Amazon New Initiative For Customers

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Amazon new initiative for customers –

Virtual products try feature using AR and AI

Integrate advanced augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to enhance
shopping experience to allow customers to virtually try on accessories and certain home products (Sofa,
Cupboard). This feature would provide customers with a more realistic and interactive way to assess how
products would look or fit in real life.

Virtual Try-On - Customers can select a product, such as a watch, accessories, furniture and use their
device's camera to project the product onto themselves or in the house in real time. The AI would
accurately adjust the product's size, color, and texture to match the customer's appearance, allowing
them to see how it would look on their body/home.

Benefits for Customers –

1. Enhanced Confidence
2. Time and Cost Savings
3. Personalized Recommendations

Challenges to Address –

1. Accuracy
2. Data Privacy
3. Device Compatibility
4. Development and Implementation
Design thinking –

1. Discovery and Research-

 Understand customer pain points related to online shopping, including concerns about
product fit and appearance.

 Research and analyze existing AR and AI technologies for virtual try-ons and fit

 Identify target products (accessories and home products) for initial implementation.

2. Ideation and Conceptualization-

 Brainstorm ideas for seamless integration of AR and AI into the shopping experience.

 Design a user-friendly interface that guides customers through the process of trying on
and assessing products virtually.

3. Prototyping-

 Develop a prototype of the feature with a limited selection of products.

 Incorporate advanced algorithms to accurately map products onto the customer's body
or living space.

4. Testing and Feedback-

 Conduct user testing with a diverse group of participants to gather feedback on the
prototype's functionality and usability.

 Iterate on the design based on user feedback and insights.

5. Development-

 Build the feature with a comprehensive library of products, ensuring smooth integration
with the app/website.

 Implement device compatibility and optimization for both mobile and desktop

6. Launch and Adoption-

 Launch the feature to a limited audience initially to monitor its performance and gather
further user feedback.

 Gradually roll out the feature to a wider customer base.

7. Continuous Improvement-

 Continuously refine and enhance the feature based on user feedback and emerging

 Expand the range of supported products and refine algorithms to improve accuracy.
Flow of the Feature-

1. Product Selection-

 Customers choose a product they want to try on or assess virtually (clothing,

accessories, home products).

2. Virtual Try-On-

 Customers activate the AR camera and view themselves on the screen.

 The AR technology superimposes the selected product onto the customer's image in real
time, adjusting for color, size, and texture.

3. 360° View and Interaction-

 Customers can rotate, move, and interact with the virtual product to assess how it looks
from different angles.

 Zooming in and out allows for a detailed inspection of the product's features.

4. Save and Share-

 Customers can save images or videos of themselves wearing the virtual product to
compare with other options or share with friends for opinions.

5. Buy Now-

 If satisfied, customers can directly buy the product and land to payment page.
Metrices to measure the success -

1. Usage Metrics-

Number of users engaging with the virtual try-on feature.

Frequency of usage per user.

2. Conversion Rate-

Percentage of users who proceed to purchase a product after trying it on virtually and completing the

3. Return Rate-

Reduction in returns due to inaccurate sizing or dissatisfaction with product appearance.

4. Engagement Duration-

Average time users spend using the virtual try-on feature per session.

5. Customer Feedback-

Ratings, reviews, and qualitative feedback from users regarding their experience with the feature.

6. User Adoption Rate-

How quickly and widely users adopt the feature after its launch.

Since similar feature is already implemented by Titan watches and Lenskart the risk of failure is relatively

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