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Americans are (or are not) religious.

America, like other countries, has the right to freedom of religious be-
lief and the United States is one of the countries with the most reli-
gious types in the world. With a rich history of religious freedom and
pluralism, the United States is home to many religious beliefs and
practices. A majority of Americans say religion plays a 'very impor-
tant' role in their lives, an unusual rate in a developed country. Many
religions have flourished in the United States, including those derived
from here and those introduced by immigrants later; Therefore, the
United States is one of the most religiously diverse countries.

Christianity, especially Protestantism, is traditionally the dominant re-

ligion in America, but there is also a significant presence of other
faiths such as Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism,
among others. In addition, more and more Americans identify as non-
religious or atheist... The religious diversity in America is the result of
the historical development of this country. In the US, there are many
religious organizations that work together, competing with each other
in the fight for the faith of the American people. It can be said that the
diversity of religion in the country of flags has added color to the reli-
gious picture in the US.

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