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Text 1

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the correct answer.

Aurelia: Who’s that boy over there, Hannah?

Hannah: That? Er, that’s my brother, Jem.
Aurelia: Your brother?
Hannah: Yes, and that’s his girlfriend Lucy. The pretty girl with the long, brown hair.
Aurelia: Oh, right. So, you’ve got a brother?
Hannah: No, I’ve got two brothers. Jem and Alex.
Aurelia: Really? ... and ... how old is Alex?
Hannah: Alex and Jem are twins, they’re both 15.
Aurelia: 15, mmm ... and does Alex look like Jem?
Hannah: They’re exactly the same! They’re both tall and thin. They’ve both got short brown hair, green
eyes and big ears!
Aurelia: They’re not big, I think they’re cute. And ... has Alex got a girlfriend?
1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s ...



2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has got…

long, brown hair

a girlfriend

a twin sister
3. Hannah has got ...

one brother

two brothers

a brother and a sister

4. Alex and Jem ...

look different

have the same hair but different eyes

look the same

Text 2

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the correct answer.

Jane Smith, 34, is a cook. Jane gets up at half past seven in the morning, takes a shower, has breakfast and

then she drives to work. She arrives at the restaurant at half past nine, then she starts making salads and
desserts. At twelve o’clock, she has a break for lunch, then from one o’clock until five, she cooks for the
customers. After that she cleans the kitchen, and goes back home. In her free time, she visits her parents or
meets her friends.
1. What is the topic of the text?

Jane’s job responsibilities

Jane’s cooking abilities

Jane’s daily activities

2. When does Jane start working?

at half past nine

at half past seven

at half past eight

3. What does she do from one o’clock until six?

she cleans the kitchen

she cooks for customers

she visits her parents

4. When does Jane return home?

after she meets her friends

after she cooks for the customers

after she cleans the kitchen

Text 3
Read the following text and choose a, b or c.

Hi Ellie,
I’m so pleased you can come surfing in August! Paul, Rose and Kevin are coming too, so there will be five
of us. We’ve decided to return to New Sands, because the surf board hire is so cheap there.
I’m starting to think about accommodation. We won’t camp again after last year! I hated staying in a tent in
all that rain!
Kevin wants to hire a caravan. There are some nice ones with 3 bedrooms, showers and cooking facilities.
The problem is, none of the caravan parks take short bookings in the summer. The minimum stay is a week.
It’s a shame because there are several nice parks near the beach.
There’s a youth hostel in New Sands. It’s the cheapest option after camping, and there’s a big kitchen and
dining room where we can cook. The problem is, accommodation is in dormitories and I don’t really want
to sleep with strangers.
Let me know which option you prefer.

1. What is the topic of the text?




2. Last year the friends had problems with:

the weather

the transport

3. The problem with the caravan park is that:

caravans are only available for full weeks

there are not enough beds for everyone

all the caravans are fully booked.

4. Natalie doesn’t want to stay in the youth hostel because:

it is too expensive and it isn’t that clean

she doesn’t share with unknown people

it does not have any self-catering facilities

Read the following text and choose a, b or c.

Every day I get to work at 7:00 am. At 7:30 we go to the parade square where we have a meeting
with our commander for the roll call and morning roster. In the morning, we usually have physical training
from 9 to noon. Sometimes we have weapon training but this is once a month.
We usually have lunch at the mess hall at 1:00 pm. After lunch, at 2 o’clock, we have another roster,
and until 4 o’clock pm I write reports or I do different activities in my office - I send faxes or make other
documents. At 4 o’clock I finish work and go home. If I am on duty, when I arrive at work, I go to the
armoury, take my personal weapon and go on duty until the next morning.
1. What is the topic of the text?

Daily routine in the military

Giving orders for the day

Conducting training exercises
2. Why does the commander meet the military in the morning?

To check who’s on duty that day

To assign the day’s tasks

To decide the most important tasks

3. What time do the military have lunch?

At 1200 hours

At 1300 hours

At 1400 hours
4. According to the text, what is the first thing a military does when he’s on duty?

He takes his weapon from the armoury

He reports to the intelligence officer

He goes to the guardroom to receive tasks

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