Design and Implementation Online Software Store

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Design and Implementation Online Software Store

Thesis · June 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18114.35526

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3 authors, including:

Tariqul Islam
Chengdu Normal University, China


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Bachelor Thesis of the School
of Computer Science
Title Design and implementation an Online

Software Store

Major Computer Science and Technology

School Chengdu Normal University

Student ID 19LX15511005

Name Tariqul Islam

Supervisor Haoyuan Li

Date 2023-06-02

成都师范学院教务处 制


毕业论文(设计)作者: 签字日期: 年 月 日

毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 指导教师签名:

签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日


The rapid advancement of technology has led to an ever-increasing demand for software
applications across various platforms. To address this need, the online software store has emerged
as a web application designed to provide customers with a centralized platform for downloading
multiple applications and software. This thesis focuses on designing and implementing a software
store that aims to offer convenience and accessibility to users seeking diverse software solutions.
The proposed system comprises two primary user roles: the administrator and the customer. The
administrator manages the entire webpage, including adding various software offerings to the store.
On the other hand, customers or visitors can browse through the web page to explore different
applications. To download software, customers request and log in to the system, ensuring a secure
and personalized experience personalized line software store offers a comprehensive selection of
software applications, including windows, Android and as well as a variety of Windows and
Microsoft applications. By consolidating these offerings in a single platform, the proposed system
simplicities software discovery and download processors, eliminating the need to search multiple
websites. By offering a diverse range of apps and software, the online software store enhances the
efficiency and convenience of the software acquisition process. Looking ahead, there are several
potential future enhancements for the system. First, including a customer chat option would enable
users to inquire about specific software requirements, providing personalized Additionally,
incorporating notification updates for software upgrades would keep customers informed about
necessary updates for their downloaded applications. The design and implementation of the online
software store provide a valuable solution for customers seeking a centralized platform to
download various software applications. The proposed system offers convenience, accessibility,
and a diverse range of applications, enhancing users' overall software acquisition experience.
Future enhancements to customer chat functionality and notification systems would further
improve the site and user engagement. This abstract provides a solid foundation for your thesis.
Please let me know if you have any specific requirements or need further assistance-luck with your
Keywords: Online Software Store, HTML, CSS, php, XAMPP Apache server, MySQL server.



Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Objective ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Background and Significance ................................................................... 1
1.3 Contents and Innovations.......................................................................................... 2
1.4 Outline of the Thesis ................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Project Scope and Product Features .......................................................................... 3
1.6 Overview ................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Key aspects and features ........................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Related Technology And Requirements ............................................................. 5
2.1 Design and implementation constraints .................................................................... 5
2.2 Uses Technology ....................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 HTML ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.2 CSS .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 MySQL Server ................................................................................................... 5
2.2.4 PHP .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.5 XAMPP ............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Operating Environment............................................................................................. 7
2.4 User Documentation ................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 3 Detailed Design .................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Applicable documents............................................................................................... 9
3.3 Visual Representation and Digram Design ............................................................... 9
Chapter 4 Database Design and System Implementation ................................................ 13
4.1 System Analysis ...................................................................................................... 13
4.2 ER Diagram ............................................................................................................ 14
4.3 Entity-Relationship Diagram .................................................................................. 15
4.4 Database Introduction ............................................................................................. 16
4.4.1 Database design ............................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Database Tables ............................................................................................... 17
4.5 Database Table & Schema Description................................................................... 18
4.6 Context Flow and DFD Diagram ............................................................................ 21
4.7 Description of Implementation ............................................................................... 27
Chapter 5 Testing ................................................................................................................. 29
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Test Reports ............................................................................................................ 29
5.3 Test Unit Customer component .............................................................................. 30
5.4 Customer login ........................................................................................................ 31
Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance .................................................................... 34
6.1 Installation .............................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Screenshot and Description .................................................................................... 35
Chapter 7 Conclusion And Future Work........................................................................... 45


7.1 Concluding Remarks............................................................................................... 45

7.2 Future Work ............................................................................................................ 45
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 47
Reference .............................................................................................................................. 48

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Objective
The primary objective behind the development of an online software store system is to
enhance customer convenience in downloading a wide variety of software and applications.
Instead of navigating through multiple websites, the proposed system provides a single platform
where customers can find software from various categories. This centralized approach simplifies
the search and download process for customers, saving them time and effort. The online software
store system offers a comprehensive selection of applications, including iOS, Android, Microsoft,
Windows, and other software. Customers can explore the website to discover new and popular
applications, gaining access to a diverse range of options. The system also allows customers to
view detailed information about each software, enabling them to make informed decisions before
downloading. By consolidating a vast array of software and applications in one place, the web
application of the online software store becomes an efficient solution. It offers customers the
convenience of accessing and downloading their desired software free of charge. Additionally, the
system ensures that customers stay updated with the latest trends and releases in the software
market. Overall, the online software store system aims to simplify the software discovery and
download process, providing customers with a user-friendly platform that caters to their diverse
1.2 Research Background and Significance
The research background of the thesis focuses on the development of an online software store
system. The significance of this research lies in addressing the need for enhanced customer
convenience in downloading software and applications. Traditionally, customers have to navigate
through multiple websites to find and download the software they need, which can be time-
consuming and cumbersome. The rise of the internet has led to a dramatic increase in the
availability of software. By providing a centralized platform that offers a comprehensive selection
of software across different categories, the online software store system aims to simplify the search
and download process for customers, saving them time and effort. This will help ensure that
customers can download software from trusted sources, minimizing the risk of malware or
compromised applications. Overall, this research endeavors to enhance the user experience and
provide a secure and convenient platform for software downloads.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3 Contents and Innovations

The thesis explores the development and implementation of the online software store system.
It covers various aspects related to the system's design, functionality, and user experience. The
thesis focuses on the development of an online software store system, aiming to enhance customer
convenience in downloading software and applications. It addresses the significance of this
research by providing a centralized platform that simplifies the search and download process for
customers, saving them time and effort. The thesis explores various aspects of the system,
including system requirements, system architecture, user interface design, and security measures.
It presents the specific requirements of the system, such as user registration, profile management,
software categorization, detailed software information, customer feedback, and administrative
functionalities. The architectural design incorporates PHP as the server-side scripting language,
MySQL as the database management system, and HTTP for communication. The user interface
design focuses on creating a user-friendly and intuitive experience, with considerations for layout,
navigation, search functionality, and software pages. The thesis also emphasizes the
implementation of security measures, including digital rights management, license activation
mechanisms, and encryption, to protect software developers and users. Overall, the thesis
contributes to the field by providing innovative solutions for a centralized online software store
system that caters to customer needs, simplifies the software discovery and download process, and
ensures security and authenticity.
1.4 Outline of the Thesis
The introduction provides an overview of the research background, significance, and
objectives of the thesis. It sets the context for the study and outlines the goals to be achieved. The
literature review surveys existing literature and studies related to online software stores, customer
convenience, software downloading, and security measures. It provides a comprehensive
understanding of the current state of the field and identifies gaps or areas for further investigation.
The system requirements section presents the specific requirements of the online software store
system. It outlines the functionalities and features that need to be incorporated into the system,
such as user registration, profile management, software categorization, software details, customer
feedback, and administrative functionalities. The system architecture discusses the technical
aspects of the online software store system. It covers the choice of server-side scripting language
PHP, the database management system MySQL, and the communication protocol HTTP. It also

Chapter 1 Introduction

addresses the compatibility with different web browsers and the utilization of XAMPP and Apache
servers. The user interface design focuses on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface for
the online software store system. It includes considerations for layout, navigation, search
functionality, and software pages that provide detailed information and customer reviews. The
design aims to enhance the user experience and facilitate easy access to software downloads. The
security and anti-piracy measures section emphasizes the implementation of measures to protect
software developers and users. It explores techniques such as digital rights management, license
activation mechanisms, and encryption to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the software. The
implementation and testing phase describe the process of developing and implementing the online
software store system. It outlines the steps taken to realize the system requirements and the testing
procedures to ensure its functionality and usability. The results and evaluation section presents the
findings of the implementation and testing phase. It evaluates the performance, user satisfaction,
and effectiveness of the online software store system based on predefined metrics and criteria. The
conclusion and future work section summarize the main findings of the thesis and discusses their
implications. It also highlights the limitations of the study and proposes future research directions
and potential enhancements for the online software store system. The references list all the sources
cited throughout the thesis, providing the necessary academic and research context. The
appendices include any additional information or supplementary materials that are relevant to the
thesis, such as code snippets, system diagrams, or user feedback forms.
1.5 Project Scope and Product Features
The customers must register on the website by entering all their details. What’s the registration
is successful they can log in to the web page. Once they have registered, customers can log in to
the website using their email address and password.Customer can update their profile details and
also, they can change their password details.Customar can change Password and basic information.
Customers can view the various applications or soft wares based on different categories. The
customer can view the particular application in detail and then they can proceed with downloads.
Customers can also provide their feedback and comments related to the applications they have
downloaded. The admin of the web page can add the various categories. The admin will upload
different applications/soft wares on these categories. The admin can view the customers and they
can also edit or delete the customer details. The admin has the authority to manage the website as
they can view all the downloads done by different customers.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6 Overview
The SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document serves as a comprehensive
overview of the proposed online software store. It encompasses a detailed description of the project,
capturing all essential aspects. The document meticulously outlines the requirements of the system,
covering both its perspective and interfaces, as well as the system's characteristics. In terms of
requirements, the SRS document encompasses various categories, including specific, external,
functional, and non-functional requirements, ensuring a thorough and complete specification. The
overall description section within the SRS document offers a holistic perspective on the software
store, discussing the product perspective, system interfaces (specifically pertaining to the website),
and user classes along with their characteristicsLastly, all documentation and requirements are
precisely specified within the SRS document, ensuring clarity and coherence for all stakeholders
involved in the project.
1.7 Key aspects and features
Comprehensive Catalog The store maintains an extensive catalog of software applications
spanning different categories. This includes productivity tools, graphic design software, video
editors, antivirus programs, games, educational software, and much more. Search and Filtering:
Users can efficiently search for specific software titles or explore different categories to find the
software that meets their requirements. Many software products on the store offer free trials, which
allows users to try them out before they buy.Software Pages Each software product has a dedicated
page that provides detailed information about its features, system requirements, screenshots, and
user reviews. Reviews and Ratings Users have the ability to leave reviews and ratings for software
products, allowing others to benefit from their experiences and make informed choices. Security
and Anti-Piracy Measures, The Online Software Store employs robust security measures to protect
software developers and users. These measures prevent piracy and unauthorized distribution of
software. The system ensures that only authenticated software is uploaded by the administrators.
Techniques such as digital rights management (DRM), license activation mechanisms, and
encryption may be utilized to maintain software integrity. Overall, the Online Software Store
efficiently serves the needs of customers by providing a centralized platform for exploring,
selecting, and downloading various software applications. Its innovative features and user-friendly
interface make it a valuable resource for individuals seeking software solutions.

Chapter 2 Related Technology and Requirements

Chapter 2 Related Technology And Requirements

2.1 Design and implementation constraints

The system is designed using PHP, HTML5, and CSS3 coding, and all other documentation
is maintained. The system design follows the problem-solving methodologies of the software
system such as problem definition, design, coding, testing and debugging, and document processes
are followed. The database is designed using the MySQL server and is connected to the project in
the coding using SQL queries.
2.2 Uses Technology
2.2.1 HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used for creating the
structure and content of web pages. It provides the foundation for displaying information on the
web and allows for the inclusion of various elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, links,
and forms. HTML is used in the online software store system to create the layout and structure of
web pages, ensuring proper organization and presentation of content.
2.2.2 CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of
a document written in HTML. It allows developers to control the visual appearance of web pages,
including aspects like colors, fonts, layouts, and animations. In the online software store system,
CSS is used to enhance the aesthetics and user experience by applying consistent styling and design
across all web pages.
2.2.3 MySQL Server
MySQL Server is a popular open-source relational database management system. It is used in
the online software store system to create and manage the database that stores various information,
such as customer details, software categories, software applications, and download records.
MySQL provides efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation capabilities, ensuring the
system can handle large amounts of data effectively.
2.2.4 PHP
The online software store system is designed and developed using PHP (Hypertext
Preprocessor) as the server-side scripting language. PHP is a widely used and highly popular

Chapter 2 Related Technology and Requirements

programming language for web development. It offers a range of features and functionalities that
make it suitable for building dynamic and interactive web applications. One of the key advantages
of using PHP is its compatibility with various web servers and operating systems, including
Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS. This ensures that the online software store system can be
deployed on a wide range of server environments. PHP provides excellent support for database
connectivity, which is essential for the online software store system. In this case, MySQL is used
as the database management system. PHP allows seamless integration with MySQL through its
MySQL extension, enabling efficient querying and manipulation of data. Furthermore, PHP offers
a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and resources that aid in the development process. These
tools help streamline development, enhance security, and improve performance. Popular PHP
frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter provide additional functionalities and
structure to the system. With PHP, developers can create dynamic web pages, handle form data,
manage user authentication and authorization, and perform various server-side tasks. It also allows
for seamless integration with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and
interactive user interfaces. Security is a critical aspect of any web application, and PHP provides
features to address common security vulnerabilities, such as input validation and sanitization,
protection against SQL injection attacks, and cross-site scripting XSS prevention. PHP's wide
adoption and large community support ensure that developers have access to extensive
documentation, tutorials, and forums for assistance and troubleshooting. Cross-Platform
Compatibility: PHP is a cross-platform language, which means it can run on various operating
systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix. It is also compatible with most web servers such
as Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS. This facilitates the development process and enables
developers to leverage best practices and industry standards. In summary, PHP is a powerful and
versatile programming language for web development, making it an excellent choice for creating
the online software store system. Its robust features, compatibility, database connectivity, and
extensive community support contribute to the efficient and secure development of the system.
2.2.5 XAMPP
XAMPP is a cross-platform software package that includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl.
It is used as a local development environment for the online software store system. XAMPP
simplifies the setup and configuration of the necessary components, allowing developers to run
and test the system on their local machines. It provides a user-friendly control panel for starting

Chapter 2 Related Technology and Requirements

and stopping the Apache server and MySQL database, making it convenient for development and
testing purposes. Together, HTML, CSS, MySQL Server, and XAMPP form the technological
foundation of the online software store system. HTML and CSS are used for creating and styling
web pages, MySQL Server manages the database, and XAMPP provides a local development
environment. These technologies work together to ensure the system functions effectively, delivers
a seamless user experience, and facilitates efficient software management and downloading.
2.3 Operating Environment
The proposed system is designed to be compatible with widely used web browsers, including
Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer. Users can access and interact with the
system seamlessly through their preferred browser. For project execution, the system requires the
utilization of the XAMPP control panel, which provides a convenient and user-friendly interface
for managing the software's environment. Additionally, the Apache server is employed to serve the
web pages and handle HTTP requests.To ensure efficient storage and retrieval of data, the system
relies on the MySQL server for database creation and management. MySQL offers robust
capabilities for organizing, storing, and manipulating the system's data, enabling effective data
management within the online software store.By utilizing these technologies and tools, the
proposed system ensures compatibility, reliability, and optimal performance for users, facilitating
a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.
2.4 User Documentation
Documentation plays a crucial role in providing users with a comprehensive understanding of
the designed project. Proper documentation is essential for future users, as it allows them to gain
in-depth knowledge of the system and assists in its maintenance and modification. User
documentation serves as a manual for future users, enabling them to grasp the system's details. It
serves as a manual for future users, enabling them to grasp the system's details and effectively
utilize its features and functionalities. User documentation includes step-by-step instructions,
explanations, examples, and troubleshooting tips, offering a reference guide for users to navigate
the system independently, troubleshoot problems, and ensure a smooth user experience. Properly
documented systems facilitate maintenance, modification, and seamless knowledge transfer,
ultimately enhancing the usability and longevity of the project. Administrators benefit from
documentation that includes installation instructions, system configuration, and maintenance

Chapter 2 Related Technology and Requirements

guidelines. This information assists in setting up the system environment, managing user accounts,
and ensuring optimal performance and security.

Chapter 3 Detailed Design

Chapter 3 Detailed Design

3.1 Introduction
The purpose of the detailed design document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the
design structure for the alumni management system. This document showcases the functionality
of each module through the use of flowcharts and provides detailed explanations for each module.
The design of each module is based on the software requirement specification and database design
documents, ensuring a well-rounded and cohesive system structure.
3.2 Applicable documents
This document outlines the specific requirements and functionalities expected from the alumni
management system, serving as a reference for designing each module. The database design
document provides insights into the structure and organization of the database components of the
system, influencing the design of the modules. By leveraging these documents, the detailed design
document ensures a thorough and effective design for the alumni management system.
3.3 Visual Representation and Digram Design
(1) Sequence diagram
A sequence diagram is a visual representation that illustrates the interactions and order of
events within a system. It showcases the communication between actors and the system through
the use of actors, objects, and arrows. By depicting the chronological flow of events, the sequence
diagram provides a clear understanding of how the system interacts with various actors and other
system elements. It serves as a powerful tool for visualizing the dynamic behavior and interactions
within a system. Sequence diagrams are a fundamental aspect of UML (Unified Modeling
Language) and are widely used in software development to analyze and design system behavior.
These diagrams capture the exchange of messages and the sequence of method calls between
objects or actors over a period of time. By illustrating the chronological flow of events, the
sequence diagram helps developers and stakeholders gain insights into the system's functionality,
identify potential issues or bottlenecks, and facilitate effective communication and collaboration
among team members. By visualizing the flow of events and interactions, sequence diagrams aid
in identifying potential design flaws or performance bottlenecks early in the development process.
This allows for timely adjustments and optimizations, leading to more efficient and reliable
systems. Its visual nature simplifies the comprehension of complex interactions, making it an
invaluable asset in the analysis, design, and documentation of software systems. Sequence

Chapter 3 Detailed Design

diagrams also serve as a valuable documentation resource for future maintenance and modification.
Shown In figure 3-1 below.

Figure 3-1 Sequence diagram Design

(2) Collaboration diagram

A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, depicts the interaction and
communication between objects within a system. It visualizes the relationships and collaborations
among objects, showcasing how they communicate and work together to achieve specific
functionalities. By illustrating the interactions between objects and their messages, the
collaboration diagram enhances the understanding of the system's behavior and helps users
comprehend the software's functionality in a clear and concise manner. Shown In figure 3-2 below.

Figure 3-2 Collaboration diagram

Chapter 3 Detailed Design

(3) Class diagram

A class diagram is a visual representation that illustrates the relationships between classes,
their objects, and attributes within a system. It showcases the associations and dependencies among
classes, demonstrating how they are connected to one another. The class diagram provides a clear
overview of the structure of the system, highlighting the relationships between classes and their
attributes. By visualizing the class relationships, the diagram helps users understand the system's
design and the interactions between different components in a coherent manner. Furthermore, the
class diagram supports software documentation by providing an overview of the system's structure,
which can be useful for future maintenance and enhancement. It acts as a roadmap for developers,
enabling them to navigate the system's architecture and locate specific functionalities efficiently.
It helps developers understand how different classes collaborate and exchange information,
ensuring a well-organized and maintainable codebase. Shown In figure 3-3 below.

Figure 3-3 Class diagram Design

The class diagram is an essential tool in object-oriented analysis and design. It represents the
static structure of a system by depicting classes, their attributes, and the relationships between
them. Classes are represented as rectangles, and their attributes and methods are listed within the
rectangles. Arrows connecting the classes indicate associations, dependencies, inheritance, and

Chapter 3 Detailed Design

other relationships. The class diagram captures the essence of the system's design, showcasing the
relationships between classes and providing insights into the system's organization and
functionality. It enables users to visualize the blueprint of the system, making it easier to
comprehend and communicate complex systems. The class diagram also aids in identifying
opportunities for code reuse and modularity. the diagram helps users understand the system's
design and the interactions between different components in a coherent manner. Overall, the class
diagram plays a vital role in the analysis, design, and documentation phases of software
development. It helps stakeholders, designers, and developers gain a comprehensive understanding
of the system's structure, relationships, and functionality, facilitating effective communication and
decision-making throughout the software development lifecycle.

Chapter 4 System Implementation and Database Design

Chapter 4 System Implementation and Database Design

4.1 System Analysis

System analysis involves a comprehensive examination of a designed system, starting with
reference to the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document. The SRS outlines specific
features and functionalities required for the system, and through the analysis process, all necessary
components and aspects of the system are considered. The analysis process ensures that all the
necessary components and aspects of the system are taken into account. By thoroughly analyzing
the document, the system can be designed to meet the specified requirements. Once the system
analysis phase is complete, the system design phase begins. In this phase, the system is designed
based on the features outlined in the SRS document. The design process incorporates various
elements and considerations to ensure the system functions effectively and efficiently. Data flow
diagrams and content flow diagrams are utilized to visualize the flow of data and content within
the system. These diagrams assist in designing the system architecture and provide a clear
framework for implementing the system. Overall, the system analysis and design phases play
crucial roles in developing a well-structured and functional system. The analysis phase ensures
that the system meets the specified requirements, while the design phase translates those
requirements into a tangible system architecture. By following this systematic approach, the
development team can create a system that aligns with the desired objectives and fulfills the needs
of the users.This in-depth analysis of the document ensures that the system is designed to meet the
specified requirements. Once the system analysis phase is complete, the system design phase
commences. During this phase, the system is designed based on the features outlined in the SRS
document. The design process incorporates various elements and considerations to ensure the
system functions effectively and efficiently. Data flow diagrams and content flow diagrams are
utilized to visualize the flow of data and content within the system. These diagrams play a vital
role in designing the system architecture and provide a clear framework for implementing the
system. Overall, the system analysis and design phases are crucial in the development of a well-
structured and functional system. The analysis phase ensures that the system meets the specified
requirements, while the design phase translates those requirements into a tangible system

Chapter 4 System Implementation and Database Design

architecture. This systematic approach enables the development team to create a system that aligns
with the desired objectives and fulfills the needs of the users.
4.2 ER Diagram

Figure 4-1 ER Diagram Design

The ER diagram includes entities, attributes, and relationships. Entities represent the objects or
concepts in the system, such as users, products, categories, etc. Attributes define the properties or
characteristics of the entities, such as name, ID, description, etc. Relationships describe how entities
are connected to each other and the type of association between them, such as one-to-one, one-to-many,
or many-to-many relationships. In the Project, the ER diagram is used to design the database for the
system, including entities such as admin, customers, software products, categories, etc. By visually
representing these components, it provides a clear understanding of the database structure and
facilitates the organization of data. In the project, the ER diagram plays a pivotal role in establishing
the relationships between entities like the admin, customers, software products, and categories,
ensuring accurate data representation and efficient data retrieval. This diagram also aids in determining
the cardinality and constraints of the relationships, allowing for proper Implematation of databse. With

Chapter 4 System Implementation and Database Design

the ER diagram, developers can easily communicate and collaborate on the database design,
ensuring a shared understanding of the system's data structure and relationships.

4.3 Entity-Relationship Diagram

The entity-relationship diagram (ER diagram) is a visual representation that illustrates the
relationships between different tables within a database. This diagram effectively showcases the
connections among various entities. The tables in the database are linked together using primary
keys and foreign keys, establishing relationships between them. The ER diagram presents entities
and their attributes, and visually depicts their relationships, facilitating a clear understanding of
the database structure and connections. The entity-relationship diagram (ER diagram) is an
invaluable tool for database design and modeling. It provides a visual representation that
effectively illustrates the relationships between different tables or entities within a database. By
showcasing the connections among entities, the ER diagram helps stakeholders and developers
understand the logical structure of the database and how the data is organized. ER diagrams also
allow for the inclusion of additional constructs such as inheritance, which represents an "is-a"
relationship between entities, and aggregation, which shows how entities are composed of other
Name Notation Description

Entity is represented as a
rectangular box. This
Entity includes the table names
of the database.

The diamond shape or

rhombus is used to
Relationship represent the
relationship. This
denotes the relationship
between the entities.

The oval shape is used to

represent the attributes.
Attributes The attributes are the
various fields of the
entity or the table in the

Figure 4-2 Entity-Relationship Diagram

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

In an ER diagram, entities are represented as rectangles, and their attributes are depicted as
ovals or ellipses within the rectangles. The relationships between entities are established through
primary keys and foreign keys. Primary keys uniquely identify each entity, while foreign keys
create connections between entities by referencing the primary key of another entity. The ER
diagram displays the cardinality and multiplicity of relationships, indicating how many instances
of one entity can be associated with another entity. It visually represents one-to-one, one-to-many,
and many-to-many relationships, helping to define and clarify the data dependencies and
associations within the database. By providing a clear and concise representation of the database
structure and connections, the ER diagram serves as a blueprint for database implementation and
maintenance. It aids in identifying and resolving design issues, such as normalization, and helps
ensure data integrity and consistency., ER diagrams provide a visual representation of the database
structure, enabling stakeholders to understand the relationships, dependencies, and constraints of
the data model. They serve as a powerful tool for designing and documenting databases, aiding in
the development of robust and well-structured systems. Additionally, the ER diagram acts as a
communication tool, facilitating effective collaboration and understanding among stakeholders,
including developers, designers, and database administrators.The figure 4-2 Shown bellow.

4.4 Database Introduction

A database is a structured collection of data that can consist of various types of information,
including text, images, videos, audio, and more. It serves as a repository for storing and organizing
data in a specific format. In the system being discussed, a relational database will be utilized. This
type of database stores data in a tabular format, with rows representing individual records and
columns representing different attributes or data fields. The relational database provides a
structured and organized approach to store and retrieve data efficiently. Relational databases offer
powerful querying capabilities through the use of SQL (Structured Query Language). With SQL,
users can retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data using a standardized syntax.One of the key
advantages of a relational database is its ability to handle large amounts of data efficiently. By le
veraging indexing techniques and optimization strategies, relational databases can provide fast
data retrieval and query performance.

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

4.4.1 Database design

Designing the database is a crucial aspect of the system as it provides a means to store and
organize the data obtained from the system. In this case, the relational database design approach
will be employed, utilizing a table format to store the data in rows and columns. The database will
consist of multiple tables, each with its unique set of attributes. These attributes will vary in type
based on the nature of the data stored by the system. By structuring the database in this way, it
becomes easier to manage and retrieve data efficiently for various system functionalities.
The database for softmart is organized into 6 tables
(1) admin
(2) category
(3) comment
(4) customer
(5) software_download_ record
(6) software_product
4.4.2 Database Tables
The database of softmart is structured into six tables, working together to effectively manage
and organize different aspects of the online software store. These tables ensure efficient data
storage and retrieval, supporting the smooth operation of the platform.
Table Name - admin This table contains information pertaining to the administrators of the
online software store. The admin table enables system authentication and authorization, granting
access to administrators for backend operations and administrative tasks.
Table Name - category the category table stores data related to various software categories
offered by the online software store. Categorizing software products allows for easy organization
and navigation, enabling users to find applications based on their specific needs.
Table Name - comment the comment table serves as a repository for user feedback and
comments on software products available in the store. By collecting customer insights, the
comment table facilitates engagement and provides valuable information about software
experiences and opinions.
Table Name - customer the customer table stores customer-related data, including information
about registered users of the online software store. This table allows users to create accounts, log
in, and manage their profiles, contributing to personalized user experiences and facilitating activity
Table Name - software_download_record the software_download_record table maintains a
record of software application downloads by customers. This table enables tracking of download

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

history, allowing both customers and administrators to view and analyze download records,
software usage, and user preferences.
Table Name - software_product: The software_product table holds essential information about
the software applications available in the online store. This table provides comprehensive details
about each software application, assisting users in browsing, searching, and making informed
decisions regarding software purchases and downloads. By employing these tables, Softmart
ensures effective data management, allowing for streamlined operations and enhanced user
experiences within the online software store.
4.5 Database Table & Schema Description
Table 4-1 admin

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

admin_id int(10) Admin Id Primary Key

admin_name varchar(25) Full Name of the admin Not Null

login_id varchar(20) Login Id of the admin Not Null

password varchar(50) Admin Password Not Null

status varchar(10) Admin status Not Null

This table stores information related to the administrators of the online software store. The
admin table allows the system to authenticate and authorize administrators to access the backend
and perform administrative tasks.The table 4-1 Shown above.
Table 4-2 category

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

category_id int(10) Category Id Primary Key

category varchar(25) Category type Not Null

description text Category description Not Null

img varchar(100) Category image Not Null

status varchar(10) Category status Not Null

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

The category table stores information about the different software categories available in the
online software store. The category table helps classify and organize software products into distinct
categories, making it easier for users to navigate and find desired applications. The table 4-2
Shown above.
Table 4-3 comment

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

commentid int(11) Comment Id Primary Key

customer_id int(11) Customer id Not Null

software_product_id int(11) Software product id Not Null

comment_date datetime Comment date Not Null

ratings double ratings Not Null

comment_note text Comment Not Null

The comment table stores user feedback and comments on software products in the online
software store. The comment table allows customers to share their experiences, opinions, or
questions about specific software applications, providing valuable insights and fostering
engagement. The table 4-3 Shown above.
Table 4-4. customer

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

customer_id int(10) Customer Id Primary Key

customer_name varchar(25) Full Name of the customer Not Null

address text Address of the customer Not Null

mobile_no varchar(15) Contact No of the customer Not Null

email_id varchar(50) Email Id of the customer Not Null

profile_img varchar(25) Profile Image Not Null

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

password varchar(300) Customer Password Not Null

status varchar(10) Customer Not Null

The customer table stores information about the registered customers using the online
software store. The customer table enables users to create accounts, log in, and maintain their
profiles. It helps in personalizing the user experience and tracking customer-related activities. The
figure 4-4 shown above.
Table 4-5 software_download_record

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

software_download_record_id int(10) Software download record Id Primary Key

software_product_id varchar(50) Software Product Id Not Null

customer_id varchar(50) Customer Id Not Null

download_dt_tim varchar(100) Download date time Not Null

status varchar(10) Download Status Not Null

The software_download_record table keeps track of the download history of software
applications by customers. The software_download_record table keeps track of the download
history of software applications by customers. This table serves as a valuable resource for
analyzing customer behavior, identifying trends, and making data-driven decisions to improve the
software store system and optimize the overall user experience. the software_download_record
table enables the identification of potential issues, software_download_record table allows
customers and administrators to view download records, track usage, and gather data on software
popularity and user preferences. The figure 4-5 shown above.
Table 4-6 software_product

Field Name Data Type Description Remarks

message_id int(10) Message Id Primary Key

category_id int(10) Category Id Not Null

product_name varchar(25) Product name Not Null

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

product_description text Product Description Not Null

product_img1 varchar(100) Product Image Not Null

product_img2 varchar(100) Product Image Not Null

product_img3 varchar(100) Product Image Not Null

product_img4 varchar(100) Product Image Not Null

product_img5 varchar(100) Product Image Not Null

software type varchar(50) Software type Not Null

download_link varchar(200) Download link Not Null

status varchar(10) Message status Not Null

The software_product table stores information about the software applications available in the
online software store. The software_product table holds essential details about each software
application, enabling users to browse, search, and make informed decisions about purchasing and
downloading software.The figure 4-6 shown above.
4.6 Context Flow and DFD Diagram
The context flow diagram is an integral part of the data flow diagram, representing the overall
communication and relationship of the system with its various components. It provides a concise
overview of the system's interactions and connections. The context flow diagram visually displays
the system's relationship with its utilities and highlights the flow of data between them. This
diagram encapsulates the essential elements of the system and presents them in a clear and concise
manner. By utilizing the context flow diagram, stakeholders and developers can quickly grasp the
system's overall structure and its interactions with external components. It provides a simplified
view of the system, enabling better understanding and communication among project team
members and stakeholders. The context flow diagram plays a crucial role in illustrating the
connections and communication between various components within a system. It serves as a visual
representation that outlines how the system interacts with its utilities and facilitates the flow of
data between them. By encapsulating the key elements of the system, the context flow diagram
offers a concise and comprehensive overview. This diagram is an invaluable tool for stakeholders
and developers as it enables them to quickly comprehend the system's structure and its interactions
with external components. It presents a simplified view, fostering improved understanding and
communication among project team members and stakeholders alike. Shown In figure 4-3 below.

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

Figure 4-3 The Context Flow Diagram

The Context Flow Diagram is a visual representation that illustrates the interactions between
the system under study and its external entities. The context flow diagram is an essential
component of the data flow diagram, illustrating the overall communication and relationships
within a system. It serves as a visual representation that concisely depicts how the system interacts
with its various components. By providing a summary of the system's functionality, the context
flow diagram showcases the flow of data between different entities, including users and the
system's database. This diagram offers a simplified yet comprehensive view of the system's
essential elements, facilitating better comprehension and communication among stakeholders and
project team members. By utilizing the context flow diagram, stakeholders and developers can
quickly understand the system's structure and its interactions with external components, leading to
improved collaboration and decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. The context flow
diagram serves as a crucial tool for system analysis and design, helping stakeholders gain a high-
level understanding of the system's overall behavior. It visually represents the system's external
entities, such as users and external systems, and showcases how they interact with the system. This
diagram focuses on the flow of data into and out of the system, highlighting the inputs and outputs
of the system's processes. By presenting a simplified view of the system's interactions, the context
flow diagram aids in identifying the system's boundaries and dependencies. It also serves as a
starting point for creating more detailed data flow diagrams, allowing for a systematic exploration
of the system's internal processes and data transformations. By visually illustrating the system's
associations with its utilities, the context flow diagram effectively showcases the flow of data
between them. This diagram encapsulates the fundamental elements of the system, presenting them
in a manner that is easily comprehensible and straightforward.

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

(1) Top Level DFD

Figure 4-4 Top Level DFD overall structure and functionality

The Top-Level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) provides a high-level overview of the system's
major processes and their interactions with external entities. It illustrates the flow of data between
these processes and entities, representing the inputs, outputs, and data transformations at a
conceptual level. The Top-Level DFD helps stakeholders understand the overall structure and
functionality of the system, without delving into the details of individual processes. The Top-Level
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is an integral component of system analysis and design, providing
stakeholders with a bird's-eye view of the system's major processes and their interactions with
external entities. This diagram offers a high-level overview, showcasing the flow of data between
processes and entities, as well as the inputs, outputs, and data transformations involved. This
diagram helps stakeholders identify key information flows, dependencies, and interfaces within
the system, facilitating effective communication and decision-making. It also aids in understanding
the system's boundaries and interactions with external systems or users, paving the way for a
comprehensive understanding of the overall system architecture. The Top-Level DFD acts as a
valuable tool for stakeholders, analysts, and developers to align their understanding of the system
and ensure that all parties share a common vision. The Top-Level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a
crucial element in system analysis and design, as it offers a high-level overview of the system's
primary processes and their interactions with external entities. It presents a conceptual

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

representation of the flow of data, illustrating inputs, outputs, and data transformations. Shown In
figure 4-4 above.
(2) DFD Level 2
The Level 2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) delves into the specific functions and interactions
within the major processes identified in the Top-Level DFD. It provides a more detailed view by
breaking down each major process into smaller subprocesses or functions.

Figure 4-5 DFD Level 2 Identify

The Level 2 Figure 4-5 has showed, Data Flow Diagram (DFD) provides a more detailed view
of the system's processes and data flows compared to the Top-Level DFD. It breaks down the major
processes identified in the Top-Level DFD into smaller subprocesses, allowing for a deeper
understanding of how data moves within the system. The Level 2 DFD depicts the inputs, outputs,
and data transformations at a more granular level, helping to identify specific data sources, data
stores, and data destinations within each subprocess. This level of detail facilitates a more
comprehensive analysis of the system's operations and aids in the identification of potential
improvements or optimizations. By providing a granular depiction of inputs, outputs, and data
transformations, the Level 2 DFD highlights specific data sources, data stores, and data
destinations within each subprocess, aiding in comprehensive analysis and optimization of the
system's operations. The Top-Level DFD serves as a valuable tool for stakeholders to comprehend
the system's overall structure and functionality, without getting into the intricacies of individual

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

(3) DFD Level 3

Figure 4-6 DFD Level 3 View Category

The system allows the admin to manage category details through the process of adding and
viewing categories. In the process of adding category details, the admin has the capability to input
the necessary information, such as the name, description, and any other relevant details of a
category. Once the admin adds a category, the system stores this information in the category table,
ensuring that it is properly recorded and organized. On the other hand, customers can easily access
and view the available categories through the "View Category" feature. This allows customers to
explore the different categories under which applications and software are grouped, making it
convenient for them to browse and find specific types of applications that meet their needs. By
providing a seamless experience for the admin to add categories and for customers to view them,
the system ensures efficient management and easy navigation of category details. The system
facilitates category management for the admin by enabling the addition and viewing of category
details, ensuring proper recording and organization in the category table. Customers benefit from
the convenience of accessing and exploring available categories, enhancing their ability to find
relevant applications and software efficiently. The figure 4-6 above.

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

(4) DFD Level 4

DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is a graphical representation of the flow of data within a system,
illustrating how information is input, processed, stored, and output. A 4-level DFD breaks down
the system into more detailed subprocesses and provides a deeper understanding of data
transformations and interactions. Here is an example of a 4-level DFD for a software store
system.The figure 4-7 shown bellow.

Figure 4-7 DFD level 4 managing software product

The component in question focuses on managing software product details within the system.
It involves the processes of adding and viewing software product information. When adding
software product details, the user, likely the admin, can input relevant information such as the
product name, description, features, system requirements, and other related details. Once added,
the system stores this information in the software product table, ensuring proper organization and
storage of software product data. On the other hand, customers have the ability to view the software
products through the "View Software Product" feature. This allows them to access and explore the
various software products available in the system, enabling them to gather comprehensive
information about each product, including its specifications, features, and screenshots. By
efficiently managing and storing software product details and providing an easy-to-use interface
for customers to view and explore the software products, the system ensures a streamlined and
user-friendly experience for both the admin and the customers.

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

(5) DFD Level 5

Figure 4-8 DFD level 5 product details

This component focuses on the process of downloading software product details and
managing the corresponding download records. Customers have the ability to download software
products from the software product module. They can browse through the available software
products, select the ones they are interested in, and initiate the download process. Once a download
is completed, the system stores the download record in the software download record table,
capturing details such as the customer who performed the download, the software product
downloaded, and the date of the download. Both the admin and the customers have access to view
the software download records. This functionality allows the admin to monitor and oversee the
downloads made by different customers, ensuring proper management and tracking of software
usage. Additionally, customers can also view their own download history, providing them with a
record of the software products they have downloaded in the past. By facilitating the download
process and maintaining accurate download records, the system ensures a seamless experience for
customers and provides valuable insights for the admin. The figure 4-8 shown above.

4.7 Description of Implementation

Customer registration details This includes the information provided by the customer during
the registration process, such as their name, email address, contact details, and any other required

Chapter 4 System Implementation And Database Design

details. Customer login details This refers to the login credentials provided by the customer,
typically consisting of a unique login ID and password. Customer registration This process
involves collecting the necessary information from the customer during the registration phase. The
input data is validated, and upon successful validation, the customer's registration details are stored
in the customer table or database. Once registered, customers can use their login credentials to
access the web page. The login process verifies the provided login ID and password against the
stored data. If the credentials match, the customer gains access to the web page and its
functionalities. After a customer completes the registration process, their registration details are
securely stored in the customer table or database. This information can be accessed and utilized
for various purposes within the system. Upon entering valid login credentials, the customer gains
access to the web page. This grants them the ability to explore and utilize the functionalities
provided by the system. By clearly defining the input, process, and output aspects of this
component, the system ensures smooth and secure customer registration and login processes.

Chapter 5 Testing

Chapter 5 Testing

5.1 Introduction
Once the system is designed, it is essential to perform testing to ensure that all modules of the
system have been designed correctly. Testing plays a crucial role in the problem-solving
methodology and is a critical document in the development process. The testing phase involves
various activities aimed at validating the system's functionality and ensuring that it meets the
specified requirements. The testing document outlines the different validations that need to be
performed to assess the correctness and accuracy of the system. During testing, various techniques
such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing may be
employed to evaluate different aspects of the system. These tests help identify any defects, bugs,
or inconsistencies in the system's behavior and ensure that it operates as intended. The testing
document serves as a comprehensive guide that specifies the test cases, expected outcomes, and
procedures for conducting the tests. It provides a systematic approach to verify the system's
functionality, performance, security, and usability. By conducting thorough testing, the
development team can identify and rectify any issues or deficiencies in the system, ensuring that
it meets the required quality standards and provides a reliable and robust solution.
5.2 Test Reports
Table 5-1 Admin component Admin login
Condition Test Data Expected output
Serial Remarks
to be tested

1. If login ID is not entered. login_id Please enter your
login ID.

password Please enter the SUCCESSFUL

2. If password is not entered.

password Invalid login SUCCESSFUL

3. If login ID and password
are not valid.

Chapter 5 Testing

The admin component of the system includes an Admin login feature, which allows the
administrator to securely access the system and perform administrative tasks. The login process
requires the administrator to enter their login ID and password, as shown table 5-1.

5.3 Test Unit Customer component

Table 5-2 Customer Registration

Serial Condition Test Data Expected output

No. to be tested
customer _name Please enter SUCCESSFUL
1. If customer name is not
customer name.
customer _name Enter only SUCCESSFUL
2. If customer name contains
other than characters.
3. If address is not entered. Address Please enter your
mobile_no Kindly enter 10- SUCCESSFUL
4. If mobile number is not
digit mobile
equal to 10 digits.
5. mobile_no
numeric values.
mobile_no Mobile number SUCCESSFUL
6. If mobile number does not
should begin with
begin with 7, 8 or 9.
7 or 8 or 9.
email_id Please enter SUCCESSFUL
7. If email ID is not entered.
email ID.
email_id Please enter valid SUCCESSFUL
8. If email ID is not valid.
email ID.
password Please enter the SUCCESSFUL
9. If password is not entered.

Chapter 5 Testing

password Password should SUCCESSFUL

10. If password is less than 6
be atleast 6
cpassword Please confirm SUCCESSFUL
11. If confirm password is not
your password.
Password, Password and SUCCESSFUL
12. If password and confirm
cpassword confirm
password does not match.
password are not
profile_img Please select SUCCESSFUL
13. If customer image is not
customer image.

14. If status is not selected. status Please select SUCCESSFUL


This information is securely stored in the system's database to ensure the privacy and security
of customer data. The Customer Registration component also includes validation checks to ensure
the accuracy and completeness of the provided information. The Customer Registration
component simplifies the onboarding process for customers, allowing them to quickly and
conveniently join the online software store platform. Once registered, customers gain access to
personalized features, such as the ability to view order history, manage preferences, and receive
updates and promotions. This component serves as a foundation for the overall customer
experience, enabling seamless interactions and enhancing customer satisfaction. The shown in
table 5-2.
5.4 Customer login
Table 5-3 Customer Login

Serial Condition Test Data Expected

No. to be tested output
If email ID is not entered. email_id Please enter SUCCESSFUL
email ID.

Chapter 5 Testing

If password is not entered.

2. password Please enter the SUCCESSFUL
If email ID and password
3. password Invalid login SUCCESSFUL
are not valid.

The Customer Login component is a fundamental feature of the system that allows registered
customers to access their accounts and gain entry to the online software store platform. Upon
entering their login credentials, consisting of their login ID (typically an email address) and
password, the system verifies the information and grants access to the customer's personalized
account, shown table 5-3.Customer update profile

Table 5-4 Customer update profile

Condition to be tested Test Data Expected output

Serial Remarks
If customer name is not customer _name Please enter customer SUCCESSFUL
entered. name.
If customer name customer _name Enter only alphabets. SUCCESSFUL
contains other than
address Please enter your SUCCESSFUL
3 If address is not entered.
If mobile number is not mobile_no Kindly enter 10 digit SUCCESSFUL
equal to 10 digits. mobile numbers.
If mobile number mobile_no Enter only numeric SUCCESSFUL
contains other than values.
numeric values.
If mobile number does mobile_no Mobile number SUCCESSFUL
not begin with 7, 8 or 9. should begin with 7 or
8 or 9.

Chapter 5 Testing

If email ID is not entered. email_id Pleaseenter email ID. SUCCESSFUL

If email ID is not valid. email_id Please enter valid
If password is not Please
entered. password enter the password. SUCCESSFUL
If password is less than 6 password Password SUCCESSFUL
characters. should be atleast 6
If confirm password is cpassword Please confirm your SUCCESSFUL
not entered. password.
If password and confirm Password, Password and confirm SUCCESSFUL
passworddoes not match. cpassword password are not
If customer image is not profile_img Please select customer SUCCESSFUL
selected. image.
If status is not selected. Pleae select status. SUCCESSFUL
14. Status
The Customer Update Profile component enables customers to modify their profile
information within the online software store platform. Testing the Customer Update Profile
component involves evaluating the system's ability to correctly handle profile updates and ensure
that the changes are accurately reflected in the customer's account. as shown table 5-4.

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

6.1 Installation
The user manual provides step-by-step instructions and guidance for users to effectively use
the Online Software Store. It serves as a comprehensive reference document, helping users
navigate through the installation process and explore the various features and functionalities of the
software. A user manual, also known as a user guide or instruction manual, is a document or
booklet that provides instructions, guidance, and information on how to use a particular product,
system, or software. It serves as a reference for users, helping them understand the features,
functionalities, and operation of the product or software. User manuals are typically created by
the product manufacturer or software developer and are designed to be user-friendly, providing
step-by-step instructions and explanations to assist users in utilizing the product effectively.
To install the compressed Online Software Store source code in XAMPP and import the
"softmart.sql" database, Download and Extract the Source Code; Download the compressed source
code for the Online Software Store. Extract the contents of the compressed file to a folder on your
computer. Install XAMPP; Download and install XAMPP, which provides the necessary
environment to run the software. Follow the installation instructions specific to your operating
system. Start XAMPP: Launch XAMPP after the installation is complete. Start the Apache and
MySQL services from the XAMPP control panel. Ensure that they are running. Import the
Database. Open a web browser and enter "http://localhost/phpmyadmin" in the address bar. This
will open the phpMyAdmin interface for database management. Click on "New" in the left sidebar
to create a new database. Name it "softmart" (without quotes). Select the newly created "softmart"
database from the left sidebar. Click on the "Import" tab at the top of the page.Click on the "Choose
File" button and browse to the location where you extracted the source code. Look for the
"softmart.sql" file in the extracted folder and select it. Click the "Go" button to import the database.
This will create the necessary tables and data. Move the Source Code: Move the extracted source
code folder to the "htdocs" directory of your XAMPP installation. The default location is
"C:\xampp\htdocs" on Windows. On macOS, it is typically "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs".
Access the Online Software Store: Open a web browser and enter "http://localhost/folder-name"
in the address bar, where "folder-name" is the name of the folder where you placed the extracted
source code. The Online Software Store should now be accessible, and you can explore its features.
Definitions of key terms and concepts. Conclusion The user manual serves as a comprehensive
guide for users of the Online Software Store, providing detailed instructions on installation, usage,

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

and troubleshooting. It empowers users to navigate the software confidently and make the most of
its features and functionalities
6.2 Screenshot and Description
(1) HomePage
The home page is the main landing page of the online software store. It typically features a
combination of promotional content, software categories, and featured products to engage visitors
and provide easy access to various sections of the website. The design and implementation of the
home page in an online software store require careful consideration of user experience (UX)
principles, functionality, and technology. The home page serves as the main entry point for
visitors, and its design plays a crucial role in capturing their attention, In terms of UX design, the
home page should prioritize simplicity, clarity, and visual appeal. A clean and intuitive layout
helps visitors quickly understand the purpose and offerings of the software store. Clear and visually
prominent navigation elements, such as a well-organized menu or search bar, facilitate easy access
to different sections of the website. Strategic placement of promotional content, software
categories, and featured products ensures that visitors can quickly find relevant information and
offerings. To enhance engagement, the home page can include dynamic elements, such as sliders
or carousels showcasing featured software products or promotions. Interactive components,
Recommendations or personalized suggestions based on user preferences or browsing history can
also be incorporated to provide a personalized experience and encourage further exploration. In
terms of implementation, modern web development technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and
JavaScript are typically used to create a responsive and visually appealing home page. Responsive
design ensures that the home page adapts seamlessly to different devices, such as desktops, tablets,
and mobile phones, providing a consistent user experience across platforms. The home page can
also incorporate social proof elements, such as customer reviews or testimonials, to build trust and
credibility among visitors. Additionally, integrating social media buttons or links allows users to
easily share or promote products and engage with the software store's online community. To
optimize performance, the home page should be optimized for fast loading times, utilizing
techniques like image compression and minification of CSS and JavaScript files. Caching
mechanisms can also be employed to reduce server load and enhance user experience.Regular
updates and maintenance of the home page are crucial to keep the content fresh and relevant.

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

Special attention should be given to ensuring that all links, images, and interactive features are
functional and up-to-date. The Screenshoot shown in Figure 6-1 below.

Figure 6-1 Home Page Screenshot

(2) View Software Store
This page allows users to browse and view the software store's entire collection of software
products. It may include search and filter options to help users narrow down their search based

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

on categories, software types, ratings, and other criteria. Each product is usually displayed with
its title, description, image, rating, and a link to view more details.figure 6-2 is shown below.

Figure 6-2 View Soft store

(3) View Product Detail
This page provides comprehensive information about a specific software product. It includes
details such as the product's name, description, features, screenshots, system requirements, user

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

reviews, and other information. Users can also find options to initiate the download/installation
process. Figure 6-3 shwed below View product details.

Figure 6-3 Product Details

(4) Add and View Software Category
This page is typically accessible to administrators or authorized users. It allows them to add
new software categories to the store's collection or manage existing categories. They can define
the category name, description, and other relevant details. The page may also provide an option to
view and edit existing categories. They have the ability to define the category name, provide
description, and specify other’s relevant details for each softwate category. Shown figure 6-4

Figure 6-4 Add and View Software Catagoty

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

(5) Admin Login

The admin login page is used by administrators or site owners to access the administrative
panel of the online software store. It typically requires a username and password for authentication
and grants access to various administrative functions, such as managing products, categories,
customer accounts, and site settings.Admin login showed belo figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 Admin login

(6) Customer Panel
The customer panel serves as a centralized hub for customers to access and control their online
software store experience. Within the customer panel, customers can easily navigate through
different sections, such as account settings, order history, and support. This personalized section
offers a seamless and user-friendly interface, enabling customers to update their profile
information, change passwords, and manage subscription preferences effortlessly. Additionally,
the customer panel provides a platform for customers to track and manage their downloads,
ensuring quick access to their purchased software and any associated updates. By offering a secure
and efficient interface, the customer panel enhances customer satisfaction and fosters a positive
relationship between customers and the online software store. Overall, the customer panel serves
as a valuable self-service portal, empowering customers to have control over their account settings,
access their purchase history, and seek support when needed. Its intuitive design and functionality

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

contribute to a positive user experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.The

Screenshoot Shown In figure 6-6 below.

Figure 6-6 Customer Panel

(7) Add/Edit Software's and Apps Records
This page is accessible to administrators and allows them to add new software products or edit
existing ones. Administrators can enter details such as the product name, description, category,
screenshots, and other relevant information. They can also upload product images or files for users
to download.The figure showed 6-7 below.

Figure 6-7 Add or Edit Software Category

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

(8) Customer Registration Panel

The customer registration panel is a page where new users can create an account to become
registered customers of the online software store. It typically requires users to provide their
personal details, such as name, email address, and password. Upon successful registration, users
gain access to additional features and personalized services within the store.Figure mentoned 6-8.

Figure 6-8 Customer Registration Panel

(9) View Customers
This page is typically accessible to administrators and provides an overview of all registered
customers. It displays a list of customer profiles with their names, email addresses, contact
information, and other relevant details. Administrators can use this page to manage customer
accounts, update information, and perform administrative tasks related to customers. This page is
designed specifically for administrators and grants them access to an overview of all registered
customers. Its main purpose is to provide a comprehensive list of customer profiles, including their
names, email addresses, contact information, and other pertinent details. Administrators leverage
this page to efficiently manage customer accounts, update information as needed, and perform
various administrative tasks related to customers. It serves as a centralized hub for overseeing and
organizing customer-related activities within the system.Figure 6-9 mentioned below.

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

Figure 6-9 View Customer List

(10) View Ratings and Post Ratings
This page allows customers to view and submit ratings or reviews for software products they
have purchased or used. It displays existing ratings and reviews provided by customers, along with
the option for logged-in customers to post their own ratings and reviews. This helps other users
make informed decisions when considering a particular software product. Customer ratings and
reviews are a valuable resource for other users who are considering purchasing a software product.
By reading ratings and reviews, potential customers can get a sense of what other users have
experienced with the product, both positive and negative. This information can help them make an
informed decision about whether or not to purchase the product. Overall, customer ratings and
reviews are a valuable tool that can help potential customers make informed decisions about
software products. When reading ratings and reviews, it is important to keep in mind that everyone
has different preferences and experiences. Therefore, it is important to read a variety of ratings and
reviews before making a decision.Figure 6-10 shown below.

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

Figure 6-10 View Ratings and Post Ratings

(11) Customer login

The customer login panel is a page where registered customers can log in to their accounts
using their credentials. Upon successful authentication, customers can access their personalized
dashboard, view software downloads, manage their orders, submit reviews or ratings, and perform
other actions specific to their account.Customer login shown in below figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11 Customer login

Chapter 6 System Setup and User Guidance

(12) View Software Downloads

This webpage serves as a user interface for customers to conveniently access and manage their
software downloads. It offers a comprehensive list of software products that they have previously
downloaded, presenting essential information such as download links, version details, and more.
Figure 6-12 shown as below.

Figure 6-12 View Software Downloads

Chapter 8 Conclusion And Future Work

Chapter 7 Conclusion And Future Work

7.1 Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, the completion of the "Online Software Store" project marks a significant
milestone in software development, showcasing the successful implementation of a user-friendly
and efficient application. The project has demonstrated the power of PHP and its ability to create
interactive and feature-rich systems. Throughout the development process, careful attention was
given to testing and quality assurance, ensuring that the module operates flawlessly and meets all
the specified requirements. The user-friendly interface has made the software easily accessible to
users with varying levels of computer knowledge, enhancing their overall experience. The project's
success lies in its ability to fulfil the client's requirements and deliver a robust solution. The
system's capability to generate requested reports and the provision of comprehensive
documentation for system operation and maintenance have further enhanced its effectiveness.
Looking ahead, there is great potential for future enhancements and advancements in the system.
By keeping up with technological developments and incorporating new features and functionalities,
the "Online Software Store" module can continue to evolve and provide even greater value to its
users. In conclusion, the "Online Software Store" project exemplifies the power of innovative
software development and its ability to transform the software industry. The successful
implementation of this module not only showcases the expertise of the development team but also
opens up new possibilities for users and stakeholders. With its user-centric design and robust
functionality, the "Online Software Store" is poised to make a lasting impact, revolutionizing the
way software is accessed, managed, and enjoyed.
7.2 Future Work
Although the “Online Software Store” project has successfully delivered a comprehensive and
user-friendly platform for accessing and downloading software products. However, there are
several areas of potential future work that can further enhance the system's functionality and user
experience. One important aspect to consider is the development of a mobile application for the
"Online Software Store." As the usage of mobile devices continues to rise, having a dedicated
mobile app would provide users with the convenience of accessing and downloading software
products directly from their smartphones or tablets. This would expand the reach of the platform
and cater to the evolving needs and preferences of mobile users. Another area for future

Chapter 8 Conclusion And Future Work

development is user personalization. By leveraging user data and employing data analytics
techniques, the system can provide personalized recommendations and tailored software
suggestions based on each user's preferences and past downloads. This can greatly enhance the
user experience by offering relevant and targeted software options, ultimately increasing customer
satisfaction and engagement. Integrating social media platforms into the "Online Software Store"
can also be a valuable addition. Allowing users to share their favorite software applications with
their social networks can help in increasing the platform's visibility and attracting new customers.
It would foster a sense of community among users and create a viral effect, where positive
recommendations and user-generated content can drive organic growth. Furthermore, ensuring
secure and seamless transactions is crucial for an online store. Integrating a secure payment
gateway that supports various payment methods would provide users with a secure and convenient
way to purchase software products. Popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or Braintree
can be integrated to offer a wide range of payment options while maintaining the confidentiality
and integrity of users' financial information. Enhancing the security features of the system is also
a vital consideration. Implementing advanced encryption techniques, two-factor authentication,
and regular security audits can safeguard user data and prevent unauthorized access. By
prioritizing user privacy and data protection, the "Online Software Store" can build trust and
confidence among its users. Collaboration with software developers and companies is another
avenue for future growth. Establishing partnerships can lead to a wider selection of high-quality
software applications in the store, attracting more customers and expanding the platform's
offerings. Building strong relationships with developers can create a win-win situation, where
developers gain access to a larger user base, and the store gains a diverse range of software
products. Lastly, advanced reporting and analytics capabilities can provide valuable insights for
system administrators and software developers. By implementing advanced analytics tools and
generating comprehensive reports on user behaviour, downloads, and feedback, the platform can
make data-driven decisions to further optimize its offerings and improve the overall user
experience. By considering these future work areas, the "Online Software Store" can continue to
evolve, adapt to changing user needs, and stay competitive in the dynamic software market. The
implementation of these enhancements will contribute to a more robust and user-centric platform,
ensuring long-term success and customer satisfaction.



I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the
development and success of the "Online Software Store" SoftMart project. Their unwavering
support, guidance, and expertise have been instrumental in bringing this software store to fruition.
First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt thanks to my esteemed faculty of computer science In
Chengdu Normal University for entrusting, with the opportunity to create this innovative software
store. Their valuable insights, feedback, and continuous collaboration have been invaluable
throughout the entire development process. I would like to express our deep appreciation to our
project supervisor, Haoyuan Li for their unwavering guidance, mentorship, and valuable
suggestions. Their expertise and profound knowledge have steered us in the right direction,
enabling us to overcome challenges and achieve our objectives. I would also like to extend our
gratitude to our development team, who helped me a lot. whose dedication, expertise, and tireless
efforts have made this software store a reality. Our heartfelt thanks go to our families and friends
for their unwavering support, understanding, and encouragement throughout this endeavour. Their
belief in us has been a constant source of motivation, propelling us forward in the face of obstacles.
I would like to acknowledge the academic institution where this project was undertaken, Chengdu
Normal University. The resources, facilities, and learning opportunities provided by the institution
have been instrumental in shaping our knowledge and skills, allowing us to undertake such a
challenging and rewarding project.
Finally, I extend our appreciation to all the individuals who have directly or indirectly
contributed to this project, including our peers, colleagues, and industry professionals. Their
valuable insights, suggestions, and discussions have enriched our understanding and propelled us
to deliver a high-quality software store.
Once again, I express our sincere appreciation to all those who have been a part of this journey.
Your unwavering support and contributions have been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for your
presence in making the "Online Software Store" project a success.



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