Medical Cannabis Research Paper

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when tackling complex and evolving subjects such

as medical cannabis. Conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and articulating coherent
arguments require significant time, effort, and expertise. Moreover, navigating the ever-expanding
landscape of medical cannabis research and regulations adds another layer of complexity to the

For individuals embarking on the journey of writing a medical cannabis research paper, it's crucial to
access reliable resources, stay updated on the latest findings, and adhere to academic standards.
However, with the myriad of information available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain
about where to begin.

In such circumstances, seeking professional assistance can prove invaluable. ⇒ ⇔

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medical cannabis research papers. By outsourcing the writing process to skilled professionals, clients
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medical cannabis research papers.
The federal laws concerning the use of marijuana have been identified to be quite serious and to be
depicting severe punishment to those individuals who broadly engage in the production or the
allocation of marijuana. How to Beat Back PMS and Period Symptoms With CBD and CBN
Products. The cultivation of the marijuana plant began as far back as th Legalization of Marijuana
During the Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations, eight people in the United States were allowed
to use marijuana for medicinal purposes under the Compassionate Investigative New Drug program.
People use reason and their emotions in order to guide their actions. In order to determine the power
of the federal government about limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws by states, it has been
observed that the federal government considers certain important aspects. For example, Spice, a
herbal smoking mixture, is widely sold in America labeled as legal and nicotine-free smoke. Both
physical and mental health of the current generation is facing stiff challenges because of various
reasons. It holds usefulness for chronic pain that does not respond to traditional opoids. Following is
a compilation of diseases reported by 2,480 of Dr. Mikuriya’s 9,000 patients, according to the
primary indication for which the patients were diagnosed. Under current regulations, Drexel has not
been approved to house, dispense or compound cannabis, or otherwise physically study cannabis’s
organic properties. Richard Brookhiser, a senior editor of the conservative National Review who has
admitted to utilizing marihuana to handle the sickness caused by chemotherapy, claims that if that
minute comes to you, you will turn to marijuana. ( Brookhiser 28 ). Not only is the research on
cannabis growing, so is the legalization for it. Increased stress level, force people to rely on some
substances to get reduces their tensions. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me,
but not for the writer at GetEssay. It holds that the organic structure ’ s critical energy ( chi or chi )
circulates through 14 channels, called. If it is purely medical, how can one ethically determine when
another takes his or her medication. It has also been shown to have anti-anxiety and anti-depressant
effects, which could be helpful for those suffering from anxiety disorders or depression. Moreover,
marijuana can stimulate hunger among some patients, and it can also be used a pain reliever. Thank
you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. At the same time, policies help maintain the social order in the society hence
keeps the society united. In my opinion, administering of marijuana for pain reliving should be
allowed only when no other medicines work for a patient. Even though, FDA has not shown any
green signal to marijuana, many people in America believe that marijuana can be used as an effective
medicine in the treatment of some of the diseases like nausea, vomiting, glaucoma etc. According to
John Walters (Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy) “smoked marijuana damages the
brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you
wish. Medible Feature: Goodies by Magooch Infused Empanadas. By clicking “Check Writers’
Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Due to such legalization, the usage rate
of medical marijuana increased mainly among the youth adults of age-groups, 12 to 20 years. From
this point of view, cocaine would also have been legalized long before marijuana, if medical
justification could be used to legalize marijuana because its numbing effect is greater. Marijuana has
twice as much tar as tobacco smoke and sustained use can result in breathing problems identical to
those of tobacco users.
During the 20th century, marijuana was only allowed in the show business world and the usage of
marijuana among jazz musicians persuaded music lovers to use the drug extensively. Considering the
Legalization of Marijuana The federal government outlawed marijuana in 1937, a decision that
remains controversial to this day.. In 1996, California became the first state in America to Medical
Marijuana in the United States The research indicates that there is a dramatic increase in the use of
marijuana for medicinal purposes, a trend that leads to the assumption that its acceptance as a
medication contributes to the acceptance of its use in general. When many of the drug abuse cases
related to marijuana brought to the courts, the courts upheld the traditional belief by the continuing
support extended towards the marijuana prohibition. Roughly 30 states have legalized medical
marijuana and nine have legalized the use of marijuana recreationally as well (Webb, 2018). Give me
your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. However, it does not mean that
the use of soft drugs necessarily leads to the adoption of hard drugs. In 1972, the American
Congress kept marijuana in Schedule I of their Act of Controlled Substances. Under the traditional
legal environment, the interests of all parties are taken into account and well-balanced. That
classification offers no medical benefits at the federal level, which has significantly limited rigorous
clinical research. These health dangers provide are more support for deterring its availability. Human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It can affect the
memory and learning capacities and can make structural changes in brain. It has been apparently
observed that the federal government holds both constitutional as well as legitimate power and
authority towards forbidding the use of marijuana for all different purposes. If you continue using
our website, you accept our Cookie Policy. Accept. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can
broadly be affirmed that the federal government possesses a strong as well as a supreme legitimate
power or authority towards limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws that are introduced by
different states. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. After more
than twenty old ages of smoking marihuana, Randall still has his vision, withstanding the
anticipations of his physicians ( 2C ). Other illegal drugs such as cocaine and diacetylmorphine are
classified as Schedule II, even though they are considered wont organizing and unsafe, where
marihuana, classified as a Agenda I, has ne’er caused a decease or overdose and is non considered
habit-forming. My older brother and I were walking through a haunted house when one of the
workers popped out and scared us. It should not be longer than a 150-200 words (about a half a
page). Both imprisonment and the war cost our country, and therefore our people, money. The
opposition to the legalization of cannabis also points out that cannabis use is definitely increased if
legalized. The advocates of drug legalization, therefore, argue that drugs must be legalized because
they are less dangerous than other drugs currently legacies. Joseph Legalization of Marijuana The
purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare the issue of legalizing it from both sides.
According to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), Marijuana is a. If you were the one
agony, would you resort to the lone intervention that allowed you to populate usually even though it
was illegal. Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Until then, the debate over
medical marijuana is likely to continue. For example, Spice, a herbal smoking mixture, is widely sold
in America labeled as legal and nicotine-free smoke. The chief active chemical in marihuana is THC (
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ).
Medicines to counter the effect of TCH should be synthesized to achieve successful treatment from
marijuana abuse. Key components of the research partnership include a patient registry study, a
clinical core and pilot studies. Because it is normally smoked, even the most nauseating patient can
utilize it every bit good as easy modulate their consumption ( Medical Marijuana 23 ). They act upon
the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the body. In the long run, marijuana use can destroy the physical and
mental health. Moreover, marijuana available in the past and present has lot of differences. These
participants were categorized into having PTSD or not. In their current state, illegal drug-related
laws are ignorant of freedom and personal liberty. With arthritis, 70% of the patients reported an
improvement of their symptoms, with depression, 71.6% of the patients reported an improvement,
and with anxiety, 77.5% improved (Zaki et al., 2017). Such was the case 90 years ago, and such is
the case today. This can lead to inconsistency in the strength and purity of the marijuana being sold,
which can be dangerous for patients who are relying on it for relief. My hope is that the DEA
reschedules marijuana to either a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 substance, so that marijuana will be
allowed for medical use in all states. If our studies can demonstrate efficacy of medical cannabis,
there are a large number of patients whose physical and psychological conditions can be treated with
a new therapeutic approach. Unfortunately, there is no objective data proving the relief. Even though,
FDA has not shown any green signal to marijuana, many people in America believe that marijuana
can be used as an effective medicine in the treatment of some of the diseases like nausea, vomiting,
glaucoma etc. Hall and Degenhardt (2009) stated that cannabis users who have regularly smoked
cannabis have experienced more symptoms indicating chronic bronchitis and have had an increase in
risk for respiratory infections. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Currently, there are states in America that allow the use of
medical marijuana, a number that has increased over the years. The medicinal applications of
marijuana are due largely in part to Cannabidiol, or CBD, a compound derived from the Cannabis
leaves. As someone with a strong ideological belief in liberty, I am disappointed in the strict measures
the law has put in place against certain substances, most notably the plant Cannabis. Most medical
marijuana dispensaries offer edibles, such as, lollipops, brownies, ice cream and several other types of
food that have the medicine in them. From the very beginning, it has been apparently observed that
the federal government powerfully regulates the legal production, distribution as well as possession
of controlled substances. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 11 Search inside document. The federal laws
concerning the use of marijuana have been identified to be quite serious and to be depicting severe
punishment to those individuals who broadly engage in the production or the allocation of marijuana.
Marijuana is an illegal narcotic drug and is a green or grey mixture of dried, chopped flowers and
leaves from the hemp works Cannabis sativa. One of the main arguments in favor of medical
marijuana is that it can provide relief for patients suffering from chronic pain and other conditions.
Marijuana remains the most widely used illegal drug and stirs up constant debate everywhere. The
federal law strongly possesses the viewpoint that the substance i.e. marijuana is extremely addictive
and most importantly does not bear any medicinal value. It holds that the organic structure ’ s critical
energy ( chi or chi ) circulates through 14 channels, called. Marijuana is created when the leaves and
female flowers of the hemp plant are dried, and it is commonly used but not limited to use in
cigarette form.

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