English 1020 Research Paper

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Struggling with your English 1020 research paper? You're not alone.

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Discussion Board Each student proposes thesis and reflects on chosen character. A recent poll stated
that more than 85% of American high school seniors admitted to having cheated at least once. “Paper
mills” are prevalent on the internet, and most of them glamorize the “recycling” of college term
papers. Depending on class size, may have more than 1 group for a character. Please see the handout
entitled “Essay Structure” for guidelines and format. ESSAYS You must write six essays on
assigned topics. Could this be a metaphor (opens in a new window) for something he valued or even
himself. This way, the readers are ready after you do the introduction parts 1 and 2. You should
locate six secondary sources (I recommend Literature Resource Center, linked from the JSCC library
database), and cite them in accordance with MLA format. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not
connected to the assignment. There is a table rubric to show students the breakdown. One student
from group submits shared doc to dropbox — not graded in dropbox, just quick written feedback for
grade item in grades for group that is copied for each person on team. This course was inspired by a
Tennessee Board of Regents OER grant. For instructors at WSCC, the assessments are hidden from
student view until you are ready to make them visible to the class. Instructors can import the zip file
into an existing section of their LMS course or have their Instructional Design department create a
LMS course shell for the import. Please be very careful not to plagiarize on this, or any paper, or you
will fail this class. The temptation to plagiarize is greater today than perhaps during any period of
American history. There is a table rubric to show students the breakdown. Poetry Readings Quiz 2
Instructor assigns for homework and have quiz in class. Discussion Each student proposes thesis and
reflects on chosen character. Instructor will play audio or video before each group presents. Please
see your Harbrace, chapter 39, or the link on your WebCT homepage entitled “MLA format” for
instruction on how to do this. Prerequisite: English 1010: Composition I Offered: Fall, spring, and
summer. Save with your name, course, section, professor's last name, and DA1 Makeup. Instructions
You can share a Google doc, or someone in the group can be the notetaker in a Word document.
They will then move to your first body paragraph which starts to prove the thesis. NON-
DISCRIMINATION POLICY Your grade will reflect only the caliber of your work in this class.
Short Story Readings Quiz 3 Instructor assigns for homework and have quiz in class. Contact an
OER grant team member for info about assessments. This Walters State Community College
composition course focuses on reading and analyzing poetry, drama, and short stories. We hope both
you and your students enjoy the content, activities, writing assignments, resources, and benefits of
Drama Reading Quiz 2 Instructor assigns for homework and have quiz in class. Save the file name
with your names, course, section, professor's last name, and PRA1. We will study the text of the play
and also interpret the characters on a higher critical thinking level by relating them to a song or
visual. Does he mean something that needs to be torn down to build something new. Dropbox
Submit your doc to this Drama Activity 1 dropbox. In other words, what is a life lesson Williams
might be showing us through the character about how to live (or not live) life. Please see your
Harbrace, chapter 39, or the link on your WebCT homepage entitled “MLA format” for instruction
on how to do this. More than one group may be looking at the same character to give us different
perspectives. In-class small group discussions of characters (sign up on board, or instructor can
assign small groups) One student from group submits shared doc to dropbox — not graded in
dropbox, just quick written feedback for grade item in grades for group that is copied for each
person on team. Depending on class size, may have more than 1 group for a poem. Draft Instructor
can provide feedback how you wish. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected to the
assignment. What quote supports the character's dominant trait from what the character says. You
are permitted—even encouraged—to make use of secondary sources in analyzing and critiquing
literature, but you must properly cite your sources. Prerequisite: English 1010: Composition I
Offered: Fall, spring, and summer. Instructor will play audio or video before each group presents.
There is a table rubric to show students the breakdown. If you miss the deadline for an online quiz, I
will post a score of “0.” If you do not submit the final draft of a paper on time, you will receive a
score of “0.” It is possible to earn a total of 1,000 points for the course, so missing even one
assignment will adversely effect your grade. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Your grade will
reflect only the caliber of your work in this class. Final Instructor can provide feedback with eLearn
rubric. Then, instructors can copy the OER content into their course section. The eLearn rubric is set
to draft and not connected to the assignment. Advanced Poetry Analysis Poetry Readings Quiz 1
Instructor assigns for homework and have quiz in class. ESSAYS You must write six essays on
assigned topics. Students can also consult the book in the Short Story Analysis module for their short
story character analysis. The course is designed for a face-to-face, on-campus course or a desktop
delivery (Teams or Zoom), but can be modified for online or hybrid. As a team, examine the poem
and answer the following questions: Who are your group members. This can also be what they say,
what Williams shows in the stage directions, or what other characters say. What do you think the title
tells us before we start the poem. What do you think is a relevant message we can learn from the
poem and apply to our lives? (What does the author seem to be saying to us today?) Choose a visual
or a song that represents your poem and explain why (for song, share some lyrics that relate).
What you say after the grabbing opening should connect with the readers about the topic and prepare
them for the thesis. Please see the handout entitled “Essay Structure” for guidelines and format.
Quality Matters Lumen Cicles Universal Design for Learning Growth Mindset. If there are
accommodations which can be made to facilitate your learning experience, please notify me early in
the semester. For the OER Commons or Tennessee Open Education hub visitors, please keep in mind
the assessments such as pretest, quizzes, and posttest are hidden from view to protect assessment
integrity. What are all the traits of the character you can think of. Each quiz consists of ten questions
covering assigned readings for each class period. What quote supports the character's dominant trait
from their actions. Absent? If you miss this day of class, you can submit a solo document to the
dropbox. Save the file name with your names, course, section, professor's last name, and DA1. Draft
Instructor can provide feedback how you wish. Take time to carefully craft your beginning
paragraph. Instructors can import the zip file into an existing section of their LMS course or have
their Instructional Design department create a LMS course shell for the import. The eLearn rubric is
set to draft and not connected to the assignment. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected
to the assignment. Instructions You can share a Google doc, or someone in the group can be the
notetaker in a Word document. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected to the assignment.
See the separate thesis item for including the author, title, and your main point. A recent poll stated
that more than 85% of American high school seniors admitted to having cheated at least once.
“Paper mills” are prevalent on the internet, and most of them glamorize the “recycling” of college
term papers. In-class small group discussions of characters (students sign up, or instructor can assign
small groups) One student from group submits shared doc to dropbox — not graded in dropbox, just
quick written feedback for grade item in grades for group that is copied for each person on team.
Depending on class size, may have more than 1 group for a poem. If the readers are not pulled into
your paper with the first sentence, they may not continue. I will reserve the right to dock your
response by a point or two if I deem that it is frivolous or poorly-contrived. What quote supports the
character's dominant trait from what the character says. Then, instructors can copy the OER content
into their course section. Draft Instructor to review instructions and requirements on the draft. Save
the file name with your names, course, section, professor's last name, and PRA1. Think carefully
about how you can grab the readers' attention to keep reading. Our semester will be filled with the
magic of literature through poetry, drama, and short story.
As a team, use the play to examine the character and answer the following questions: Who are your
group members. More than one group may be looking at the same character to give us different
perspectives. In-class small group discussions of characters One student from group submits shared
doc to dropbox — not graded in dropbox, just quick written feedback for grade item in grades for
group that is copied for each person on team. In other words, what is a life lesson Williams might be
showing us through the character about how to live (or not live) life. For instructors at WSCC, the
assessments are hidden from student view until you are ready to make them visible to the class.
Poetry Readings Quiz 2 Instructor assigns for homework and have quiz in class. Does he mean
something that has been neglected and should have been looked after better. Then, instructors can
copy the OER content into their course section. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected to
the assignment. There is a table rubric to show them the breakdown. What do you think is a relevant
message we can learn from the poem and apply to our lives? (What does the author seem to be
saying to us today?) Choose a visual or a song that represents your poem and explain why (for song,
share some lyrics that relate). This can also be what they say, what Williams shows in the stage
directions, or what other characters say. This course was inspired by a Tennessee Board of Regents
OER grant. Instructions You can share a Google doc, or someone in the group can be the notetaker
in a Word document. Drama Analysis Drama Reading Quiz 1 Instructor assigns for homework and
have quiz in class. See the separate thesis item for including the author, title, and your main point.
The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected to the assignment. A paraphrase is a complete
restatement, in your own words, of the central ideas asserted by another. If the readers are not pulled
into your paper with the first sentence, they may not continue. Draft Instructor to review instructions
and requirements on the draft. Instructions You can share a Google doc, or someone in the group can
be the notetaker in a Word document. The eLearn rubric is set to draft and not connected to the
assignment. What are all the traits of the character you can think of. Or, if you embed the image in
your doc, the professor can share with the class from your dropbox doc. Could this be a metaphor
(opens in a new window) for something he valued or even himself. Instructor can play some of the
provided audio resources if you wish. IN-CLASS ESSAYS You must complete two in-class essays
over assigned topics. There is a table rubric to show students the grade breakdown. Instructor should
plan some time to look at key scenes from provided film version during the week. If you plagiarize in
this class, you will receive a final grade of “F”.

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