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Employment contract

This employment contract is by and between : Mrs MABSAYE residing in liberty 6 hereinafer
referred to as the: EMPLOYER and MALONGA residing to Guedawaye hereinafer referred to as
Article 1: A triad period of 3 months shall be allowed, renewable once by mutual agreement, also
during such period the contract may be at an end any tme.
Article 2 The EMPLOYER as the chief of the company and as the recruiter SHALL pay salary to his
Employee as requires the law. The monthly salary of contract hereof shall be 250.000 fcfa
Article3: this present contract requires loyalty to the Employer and is accompanied by a non-
competton clause. non-compliance leads to terminaton of the contract.
Article 4: It is understood as competton within the meaning of this artcle the Employee who
carries out an actvity similar to that of the company to which he is employed or the fact of
bringing his knowledge to the third party company evolving in the same actvity
Article 5 : In accordance with the labor code, the Employee is enttled to vacaton. Therefore, the
Employer shall grant such vacaton at least once in the year.. in the event of illness or accident at
work, the Employer will guarantee paid the Employee through the social security ofce.
• Article 6: The partes agree to setle amicably any dispute, controversy or
disagreement that occurs out of the interpretaton or the executon of the
contract herein. In case that the said fail to reach an amicable setlement,
their disagreement shall be setled by a court in agreement with the law of
the country where the employer resides.
• Article 7: Terminaton clause Either party may terminate this employment
contract with immediate efect if the other party commits a material breach
of their obligatons under this contract. The Employee may terminate the
said without cause by providing writen notce of terminaton to the
Employer at least 3 months in advance. During the same , both partes shall
fulfll their respectve obligatons under this contract.
• Article 8 the Employee SHALL hereby have the period of mobility for the
purposes of pursuing related actvites of the company in its other sites.
however, the Employer may consider this Said ( mobility) temporary or
• Article 9 the Employee in the present contract agrees not to compete with the
Company in its transformaton of wood into fne paper. Failure to comply with
this clause SHALL result in the dismissal of the Employee.
CONSIDERATION, and in consideraton of being employed by (company), the
undersigned Employee hereby agrees and acknowledges: That during the course
of his employ there may be disclosed to him certain trade systems, inventons,
computer programs and research projects, customer lists, sources of supply,
fnancial data and marketng ... He agrees that he shall not during, or at any tme
afer the terminaton of his employment with the company, use for himself or
others, or disclose or divulge, any trade secrets or confdental informaton , or
any other proprietary data of the company in violaton of this agreement.
• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto subscribed my name this sunday May
21st 2023...
• The Employer the Employee
Case Study: Mac Do in Paris Charles Degaulle Internatonal Airport
Mac Do inc with registered office at 1 Apple Park Way in Cupertino, California, United
States, wants to open a subsidiary company in France, exactly at Roissy Charles degaulle
international Airport to offer connecting flight passengers from or to new York and north
America fast food drinks and beverages they can enjoy while waiting for their connecting
flights; to succeed that business, the French airport authorities require some norms and
regulations each and any company planning to open a business in the airport space must
respect, such as: complying with all the rules and regulations required by the French laws
to open and run a company in france, among these rules, the fact of having a commercial
lease contract dully registered and certified by the oaci three months before the
beginning of operations; knowing that the requirements of oaci must be taken into
account when drafting the contract, Mac Do asked paris Charles degaulle airport to
propose them a pre contract taking into account the following items: a three year contract
starting from june 1st 2019, Mac Do wants to pay in Dollars, and the contract to be in
•Write the contract between Mac Do and Roissy CDG Airport
•1st specify the partes in contract( imagine their address, representon,
identfcaton etc)
•2nd write the recitals with at least 3 consideratons
•The clauses must specify:
•the duraton,
•the rental fees,
•the descripton of the leased property,
• the remital of the leased property,
• the warrantes,
• the penaltes,
• the confict resoluton,
• the force majeure,
• the modifcaton and
• the terminaton clause.

•Each artcle must contain at least 25 words.

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