Assignment Foreign Policy of Major Powers - Ahmad

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Assignment by Ahmad Mphil Political Science(2nd Semester):

Title: Understanding Japan’s Struggling Industries: How They Affect the World

Japan which is a big player in the global economy, has some industries that are having a tough time
competing with others worldwide. This assignment explores what this means for Japan’s relationships
with other countries, the environment, and the safety of its people.

Secction 1: What Are These Struggling Industries?

In Japan, there are certain industries known as uncompetitive production sectors that find it hard to
keep up with others globally. These industries include farming, making clothes, and small factories. The
reasons behind their struggles vary but often include high costs, old-fashioned ways of working, and not
enough young workers. Additionally, rules and taxes can also make it tough for these industries to thrive.

Section 2: How Does This Affect Japan’s Relationships?

When Japan’s own industries struggle, it can make trade deals with other countries tricky. Other nations
might become upset if they feel the deals aren’t fair. To address this, Japan often engages in diplomatic
efforts to negotiate better terms and seeks investment and new ideas from other places to revitalize its
struggling sectors.

Section 3: What About the Environment?

Some of Japan’s struggling industries can harm the environment through pollution and inefficient
resource use. This not only affects Japan but also contributes to global environmental issues like climate
change and biodiversity loss. However, Japan is committed to being more environmentally friendly and is
implementing new technologies and regulations to mitigate these imimpacts.

Section 4: Is Everyone in Japan Okay?

When industries struggle, it can lead to job losses and financial insecurity for people working in those
sectors. This can have broader implications for families and communities, impacting their well-being and
stability. To address this, Japan’s leaders are developing policies focused on education, job creation, and
community support to ensure the safety and prosperity of it.


1. Abe, S. (2019). Japan’s Economic Challenges in the 21st Century: Globalization, Demographics, and
Structural Reforms. Oxford University Press.

2. Ministry of the Environment, Japan. (2023). Environmental Policies and Initiatives: Towards a
Sustainable Future. Retrieved from []

3. United Nations Development Programme. (2022). Human Security in Japan: Challenges and
Opportunities. Retrieved from [

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