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Struggling with writing a thesis on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis on such a complex topic can be incredibly
challenging. From gathering relevant data to structuring your arguments cohesively, the process
demands meticulous attention to detail and extensive research.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a multifaceted subject, requiring in-depth understanding and
analysis. From exploring its causes and symptoms to evaluating various treatment approaches, there's
a vast amount of information to sift through and organize into a coherent thesis.

Furthermore, the emotional toll of delving into the experiences of individuals living with PTSD adds
another layer of complexity to the writing process. Balancing empathy with academic rigor can be a
delicate task.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of writing a thesis on PTSD, don't despair. Help is
available. Consider seeking assistance from professionals who specialize in academic writing
services. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges you're facing, and we're here to
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This would close a much-criticized loophole in the definition of PTSD, as the traditional criteria for
PTSD do not reflect the variety of symptoms of “complex” PTSD. Evidence for this research
presupposes that a reaction point, in which a person may acknowledge the response of the
disengagement, may be identified and addressed prior to an effect to minimize the consequences.
According to Army (2011), the “Army substance abuse Program mission is to rengthen the overall
fitness and effectiveness of the Army?s workforce, to conserve manpower and enhance the combat
readiness of Soldiers. The hypothesis agrees with the purpose, yet identifies factors that may impede
faith, such as the presence of trauma. On the other hand, the diagnosis of PTSD should not be based
only on the result of one assessment tool, but from the collective data obtained from physical
assessment, perceived situational adaptations, history taking, and individual factors. Like many
psychiatric conditions, the management of PTSD naturally involves a complicated scheme that
targets psychosocial impact of the condition aside from the physical manifestations. Across the XX
century, mental post-trauma emerg in g syndromes have been studied and def in ed in detail start in g
from a common symptomatology which in cluded sleep disturbance, depression and high anxiety. A
traumatic event that can spark post- traumatic stress disorder is often a life-threatening situation that
an individual is personally involved in, such as feeling threatened, or else involves death, physical,
psychological, or sexual virtues. This disorder will be visible in persons immediately after a traumatic
event and could continue for a shorter or a longer time, according to the severity of the event.
Changes in the methods of treatment are therefore necessary to curb the growing menace. The term
“trauma” for the diagnosis of PTSD, however, is strictly defined in psychiatric classification systems.
It includes only exceptional, life-threatening or potentially life-threatening external events and those
associated with serious injury, which are capable of causing a psychological shock in practically any
individual to a greater or lesser extent. It is the spiritual core that focuses on a relationship with God,
a higher power, that can provide that resilience and prevention of the sustained trauma on a literal or
figurative battlefield. While the argument of some authors reflect on the expected, diagnosed, and
standard effects of traumatic events, others show that there is no explicit connection between
expected traumatic patients and increased consumption of corresponding drugs. She also stated she
experiences guilt because she feels she caused her husband’s injury. They need to be action oriented
and need to be in control (Wagner et al, 1998). The specific kind of CBT that would be useful in the
case of Betty is trauma-focused CBT. “Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
was originally developed for children who had been sexually abused and their non-offending
caretakers. It is suggested that alcohol and drug abuses are 1.5 times more likely to encounter
traumatic events and therefore equally as likely to develop PTSD. Inventory, and State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory), and multidimensional mea-. However, limitations in the health care facilities and
challenges in the competencies of mental health professionals still leave major disadvantages in the
implementation of these research findings. According to the research findings, the patients with the
disorder have shown an altered brain activation in various brain regions. PTSD developed soon
following the trauma, so time since trauma is not. However, in PTSD patients, this modulation and
inhibition activity is less effective, mostly due to atrophy of the nuclei following stress. Breathwork
is powerful practice that encourages clients to regain control of his or her nervous system and can
assist in somatic processing of deep-rooted emotions. Other people develop new or more severe signs
months or even years later. Activation of these regions, along with endocrine activation and
neurotransmitter activity lead to PTSD symptoms. Usually, in normal persons, orbitoprefrontal cortex
and hippocampus, cause inhibition and modulation of the activation of amygdala and related areas.
The disorder may be acute (which lasts for 1 to 3 months) or chronic (which progresses beyond 3
months). Individuals at a risk of developing PSTD include those with a shy personality, family
history of depression or anxiety, those experiencing several life problems (such as family, social,
interpersonal and marital problems), personality disorders and experiences of traumatic events very
early during life (such as child abuse). Why it occurs and how it occurs is the theme of this study.
Correlations are drawn between Messianic Jewish theology and character of Yeshua with traits and
behaviors of veterans in Messianic communities. This new approach basically consists to shift the
focus from risk coping to risk reduction.
The individual sees an outsider coming to help them, and concludes that they do not need it. The
inner world harbors many aspects of the identity, but one in particular is the belief system. The best
evidence available is for cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy as proposed by Foa ( e26, 37
), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy ( 38 ). It is very important to
identify and manage PTSD as early as possible because; research has shown that appropriate
identification and treatment in early stages prevents progression of the diseases and helps the person
revert to normalcy (Gore and Lucas, 2010). These events may include a war incident, road traffic-
accident, threat to oneself or near and dear ones, natural disaster, sexual assault, physical assault,
hostage crisis. Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Assessment of the Evidence takes a
systematic look the efficacy of pharmacologic and psychological treatment modalities for PTSD on
behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs. These therapies basically focus on the strategies that
patients adopt to confront fear, thus helping the patient develop anxiety management. All these
amount to the fact that in PTSD, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is abnormal (Yehuda et al,
2004). The diagnosis is mainly established by clinical examination. Hembree, E. A., and E. B. Foa.
2003. Interventions for trauma-related emotional disturbances. Increasingly more mental health
professionals are being trained to deal with any of a number of anxiety disorders and thus a patient
is able to access treatment from almost any mental health physician. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology 73(3):515-524. Across the XX century, mental post-trauma emerg in g
syndromes have been studied and def in ed in detail start in g from a common symptomatology
which in cluded sleep disturbance, depression and high anxiety. As far as possible, the first resort
should be emotional and psychological support and the individual’s own powers of recovery. PTSD
developed soon following the trauma, so time since trauma is not. Conclusions and
Recommendations The mysteries of the posttraumatic stress disorder have been unraveled
extensively in the recent decades. Depending on the type of trauma, individuals can experience deep
despair and be tortured by feelings of shame and guilt; this is sometimes associated with self-harm.
Practice guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. The diagnosis are
anxiety, depression, flashbacks of the trauma, hypervigilance, avoidance of things that may trigger to
remember the trauma. Most people do not treat a headache until it gets really bad. Society bears a
heavy cost for trauma-related disorders in the form of increased rates of interrupted education and
training, unwanted pregnancy, partnership conflicts, and unemployment. It is not a coincidence that
interest in identifying and studying this disorder occurred in step with the much-maligned Vietnam
War. The results of this study highlighted the pressing need for training to increase the confidence
and competency of clinicians and improve the management of trauma as well as PTSD. She also
stated she experiences guilt because she feels she caused her husband’s injury. This causes symptoms
to become prolonged and chronic. As part of couples’ therapy both the affected individual and their
spouses are involved with the aim to treat the condition of the war veterans by improving their
relations with their family members. Performing an intervention for PTSD involves social risk
management approach to social policy. Those employed in emergency services like military
operations, police services, fire services, accident and calamity rescue services and emergency health
services, are at increased risk of development of PTSD because of the nature of their job. Anxiety
disorders can be of many types which need to be diagnosed properly to know as to which type of
disorder the person is facing. This disorder will be visible in persons immediately after a traumatic
event and could continue for a shorter or a longer time, according to the severity of the event.
Inventory), anxiety scales (Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety, Beck Anxiety. Also, in case of a
traffic snarl, or accident, the soldiers’ reaction would certainly be unpredictable. Judith Herman, a
professor of psychology at the Harvard, was the first person to propose this treatment. This finding
indicates that the TLEQ reveals a PTSD-risk at an increased accuracy. Both reveal parallel
characteristics that importantly must be identified or classified. Unfortunately, few of the studies
examined by the committee obtained. Symptoms are not usually presented until between one and six
months following a traumatic event (Grinage, 2003). These symptoms are more prominently visible
among the returning military personnel, with sizable of them suffering from PTSD. The substance of
this prose assesses the symptoms, background and the intensity of the problem in soldiers and
Veterans. Siddique, H. (2013). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Results do not form a consistent
pattern that might suggest that efficacy. This study examines the history of psychological care in
military culture and solution-focused approaches that do not conflict with Messianic Jewish
theology. Across the XX century, mental post-trauma emerg in g syndromes have been studied and
def in ed in detail start in g from a common symptomatology which in cluded sleep disturbance,
depression and high anxiety. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. A number of
research activities have been conducted to identify different aspects of posttraumatic stress disorder
and these studies have adopted different sampling strategies and sizes. The American Psychiatric
Association began recognizing post- traumatic stress disorder in the early 1980s, but this anxiety
disorder has been noted to have been around for many centuries. This recollection can be unsettling,
similar to the initial event itself. There are several gaps in the understanding of PTSD and ethical and
legal considerations are important because of the congressional and public interest in PTSD. There
are crisis intervention centers throughout the United States that offer treatment services or can
recommend other facilities. Bisson, J. I. (2007). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The best evidence
available is for cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy as proposed by Foa ( e26, 37 ), and
eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy ( 38 ). Meta-analyses of studies of
high methodological quality have shown effect sizes of 0.75 ( 30 ). Other procedures, such as
psychological debriefing, either have not been evaluated or are controversial. Therefore, the use of
intervention and counseling helped to save Mr. Smith from destroying his family life as a result of
his PTSD. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The action
you just performed triggered the security solution. Infact, 10 percent of patients with PTSD need
antipsychotic medication like risperidone to decrease nightmares and flashbacks. In any case there is
usually the position that PTSD should be ignored as it is something that will be overcome with time.
The assessment questions must include a possible diagnosis of depression in order to help Betty deal
with any potential hurdles in the future. Further, the committee understands that clinicians and
investigators are. New York: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Issue Report.
Signs of PTSD may start soon after a frightening event and then continue. Since the veterans may
not usually have any engagement, they are more likely to indulge in drinking or substance abuse to
escape their memories about the traumatic events they encountered while in active military service.
Also, in case of a traffic snarl, or accident, the soldiers’ reaction would certainly be unpredictable.
Military personnel, having to confront various combat situations involving death, injury and
mutilation to human body, constantly undergo stress in their lives. On the other hand, while physical
injury is often a causative element of trauma, it is not essential for its occurrence. All of this can put
immense amounts of stress on the family members. Thus, we were able to use a social approach to
demonstrate to him that his current actions are affected by his past experiences, and that he has
become a victim of his past experiences. Studies in dicate that there is a series of traumatic
circumstances with a high potential of in duc in g PTSD in children: witness in g the murder or any
other violent aggression aga in st a parent. Khan, A., S. R. Khan, R. M. Leventhal, and W. A. Brown.
2001a. Symptom reduction and. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay, Research PaperAbnormal
PsychologyComparison of Generalized Anxiety DisorderA good manner to understand a personality
upset is to compare it to the norm. According to a recent meta-analysis study (in Gore and Lucas,
2010), cognitive behavioral therapies and EMDR are the first line treatments. In any case there is the
social stigma associated with PTSD particularly when it is evidenced in war veterans. Post- traumatic
stress disorder is related to childhood experiences especially in a poorly correlated socioeconomic
setting (Schiraldi, 2009). These events awaken several kinds and levels of emotions and mental and
physical reactions in the human body. The theology considers the nature of sin, and God’s war
against it through the nature of his Son, Messiah Yeshua. PTSD is a mental condition that occurs as
a consequence of exposure to severe traumatic incident. While it is true that PTSD has been
thoroughly studied in the general population, special population with increased vulnerability (as in
firefighters) to develop the condition is not yet fully understood. This resultant stressed mind
negatively affects individuals’ ability to function normally and wrecks their daily life, further
causing depression and in extreme cases psychological disorders. Schnurr, P., M. Friedman, D. Foy,
M. Shea, F. Hsieh, P. Lavori, S. Glynn, M. Wattenberg, and. IOM (Institute of Medicine). 2007.
PTSD compensation and military service. It is very important to identify and manage PTSD as early
as possible because; research has shown that appropriate identification and treatment in early stages
prevents progression of the diseases and helps the person revert to normalcy (Gore and Lucas, 2010).
It is advised that counselors remember that these beliefs may persist in the mind of the abused which
necessitates appropriate assessment and response to their predicament (Collins and Collins, 2005,
p.209). Two types of anxiety disorders are obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). Hence, they sought out help because he refused to get help. These
recollections are a sign that the body and the mind are still trying to make sense of what has
happened, and clearly points to PTSD. Behavior modification techniques (such as desensitization,
controlled exposure, memory reactivation, flooding and restructuring) may be required if the
individual finds it difficult to speak about it. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to
an academic expert. Judith Herman, a professor of psychology at the Harvard, was the first person to
propose this treatment. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the diagnostic criteria for
PTSD consists of the exposure to a traumatic event; persistent re-experiencing of the event;
persistent avoidance and emotional numbing. This disorder will be visible in persons immediately
after a traumatic event and could continue for a shorter or a longer time, according to the severity of
the event.
Betty may have to apply for additional health insurance to cover the costs or see if there is a less
expensive alternative to the physical therapy. In the spaces provided below, indicate which type of
disorder is portrayed in each scenario.Justify each response in 100- 200 words.Case Study Stress,
Distress. Children of this age group are affected strongly by the reactions of their parents to
traumatic event. After a violent argument with his wife, Mrs. Smith finally called for health. A tiered
approach is proposed for cases of treatment resistance ( e32 ). Post traumatic stress disorder or
PTSD is a very common mental health condition that occurs as a consequence of exposure to severe
form of trauma (Gore and Lucas, 2010). PTSD developed soon following the trauma, so time since
trauma is not. When he came back, his wife and daughter immediately noticed a change. That is, in a
stressed and depressed state, individuals may not be able to utilize their physical as well as mental
parts optimally. Increasingly more mental health professionals are being trained to deal with any of a
number of anxiety disorders and thus a patient is able to access treatment from almost any mental
health physician. Thus, it is being implied that the incidence of PTSD could have roots in the genetic
make up of an individual. It will also investigate the negative consequences of this syndrome,
including the higher propensity towards substance abuse and addiction as a means of escape in lieu
of healthy coping. PTSD is noted as an anxiety disorder which tended to be overlooked as a medical
condition for years. This is even more significant when the threat is continuously felt even when the
abuser is no longer eminently near to the abused; e.g., the victim may develop homicidal tendencies.
This recollection can be unsettling, similar to the initial event itself. Journal of Occupational Medicine
and Toxicology, Vol.4 (21): pp.1-7. Retrieved from 2. National institute of mental health, (2011).
Post- traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety mental disorder that emerges after frightening, terrifying
and stressing events of considerable power. Siddique, H. (2013). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
However, it is now considered as a psychiatric disorder and is classified under the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders since 1980. Using a classification system efficient in
diagnosing a person’s psychological state and subsequently prescribing appropriate. This disorder will
be visible in persons immediately after a traumatic event and could continue for a shorter or a longer
time, according to the severity of the event. They can give immediate relief, by bringing down the
state of hyper-activeness or the agitated mind to normal levels. Studies have shown that 14 percent of
the patients discontinue CBT in between (Grinage, 2003). The belief system empowers a person to
do many things such as minimize the effect of trauma, find meaning and purpose, and prepare for
future trauma with self-confidence. Wilson (2007) points to research which revealed that positions
for licensed clinical psychologists in the U.S. Army and Navy are still vacant. According to Army
(2011), the “Army substance abuse Program mission is to rengthen the overall fitness and
effectiveness of the Army?s workforce, to conserve manpower and enhance the combat readiness of
Soldiers. All these amount to the fact that in PTSD, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is
abnormal (Yehuda et al, 2004). Emerging studies are investigating the symptomology and
manifestations of the trauma induced by exposure to genocide, war, and conflict events. At least one
psychological comorbidity has been found in more than 70% of all chronic PTSD patients during
their PTSD ( 3, 15, e16 ).

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