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In the peak period of COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations had to rapidly adjust their way of

working. It was forcing a digitalization that many companies had spoken about, and perhaps
mentioned in their marketing, but were now having to implement at breakneck speed.

Fortunately in today’s world, the platforms like Google docs, Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype for
communication, make life significantly easier. However, there was a difference between being
technically ready, and being culturally and emotionally ready for this new world and to explain this I
would like to highlight a few points.


During times of change, the workforce needed to shift how it worked, the culture came under strain
but at the same time Organizations needed to ensure business continuity.

Taking a business firm or any tech giant for example, their initial focus will, of course, be on
maintaining the customer relationships and ensuring their products or technology can successfully
navigate this new world,but it was also critically important to consider the impact on their employees
and on the culture.

Meanwhile, everyone had to understand that the situation of the pandemic was like a tunnel and we
didn’t know how long this tunnel is,we had no idea when this all will get over and we will again able
to live our normal life again, so it was better that the employees should respect the time & liberty
given by the organization and stay connected with each other through technology.


All the organizations worldwide had ordered their employees to work from home which became an
unprecedented event. The responsibility of bringing movement in the work was on the shoulders of
both Employer and employee. Company culture, leadership, employee experience, and digital
workplace experiences were now being put to the test in a new way.

So, at that time, whatever the future of digital workplaces may one day look like, it was already true
to say that people working from home faced some specific perks and challenges and I would like my
team members to further explain those points.

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