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Grammar & Usage Ald CL2I7| — in| t Part | ul o# UNIT 01 a ers UNIT 1 02 03 OW 05 06 7 ze have ‘43 People [living farther north] have bigger eyeballs than other individuals, 3 eat Tv se Hf 22] So] AE ARISE CHE ARIEMICE cl & AS 7AIT BUF, OK IES slots Slo] AE ROMA ctw rl SHC ey has ote ~, the supply [of plastic bags in stores] has dropped by ~. “Saale S070) CS, 7} OL aIERIE AERIS 20] 8420] O~BOHETIR| WOH, live UIA Uy SAN MEDAIR) SOLA ‘Among animals with a backbone [that live on land], 322 species have disappeared ~. cog v Sx)o| AS ASSES & 92074 Bol Ake SMD] See AIL were ‘Not unt 1920 were all American women finally granted the right to go to the polls and vote. v = ‘e20x10| JOIN} OFS] OF OAH OILY H-AO| 71 SHEE REIS Beha SBAlniving yi FoH01os Go He, Keeping pizza hot while pizza-delivery drivers find the right house 3 v Lp} Wish FUR AS WE Bel OH OAKS Brake Zo| RS SAE IC sometimes a problem. is “ASA whether7}olnt Bao] Foj0lEs Ss Fa Whether crime was reduced ~ or other factors is not known. a WA} BOHE Zo] cl Zola! ote mo) glste=n) ole CHE elo) RA etal elgtt undergoes each of “= sh Ep SIasIEE AEA undergoes?) AL ach of the boys inthe tribes undergoes some rites of passage. 3 Vv 17+ SD Sf 2a SE SeF Ss Oh | Hal HRS| ABSE ext 7p Sale 7A 1 @ (A) Foi Many businessesol5 S45 send} 48, SF around the world= +NoFOIC (8) Those [who receive the package] feel obligated 3 “2A v to send something in return, FOIE ThosedI2e ¥FEA feelo| 82k BAU who 7101 ol Fog! MEA: Those A612 Hct (C) Bolts This sense of obigationdl2 2-4 is7t a ‘This sense of obligation [to return the favo = 0 powerful thatitafects ~ c 50 that . (BF “BEA 8k), FE. Hi Ale] IE 7182 oleHe] aH AIO A AS POH spl Noo Bm MEO) WES POR MPL SOI ABE AES Wn ELAR $ 90 BIC XH MES ofo> Si Cee Sel} 9}CL1 Bet Fal ‘291 FaW7| WANS olgelc), 7 PaO we ARSE HOR SOI WHO} Slee Lech eo] Eto BF CH OfFist SIPZIS OS ZAHAY Atel LeyAEHO HE IS clRIC], OF A AO] ACIIEIE OH Salt (2216 Tell 248) FOISS SeDt Falate lel S ot ol 2csHo} wicks emzte Lz Ce? eeaPF Seta AMES 301 $21 79) See WOR We Bey {1 Many businesses around the world send ftee gis or samples through the mal /[zJallow customers to ‘uy and test new products /in order to persuade future customers to purchase them, EA sent allow7 ore PiZIe! WTA, (ost a package of Christmas cards or calendars rr ® Charity organizations, too, use the give-and-take approach by perhaps sending target persons (A) "TheresV45, 2B01M Fol SA Fol USE ‘a number of experimentsO|22 554) have7t A, a number of= "4X2Kseverall2H= 59] 44/0170 (@) Rising tides enter a reservoir [controlled by 5 vO gates [which close at high tide], which7} Ola 2bAsol MEAN: Set gatesol=s EBA close} 8, (C) Tsome of SALA FEE UEMEE BAI BtI0l Als ‘of+2Ahol SAIN) 48 QIAIAILIC. these ‘experiments7} 8-201 85 AF have? AB © HA BICONE G25, IER e1O7IE AOI LIS OMAR ‘ICL EEA wich OLRIB) A 71 RE FE PSO] 201 Ret, UE ARIES $91 91 c1 HEE! Bat 1 oP cl AIS BE O1SBOSM siclel SOlsxIs eho} & DI EIGN ABADI BCE BBL LIC BRIA ARIS PS Esl OILS NBAOR eich, RO] a BS 208 Mloisl= LAR Golzil, Mo] uexlet XARA Ele HEAD | Hal UCL CE 8h ARIES & Aig! 282] LIAS GOED AISMD, OB ae AE ch (N)7017t both of themolas + sHeg#tct (8) SAK Fo|Eating with our noses): EASE 4h (©) F0IS the nose and moutholo= = Fleck at 21M 4-5 formo] 272. that ~ world FOI $416) = Besa ~, the nose and mouth [that we use to experience 3 the world] form one single sense. _— et Stay A Oe ISI PIzIO| LoMt Sct AA APE 28 eis SIC}. BE SARE S27} UE TE Soe He Zi MOMECE S H ECK 24S SAO| la AGS Sale| f HACE SME! ESE IKE Ae 21 HIG, 8 ZAIN, SISWE Ale) ayer HON 4RE AE SHRUG o AuIISS ane: ol ZEROS wiBsHLE E col Samioe wgsle Bao] ech. Sel BIS Blo] 222 OCH BENCHES ZO, & HRI US alt= 271 2S a PAIS HO Sich ANKE: ARTO BE ie BCI BE 3 Bice] BPE SRC, Al LAL 2] MAS BBE] Bh ABSIS BH eee shel zt 248 olf. BC 32 7H Itistare to hate the smell Bui] love the food, or vice versa 3 STE -EROIIM to hate ~ (to) love ~7} SSINAA' buLOR SEI AIA LORNA! PAL OIE Hel tO] to Melsii 2e7h UNIT 02 AAD ES UNIT Ol a them fg ONY SRR! owners sD S24 themo| # ey 54 BIOS Re GIOIA 3 AE SIRF AFT] AHIB ESA! OS ANS Eo BAN HCH 02 vy those sta SQHAe! research stations2/ wig ala 9 XeIo|Oz och} those7i A ne SBE IF Role OLNEY, B%, Rele| OF 7IRISS Alsfo}, sor He SF ZIKISOI Beh 08 hers {eR ALAS of0| 52} 715ther kids and dogs} ellsi=e A244 HAI a blke ASEH hers7} AIC) a7} GAIBH Y O18 TU al 7H] IP} Slats Pel oFOHSaF HES ox] af] 2ASIOHOHETE ee!) OH 04 a themselves ‘a that3/el | dolphins9é Gf can recognize®| 20/7} S88 HA 7I71= NPA themselves7} A, ef BPP SEIEO| 1B S| SIE At AHI PIAL 4 81S MPI OlLfe} SIo-AIe| NIE QlOjaL 4 BIC 248 Bash 05 aq another sty BOHY Ce CE HF BFE Sula} another?) Ae. fe) 947491 I 7S SLANE TALE Ae, Lf CB Bt fel BIFOLO| UP} BY AON 2S ZIOIS etgeC, ALAS! Lit OF Us Afzol 2 loi, 06 ay anumberof tg 4 Bit Ball Bey areasts +418 2 Git a number of7 3, et SAUI APIS UIP AIS] 42 AIPA BSP BE 07 ae much sty MO Ge Bal advices: 48 Sle much?) AL 1s CINE: ASHESUSE OfLOTOIES SARS Qo} XLIAI RE STS BOM xIAle| LAST BB BIC, les 5 (8) human histo A Bi GAOL machi | AA 81 SAIeI ae AR! Sel ARGS watSe AED gS B ‘vol Rch ABE wo] FLO OOH Bex] BAC, (8) 2942 HS OfzKtheir theories! Sin|s}2z OF ‘We ASCIBHA thelrs714, (C) 2844 astronauts® 72/7122 $0424} themol ma. ASE So] SoH} am SOK se] oj SER) I ARE Ch 7A BOIRS BIER & sie “yo! OfcOLa gte7H7" Sich FE SMS O(S ARIE Bistch, HEISE TE Cie} OBES BALAI ASe| OBO] Sche 21S BH 4 BRIE}, APIA LM rosouEa} 9724 AO OE PE UigAHE Zot BuO! TIELPTUIAIAIO! Sle Abs (= 9) 2144 HSS 7IKIn AP2 SOLER er, & Earth with rock samples. (78 ~ the United States sent astronauts to the moon / to "allow “them “to explore the moon[and] "return to ‘allow+¥oi+to-v (®017 vail SI, FRO SAiOIe| to explored (to}retumdl 4A ands Sze} wens 2ne a (A) contol over your life 21812 FCA Wo] =a (8) ed Bel 70! yous! BAA of S011 SEE 298 7ielew Ake yoursll| (O94 She Bel 8 fears PN 4 ut some ot ee Offa fete] HOUE ofeiso] GEIS sto} AEIAL is} 27% S40] FSIS Of aH=AIO| cHCRASRE AE cH 2 ARG TAIT BA SEC, ofatel BOE ofa et ‘Ao C48! Ex BoD oI! IAS goa) HO} Ol HE 4ES ZES| Helo] A 4 BC, oe{O) AAS BSE 4 UCIT HELO Aiea SAS BOUL XT ‘fe48) 7Ao| | Ch ASM SIAL Ao} Of IO] 21 jun SUK) Ula 4 ele 22 LOI LI 22] FASS SoI=AKE ol EOI HI > gic. ofaIHO| Ofcol SER! SIeICPI7| Sah MIM NAHB ik ao ‘WEES Nai 718 + 2c. eto eel AB] BA sie Of BE SHI IP AME WM SECIS Sich 22 8 BASH 32 (28 Yow and your parents may have different ideas [about the rate [at which you should achieve “Tt Jeven {about what independence means) different ideash FAKE 7421 UBT about ~ independences! about ~ means} HAt andat SE BRR [e581 The more your parents think you ate able to take care of yourself, the more likely they will be to allow you your freedom. “thevtita ~, theta. (SI HAR CIS BIC, AZ. ww @ et (A) workls 4 $ Sit: IAIOI=2 a great deal of7F AHL (8) ol U2 magicd 7i217ID= SCHR tO WOK, ee. (C)to free®! slay $0} hes! freee! S80I7} WE HHA 1B 2fe1 710 ANI himself 88, =, he demonstrated a remarkable ability to free eee himself from =, — books about it se ‘to escape from handcuffs. 14 O24] OLAS eta) HCHMAOIA reTALOH EFORCE 2} ORS oH 591 HRS aIOR O1BIE Zico a HE oasis 7H! 7S OSH 26S SOI PL EE of Alga ain FH Se at Ve we wie HCE A cH APS, Se of801 C8 MISS WRC Te aiaol Be! AL SO, FIC Ole FUE AIS SHOWN BBSIE LS a ‘Ct. 0] Alo ofa] OLAS Rete OFA RUHR Ac] Ue] ons? Ua AS) OFS Hel ILI UHRBICE = DigAIS WHS UL, REA zielm AS BH Of a PIB IRONS BBS Flot Seis woITaICL Z SE MPPHoR Bela Heer ‘SA read2! learned?) ands 212387, CHAI $A} learned2] S20 to perform ~a to escape ~7} and SIS were Oo 02 03. oy os 06 o7 UNIT UNIT 03 zy moved fi EAP when | was sill an infanté= 2! 24 AS LEH DADE aL 24 U8) FOE U7] OY ROOTS a HIRED OSHC, ae was sta last yearé BMS! 3p] AE LEHR BPP) Are ae) NE OSI Lit @ OFS WPS] Jol I AA}OE CHEECH 2 joined fag in 20078 Sept nf AS LIES DIANE a os IE ROVE ACHE AIH BB SHE Sota! DOOM eH zy has collected fis 2DH9EI BWAIe| 71QSS LILA ANS forthe past ten yearse fm] Mo} AE! SAIB YEAKOS SIGE} A 14 “1 7IBIS ARE AY 2! 9101 O14] mee TO| ANBRY GUID! Hel BIB O|OIKE SEI have been working 4a Since2} o|m= Alz!2| 57 Since ~ century} io 2}7HSEY BINA REL SAYS LRU SIE ARI APS, Srigkee eaetesc! Sol Ai4'sIo| YEOl A cl SEL 6s 20ND | Bet O1FS YE VION & aieixHSO| che “IRINTOLA Al EHH ech ae is fa GA} untilo| n= ARIS] SARLOIOR BAIR OHA Cts ANCE 1a A 2k A71eta} to cs! He} cao] ts] HSL LOH aN ZC, ae do sta BSA} unless7} om Azke| ARO|E2 etnIAIAP) OIA CHA AGC ae Aig SMO! ehiZIe BB ARES ey Zloletn Be ZNO BIC fa WPIMIR| ISIE Sic, o1! AIS melo] A} HE six) BOM eIo| WIS BLA] 1 mo sit (A) since7t olm= Alzto| YAtSO| ome Sextet Tt x 2 (@) PPE} SaIPRIe| 712 LeILe YALE for a long timed} ol Mol isl Aeage Lele Boeee7} x a (Cl whens API Aize| MARNE D7] Sf ARSE eH ap {Aer} 3 78 em Government policies sometimes provide incentives for cons cis S251 OEP 21 grist fel nla Aolol Zier Bs at ‘EHS HOHE, OIE AMIE AIS IB 8104 BS 74 ‘Mop AmB OS 0] Bove 9171 CHOICE A xR 91-2 ulate ORR! mA EAD Sloigch, AHL AL 2 Sx] ise] oes Sel Se IC, cera a, ASP, Wel eHO1 Ae KINI Pale ol As 28 CIRC, BS MO| oH gel ALIS Ala Ved ‘Nol C18: SOHRS AIBSI7IE QI, we! 247} wesOLsKH SP ode Sesielo} ATER ANH oF BS Mat Ob} BBIS GN, 3 TASTE Oley HB Ewe! xiuicl ition [that favor the removal of forests) ‘#1CHIA! thatol OLDE 01 AA incentives for constructions 246 FA, stl ~ they constructed the Belém-Bras Highway inthe late 1950s, which cut through the Amazon Basin, PICIRAY which 20K) SIO1A| HA the Belém-Brasiia Highways 2S Melek AIG REO wet 2 @ oa (N) S243 Fottwaiting ~ late G+ ABI (8)'as soon as~ sixoix}}7} oln= Azie| SapOI=S ‘BHAA ALAS CHIC (0) OVA When ~BicfpV os s2| A7Ie| arate HATA eta chalet ost seems / while am kept waiting for you.” “Vknow you don’t mean to make me feel / as if your life js more important than mine, sis QS ee ARIES ical AE RRA Mel ct UE Sled, G8) JIGS Aol ow stole aw Be #1 ee SAA et BIC AIL SILA OF SOR OF Glo] OL ex sek @ APRNDA eval SOF, 59, “LAS G7} LI stots ofa] tect L39| fol cf BRE! A) LUA sizim 1c ZI OFLA 2 OE. BF XREUPH AIG 7Icie SOE aA Cia, “eka, Pat 0] ASS a TEs sy GIST em girls Bn, MS sIRIGISS BACT MEMIet YORE So] 0] ale ROS! GHIE 7ICeI7 IEC AIS S ARIS 2 set, 2A] OfgPl 8124, ASE IAS = rIctala SBA 0] ARIS Slaisl EH 28 OIC that's how it ‘Mil know ~ fell Eithat’s ~ seems)o] HSAt but OAH WERAOIN|, 24 Ao as fl whiled) ols SAHEO| rac (5-001 Ask /if'they know /°what makes them so late all the time [and] offer ~ c % (3BIBe] SAI Aske offer7} G&A) andiz SEI BUTS, YAM IP] OME BE SA) Askel So] eS sit AOL 0,0] Ava eIOIA 2>CHBIAF whatO| OLE 201 At knowel #401 SBE alt BAVSO| Sc © (A) Se 71 ARE LiShUHE SEA in the Middle Ages} YO IAAIIPE es (@) ever sinceeit= AICI BAKE BOER BNET A a (O)s01VeS (= £8! ICH, OIA ZO BAF So 9 the cost of the fabricsolOz EPSAKE BO}O} st 1}, ofthe fabrics the cost att +4/0/701C), sis alts SAAMIOl BeOIA REO AseHCL 0122 oft OPIS OLAS SALE Saf} OFZ! BUA Sa, CHE Of AGOIE HE UE E> Se ARIE FUEL ORS BE 8 Mole] BIBS Meisiel BE woIRL BS VICE a BRE BAI0] B71 MOL Bel 7S AATEC ANE US MIRA AIRES 7 Ao) LOSI 44H CHA wie 0} & 210m atelab| AIRC ata WE eho] Klar AEC Olt BOIS CIE al Ors ARBAKE OVo|ctz o| OFC, Ol el AaPNOR ARBRE 4 Rim B BOUT HOH AAS OF SOMCL Go| WAI OR 71) ese itt 2c (81 This made it possible for some women to support themselves as spinsters, ~ Sov one eune so OES it 71840, to support ~ spinsterst= #180101 (5-7 Linen became so inexpensive that people began to regard it/ as something to be disposed of // when it became worn, /instead of repairing it. $0 ~ that. (HP ~~ 848 FE. unit 04 JESS UNIT 01 ae have made fs “2 BY OLHGOHO} aH (BHR) EOLA zIO|CH'! Sole a4 AF CHS Ales LYEHE Sa}0Le should have pp. HEA7t 2 Ae) 92/7 TA] Hol SAMBO BASIN T AFIS oto] Rhee] BU gue, Pelt I A eS BONO} BI 02 ae can't fig GORY "QeI0| GA SIH WAPI SS ONS ely HICH: ZR HAIN 4591 ofo|7} eo} s1m= can't} mAHEk fs 92S DERE BIO] Sch 2B 21a gP| MEA} HeIO] PAP} Sei elols VAAL TE ORAS Eby gicen SAB > Ct 08 ae must wie a SROMEOL BERLE! ofole| a4 Alo ae 28 AAO19e must have pp-2l #21 HA! should have p= “~Rgoj SHEE (SN! Qo] F202] Sf ar] ARNON CARL RAKE EL BIOS Bako XA) Bc i 7/2087} 1 Leh ete a SS oF ef ol 94 Che7| olEA| aBAHAZO! BBC. 04 ae tise fg fe] SAPEAYBImeltedholx Se) S| OHO) QS ISIN VE AS 7rSIT 7H BI! MBOIML, mew) See ABA SHEA, OL A oi B9 HRS] BO] GF SOO! A pI seFoHE soul sew El 05 a hadbeen sta M0] 3] ANE Bice 2HBI BOSE MAS 7A aiBRel had pp. BAT! AL ae ‘O] Sota Ia WesSIcHoIo wsewlO| IE a 2 eis 06 a had invested fg: ifYS gk86! a} Affe! in 19972} Ao] a] APS eis 7HalshD, 222 by nowell: BAO sino] AIS wlcHe TPS B87F8e! AEOICE, Ua if ADS had ppt tes 4 “DP sero 3 SA] ER oF SIAL SIgCIeIe TE IBS ATE 07 wy be ‘sta Lol APIS UHL SAt recommend?) 2a thateel go] ~sfo} SIC HIME LISI ose “(shouldHEAIeIE.O| 10} Bt, fase 21 Ake Ataf Of Ys AFRIOILE 27} AUR: CHE SRRIMHA SLE aIEISIO‘O} SICH BAEC ot Z o0ele| Be ita] YO YE SISO| BALE FR #12 HE wQolehe 2s 2 gis Hole 1 SB (@) IFIOE Sol 748 were] 0% Sy APIS wk 7 21-5] Sol VAKIES sien IBS AYSIE Ml ANE weit 7a! 71 AE, Oe SE AEA PINEAL OlROF OFBE SYMONS Y7F BLOB 3 B Pielke F217) asta, wae! gigolaha ot <1 Halo] BiB Zolch Bele (C)teddy bearstt 7121712 &-ScH24A} theo] 22 NEE 0] Maelo] 3 fIel0| aie Felal WE 2In}0) Seas 7 Bie AME Sol ai wele! mag eksoscID Bl Ch @ elsfel Zao] a7em SL wea OF0ISE 0} B eles oil Xie] 22 22 4 Ct a ee OE XANES Ola Sic), SIE 7IKo1 & OIE wast ofo|sO| 11 Sol Stet at ate IOI.” 2 om “so that ~ (W814 UES), FE. som ‘The shape is used to align the face // so that the nose and eyes conform to the mouth, ~ this frown gives teddy bears a relaxed look that makes “them ® seem wiling to listen to their owners) ‘BANGED thato] Olm= Ho] Ataf a relaxed ookE SKE TA, ® (h) HEEB LIEK Al most of BALE Hol LICE B AMN1 40 SSIRIARICE, the profile sketches} 542) AOIDe SSEAI have7t 8, ofalienst= A701E, (8) Sey 7AsS01 Rs eV RICHHE Bee WS S ‘210)7} 20} 6122 cannoto| 2. (© that Gol 25S Lee BA insst7t Sem BONE ‘waho} SiCh= SAIS UES}Oe "Ishouldv)EARELO) a set ra7rdel ef} (oInte| 9)91 51S O10} sine LA o}0F DISS WEN) B7HRCL ACHE Pie BAS AVA! AS 21 PES (8A mige| SDAoIAIRS Bat wets ei4e1 a} ofS glojgic, Tai olebd ole! SE siigise & CHB AIQE! ele} KC). AHL) oHO|| Moi BIRR | Mingel ¥-4al BE Se SOMA! elzioto| + we A ‘edie! Bokeh Sapte! cre Zod wise! Awol & Sake Rich" ofS ZkS Sapp IS SSP TIAL SE of SI CHE ofel 2} alas: alate ojo) Sick _as17| Be Hoch, [5-681 Ofthe hundreds and hundreds of millions of species on Earth, humans are the only ones [that walk on two TI legs ‘PICHIA thatol OLE Ao] SEAL the only ones 4S Fz, © (A) 2821 FOI The numberdl2z 2+8Ale! hast 23, of people ~ machinest= +1070 (8) 282] SAP AIS LEE are suggestingola. thats] UGOl S25 LINSISE should be SE be 7, (6) Theresv45, FEEOIM Foie SA $1 SI growing attentiondl=e Al is7h AL i Ob pHs elaial Amor ANBalE AMRIESI = 5. 7 SSBC, TAILF BA, (2-A) AbGol ole! oat 7} 5 miele #4 cts! Bol aIBalz ck. oF Sot AISI ‘SHxHB ofoleay 4) cio] ACARI ARBaKE Weta} 2 © BCS AAsIo} Pca niplaia Qe), Se Hepes Sha Waa AI] Beat SA mI7HBOI CHB! AEE OA Piao] S7ishn. ch i SMBS 21 BHF EE) efe] 4301 Boisol cle} cf e/a 2IEOIK, Social scientists, for example, are suggesting / that children and teenagers (should) be careful /in both how en and how much they use their mobile phones. hows! how much?! Sle LESE= they use thelr mobile phonestl BESR 28H, ‘2H Se! they?! their children and teenagers EC enn There is also growing attention to problems [of electromagnetic pollution and toxic waste [created by ‘mobile phones]] — problems [that will worsen /as the lifespan of each generation of phones shortens} HAI) olsi2l problems ~E 8001 4S problems of ~ by mobile phonest! BS 4 21a ast ~#o m2F2ie 2) Oo 02 03. oy os 06 07 unt 05 Fe UNIT ze be kept be READE RAIS HolDz FojThe rashls} SAYkeepht= 8 BHO 1a MERRIE Be (MOH ahezei| Sin 71K Behe CNSprt Gono Br, ay being used sta Bol Mola Se" Holes #¥gt Hel F0'2l your money?! BAI uset= 45 AFNIC ye) 0] Ro] OL ROIZEE 71% SALW, late Go| ABASO| 7kAS ANAHE cl aol SICHE 2k SASH + LIC), 2 been found Ey ig PB, S44 aol WLS] YE" AONE FO4No skeletons, ~ gold}s} EA¥find)= +S BAolc ee LIK AION BOIL SA Se Bol WRSIK| RICE BELES ato] 1 toh cHUIRO| EAR ze happen tia happen NgAoISR 458 #4 at 1s S88, Bg, 4, Sle|4eI0} IS ons AE OfeLOI aS a, ‘yy relieve sta BOY ofAneo| ~sHt= ck'~sP71 Fal) ABEKEF 2tOI0]2 be used tow 7 APLBICL, Ae OLATILS BBS 2ialet7] ae ABSIECH, Sal be allowed WEAPH SBEL Aolow Parotset allow: 25 Bal, gfe ze building Sis S27} ZH Bolas west bulld= 5S 2A, er aeaelel Su al Tat, PME AUB! Ain SE & 4 Bi AE Moe LOSE siglo ick oi ELMOIEE ILO! mis > Sle AIRSLE OFLC, TelLy BY TIBI SeI71 7cHB! IS ZAHA BLIOIES Be 4 Bictat a sec 1 0 mm ® st (A) They(-feathers)t sis) SESH ‘alae’ lola Sea (@) ‘be used to-vie ~SH= 4 OSs! ol, "be Used to ving "~ait @ elaak2 seeiol Felt 2iRo| ME BABE Ol OMEICHG Sloe "be used tow 7. (©) B9| Loi HO] os ate? OLDE The rest of the body®! covert= - Bi, SA} seems®! AAI? 6 Oia MB RIB LEIA Shee SeHes Mo BI oe ‘Mo} Ste MIBOL AME Lit 2 oleiot BE 2H 7x 2c, 22 BEOIA WSS SS mI Te PON 7H oa sis CRSP RAIL 4 SUES BEC. 2EE Te mg Gast cl ABE 4 UC), AeBBS| IE ZI aL SS el TIC al Ge, 5 oF gle! 308 SAS eS 3 PRE TRC BBS] Loin) we BA Ce TE 2G gt AOR MolH OAS FOIE OEE Af ole, sf nil 7icee ZI aah Bieta, 0] 2S Fo Sia MeSH Dey 32 [698 They help to keep °a bird “warm / by trapping heat [produced by the body) clase tothe surface of the skin. ‘keep +S 0h-SAtuO4 RIO} ~atAl BALICH, PS 2 © oa (A) BIE IPL HOLE a princesse! miss= SS BL (Bhexist NEAbINS Serle & + etc (C) aI 2480) O10 Is “SE 2IOISE AHANGreck writers} 271Ape! Ahad heard 2 2%, we rr er a Mesopotami fg UIE ANG! fn S701 RE FeCl HES! & AYR LITHIA aM iMlol IOLA BME Sh Ch UERVIELIAIDE: MO(RIO}AZIS O62] MIBAIO} HA! B50) Bee, Te THe! Ag Tele, TUS A 30)7| Hof UE Sao} Rus Sle! ABA) HIE Z| Sich 1 HE AN] HUAIELA ZOLA BE Beige Be 2. Zo @! 1 LU BEC, AIM 0] APE ofaF ExHeY Mo] ISK Holck, Fa Ol BH 7HzLD BE HaNBE Ave, ARE}O/ONS AIMEE WEA Bt Ho) Bal BIAS HE Bel SBOE! & 7/41 BIE OIE See Ta Aap ISOM 2 2001, © (-9t The only descriptions (that) we have ] of them come from Greek writers {who never actually visited i el) had heard some great stores from returning solders) ‘ABIE HAKEQAA thatOl OT Wo] AWA} The only descriptions& $AI6i0 of theme OHS @NaK HAF, BAU ‘BA who7} O|n= S| BAP Greek writers +151 IC, 0| BIAHSOLM visitedst had heardi= H&AI but &1 eI WRITS ofa Gc ® (A) ofeiojolgo| “wR wa aie’ olNe AieAXthe ‘many young childrens} 272A] SAlpunishit= + Sa (@) ReMPE sOr MIPS OP IO VKH Zoe what expect’: $5 2 (0 BBO! HEE oP ESOL eINOHROI FOIRIL’ ZI toddlers®! givet= $5 2A ws Sze] At S2t of@OIO|SS IRE WES ste 71 OIL) 2} Ay "Uo 2st MEE gC, RNR aE ‘Se ff Zl Uisl ws wD Ae Be ofelojoyEs 4718+ oS GE Qo, OF Be, GEOR MPL OIE A) ASOD 71H 1S Ol SER FL7t OFM Bel wt BO Aes, Be e ERCT we we. IE xt ABO] Sak AS OUP] 9s! SOI YAK] RCL AS fs wert Of7}S0|, ela eH BIRO Of > = ‘520] 0} Stix) Selec efBIOLRIIRR AIF Of0] 7) 99S AWE 9! Ba 71 Hs ZO] FON WE WE 2S 2217180 ONC}, ICH} REI Oe ZESIS NEE BS SISOIL} mien} ZO) OFM > ett IaH 7/IBKEAH, of ERE MB Olek: MALES ce cit! ojo of cst cHRC4 IRIS info} aS Ol It [01 Itis truly sad to think of the many young children [who are being punished for behavior (that is | Tt developmentally appropriate] “IR7HFOH ~ to-viRIEO}), 70] MBIODY, SIEOKE to think ~ appropriateO|t. AAACHEIA! who7 OLE 0] SAE the many young children? Natal 0] SAAS: LOIN E CIE BAA} thato] O|z= Ho] BAF behaviors +41 ait Ot the capability to truly understand cause and effect) O7IN when® 20s Sei SHE SAN, to truly ~ effecti= HAM BHO! to¥"AAlS the capal aNatc, {tis heartbreaking to see “toddlers ‘punished by being given time-out / when they have notyet developed 3 ¢ EO ity un UNIT 06 Ae SE UNIT Ol ae restricting fa MOY "IBIBKL’ ZIOIOe A policys} restrict’ 5% 210k oi BERIMOY Neo PIE! Se Bohs ME BHO] ALLIES AIgt 02 wy called sta ZBEO! obeURain “wale 2toleu2 very tll bulldingse}call2 45 Balo|c, Ae) GE EAI OleIRZIa Bele OI 2 24BHO BIC 03 a= showing ‘BENIgO! ITH AICS Ole" zlol=e Well-paid workerslo}8s £0191 showi= i= ZAo|c, $2 NOE WE TENSE BeNOR APROLA Cl NARHA, CE BA i EEE CBS BY a yaad AH eI 0Y ae seen fis "ei9)2} oY "OK 2012 the sun and moon(2lala FoHat see= 5 BHOICk 1 SPB S201 Wf SI Wo DEON 4H ol I Ef lO] WH 94 2K 05 au disappearing sta disappear: KEAjIa2 4512 @ 4 eich, ne) US Ret MARIO SI SES Se 2S SIRI MAIR Bee AE APIRIIN OIE Cl oleieixin Bi 06 frustrating i HEOpS aio} that olsi2] WS 7He\LlC,thatslel Bol "HetAAIS ghIS Sue" 2IOISE ving BEAT} asic Ul Ais) BORwe Aijo| oH CH! AYRIE AI] PaBICHE 2101 ELARIBICE gfe 07 ee confused Si, TOl(nost people} "BRA BBE LT 01S pp. BAPE AEE. si FRIES cetES| ABIBOI AIS 2S O18 Wf O18] BRIAR BH 2S We ATO BAB 2B D8 lao 2 sia (A) Soilyou)t “Sal LT 0128 pp.7t *4. "be incerested in (~01 BAO SiC), 72. (8) ‘AIBOT "AIS Wor PIORRT 2oIEz toolol4 oleh inspirels FH WL (0) BAor S28 715 A HSE “Sz ge aojne youStole FOH2l cany= BS BAL 4 BEA AD: ele AIS olol 1 24871 IH 2 2iBo Asicha Bain Ach 27} Ba) AIS (2! Ao) Wes) 20K, ILIA sit ZOU Hse A] Bel 747 Mike SI 321 S'S No # Zlo\c. Alo} NS 2771 $l Boll OB OP) WKS, we FR EK! eS bx, 24 ee) Boy EOI SIE WOE OA Aleree, Tel F201 Be (Holl IEAES Alor 2 BIZ BLA SEC} MBSE OE S2lOpI gel AAT Cl $9 RoiA BE}, BUEO} TIGA! 7AISS Sz IS 2 Sold ol 32 SS He Sol gOS ola UE a -SA2) WHE AICHE 1B SKI, cry won special pants {with knee pads), ~feel the need to buy [ tools inspired by ancient Japanese gardening traditions ndless umber of how-to books. buy S801 188 BE A special pants tools howto books7} A and SE WA 2 BAS 3P, BPABAHT, F223 LEME 44/0472] 4S eh SICH. 2 ® oa i (A) that ols ol Bate Zee ewsie Zoe wing BE7t E ~ it is amazing that it has especially affected 3 SESH culture (BPH WSO! WIR Bole war and conflc(2i0) ‘4 Bo02 spreadis SB WP, withHtMBAHSALLE ~ ‘& v8tskiveil/ =| oloh BAIES| “ear Let ernie zy ~ with war and conflict spreadin Cossemi nation to nation, (c) 29] ARs! ain 37) Hels] ABAD 2E Be | 2s BAIoiRIE" 21012 individual and national sports2inla! F084 Drivet= +5 2, tes MoVGRE 2m ofA) 20] SBS Bek, Tela ADAH 3] gale BIS ABC AS NEIL OFS ol, B24 ol 2, 28, ala Qo OF Bae each HEA Be a 2 OIG, ABA G8! RAB Ue, ABAS| OIE of DIE! Ao) eta ISO) OHO IB AION AIR, La} L2H LAIN AEIRLS ZOICE. XK SIAL Hol 2% ARAL ojo 718} eka, 7A) wet RISE BHA OARS AIC, Ze Woe ele nol} Bt ASL S[ABAE 219] BEAU HECt eC IOR! sHetUiAe| BOB ABAE spinel 4o| iC), [Set Over the past decades sports have probably been the element of culture [that has progressed farthest, fastest ‘BAIA thatol OL 20] NGAP the element of cultures AVES 2. @ (a) UPPF OAPI Bol stash BS ZOIDS a country$} locate 45 2A, (2) Foi Vout wet IS L7 A01ES pri tes (©) Cast el sel AlRSOF Che EEF & etOis wat © AO|OE various ethnic groups®! speak® SE 2 A. Hi QoimepizaiRe cule eset al 27eeTiRIeI2| SOIR} Qu, O17} aH Bo S1RIH BE LEHI, SHORE Yolblol BASH, ARH? Sin, BORE SEU ABIIRI=7} ACh o| L2K= MAOH Cts! 222 2 dein Sic, THI Sol] BAMOR enw AS we 2 20|ch, Sole BAMoLD Aeialel Ba BOL 7A Ba] ABSA H4OHAY, 7POIAKS Ca] CHA NUE 7H 0| Molt Pjo[c, KIS WOleIy) ete rama} = SlOinoY ADH Che wie & elotsh Mie here 91 ee OM © AEHBOICL, [2-28 Tothe north ie Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique ~ a "BA BAIVIS 21 SIRS, 3 a 5 3 UNIT 07 UNIT Ol we produced sy #821 SAI SLO2e FO The tragic conditionsa} 8Bak= SAt produced7} 2 Ho] BAL 201 The tragic conditions2] -AlO/FE oln pointed out Del Saw! Vesa] USE Fei ‘The tragic conditions [pointed out by many critics] produced measures ~ 3 v 6 ‘Beo4to wesEt eRaHe MICA 71el 000g Ole ABO RBS LOC Ge HIE La APE UIE SAE guste Bag wet 02 we do Hi) $0 LIE QMHEAIE seem attractive CHASH: CHA do7} ACL, they'= Wo Li Peoples 7121 se) ARISE he 91S HET ofe} OTH IH 2S aC ERP OM oles ANE “xoltc| RaFAID EC, 08 ae try st) Wheno] ol: 7A} Soi 80] ola: SEMEN, FS] BAI SOF BE or 0} BA SAI FE BAS TI OE MS AS, Ae, a1Sel OH FOIA AH 04 ye breaking up si consider vi oH BS HARE ANRIRIE TBeha OA SPS aba AB ASH Ae 05 we feeding ste) 7APo1| Cfo] = AE OIC Slole So} Alok SBAKV-Ing)| AEE, se 2 elo] SR1e Apo) AEE 797 81 Fe AS aes 06 ae tomove Shi AKISoF DROe Al|L’ AvIEe peoplest moved: SE Lotolc ‘enabler RAoisto- (BOL va! LU SIC, ae Avis oft Setued WA] Hols AOI DROR ale] 4 OIA ae Bo! Sle ABA sire 07 ye carried og U A0l BOE SISK 2o|Oe my luggagest cany= 4 BAO[C. shaver SAioHp.p. (EE EL sk}, se) LAS 7G PUR BIB SSA HCE ZO els ule! HBO BRR IL Yate Al = 7HWolgE LAE Aol OBIT BIBP| HOI, c 1 “ a @ oe (A) GIO WE ARN SH 2B SueCT = Zaps forget ving SF Ai, M2 forget tow (OION) vB 28 SIC (@) need to-v: v8! 427) sic} (C) This new understanding [of how men and ‘This new understanding (of how men and women react diferent to stress wil allow our women react diferent to stress will allow our relationships to thrive rather] ust survive ° ‘3G, OG; “allow+BXo}+to-v (BXOPI vElES SIC), ow oe ‘Unis op} ASAIAS clan ala] Zot (& Atle) iat OEIC UAE BIE ARIE MAM 288 SioHHaIAAD xo] $2 401 Boalt WI oie OxIss NID ‘ol SIC int niall ais eesti in HRA A AlGHHL OAKS IM Bz 7IeRatT BE ZO! eLI—% BSE B70] ACHAD| ciel WES Velsi4 O|HSIAI oe AS2 B7IMSPAE xia SAND elaR] HCI 21 oleh. ofBish BMI MSIE Ake SRO] SL} BIC Palis Mel AOS olFH 7 akc, wrIe| of Xp} ABaLAo! olga Cie wSSHEIo AGH ANE 0] Hai (RD rts LH SAIS LC Cf ERIN 4 01, We need to understand our differences ifwe are to support each other ~ Tea bet EEE, 2 « ® (N) Sill LS RIBHEA dream CAIGKE CHAE do7t = (8) BRPOIgOT SEBAHAIS NOIR catset grow! | BL hear} S404 ing (SNOVt vali 242 EC, (2821 SA naps OM! w SY go BLY BS A+ Ol E CE SAP IH 4 Ruch BARA “Ame S10 to-v8| AHS BHI to save? SOV 201 A to saved} (to) pass?) H&A anda 2s WEEE, ~ the average cat naps / for 13-18 hours every iy eos Saisie BE PER! shel Fe BC, TILE +210] AS BEIOIE Ate Ho] QcHeA 7H BeIOLH OL B 8 Fn UE 2A Uap S201, Be MVHS RICK AG 2 > 81S ZI, 7H BEIOVH x OB ePiel API SS Fe GEC OWI DeO|O| Bora Absa SIAL AB ROICHE 2G) BolCH! Teo Bie BE ARI Se! AE 2 4 Qe), AMY el Were ofA] 1 Sesh ALIS W147 fo oF o~tBAIRIE Sh OF ‘| ROK ole oven od 7 SAIC, am CEE s v 918 2, ofRK8 BBE Sate oH MBH! of day -— to save energy SKE S2|7} WHO! SES OH THO] QL Bho AHS lo] Cl Ho [ ou {to} pass the time ww tobe awake /whenweare ‘Afterall its more fun - 7HO1 to sleep at night. fosscen nate 550) to be ~ we aredt to sleep at night0l 4A) andes Se eA, ® (A) D)o|gor “AA8Ke" OI your childrens clean 258 WHIOIC. ‘make Sos RIM (AOE ~< 2H ABICH, (8) keep ving’ ASSIA vate! (want $2:0Htto-v: 8207+ v8H7/8 Saket i OFO1SS HED etete Zloe Se] Ia} ZICH CH 3 Maia aie 20] FHC, oS BO, OOIBOLA -g spa) Ai[eigt Se a7} Sloat SES eWlst=A o}o}80| Shs] SE sie, OF ISON BAL ex TIA ASH ZC WE BES Oplal wa 9 sich BES 2EE o}0|S0| 1s, YOVRIS BNEio| a1 AI LHC, Ax) of BetaKe cl ALAS Sl 20] 2a} SETI SOIC). Bat 8 9181 Aig Re He Ge eAl0] BOIS HE Of0/BO| UE AOI 7} Ofc, (HES) MSHS AS OH AL BRIOIC}, AIOE 7s, o}0|80] SHER BAdO| AI aft G1, 0] AI9|olO1S 7181 10] B aH) of AEM Ol He Ye, [©78Taking time for training also does not mean / (that) children will do things ~, 3 Vv. 0 SEAH Taking~ training)7! FO1, Me#E AAAI thatol olm Alo| Wakol Seo} otgS si, Cy ya722 via: Aa UNIT Ol ae be fa "want A to-v (47+ valzie) akc), ARONA! to relaxst anda ete! WEEROICE torelan Theor manager wane ouee| | _Josemeree- 6) be comiorable 4, StReZIRE #90 ol ele Bol te AA FA Ain BEETS le 02 a given 18 areol SISH= presenteds| HAA} anda oa wePAOIC ‘often presented as gifts on birthdays and anniversaries Flowers are ‘given to moms and dads on Parents’ Day by children, fe) RE WB Melo} 7kso| Be O|RIR, ofsio} 04 of |S eff Of, oFHIxIm FOIA, 08 a enjoy fg Thotonly A butalsoB, F2Oe SA} kes WAPAB oz, ss OTR OFMOHAS S-SOHA| As S715 Ob 2+ ORES PH BIB ALE STTA IE MLICK, OY ae longest fie thes atsvin/f) = (oF) BOIA 78 8 stool aiisk BELO longest} ARIE 2) BEL SA! of ofo| aa Avo 7A 21 OBS 7A Reet OPH HIE} WEL, US MEL ORR ABE en KC 05 wy better sta ‘ulataHthan,& 1S &) ~Mct c{ ~£f alple| ving Belee better7} REI fe) 2S Mel OOTIMET: ASPIAS SUE WEE BASIE Hol ONS BaHe Asc} CXC 06 2 those of humans fags than ola}7t The eyes of a cate| Hi cHAIORH OlZIt RIAA7F S10} SIE those of humans7} ASIC, thosel= The eyese NEE 14 Role SS 2I9| Sec] A of IAIN ARO > Re ACI Ml Ch IAL BBE AiHsIO’ We sit 07 ay working stg ‘ast Bidas. “2S BY eel Bs BRIO Paling awagona] PAE ofFDI UE Bese iz Ho|oO} 822 working 1h Pulling a wagon is [azmaturala] working asa farmer. i) Of} ME BE BE Male ABPTOIL NILARLt, 3 ol Zn) BY Beh CA AHBOL Bel che ANNE 7] B ABE Ol AB kt 8 84 BAPE In IC, 6 leo 8 (A) BAbreads, leavesth and OBB WEA, Ample] Kats) AMOI o1BxHSO) Bole = 7k 2) ‘The machine — reads the card, iol Sect 7a ISS Ola ABA! HOLE 7188 3 leaves a record on the card [that So 2! So LECH, IE BI SON AIA wt Bt “Td AUUIRL Tle] WE oy OSE AIA OlBakE BIB Be makes it“used"] 2X] RHIC, EBA) = AYA CI BA OE Bab HAI IER sola 3 weio| SaI7t ICH 2S BED OTR Ch OLB = HA OF sm RBIS Az A 7 SSICL 7 CS mie! ofgO| 77} ARABIA 7 ALABE ‘then spits it(= the card) out. 2 (2) SN tiedst anda eet wea Sohe tried putting the card in / with the magnetic sip fen up was pleased to discover hat it worked (©) which way7t oie 801 Bs BA 2S put oie 30 It turns out / that it doesnt matter which way $ va ouput the card» @ Olgstts SUE WANS &I Pot SORA 9) Oty} 71 APLC, THES 70} Of8 Ow WIE O'S SPF ket et ogict (9) BA involves oF being as well as 4 dusen Itinvoles ~ being tu “present” with what is being lscussed, being patient (8) Ft ol 6 2254 toiterupt or Bat ees Youll find outhow tempting tointerupt iti) ye before your ~ (to) offer some feedback (0-5 4 vias REHthan, #291 S00 alae a more? ‘workon this problem As of become more interested listening speaking, ® SoH you fist understand whats being si / be o Hi 221 SI RolLpl a Bore Afgo| Ske Saleh wee ot 22 dhol ait Olt, 42 OUHNS aii ewer oILIay seeleia Shs Zo] ARI “olehe’ 2S Sletc, ofe ofaitol cHol moHEOLA Of2Iel SAIS Bols}2| MoH PH 380 o}OHIsIa SIEAIB OfsHeIS 2S CIB, af Hyg SHS BUPIS: Rod MPKAIL M}CHS = 2.0] ef Of SALAS MAB OIC, Of ASE ose eH inte! Polo} fete] Selo] SRE APL, Ae wo] PS BAL Cf S198) 2o[c, ole! Sx satafal ew or Spc} S7I0l Be AUK SPA Bho mt, aE Aol 7S & MB Basln IAMS WI 7S US OF aista 3 20K fore you jump in [and] take your turn, ‘244A what ole nol BA understande Soe a ® (n)thase BA normalizes and Bl Itappears that probites orm rie repontes Inhibit choneinfection, (8) F018 SAS BAI ie thveatening and ae wars erous These _Jevcomtance ife-theatenng (C) Beso! ANS BOFKE' AO|SR infections? cause es. ee) people [whose diets rch in probiotic foods! oe A921 AGRA whose?t OLN wo| Fole! peoples + is SEPA Actol STO] BEE ARIES Be Mt 71S SAT Ache AS MOMMY, HO] Oe! WES aaa IA 2 OfnIBIc= 22 SE ZI Ch me AL ol MUSE 7H WY Gu Buo| Pale ew wat Ojai Aetsin AIS Siesiis AINE zie SEE aa ‘Melee! oloL BI: Ze OR SERCH, 2k o| BO eta) a 21 4 OCS 8 Ba BL 1, 0] 2% Ae] 7H OLAON BRIE Sete zIeKel $I 1S AAA IEE IBOS ele AA] ABS ms U, 2 SANS BANE of OS AKO Se tetel OB ONE 4 SESW OFBER S81512 2c, enjoy enhanced immune function v 7 v7 UNIT 09 UNIT o 02 03. oy os 06 07 ‘<8 Today, there is an alarming emergence of using agents [that are resistant to antibiotics. #21 RAtUHeIAH thato| O[mIE Ho| disease-causing agents ABE FR alphabetically ‘Sifare arrangeds 44Sie AIO\Se SA] A BRIE 2H exactly ‘UBAY alike 43h ZiPlo| HAITI, _Aigisll t= oft aalel na 2 highly $0 x}lo| AIH ke 24 We! SoHE + SIR eMMLOOR zoIs}o gC, 52H Qt 2219] Anse ates Ale ARFeoHaOIL SCL fs BR ‘SSI0L, O12! EO}OS HA highly>t AIOE, PAPhight "0/2 ee sta! SIX) ech 1 FE OP 8 AIEOlOIO} Bio] P48! SAMA SeS Zeelo FC, ae high 43) remaine ey eh WotR fi Row, Foil birth ratese ME Aah FAO] Nelo|s@ eBAP} sor Bic PRD7} MOPS RO| ABHBO| ZASH7| ASI SBE ofS OHM ME SIPETS a BI short. oe 4) Tkeep+Soi(their nalls}+S:124%204(short), el 7220)o4 Mo} relol=1= BAPE eo} BEC ar * OPSOIAE: BACLT a MIA aria wl BAIRIC ze although fs Fojlthe Chinese diet), @AHvaries\ 222 Wo) OJOS BSAH+ So} ek oA BBE CFI Sis! SAN AE xPoic} ciel, ewIMOR YE eel a3 Sle) BES, Tan WFR BEI 2c like oe ‘3s SAllsponges)7} ojoixi== AAS Helo, AKL kets ~2} 212) alkel= HBAKIRS! Ee HAN ASPN eI, os OV01BS RIN ZC} Ie Ais Bele TRORTE| Aue oleIC 18 1 mo sit (N) 01 These marathon swims 28 S04 = 3 Azo{ APIO BSA} MAL Alle Woe 8! 4 BL th (8) $0 oitthis particular polar bear} SAwasit 2H Uo|OloAIE YEW Although?) “Bic (C) BA growi7isicns 4418 + Site BADE Ae grow old¥l grow7t ~tHRIC'2| SI0l= MOF Hol BE ‘A 2018 oF 46104 HOF BL vis 2 SB Bt olay} ala om east 7 | sHOUA}o€) Eo) 4x] 2k afeHstec, ole ToOeLeOIE} 1 Olgs8t ol, cbs 9H 0| stato] PH Bein] at eee AFF SUR Biche] ER SAH SII SES RX EIN, SE AMIGA Bol co Hew oA ofa Sic, ots! Alo 28! oASIS OF ak A a ‘Fo ofS Se6i0), INE BE 4 3 oF ZcLH K| ROlC, HIS 0] Ss! sazo| & BA shez! gL, ge IRAP ateIo HSS| ZOHUE} BRLCh AS 01 71% BSH ela PONS Bal EB, BOL 7% 434A BOISOIa o| Spe oft ob RE SRSA: #5 etal 718 201C & a [ot These marathon sw! = make it through the trip. many of which osl2] 2>ichgiarS ® 0 dangerous / for both the adults and the young, // many of which don’t fIN21 both the adults and the young 8 Muisis SS HCL, ae (A) Yeel+4B4} 20] ~3}9] LITEYe alts WOK 919 atch worry about the state of the sve toe wonder how they can feel safe // ve when {they are) ralsing kids ~ (8) CHE Uatolo7F "GAS af WOIL” ZOIES The other boyi2l0/4 F012! motion? BE 2 (C51 (clesAthimi# ofoixI= = RA} WRB, Ab lkels 2 E25, alkel= ABAKEILED SE Ab 2 sisi sore, Hi GE MRO] Obi Aly Bol Cal Zeek, ola PAL © AOL O}01S ZIRRIA ofsi elasici LD gis Dy A2IBICh, AL] Ls OY sf] ge 24S eth, ‘QUOI LE SF Bf AY CH anoles eta fer Eta SUSI, $2 eL2InF et Ixtojol| ey Leted 2 CE CIE kinfoiole 9] 2 hol whe BORA Lil POR Ue BANS a WCE LH 2 ofo| wets a 20} B21 a Eee GDF ZABHC. LAE Iolo a2 Cha BEB! Aa! A 81, 3, I of HE OfO1 21 22 0} Boia ZAIBS Makyekn WC UE a 2/ W OlO|E = ololael aiezicin eRom ats e78~,and also asked him to thank his mother for doing a wonderful job: vO oe rask+@AOHHow (SOO VE AS QEBICN, FE, ® (A) A was designed® 446i xIO1S2 SA)7) A} a (8) Fol BAKthe shipping process)7# oloixlae Z| AFB IOI (©) BBM pleasurable +All mie SB: & ‘Holos BA highiyaky, BITE BL Aa! BPICIBAPE OID 0] ic), BOI 2c es IERIE Bay eSOUIEE 8 OI SHA Bie} IB eH DOIRICh AI RIPE MON ANB "AEICARION ANE 2 Wie Holgee, TL AA PY SPH TO] aS 280) 981 RAMS Cl BBaiche 2S Bal sich B71 FARE BABS BERET Ul 78 UCI Bz BSSke al S8] SAKCL, AICI B71 we Ale) alle HARDIE AAWWRSS chat wea She SN 2) 5 IRISIe seo} Al Yl BSE IAHE ete Zt 0] ae AOISICK= HOKE, 2A OFF AICI! BEEK, 0| lo tepate| aja) a Se] IeIRia 7H aS EL Sap] ARIS AK ARIES Piet MAIOISi eae 1u) It isa highly pleasurable activity [whose universal appeal s so widely acknowledged // that there's even a website for those [wishing to have ~ session]} a highly ~ activity +NeHe 01m, 0] 271A Sto “so ~ that ye ~ba 20 uN 10 ARSE UNIT Ol ae that 1) ~ people did not know that the heart pumps "blood ~ 3 v g ‘Hol Fos sEAb SRO} 9} ete! 727} OjofRIOR RSAC thato| & AHIo\c, o17/N thato] olnt= Me Al Sl So} 1S ‘ite BAHN, oH 93050), AIES Argo] Bola! mie AIA 2k wn aC 02 ae that ‘yh ~yreading isa sil [that becomes better with practice] T_ ‘ol oir} fe! ate F574 olOtALT eto SA ANBAL a skill HALaIO 2} LACH that] AE 9M CE ASA, SPIE S88 18 LITE 7I@0IE), 08 yw which sia AGHA artificial snow 0st BOIAMIOIS@ which} AVSSIEt, ou Bok 7} BOI SEI 2, ZVrICHAI thats Zor F OI SUAHS 8 sielts Be ANSI eect eh) Be A2[sO| a SB CHE Hall Asc? ZH ANOKA, THe! Io] le BAI AIRICE 04 ae whose "1 People hose fears arto intense rls tong might need suppor - 2th ARIES] BEA} Rolae AG BrHCHBAP? SoirHE 20] AAWsICh, BAAAPE Ll of] Fo fears7} IOS F2 Zr UA] whok= S62 ent SmAOL UR BaP LF 2a TSS: ASS IAaEAS Seep! ost SBOl Bawls SEC 05 ae which and it (=the very ancien village) fs Archaeologists have found a very ancient village, which dates back ~ G v v ‘SoHE H2ISIO| SIS HE Hol SE HAA RLSAL tga So LYS BAIT a very ancient vilages WE CARA TRIE IB 2 |S WPHCHSAL which7i & IOI oe) DROSS OF 2H! OFS ZAM, OFS SSRI: LAE! LOI St 06 ate when ‘431 Dinner is atime [when parents can teach good manners and values} au = vi o ol OH SAN SAOHO, Stb! FAI} OlOHKIAS BHAA ASIOIC, ARH LEH AALa timeo| IOS BA} wheno| etch fe) RIS AME 7} SHI ota 7S 7A] el Ale, 07 we that s_fyou're having trouble locating a place [that is mentioned /in 2 historical document] ~ see at lll SOV wal BShNB? 774 OOHRIOIS 2] PaCHRAA ehato] AIOIC, EA] AAAS a place7t BAKE af cho BALEAL wheres i221 28 Feipct, Ae SIP BHO SHSIO| Se ALAS! SIA ION cl OF Of CIS Alo) SeRELA 3 Rho] absRET| MHA! AE gt (A) Lwill never forget the moment [on my first hike) Te [when ‘my grandfather ‘stopped / to pick up @ — ‘caterpillar, ‘ol EOlimy grandfather+AKstopped),2l R26 2 27} ofa. AIS LICL AREAS the moment SA, 8} BAF when0| 15, {There nothing nthe cater hat els ne going to be a buttery] Fol OP) HAT BELA lol ofan go Ataye! othingd| 282 47 Br|c4QAF thatol “V8 in the caterpillars $408701C1, (C)~ there is nothing in you on the outside {that shows others what you will Become #), ve 05 ol SAI become®| 0/7 WS! BIB! Lol ojoixL io BAP} S25 whatol Ie, howseISAO! SARISAIO| (OHM BE MOKRCH, PEC! thats 201A) otherst= 24901, whatol OLE WAHEE AISAOIO] ok sis Lis AIO afoltefss W Boveiximl Hale “ofel 31S Mo} SAI 7 S21 Sux RE! OKI, “ol 2S SADE Ob LoD HAO}, oR AEs] we 2] 2} OF ZEB 21 4 SUA BSH RL” LY el HANS ‘OLD ONLI KMS] WRC), ZR, UH SRA, “one Obits Ue7H Saks a WAIBE A Bola” “sore ‘MOWIAK: BSSHECh. “alm el SOI CHEE ARIEOL AUD) #90] SIX WOH 20] BEC, Ut ohwel 2 OFA Gol BOLEN = RED, Cle ARISE el oF BOIL} API Sot 7810] SII 4 RIFE. LHD] 0| Om BRIE UP} 2010] 4 QE gta Bete} 2 0-8) Only you, lke the caterpillar], know // what you are capable of becoming &. 3 v o ‘whato| olm= 20] AF knowl So} Se a= SARE Msc 22 it (A) ASR the food and color test #8 Metsht Ba APHOIO® which? 8 BGAAE that wor HOLA AUAE 9S Neste Se MOI] BE (@) BoK) a $1 S749) Se Sete HAA) ois sIRIA Fol Lif B21 Fo| US Bake BAIAV g alo] Ch, Ol wihich7+ Oln= SE Ql LZ AA the test Be HBC, (C)~ only 30 percent of the volunteers [who tasted a the cherry] could identify ~ ‘ASDAHE the volunteersi2 AIS! ANE WE BIIARIAY who? AIS. Hi (Om) Be He Zelake Sala MOH 2) AAS ‘ssh, aI 0] AES H, A, BA WtAp+ 108440) AAMC, Te Bet SLI akeHa 77H ce Srvel 2) 5B Mae eIgich TB CHS Of SaIt ct Swe] AL of) Ate! ARIEOIT BEC 24 Bel SISO] 3 HAS 8 oiled TASC AES) 38 258 ag), Ise Ae2o| Rail ANAK 3 Sac Bask Bleich aL LY ARIS Set PHBICH IE CE BASOINY CN, SAE AM GOD] EE, vale), Mel, Tein Sex| Bee Sie 2B QUEL METIS AyzO1 SAIN Ute SEE 8] AOE Cf OFF BADE BAEC. AL} ARTA} tO] HR HB Sta IBIAS! SOTMIESIO| IS KCK BI SUSI, AE OUIMES He] G7} aatEI SRO 2 ARIE 22 (0W) — He then asked volunteers which drink was sweeter 3 vo 3 “ask+ZEI@O}-ARIRAO| (~OPPT -B Veh, 7 Olt whichis AWIGAO/E Olt SIBRIAIE A 581 They believed that the stronger the color, the sweeter the drink. “the UIza ~, the wits. aI BS GS IC FB, Amro wat 2888 ae Luo a 2 3 uo ‘al (A) Many people set goals [that are far beyond al their capacity to achieve ~ {Upl SEAG! goals? 2, Hol FOV wel we 24 OlOiIE=# BAG) thal 8} (@) The primary reason (why) this happens] is // $ v that ‘they "have tried °to do ~. c ‘Hol PoHv SAH SO} o| SE 2207} OKIE ASAE thatol 48, P14 thatol ols 242 am 2aJ2| of | 2 ate Sarore, {€)~ by confidently believing // that ifyou ~ way, / you will eventualy reach your goal : : o $2 "Fojyou)+ Akl reach S¥80Kyour goal 2 ‘8! 357} oloimlos RISAFthatol 2, olf you ~ wwayts SAPROIC, Si AM thatol oln: 2 Sa A beleving®l 2801 BS si BHO We ARES TH9 28 ele WM LOE SEE AI 2-82 S21 2 SEB obs afsiCHt O14 Brlech IS 2 SpAaIIn SH APE 20) SOK AW EOIPE BUH MCT BBAKECT, oft elo] BOIL HI o1e= 80] LIF UE AS UE wal slain P| aIBOIC, of 2 civ= Reis wilow gue Zia 78 ale ae SHON S¥e Aolaln Msp] UgomM BENE A piSa risk AOI, ASA ME CsI BRE Ae ajeleke 2H BAIRIO® Bojo} sic Part ll S08 UNIT 01 UNIT Ol ey x /are sis si) SBAEF Fo\(Mining for diamonds} 2 ulgol fo) 02 wr x /was -were sti! BAMOEM Mot only)7} BE YOR eA Foie] BAlol OATH MABEL, OK A) Slo Be 08h But not only were all ofthe ladies naturally tall ~ Ts se UP} | Sela 728 217 Rh, Le Oo =i! allof the ladiesolee 9547) ISS UE eIMOw AP} HE ME OIL gO! Bo] CI a~SeLAl! sHolRIE Ain Bim 0s mo ‘Since thenz} Bi so} 2} SAEIK|nIgSl Be EAE Leif SISA AIR} NASP AB ‘vs OAS TH ose] 2! S| BAF UI eOISIC. OF oFe!elzh aH wIA| xi IA wets + SL to 7PR| SEA oy mo fv thas gol Ales YER AF recommend7} 2ha thatie| HBO ~aHo| SiC FE= SAE UTaEa LOR "(shoulds) EAH ‘2.01 ato Bich i) OTE HI?] He 7B zICOD | elespA abt S 200] NMOR BEI 05 yy x /areused to making —-are used to make sia) BEY SHE Cl ARBSIW elo "be used to-v.7} ISIC, be used to ving. Vals Cl HSICYe! SOIC} vs OW ©} 92 G0] L477} OFROIA) BUEEHS AE PIES Ue ABC, 06 sq x /thought—are thought ius B54 Dreams about shouting peopled] SRF WAIKIA AIH WOe ‘opine’ ole +5474 Soo} tc set Tee Ales ARIAL oR! Be Se! AS FOE 2lol Be! NEw OMI, 07 wa x / getting gets iy GA helps, Boostsel andi 2161 WerO[C helps control blood pressure, Exercise| boosts the good blood cholesterol level, gets the heartin shape ws 288 BB Ruse dl gol Nain AES ae eae ARIEL 23 Dee @have~has ‘hi 481A the removalol that@iel Foj0l2= AE has? 823. N27 of the bartiers between ~ adult information +NofROI, age OMPPRE BixinInle) 7122 LshUE: AIF (for the past few decades)st ml 80! 2-9 NS Ub ERAS etre (has played)?+ 27 (© Gee aI7HB Leite: AI\Before the electronic age)?! 1258 sIriAIRtreceived)7t 8, @ oR 21 a7} Al SAN EAA Uae oloR 9{ Adult information®} contain 3 BAO, whet A "beipp. Bet91 5c} 5, @ OL ojolso} ste) aay] ote, eMsaO| “eS” 2o|=42 0 Childrens! exposet= 3 BAI, whet ALBEE A 14 Sauna ale Stel HZ! OOH ofo}BoR HEE C4 28! OB SIRI], NAY AIC OHI, ofo1g0] 42 7S 01 Bit MObM ASIN AIS IRC O10! Ob OF68 $50] Ve AW} E OF ENE D1sICh 01 A= Al =xol Bo} USEC, OfOIEE 7 MES VB 4 Bie), © ‘BY, ISS selulss Sal el UE NICE OOS ‘s2lo| AM 191 QUAIL AEE. BS AfSIISLAS 2 bio aes fol i Aloe wo] HOIRIEMY O10 SIS Gy | MPLS wo} gicka we Bt 98 [48 Children read children’s books (containing information [appropriate to a child's level of understanding a a ee sy o ‘BABEAI? containing ~ understanding®| $212] 0 children’s books® 18h, 0| MAH 91014) SEAR appropriate to ~ understanding0| containing®! 340/21 information ‘Ast 2, au @tocost—cost sa AQ! are, haves! andi ee EEE, are five to eighteen inches long, have about ten parts, Thenewest| cost just hundreds of dollars one, © FOE Meso SAF EROS Molt Be UIA SA eleol arch @ REO] ‘NA! XO Foi These robotss design? 5 Wiolc), lM 4B{are designed) 2 F047] HPN The motiondl& ESA mimiest= ask, Ofish= 4S} Bee] Heir Ve BAteiol Fel Although'#2! 70! the latest robotic fish= 70141 they MOE o17LH SIAL Hela SPEAK) 2 72 ow flee] IS} mlol2Ie! 9) OHS stein B27] cH ‘Apel, 0| 7 Hse ols He Be AIOE Ble 001 DholUe WOH GA OF] BY GBR Seen SE Bt SOc, SBI ASHLE ASB] Solel + le A of 0lz 4 Bice. Fa) alto Bae ZHoV7 Seat A BEIAIOLT 2} Torkel 2FHO) BOM}, 2142 Bm aH EO[C, 2% Be OSO|S 0] BREE Tele HotsT ‘S7t se Selab ADISIICh. 01 ABS! SAS A DOVE aR SAI Sava, 7881 ae BRTIIS 219] BIE! Sle CIHR] BA, O14] $499} ICI F218 $e Rich (IP FB ate) Awa: e=m01 lok B 0] 22904 HOI cH ZB 20K Robofish can fit in places [(where) divers and submarines can't (ft). Se ‘2701 BIA} where7} OLN: HO] placest 41817 2 FA can't O/FOHE Blo LIS fto| REI S68] These robots [made of a synthetic compound) are designed to be flexible in the tail [and]rigid in the 3 midsection v S)71AFmade ~ compound)?! These robots +stol 017! ZOV!, to bedl OlOixI= flexiblext rigid?! and Bede WEP alain 2c 3 we @create creates sal 24 BDH thato| OLE Mel AIBA a system} B32 BURY UPL BAe] SE AA SALAD IO} at 2B ELSEA) createsTt MS: PAL BOWAL HE Bi BIE ‘Atresearchersiss UAE *HaHKI ES FIR ute! © by21 S04 21 SK 2H exploring, determining2} and S28 BBEPROISE CASE! BL Hel taking a @ SBAIF Fo\(having a robot report news}i= BSIOR OFA 57) A @ BAI Another robot] FOIOIES AEA uses 235, RHA called Stats Monkeyi= *4O%0IC SO EAAZA| Oly Fol FEO FO} the systemez, 1 AAI OlgsHe AOIEE 5 ZloIOl ving Bt 8 et QUA NE #1 BRS AAR Bet ag esi BO 0] QUSIg Ritsiol URS 7a ARIS BON 7] Hie] BIS SHH 4 Slot 1 RNS AAO HB ARISE UES, OFS S017 9a SHEA ZIRE > BL 1h, IL) REO] GAB Sh Slt Zio] MEL ofoclol E OWLICL, Stats Monkeyia Sli & CJZ BRE XigS. 2 ANGE ASSO] ABA FAB SEO] wes I DIAKS OK] 7m ak 481 ZINE BIBI, ACHE AES BIA] BA SAE News At Seven®l HAI EEC, ol2t 2 SAGAE! tHe}e] SSPREO| 2H NEEL THE HAL SB 7ISOE GISOUE AIAwIOIC, Wola 4 Si Ti Olga 1 AJABIS A 21a) Be DARI] Pa AL ELAN) 7 lol BB! OMO] = ETE eeHeKh, 32 [0-28 A robot made in Japan] can perform a journalist's tasks /on its own by exploring its environment, 3 Vv. determining whats relevant, [ad] taking pictures with its ui SVOo PAB O|FOIAI BLOB by®l BO] AS ati: SAM exploring, determining, takingol and Se wens (ea) ~, Australian scientist Ross Dawson gives the example of News At Seven, a system [developed b ————— ee Northwestern University researchers] [that automatically creates a virtual news show. cl News At Sevens} a system Ol6H= S242 ols, developed?t oln: BF asysteme +N 4 we lets tet preaAbto} 42] RACIAL thatol OLN St that Uol 2805 Lisi BAF nsst7} 30 that UL Bol ~aHo} Bich: Sass sla $1022 “shoulds) ‘SAE 20} BIC. eA let] =F, sto © ARIEOID “BHBSI= O12 FO} they! allows + § BIOIC), we} FSC betpp.7} AL @) Sale| 007} She thatdlel GAL NEL, thatsiel fe riders? 8440103 have7t 8. @ would have tod OXI take} and evzeel at FONE submit A, ~,2 rider would have to take an extra driving course [id] submit proof of health insurance © ABH(of this kindel 44S wn we RAIA) requirements7} 70012 5A} are7} 3. eee Oo] of] Fox HOLE AIBSIR| I Selo] eh AS ‘ata RUC. OFFI ARIES O|S BCH. POY ABIEOI #1 BS LSI BIC}, TEI THA ste 20 SIBEOI 0} IR] S717 SE SIVOIA AHIEO! ASKS Ce a aI siglo) Bich FPABICE TIUAE & oie 71 RIGS Bate Alo MS SAA 4 Sie UMN sf Li RipiC, 72] ofo|cloli= Hl ABS RUA ONE OE jo] SASS Re ONoies HHS BIKE ZoIC,. 3 a} Bg YOM 47] A Algo BPIsl 2 SME A Bio} BIC} eoLol AALS ovel7itol ws Loin 4) Of si AREOLA 9Eo| wise SIs, AIL O18 BS 9) BE Bx) AAMC) 912! IGE oj BEST, el 2 20] SIE SEC, 7% (5-68) The basic idea is that ‘iders [who do not want to use a helmet) ‘have to get “a speciallicense, 3 Te rennet Sees ‘5A ise] Wo}2 el that HOM FOi(ridersp= 21 AIHA who7t Ole B39] AHS eect Inet Tierney’s approach imposes some costs on those [who want to feel the wind in their hair, 5 v EI Gg impose A on 8 (AR BOP "315K, 72, 21 BAACHEIA] who?! OLD: #0 those 44 o 02 os oy os 06 o7 un 02 AEE UNIT ee x /those—that oi BB ALARA Sl US RHA temperatures ws alo) SELB OLB CN thato| Aah sw 50] QOISE AB FY safe] SEMCr BS Al SALE BAS AMAR we X/us sours Sia BB AI CHARS SOMA! our senses cHAs|ofo 31S ARAWBALS| OE Ske ARLIBA Ours?) AAWBICH, ae TROHRE vlsol ke alge) DemeFopal ziake Patel Azlener} AI cl WIT] Joi Selo 442 OFF NE AloleE AS BAB oon + 2c 2s x /you—yourself ei BAR FO your} AeISIO4 UCt, We A! BAAS APE Fok yous} VE chy AIHA MPICHBAFES MO BIC se) UBBS Ans aiso2 Soe 81 AONE xIGSIe), TAS UE Ul Be BOW OF ZONK, we x/his -whose sil ~-rescue workers were able to free the old man, whose foot was stuck ~ Bol) $1 749] SUS Seta AAA) BIS SION, QIO| LIE BIA the old mang Glo} i SAIAI ALE ca + ate ‘BAIA whose? S Helo se) BEAR! Fol PACE 5 cog af} Siete, 5 colo] we ufe| 204 lo} BIC wo sy BML ite SA finde| 7IRAOI OD}, ZISHOKE to live anormal ied 8 WE SEREPEO] Bless! AS ole 268 ofeicem OFZ eX /the other another se) ofe4 7ix) Ui 4 OLS Chale ME & SHE ede 2 Its one, 5 4) oe] 7 & CH SIL another, obs EIB Lox] SIL} the others HEC, wl8s7/7b (9 NIPIAa|eIe another7} 8, Se UMD} OFFS OLR, ules BIW ee & CH MIRO eZ SEES EHEC wo Sy 4 it Blo] PAIoim alot of} aia] ABC alot ofllots of A 4 RE Bs 4 SE BAKE OE HAIR GCL ne) AMIE] 3240 COLE SIHSI A HA Ans Chal UE mis Se, 26 1 zu @they~which sta Bow) 9) FF 7401 BAS eFaahe Rat eps to LE © QAHAIWAD responses Malaior 5] SBE) OH | US Be FUE BIG which?! & AIeIOII, ots which “i “12AI responsesB 28 Metals SIS ect 2301 © Everybodyt: S++ AISI SFA hast: © BE AINE 745042 ¥9ED, to have a problemo| 2 ojo, @ BAH? Zol(admitting to having a problem)= = abc, © BSAB problems cjusioz EreAciaAIe! one 2a. SHE HNC, ARISE OF BME am eich ee a 0] Qi 4 > fi. BE MAKE Ege 2sh1 oRIeN, 0 WSS Sx oS Stel, AIA) SXF RE Ae Ne Zilch 3 SxS size) HH AEE B SH eI 21 24C)2 OIC), AIL BE ARIES BAP! cla erst ‘© Ad] Aim elaeii: 20] Si} at Geisha MES "DE Zo] ENOL, EMIOHT 2k Gat Bove SE O| ‘Bol Balke MMS Of WRI CH LIE Bow 2 201 2 MBE Bro CS! Iech: olgle| 48! Sao a ale 2) Sache BAAR! FIO Ich. AIO OE 2 ENE Soy $22 78H 4 wool ze > ste ‘dojot atc, 32 orn Often there is an underlying fear / that any change willbe for the worse, to hold onto anol falar problem andi s beter [ 0 have to cope witha new one, ‘BAP thatO| O[n1= Sithat ~ new onel® an underlying fearSi S20|t, and o|ah="Ulaisthan, FRO 704 ite] 8250 to hold ~ problem2t Ht C-¥2! to have to ~ oned| thanow 2G BEEZOIC), pow So you must believe that problems can surface, be accepted, [aid]be solved. = 0 BAA) that® Al must believes! Zo] 1 sH= WAM OFC, that! Pl cand oloixH= SAI surface, be accepted, be solved7} and 28! 425227} 2c ee Oit—them se BOY to call Boje! BS 4 HAVE 7S AS 289] $0|91 S244) Some teachers01&2 S-ScHBAL theme woot sick Some teachers wil ask you to all°them by name, $ o t ue, ® Bole! Some collegess! EA! prides! 30171 52 S:OMS 72712 TEAC themselvest= 3 Some colleges ~ pride themselves on having all ~~ _ their facalty and students on a firstname basis, @ Tone oft SABALE 4 ADSISR SGA ists AA, to upset professorsi= 440F ICE ~ one of the surest ways [to upset professors] is 3 v to call them by their frst names against their wishes. @ EA see] SHO HH FO} Most professorssh SINISISLE AFACIEAI themselvests 22 © AS9| Sale" 2012 Most professors# BE They 21 to calle 45 BAL WIN to be called= “18, ey 248 ols Belo} SHERI Lol cat Set, IES] Ae, 52} 2 HE OAol wet SeRICE BIE MASE 8 So] Hay SCI ADI TBS olgow YEeI w At Oleh 2S A Yel SE A'Io] SESE AMOI Sse a PAS HONE! SAIS SriPiece OFF! ES GE ‘pein AHO] Me O|g HEE AOL XL 21S xiBLA Spl Ob Im Rich TeiL) wae FES ely SIS 28 Snel Wel & SIL ISP eS HAST Bg ogee SAE 20IC, PES! APES xe Bf ‘so! veh SEe1 PL] Helo glee a er 3 Bel += 042) a ele] erFe 50} SSF! 2I0\C+ EO] "=o Uojeore wel Ao} six] = 242 Be] SISO] 7 ‘ap sta Nol six ax amt ez 22 (6-98) They ne more want tobe called “John” or “Maria” than does your average physician. "Ano more...thanB ~ (A?) ee @me—mine ok 28 B27 ~ of 2 2, FBO AGE ed UB AI CIRIAKS SEH my choices CHISIDE ARCH A+mineo| 3, ute, © SBA! Succeadingo} olne oF7} FO}OIDe Eh BA! starts7} 2 BA considered®| $0171 704 hes WE cHyoIse HFICHIAY himself} 98, @ responsibilty “4 Sie EAIOISE a great deal oft SAI6HE 22 ates © BAY gol LIE employeess! A921 AIOISR ke thelr} 2, 4 Of@fH0] SIs Setei24 PRINOIA Bale SARSIC! XE 3x] SUECH, of sft Gol Yates 42 eI ch 21 Ole RAO AISIEIC oI Sol, SelB HBR UB AIRMECE 2 BAFRIS| BPH of AL SIA 2 SBS HoH ERI, TE A] xa | Ie,0Pm Me¥RC, IE “A SIRE Mat ARISE Oi IB 47H ROIe, BA & 2S A Of Ll Ash ofgioi2 "ela ISI, olnt BE #1 HA AOL Se Diels Moet S710 SICh BA AiR BA, Sel 2S -AHEO|-IE9! 2 Aino Cs ARIS AZ BE RS 7) ganAsieninl B7}sicha Be, 2 28 FE AN Succes ing in what you do 3 arts / with taking ownership ofthe task ‘SANT Fo{ Succeeding ~ do) | whato| ons AAAFO| AIA nel I} OIE Bic 8 None of this was anybody's choice but mine. ‘not A but B (A? of 2+ B), FRB NSIC! HAC. None? OiPCANE ~ BIH Tel Statistics show // that satisfaction [with work) improves by 34 percent / when employees 3 ¥ {feel responsible /for thelr work output. ve a company) ‘W&AEthatololnE: Rithat ~ outputll EA! shows] Soja sk ct eu @it—itself S04 EN repeats] $8042 Ol The processs! Ze ciel 2B AIR ise} une! © Ao] "ReixIe’ 20H Fo|(Countless tons of salt SF BAKtoss}= 48 BHIOLE be pp, SPE A 701 The salt®l SAY dissolves®l andiz Ose waz z The salty dissolves into the tiny layer of water ‘that covers the iy road, forms a saltwater solution, © ONE salts 7i29OR CUBA te @ 2 BIACEBIAS| EAE SEO! QAIAIZIC, BAL 7hmore waterOl22 EE Ab allows: 8, ‘~:making more water [that allows even more ae salt to dissolve]. we 243] YE Qo] Ao] ig0Ic} ale Spl Heim of Laie! ABS of] SUP: ACH HE IBS Sel + 27) WEOIC, ABE WEE Ga Le Be 4esol Sol Op} Ad B42 SIND), ATES aMeIE IEC oft-o] Cy OPA 400) t= AABRS CHA) aR) Ech. AS 0] NDIA! a] Beto LAE! aH ARIS! IB MAC | OfeNBON Ri SHEE 8 cl OIA c| WE ATS Sel + Sie BB Cl BORIC THRE AAS A WiESIO|, 2x 2h8| Sle 2E eB sec 38 [881 The process repeats itself again and again, / slowly but surely melting all the ice on the road. slowly Ola BAFZOR, slowly but surely= fAi2! melting A/a HATO UNIT 03 Aer UNIT 01 ° 2014 “NOIRE VOIR SlO|2 BAF snakesss GA/aK= AiElol SBAPH AAHa| MOC, AIM HSAF alive soIRIe"2| Solo|A! A@eEAKo} Seize? Mele} IBY Xleol At EEE LO] Xie] ofo}f0| Set= OHIOLA AoHENE: WS eta a aa oz x [remarkable —- remarkably ‘BBA remarkableo| SA} seme] H0'9! SBAY similar 448 $ GCI, Ayemarkablyi7t +40! RIES RAE 2 zy ‘© 21017} Ba 2401 AFLAC -Sb{2}| Be! Of IER BE717 1 SE ole WEES RAB! A ZC aa 2 0s mo set It's best to°keep °grain, including rice and barley), ee Tkeep+ So} RAZO,o| WRO|2e SAIAO| xolol BAI] Ae] MGIC) Sake Hate sla WelsiCH OLS MAIZE FB) 28 LAIR, WAKE 04 AION 4 BIC, including ~ barley grainol Cs! 47H awe = 4/8) FOI see $2 RANG BO Sse Hal WEIS BafeION RES ZASh EAI A 7H ECL oy x /sweetly -sweet “keep in mind / that using dried cherries will make = v taste ‘very sweet. c thatBiolA SVOC a2] WOHCHE Lm: RIAA taste7|CIA| MOIS sia Rts PAROIL, o(7IN tastes '~#) Sto] LCI 28 HBA BOIS HOF Bic es TO} GIS HS INEIS| SOM HOLE CHS SIRE ol ek 2 BAROLO os x /lately late ‘ert! 2) sea ater} OH 240] AYO lately ‘AO! 1 AHO Up} A Ronin SUS IOI] HERE US St OIE BS PIF AHA, faa 06 ° uimgibettens $Aslt= FAIZ eveno| Asi Me FGI AO] Cle SEALE OLA ICH AgROL YM! CH LS Hehe MRC x / enough big—big enough ‘BBA big +4510 enough7} AIS MO} ABAF ol SAH} Bic Al OOIKES WEA] HHROIAE 218 4 Ue CIE Bets A Het g gaa g28 Lvs Shardy-hard se SVOC2| FROM EXO} lo} RAO} RB AT SAO, BFE MM PROLC, PAE Mole wal + gious He At hand sf) Bc, ~,but governments arefinding it hard $ V_ObISzO( C te look after the increasing number of old people, ‘CRED ee 200d He] A OFS] AB! + SUT? AI Bet 2 OE 74S BEDE ANBSIRIC AICHE ANAK 27 O(a ORE CH EWE HOD], SAAS oF OBC SEY Selo] YE gIe8| CIB A Ze}, Selle ME HIE, ‘Big, elebil eln $2] RBS AA Fe GE a 21 2910] HM Ech ILI 0] DE WO] BE Aas 71 RRS 28 BAM set Sepp xR BIS 7 RICHBSL, 2 Bah SMBH TAN AAHHHCL Bel 1D BIS ci O08 4 SIA, BE S7iela GE Le! Best aol Sec 2g eo at 29 23801 © BOE “Chola Oi SAY mostly7} ML SNe most 7H E(BOITSN SE @ SVC®| FROIN) SAF seemel Wo} OB Ste different 18122 SA} completely21 27 @ EAI could dream off $A5i5 4) hardly7t A, hardly 421 ~21c¥24= 2)ol2| Szojo|c Ben 72 58) We have, vy haraly dream of #). ‘S7(2| BAIGBAthato] Oln= Zo] Pale] S04 msi Modern medicine lets us live longer, ~ voc © BA weathers +A16K= AZIOIBS BAF extreme eae Pollution and fossil fuels have given us 3 vB global warming, resulting in extreme weather oo 1991 many more aspects ofifes 418K 2% "TotsSo} HRA SOI vata ak, ARO| ICE eu @ precisely -precise shy 2814) So LICE ZA imagess 443K: APIOLEZ 8 “SN! precise?} EL HAF precisely?} UHR S21 BAY visual @NGICia 746/94, “tapt APE! ojaixre. SmpE slows Bar RIOR age OBA dliferss 46H ut melolas ‘SPH, clelafehs 291 HA greatly7} 8, ® Yl LAS a group of colleagues HAIES Sh ‘iNeL they? a8. Fol USE BP HAIONA HBA adjusted 4/81. BSN badly? OBA ger(~stxiche| wo} xaIOISe ast wie older= oi ARIBE ‘ORIROR THB Tee Be] Ae SA Cl ©) Sh 8 So) slag UA BE BSB Fale! 2S oly 1 Of) So) sory OIE BIAS co} OF A Sig Arisa 218 SAC TES WHE TANI a AB SRS)71 SEKI, CIS O|Se Sex| ROBE AES B9tch Tele HE OFS ofa] Az) ab Six] WE Oe EE SAA ME ARR! BANE STS WEIC} BE OR 2 ARG OIE S5l OS 4 BC), AITISS 2] AIS0| OOH SIE Leow me] ZaIOL CHB REE APIA OOS 28 4 Sie ete 7ixIn eoftcen Ay iC), TIL RE ARISE Yov7 BEIM o| SANS Biolsel St), S28] Sep} 2s eeaix BRIT] HOI 8 58) Still others saw an unclear outline, aif through a badly adjusted magic lantern, asif okt #253 M1871 28 they(= other) saw iol ABest 78) Scientists believe // that most people are born with the ability to gather in the mind's eye precise visual Images of past experiences. {0 gather2l £8012! precise visual images of past experiences®| H0V7t HoIA, NMOS 42 WANS! in the mind's eye7# to gather tis Hol © SoH Hol HAI! 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