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Carpio, Clarence A February 13, 2022 19 -05922 ME - 5208 a.) Define the problem Given as assignment is a situational problem whereas We are TO imagine ourselves AS O Newly jomed employee of the Greenfield Industries. The tusk assigned is to evaluate the possible courses for producing the new design drill bit Using a turning machine. As a new employee, the starting information | Would have is passed unto me as compiled by the previous employee: The said data would have the related Pieces of information However, itis incomplete as alternatives Were Missing. Thus. Greenfield industries tequires the list of the, alternatives and its evaluation , keeping An mind the goo! of the successtul production of the new design drill bit on the turning machine. Specrfically, the problem lies in an old juemag Machine, That can flo lunger be used in production . and needs changes for the required quality. b.> List the key assumptions Due t9 the limited amount of information, the evaluation Wou'd fely heavily on what wus provided und certain let of the assumptions. Procesting With the details gwan by the previous employes Wout the aforementioned task, the following list of GONAIT ns Would be assumed Tor the evaluation | Cia With ‘the time frome of the previous employee's collection Was Not included , t would Ve assumed tat it would then be applicable and consistent wrth the time \ was hired. 2) WW would also be dssumed that the dato js verfied once, again and is fully usable and related to the problem (9) All of the drill bits Would be manufactured in similar way and the produced ones, at any alternative, Would have the some qualities. 4) Profit for the produced drill pit in all of the alternatives Would be identical with each other. (5) Other concerns such as the number Of Machine breakdowns, tts \ikespan and other costs not stated would De set constant to all of the alternatives c.) List alternatives facing Greenfield Industries. Along with the given assignment and considerations with the assumptions, the alternatives formed are listed Delow . These alternatives heavily relied onthe infrrmation gathered by the previous employee FIRST ALTERNATIVE » Modify the old mactine within the company Jam hired in. AS the machine is of property of Greenfield Industries and wus used consistently, there is the guarantee that We know how Ht works and how to fix simple issues. In line with this, the in House technicians gave an estimate ot 40,000 to modify the macting- Ag they are within the company, there is 0 guarantee | that the masmine would ve ready before the projected start date | Also. a9 the cooling system is on the tisk side. its disposal cost would be topped with the estimate SECOND ALTERNATIVE : Modify the cla mactiine with the dosiet of McDonald Inc., the one who made the mactine. With the second Gssumption, \ did not dwell on looking for other Outside company, andl Assigned the modifacation to the maker only. McDonald Inc. set the modification price at $ 01,000. As they are the ones who: made the machine , Mere is a guarantee of success due to their high level of familiarity. Since we would only ask them to fix, it Would be teady by ‘the projected date- Similarly , disposal Costs would be topped with the modificotion price as the cooling system replacement would fot be included with the modification THIRD ALTERNATIVE < Buy the new machine offered. Mo Donald \nc., the maker of the old fuming maching offered a New mnodel of turning machine. Also, along with the Second assumption. | excluded the another company option to by from, besides the maker. The new Turning Machine Would be cagoble of the production of the new drill Pits. IW would also Nave more environmental safeguards, compared to the dd model. With all of these suitable traits tor the production, the maker priced the machine at $ 490,000. They assured ‘hat t Would be teady before the starting date and would even beor the | payment of the late cost d-) Select 1 criterion for the evaluation of alternotives. The attematives are listed 40 assess which One Would suit best the current situation of Greenfield Industries. To pick well, areas we need to address and consider must be built. The best cituation Would be spending the least amount of money, with the assured quality- and machine aNaila bility. To discuss this further, the list of criterion for the evaluation are 35 follows ay The usability of the turning maching . with desired specification Producing consistent results throughout the production. (2) The total cost of the chosen alternative, and how it would affect the allotted start-up budget of $ 100,000, Cay The Gvailapility of the tuning machine by the projected start date, and 4) The response to the environmental , and the disposal activity @7 Introduce risk into this question. With the criterion stated, the risk focus on the machine's Capability after the chosen atternative. nd the budget it would Tequire- There is also concern set on the quality and availability Deliderating on the Choices presented . FIRST ALTERNATIVE : It was stated thot there is uncertainty as it Was said that the same in-house technicians had never done any Modifications with the type of machine. The aesumptions included were not endugh to ensure that this alternative would be enough to produce the drill bit. Also with the mactine being old. tne cooling system woud be requiring replacement If not addressed , this then Would pose On environmental problem which Could affect production indirectly SECOND ALTERNATIVE | There is No other company Which con do the modification the aforementioned, making us rely on them heovily | The modification already costs $ ©0000, however. there would be additional topping ‘his as the codling system included pose The Same environmental problem. The costs for the said system are ong Separate matter wrth the modification for the dell bit. THIRD ALTERNATIVE \ With ‘this option, the machine would require @ large number of funds compored to the previous options . Along with the fact that tMey ore willing 40 bear any late costs, atthough thare is the word Assurance, we Would not be truly sure whether the NeW machine Would be available by the projected slart date 4.1 Discuss Now non-monetary considerations may impact the charce. Non “monetary considerations may impact the selection ranges from the physical capavility of the company and its limits to the Image i+ poses. This Concemg the factors regarding the very process itself , how it would need to be done and how we wantit concluded Some of it includes the c1y overall safety of the workplace. c27 environmental concerns, (3) Machine availability and its reliability) (4) production consistency, cd» Product quality assurance , and (@) Company's image by the Alternative chosen and its results. 9) Describe now a poot - audit could be performed. Post -audit is the overall analysis of the results that the chosen alternative induced. Said post -dudit would be completed by Felying On some of The main problems which were tackled with the] Application, as listed below \. \9 the machine capable of producing the new drill bit desig feaching the expectations set for its quality and costs 7 2. Are the total costs expended Acceptable as compared with the results ? 3. How convenient was the chosen aternative for the Projected| start date t 4. Wow did the choice impact the image of Greenfield Industries} to both inside and outside relations ?

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