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Z Project No. [P-KW2N-3700-1001 PT. PINDO DEL! 2 PULP AND PAPER ho |P-Kewc1 ame] hry Document Ne ANAPP | evaenne CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM ENQUIRY PD2 TCCA 60 TPD and H202 100 TPD (50%) PROJECT ds fg aaa comission | rnd | Aswower | Aeperes | appea | termes ‘io changes hal be atone oon sai nen course yh Porcher athe agree ~ [Projeet No Pxwani700 1608 PT-PINDODELL2PULP AND PAPER [Document N_|PKiGP 40.04 760-008 [RevsionNe. [00 Page 2oltt | came COTY CAMERAENQUIRY —JhsueDate | February 10, 2024 Fevielon Summary coy Deer ot evn me (teatonatesedmoatndrctons) | Pewee | Chcted | Aaproved retaome| 0 ‘ead 19 roan | Menge | Su Tee! Project No. ‘K0/2N-3700-190% FPT.PINDO DELLZ PULP AND PAPER [accent | BKWCP 140-070 ODE TA\APP _" Revert [oo EA sirarnes Page ‘Sot tt CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY. I _ tewedae —|eonan se zee 1. PROJECT INFORMATION, 1.4. CONTACTS NAME... 2, REQUIREMENTS. 3. GENERAL,SCOPE OF SUPPLY FOR CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM. 'e_Heetomagetc Company (EMC) Testing & Ceres 33, General Regie ‘ncraragnteCompatbity (eM) Tening& Confeston. 5.2, nealton Mater & cables. — ligation matr neée or Sysar suche hnction Gots Hosts Cannacor, Net & ts ete ‘holed scope of sup a 3.8. system Backup Tools lense for Operating Sytem & npplation Softwar. 22 Tahne a 3.10, "Tnstltion,Commisoning and Start Up BAL Spare PMS - 3242. Operation and Mianianancs Manus. = Bi oters = - ‘he expenses ofA Trove, otal sczarmodston sale clad the scape whch reveals fo Se Engneers uring stalaon, onmasioning& Start, Operation & Matanance rang pero ° 8.14, Applicable Standard 3.18. _ Postormance Tests and Pettormance Guarantees. ‘Ste Acepance Teste Performance Guarantees, No change sta be ate up ain nies eaurtrsigh hy th Pichia ate Sup repent Project No. | P-KW2N-3700-1907 PLPNODDELZPULPANDFAPER IoscereatNa|KnGP- TOOTS are — oa _ Se el CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY February 19,2006 4. PROJECT INFORMATION. Name ot Project New H202 and CCA Project Desotptn Locaton ‘Ds Kutamekar, Kec Camp, Kab. Karawang The location can be reached about 2 hows by car rom dakar cy. Projet Number: weora-a700 1604 1. CONTACTS NAME PROUECT HEAD: Ir. Jen-Teeng rao Tel: (+62) a@1-5822.048 Nai Jen-Taena Chao@app oid ILY PROJECT HEAL [Mi Jan-Ts0%9 Chao Tel:(+82) 801-5622.048 ‘ait Batu C Themes app cot ‘recumtcay Project Engineering Head Mr Wal Yen Chun Tel-(082) 859-0056 2699 Mai’ Yen-Chun weil app.coid Project Area Manager Me. Chen CAPh ‘2) att 004575 Malt Chen Chen @ app cod Electrica, Inetrument & Automation Project Lead Me wan “Tol: (402) 815-8564-4673 Mai: rawan_rrwan ape. coid ‘chang sob aton upon egg net cotratgrs by ha Prt upper repent, PrKw2u-3700-190% T srosoougags mare ae WILLS nes (APP evaion No. [00 2 seams Page Bol tT CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY _ Issue Date [February 19,2024 2 REQUIREMENTS ‘The new CCTV CAMERA System Is raquired for naw TCCA 60 TPO and H202 100 TPO (80% #202) a5 complete system in each Plant. complete. wh camera unt, NVR. stem, operator ‘worisiaton, conmuncaton network devios, cabes an il the accessories Yo maricr plant ‘Speration, ally ana revert prosuchon ine conte. [NVR aystem incide Engineering, Historical video & nage event data and device maagement ee, ‘Al communication cable, fer onc cable and instalation accessories for ternal CCTV Camera ‘system sal be included in supper scope of supp General Scope of Supply for CCTV Camera Systom a » 8 a ‘The CCTV supoter shal fotlw the requrement and epecteaon in tis enauy to propose a comglete package ‘The CCTV supper shal submit his quctation onthe requ systems and equipment based on suppers oun process design expertanes, Nlfees and exosnes for ebtaning necoseary inspection, approvel and test certiation and transport autherzaon of the manuiscured equment,W required, shal Incluced the scope Al equpment shal be delvered to the Pinco Dol Mil2,Karewang projet ston accordance {9 commecial areeie Main Equipment: Main equoment or he CCTV as described herein gonerallyeudno, bt not ited New complete CCTV camera system wil consis of a" Bisloaan Pros! & Fed ype CCTV, etude mounting bake, fexle cond Ieminal boxes &aocoseoriaa . Non-Exploson roo! & Pied type CCTV include mourting Brack, ene cond, leminal boxes & ecessoree 6: Hig reraton camera system & Uvisun Ug resistance ‘Shoek stration resstance ‘Water ana ust eso ostng& cettiation Bectronagnti Compatbaty (ENC) Testing & Certcatons A. ATEX a EC tecting & ceceatons (Explosion ~Proo rotation) CCTVINVA system, compe wis stones video & Image vont cata storage ‘Cabinets & panet Include a accessories 32, Services ‘Sences shall inclu bu nt be ited obasle and dataled enghorng, asserting and esta. Incuding so instaaion users, sta changes, modifenton. and stat up and commission ny Which ie spectiod on anoter section this engury ‘change haba stowed pon waning unis eomtrsgnd yh Parca rth upper erst Projecto. [P-KWaNt-3700-1908 PT-PNDODELIZ PULP AND PAPER | Sscmntnn[ PRP. DOR TOON fA Revision No. [00 [Poe _([Golit CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY wwe Date | February 19, 2004 Hardware Engineering: Compote GCTY systen nolwerk including mtagrain queens b. Growing estan Power distribution and eating ‘ ‘Camera and panel mouring postion rack roams you and epace requirement wth cabo erty postion (Camera and pare Layou. 1. Entre CCTV camera layout fhe sytem 19. Allcablng and wing ‘Application Software Engineering: & Development of tuning pplication sottare based on the CCTV camera suppier ‘xporenoes fom the chemical pant nasty. , Aintogratin sotware requirements 6. AllSotvare uscd inthe System such as Operating Syston, Anplcation Stare, Third Party Sofware, Drivers, et stab provdod n Ongnataleng win learse Instataton Services: Unpacking of goods on st. 1. Verteaton of system grounding and power supply instalation, {© Executen of CCTV system Intalio of all equpmert and accessories cluded but nal Imed to cable instalsion ard torinator, hardware ard sofware funcional tet shat be ‘eluded the scope ‘© Executen of hardvare anc software Ste Acceptance Test (FAT) belore system powerip andetan up, 1. ‘Any other requements not described inthis enquiry shal be aozommodstes to complete (CCTV ayatem package Malotenence Support: '& The CCTY Supplier shall elaborate in deta on Nis capabity to suppor the delivered sytem in Ie snort and lng tem, bdr hareware and sofware 33, General Requirements 4 The proposed system shal be composed of standard CCTV products for chemical plant aopteaton Elecromagnete Compatilty EMC) Tasting & Cerieatons ‘Water ard dust resistant esting & corticton ‘io chang shat ba stow oun sng nies courtar signed bythe Pree nd he oporersetae [Project No. [P.KWaN-3700-1008 PT. PINDO DELI2 PULP AND PAPER Mc [Document Ne._| BAWGP-140-04-TO-0008 are Revsion No {00 Same Page Toit CCTV CAMERA ENQUIR} I o issue Date February 19, 2024 "No change at be alow pen signing los courtesan he Purch ane he Supp presen + ATEX &ECExtesing& corlations (Explosion - root Pratacton| = Complances nits CE: CE-Rals (RoHS Dretve 201 N8SEU207S869) ‘Shock orton resistance + UviSun Light resistance = Shock ibation resistance 3. The provosed CCTV system. equipment and sovare shall be designed for upward ompaty so that al future developments can be implemented wih minum cst ene ‘sumtime, © COTY camera reskime and historical date shal be avatale fh NVR (Saver) a east for one) anh CTTV system must have facies fer easy Maintenance, quick Troleshocting and easy satware Engroering, ©. COTY System must have adequate contol nework and les trom 3 pay system 2d plntnetuors mtetacing f. Tectnica proposal must Include all system cables, power cables, croundng cabs, network cables and comple metorais eudng accateonge for nsalaion of supped Systeme Mla termination 9. Ey to use & wser‘iendy reporting & tevin of event shal be avalale in workstation and sever COCTY System Configuration ‘The sytem configuration shal be inclu but at mito he following | Desoct any event & motion arecton a se cation & delay vdeo and images. Curent evert video & mages undated onscreen automaticaly Display high doteton image & video qualiy. Zooming defect mages & video shal be clear and net Dag. Nigh ven fuion& eaonbity Mut play uncon & eanabiiy Securty and acsessbilty function Tne CCTY system tuncton shal be equipped wih atleast 3 olferent ov! of eecurtioe Operator Level ane Engineorng Love. ‘Operator ove ‘View and change displays but not operate any functons. = Carat access the operating sytem environment ‘Engineer lve: = Access alle engineering ad conguation 108 Projecto. | PaWaN-3700-1908 PT. PINDO DELI2 PULP AND PAPER sgn Beare [PWG 9 DTS (app |_ een Joo Ed sinaas Page Bot 11 CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY covuany tesve Date | Feocuary 18,2004 as. 37, 38. as, or reconfigure permanent events Aecees tho orang eyter erent b. Secuity lvels shale accessed using koyooats or key, bulin th operator keybord © Access socurty wh the log password determines the acess level, fogging i oe ‘anal barenare lak, 4. The operator station and the hard copier sale ble opin nage forte Communication & Networking ‘4. Tho supple shall ensure the tuncealty of all the communeaon and networking funcional user Ne eoope ©. The network ard communication shell be sutured in a way that ean pin point the problemane camera. ‘© Acommunicationcamoras canbe managed tom loa! HUB /Swtch ar NVR Server ‘4. Communication and network catia wis he contol oom and ack room shall be STP (category GAT orhgner wih loxble metal grounded conduit {The network and communication sal cigars as private netwerk ~no any ink wih 3 party system and PINDO TT plant neti Inctallation Material & Cables Alinsialaton material needed for System such as Juncton Boxes, Heese, Connectors, Nut ‘os tc. shall be nove i scope ot shy. ‘AF opic cables, UTP Cables, signal cables, power cables, ee at be include. Special tools reauied for hstlaion, any, wil be aranged by CCTY supple. Fer Optic Clos used in network shal be autabe for atdoornsallaton and wih prover mous Each Fiber Optic cable should have atleast 2 cores spare, terminaled wih necessary ‘System Back-up Tools, License for Operating System & Application Sofware, Provide Back-up Stare such as Acro’ o sii ‘A Soware used in be System such as Operating Syston, Aspleaton Sotware, Third Party Sotware, Devers, el, shal be provided n Original long wih leanse Training TOCV supplier shal ince @ compote o-se0 taining progam. This traning program wil const ofelassroom mtructens and hands-on practen dung the eteeson, eect ot and ammissioning of tre eqvoment, and siar-up. operation, marntonance ard optimization of the lat. "No change sha ba stowed oan ering ules curtersgnad by ha Puchi dhe opp ore, |[Project No. P.KW2N-3700-1901 PT-PINDO DEL|2PULP AND PAPER Ioscumen No.” [PKiWCP-140-08 TCO OI 8 APP Revision Ne. 100 Seamas Page a0fti ccTvcameRAenoury | — ese ate | etry 18,2004 320, Installtion, Commissioning and Start Up ' The TCGY supper snail include the supply ofall on-e erection, commissioning and startup suporueion porconnal Including te fectnoal spervsion and menagerrent ol ‘such atviles, Working cays ls Monday Yo Sunday (7 dey 8 week, No overime b. The TCCY supple shall indeste the number of porconne reauced fr each type of ‘actly ther incon and the duration of each of fe functions tonsa hetan in thet proposal 1 The TCCY supger must ensure tat his onsite personnel shal be exzected to teach, tran and, menior Owners operaion and mabonance pereonne, using hands-on ‘methods nocosemy, SpareParts |The COTY supplier shal include in his proposal a preliminary Ist showing unit pricing of recommended spare pt b. ‘The CCTV suppler shal ince in hie propoea a spare pars fer one (1) years normal operation. Note: Spare pars Sis sal clude OEM manutacurerideniioaton. Spare pars need to be an a an fcked and eippod i separate packages, separately om eran equpmen an Operation and Malntenance Manuals FFral ag bul manuals forthe operation, provenive mantenance ard maintenance ofthe ‘acy, Spare parts it wih speetteton & ordong codes, netalson crawnge, Loop wing Adocamentatn sal be provided hardcopy and OVO In Englsh language es) copes others Altheexpenses o Travel, Hotel accommodation, shallbe incase the scope which are required fr Ste Enginars dung lnstalston, Conmissonng & Stat-, Operon & Maintenance Trang pared ‘Applicable Standard In dation to tis Es, the COTY supper shal comply with all local teguations and Indonesian siadares appiable fr ths type of equipment curng al phases of ceosn, [Zectlon,conmiesionng and te up. Nocangt hal blow pen ng unis countered bythe urna! nthe upp erent. Project No. [P-KW2N-3700-10041 PT. PINDO DELI2 PULP AND PAPER He [Document Na [P-kmGP. 14008-70008 APP ____|Rewisonnie. Joo (Ed seas [Page Wott CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY tsove Dae | February 19, 2004 318. Performance Tests and Performance Gusrantees ‘Sito Accoptance Teste 8. The CCTY supplier must be permed the necaseary fed testing to can the capably fhe GCTV camera system meet te species cenctions, . Al tests wil be winessed by the Purchaser. The timing for tsis wil be by metul ‘reament by Purchaser and eupplir Performance Guarantees © The COTY supplier shall quaano the partamance ofthe CCTV equipment to meet the ‘paring end vesign vconaltons (Pertomance Requamert) as spectiod nh Perlorance Guararioo Document No. PKAWGP-t4004-PFO-0008 Avion 0 dees on 16 February 2004, te CCTV supple does no! meet ha rested palorrance, te the CCTV supper, at no cost to he Purchaser shal take all necessary red aston lo chiove te soected periomartce m a marner approved by tne Purchaser, Note: Re testing willbe perlormed a the Bidders expense. ‘Appendix 1b. Appendix 1- CCTV Camera Technic! Check it for H2O2 & TCCA Prise ©. Appendix 2- CCTV Petlomarce Guarantee for H202 & TCCA Proer! thot be allowed un gin uns eure bye Purchase a he Siar rpesria. roecine [Paws a760 1051 PT.PINDODEL|2PULP AND PAPER |cment no. [PRWGP 10-04 TODOS APP. Fevkien No. [00 Page tot CCTV CAMERA ENQUIRY Issue Date |Febraay 18,2004 + CCTTV CAMERA LOCATION AND QUANTITY == == EEE = Sas a ———————— pea “Tota nos of CCTV Camera's =22 Sets "ocnangor sha be soe pon linge aut th Puch nthe Sep pene,

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