloud Service Deployment Model ::

Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Community Cloud

On-Premises Platform ::::

Cloud Platform :::

Digital Ocean

Explore AWS Cloud Platform :

1. Create AWS Account

Free Tier - 12 Months.
Valid/Active - Mobile Number, Email_ID,
Credit/Debit Card(Eligible for International Transaction)

Lab Pre-Requisites for this Trainings ::

1. Create GITHUB(Remote Repository to maintain files and

folders) Account.
2. Create AWS Account
Free Tier - 12 Months.
Valid/Active - Mobile Number, Email_ID,
Credit/Debit Card(Eligible for International Transaction)

3. Create Virtual Machines(EC2 Instances) and Connect to


20th Nov. 2023

AWS Fundamentals :::

Login to AWS Account :
Through AWS Console we can login to AWS Account...

- root id
- IAM User ID

API Calls.

As a root user Login to AWS Console.

- Email_ID & Password

- Create IAM Users

At Enterprise level : Root User Account


50 Teams -- Each has 100 Members

AWS Account ->

Free Tier Account

- Usage
Billing Dashboard

AWS Cloud

Availability Zones (Data Centers)
Virtual Machines
Runs Operating System
(Amazon Machine Image)
Runs Applications

1. AWS EC2 Instances ::

Virtual Machines are refered as EC2 Instances

Application ::
To run an application :

Computing Device

Operating System acts as an interface

between User Applications and Underlying hardware.

Why we use AWS Account?

To Create Virtual Machines

To install and work with DevOps Tools like Jenkins,
Storage, security groups...

How to Create EC2 Instance

How to Connect to Ec2 Instance :

- EC2 Instance Connect == through aws console using

web browser.

- SSH Client
- Is a agent installed in the local machine.
- MobaXterm
- Putty

- Using Terminal

Authentication ::

Password Based Authentication

Token Based Authentication

Key Based Authentication

- Private & Public Key

Passwordless Authentication

1 VM ==> 750 Hrs/Month

10 VM ==> 75 Hrs/Month

0 to 1 year DevOps Trained Resource.

Linux OS - Ubuntu Distribution.

Operating System

Operating System acts as an interface between

User Applications and Underlying hardware.

Windows OS
Linux OS (Open-Source Operating System)
Distribution -
- Ubuntu
- Centos / rhel / fedora

Mac OS

21st Nov. 2023
AWS Fundamentals :::

Create VMs
Connect with VMs
Work with VMs

VMs --> AMI -- Ubuntu/Windows/Mac ==> Server templates

--> Login
--> Linux Command to work with VMs.

Linux - OS

Admin related activities :::

- Work with Application Packages.

VM -

Public IP Address --> Used to access the VM thru

external network
--> It is NOT a permanent IP

Private IP Address --> Used to access the VM within

internal network
--> It is a permanent IP

Admin related activities :::

- Work with Application Packages.

In Linux;
- root user ==> Considered as admin
user with full access to Linux Machine.
Using this,
we can install/Uninstall/Upgrade the packages
- general user ==> ubuntu ==>

Linux Distributions :::

Linux OS (Open-Source Operating
Distribution -
- Ubuntu
==> apt-get (or) apt
- Centos / rhel /
fedora(Previous_Version) ==> yum
- Fedora(Latest Version)
==> dnf
Package Manager ::: It is utility through
which we can manage the packages in Linux Machines.

In windows --> *.exec file

- Update the default packages.

sudo -i
apt update -y
apt install maven -y
# Install maven build tool
mvn --version
apt remove maven -y

apt install git -y

Types of Packages :::

service ===>

git/maven/ansible ==
jenkins/docker/tomcat == service
==> It should be enable with default port

Tomcat ==> Web Application Server

== Used to run web applications

Installation procedures :::

1. Install the pre-requisites

2. Install the Actual tool
3. Perform Post_Installation

It is always recommended to use the

official documentation to do the package management

Install & Configure Jenkins Server :

- Refer to that tools/Service's

Official Documentation.

# Install Jdk:

sudo -i
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre -y # previous version
java -version

#Install Jenkins:

sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \

echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install jenkins -y

jenkins --version

systemctl status jenkins

Open web browser :



cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Jenkins installation path ::::

Which port is used to connect to Linux VM ?

Security Group :::

Is used define the Inbound(Allows Incomming

Traffic) and Outbound(Allows Out going Traffic) rules

Linux Modules ->

Summary :::

Launching Ubuntu VM in AWS

Connect to VM using Mobaxterm
Login as root user
Install/update/remote the package using apt package manager
Install and Configure Jenkins
- Know about default port for jenkins
- Security Group :
- Configure Inbound & Out Bound Rules
- Install Jenins - with all its pre-requisites
- Perform post installation activities
- Access Jenkins using http://<Public_IP_Address>:8080/

23rd Nov. 2023
- Overview of AWS Services

- Linux Fundamentals.

- Overview of AWS Services ::

- EC2 Instance Service


Dev Team :
Dev_Group ==> need access to
5 members = +50 users

RBAC --> Role Based Access Control.


- Storage - S3 / EBS / EFS

Web application ==> Target Environment(VM) --> to run

the we appln. I need some config files...
1TB of volume +1TB

- Database - DynamoDB / RDS

- Security Groups ::::

jenkins -- 8080

Inbound Rules ==> Incomming Traffic

OutBound Rules ==> Out Going Traffic.

- Developer Services ...

AWS Provided DevOps Services ::::

DevOps Requirement :::

-- DevOps Tools Stack!

Open Source DevOps Tools

Managed Services

AWS 12 month free tier

Code Pipeline
Code Build / Test
Code Deploy

Azure DevOps Services ::: -->

200 USD --> 1 Month


Hybrid Cloud ::



Continous Delivery / Deployment using DevOps

CI/CD Pipeline ::

Lifecycle of DevOps


DevOps -->

- Assessment Phase ::

- Recommendations!
Open Source (or)
Managed Service

On-Premises Environments

-> Cloud Adoption ==>

Azure Platform
-> DevOps Implemetation ==> Azure
DevOps Services

AWS --> Infra-Structure

DevOps -->
Next ::

Pre-requisite - Create and Access EC2 Instance (Ubuntu)

Linux Fundamentals ::: Tasks

AWS Fundamentals - Assignments.

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