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An Introduction to the EPi Technology

Performance, Outputs & Environmental Benefits of a Typical EPi Installation

Background & Technology : EPi is a UK based business which, over a period of more than 20 years, has developed an
advanced, proprietary, pure pyrolysis technology, capable of generating energy from all manner of material streams,
including waste plastic. The process utilises a fully patented technology which incorporates the use of electricity as its
parasitic energy source. The key to EPi’s process is its ability to create accelerated chemical decomposition of organic
matter, without any form of combustion, in order to produce a clean, conditioned, high quality fuel gas. This gas can
be used to generate more than four times the parasitic energy consumed by the process, or be converted to produce
high quality, low carbon fuels with zero sulphur, such as automotive diesel, marine diesel and aviation fuel.

The term Pyrolysis is currently the subject of much misuse resulting in the creation of considerable confusion in the
industry. Various gasification technologies routinely and misleadingly use the term to describe their process, when in
fact they almost always include some form of combustion phase.

The EPi technology is a Pure Pyrolysis with no combustion phase at any point of the process. We merely convert the
energy present in all organic matter, into gas and carbon. There are no airborne emissions at any point of EPi’s unique
patented technology. The entire process merely accelerates the natural decomposition of organic matter that Planet
Earth uses to produce Coal, Oil and Gas… But instead of taking 200 - 300 million years, we take around 60 seconds.

The core outputs are a high quality fuel gas, heat and a carbon rich char. A mix of revenue opportunities arise from
each of these outputs, including gate fees from waste received and sale of electricity, together with further sales of
heat and carbon char. The potential for additional income streams is also extended to include a range of government
incentives and the sale of Carbon Credits, as part of the global drive to allow those companies whose processes create
unavoidable carbon emissions, to offset their carbon footprints. The EPi technology is capable of configuration to
achieve Carbon Negative operation, helping to reduce Greenhouse Gases and our Carbon Footprint, at a time when
the world recognises the urgency of a collective need to reduce the impacts of climate change.

The Waste Market : The EPi plant consists of small scale, modular units, typically grouped together to form a six
module operation. Such an installation requires a footprint of less than an international standard football pitch, and is
silent in operation, with neither odours nor airborne emissions. A six module plant can process around 80,000 tonnes
of untreated municipal solid waste per annum, producing over 9 MWe/hr of renewable electricity and between 13
MW - 18 MW thermal/hr. That’s enough renewable energy to supply the complete electrical needs of approx. 23,000
UK homes and still leave a range of further opportunities for re-use of the renewable heat and the carbon char.

Small scale installations spread across a county, present the opportunity to deal with waste at source, not only
reducing costly transportation and supporting the proximity principle, as location on or adjacent to existing waste
collection facilities, can often eliminate the need for secondary transport of the waste, reducing local traffic flows and
associated emissions from transportation. The EPi Pure Pyrolysis Technology produces revenue from Gate Fees and
the sale of three other primary outputs. In the UK and many other countries, further income is likely to be available
via Government incentive schemes, which further elevate income from sales of renewable electricity and heat.

Outputs & Income Streams : The revenues produced from each output are a consequence of market conditions, but
are also directly impacted by the following factors :

1. Gate Fees : The total tonnage of material that can be accepted at the site is controlled by two factors. The
general condition and state of preparedness and the moisture content of the incoming feedstock.
For untreated Mixed Commercial & Industrial waste (C&I) or waste derived from domestic waste arisings
which has had no prior treatment, the maximum capacity of a 6 Module EPi Installation is around 85,000
tonnes at the gate, per annum. This is because following pre-treatment, removal of metals, minerals and
drying, we would expect this to leave a balance of around 47,000 tonnes per annum, through the EPi plant.

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Outputs & Income Streams : ( 1. Gate Fees ) ( Cont. / … )

In the case of material arriving at the EPi plant ready prepared. i.e. In the form of a Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)
prepared by others, with a typical moisture content of around 20%, the throughput of a standard 6 Module EPi
Installation would be likely to fall between 52,000 - 55,000 tonnes per annum, at the gate.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Flock generally has a higher moisture content with wider seasonal and regional
variations. This typically produces moisture content in a range of 25% - 35%. In these circumstances capacity
at the gate would be likely to range between 65,000 - 75,000 tonnes per annum.

2. Renewable Electricity : The EPi process offers a more efficient generation of electricity than most, if not all of
its competitors. Following scrubbing and conditioning, the high quality fuel gas produced from the EPi process
can be fed to gas engines in order to produce large quantities of renewable electrical energy. Dependent on
feedstock, electrical production from a six module installation can be more than 9 MWe per hr. This is based
on processing around 6 tonnes of dried feedstock per hr. This produces a gross electrical output of 1.533
MWe / hr. for every tonne of material processed. This equates to more than 4 times the amount of energy
required to run the process.

3. Renewable Heat : Unlike many competing technologies, EPi does not use its heat to create electrical energy.
Dependent upon local conditions, the availability of heat presents a range of opportunities from which to
generate further revenue. The amount of thermal energy available is substantial and we would conservatively
project this at a level of 1.4 times that of the gross electrical energy produced. In real terms this means that a
six module installation is likely to produce around 12 - 14 MW thermal, every hour of operation.

This heat is recovered from two different areas of the gas engines; with high level heat at around 485 Deg C
from the exhaust, whilst lower temperatures of around 92 Deg C, are available directly from the water jacket.
This heat can be used in a variety of ways dependent upon local needs. These options can include provision to
supply Local Heat Networks, Public Amenities, Refrigeration Plants, Air Conditioning, Water Desalination or to
simply use the heat in Steam Turbines or Organic Rankin Cycle Engines, to create additional electrical energy.

A relatively small proportion of the heat will be used for low temperature drying of the incoming feedstock,
although as we investigate available means of heat recovery in more detail, it may well be feasible to draw
heat from other parts of the plant, where additional heat is known to be available for recovery and re-use.

4. Carbon Char : Additional income is also available from the onward sale of the solid carbon char. Based on the
annual process rates quoted in the examples above, an EPi plant will produce around 11,000 tonnes of carbon
char, per annum. The value and potential applications for the carbon will vary depending on a number of
factors, but assuming that the feedstock is Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) from either Mixed Commercial &
Industrial Waste or Mixed Domestic Waste Arisings; and that the inert content at point of entry was below or
around 3%, then there is a wide range of opportunities to supply the char into a number of potential markets.

Unlike many other processes, the EPi carbon output is of a very high quality as the conversion ratio of the EPi
organics is typically between 93% - 95%. The following list provides examples of a number of opportunities
for revenue generation from the carbon char.

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Outputs & Income Streams ( 4. Carbon Char ) : ( Cont. / … )

a. Carbon as a Smokeless Fuel : The high levels of heat applied during the core phases of the EPi Process drives off
the volatiles, converting them into useable energy in the gas stream. Any organic contaminants present in the original
feed material are completely destroyed by a combination of extreme heat and residence time. The remaining Carbon
Char, now has such low levels of retained contaminants, that its volatile content is equal to or better than anthracite,
thereby qualifying as a smokeless fuel. Dependent upon the level of inerts entrained within the incoming feedstock,
calorific values are likely to be anywhere within a range of 24Mj - 30 Mj per kg. Whilst combustion of the carbon char
provides an easy opportunity for additional heat or energy generation, this will lose any benefit from carbon capture.

b. Carbon as Activated Charcoal : With feedstocks of predominantly cellulosic materials, steam remediation at the
point of extract and recovery of the carbon char, will produce a base quality activated charcoal. This product can then
be used in a wide range of applications including purification of water and the reduction or elimination of emissions in
a wide range of industrial processes, including coal fired power stations, cement works, sewage treatment plants etc...

c. Carbon as a Soil Improver : Historically most of Western Europe has enjoyed soils which are fairly rich in nutrients
and hydrocarbons, but a combination of intensive farming and overuse of fertilisers has led us point where Europe’s
farmers are now seriously concerned of depletion of hydrocarbons. There are many other areas of the world where
sandy, poor quality soils struggle to support agriculture in any form. Various trials over extended periods have shown
that poor quality soils of all types can benefit from the addition of large quantities of carbon being returned to the soil.
Additional to providing a direct means of restoring the levels of hydrocarbons, there are further opportunities to aid
agriculture and improve soil fertility by adding nutrients, in the form of microbes to the carbon char. These microbes
can be bio-engineered to suit specific applications thereby allowing the carbon to become both a carrier of specifically
targeted nutrients and a means of correcting depleted hydrocarbons in a single application.

d. Carbon for Remediation of Contaminated Land : As described in the application above, following examination of
contaminated soils and the identification of appropriate microbial strains specific to those contaminants present, the
carbon char can act as a carrier to deliver remediation processes directly to the source of contamination. The added
benefit from this process, is that the carbon char also acts as a means of re-establishing the hydrocarbon levels back
into the previously contaminated soil. Trials conducted by a world leading authorities have demonstrated significant
changes to contaminated land treated in this manner. Prior to treatment, the lands on which trials were conducted
were incapable of supporting growth of crops and were considered completely infertile. Following treatment in the
manner outlined above, crop growth was re-established within two seasons of treatment.

e. Carbon Sequestration : The act of Carbon Capture and Storage is normally understood to refer to the act of
capturing Carbon Dioxide by various means and subsequently arranging for long term storage of the gas. The only
issue is that storing Carbon Dioxide in gaseous form is extremely difficult and unlikely to succeed except in the most
extreme cases. Sequestration of carbon in its solid form simply involves burying the captured carbon into the soil and
thereby qualifying as carbon sequestration. It is notable that both of the procedures described in items C and D
above, would qualify as carbon sequestration, whilst providing each of the additional benefits already described.

The total amount of carbon depleted from our soils has accelerated soil erosion. With surface layers eroded the rate of
release of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere is substantially increased. This is a major concern on a global scale.
Not only do we have the opportunity to improve the agricultural yields from our soils by restoring the levels of carbon,
but such actions simultaneously lock carbon back into our soils for thousands of years, whilst substantially reducing
the rate of greenhouse gas continuously released into the atmosphere from the land. The EPi process captures the
carbon from the feedstock and enables its long term sequestration. The ultimate aim in carbon capture and storage.

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Outputs & Income Streams ( 4. Carbon Char ) : ( Cont. / … )

f. Carbon - Further Potential : The EPi process is extremely controllable. This creates opportunities to adjust
operational characteristics in a variety of ways. As a direct result of this intimate level of control there are potential
opportunities to produce highly specialist forms of Carbon, including Carbon 60, other Fullerenes, Super-Conductors,
Graphite and Graphene. Quantum computing and the next generation of batteries will present multiple applications
for these highly conductive and specialist forms of carbon, simultaneously providing yet another form of sequestration

Local Environmental Benefits : In addition to the opportunity for multiple sources of income and the highest possible
environmental credentials… The EPi Pure Pyrolysis Technology is almost inaudible in operation, creates no odour and
has no airborne emissions. The only point at which any emissions can occur is when the fuel gas is passed to a gas
engine in order to produce electrical energy. At this point the level of emissions produced from each engine would be
comparable or better than those produced by any typical modern, heavy goods vehicle.

In most cases the plant can be located onto sites where waste material is already present, thereby removing the need
for secondary transportation of the waste to other locations for disposal and destruction. This not only removes all
secondary transport costs, but reduces traffic flow, pollution and further reduces our carbon footprint.

Physical Characteristics : The physical footprint of a typical EPi Installation of 6 modules is 40m x 50m inside a
building with a slightly larger footprint externally for gas management and associated energy generation plant. This
assumes that the EPi plant is to be installed onto an existing waste management operation.

For installation onto a new site with provision for waste reception and pre-process treatment, an overall site of around
2.5 acres would be required.

EPi Main Pyrolysis Chamber : Installation in Progress at the Second Largest Waste Water Treatment Plant in Europe.

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EPi Gas Management Plant - Installation in Progress - 4 Phase System Configured for Treatment of Sewage Sludge

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A Summary :

In closing, we summarise the key points raised within this introduction to the technology and in particular highlight
the extensive range of environmental benefits provided by the deployment of the EPi technology.

The Benefits

Local Deployment : Means Waste Materials Can Be Treated at Source The Proximity Principle

Simplified Collection Service : Means Lower Cost, Higher Frequency, Waste Collections Reducing Risk to Public Health.

Elimination of Secondary Transport : Means Reduced Local Traffic, Reduced Emissions, Reduced Carbon Footprint.

EPi Technology : Complies With the Principle Aims of BAT BPEO & BATNEEC Better Than Any Other Technology.

Energy Generation : Creates More Renewable Energy Per Tonne of Waste Than Any Other Known Technology.

Carbon Footprint : Dependent Upon Configuration The EPi Technology is Carbon Negative

Produces Renewable Energy : From Almost Every Known Solid Material Except Metals & Minerals - That Includes
Plastics / Sewage Sludge / Hospital Waste / Textiles / Carpets / Wood / Crops / Rubber/ Forestry… And much more.

Sound Levels : Almost Inaudible in Operation

Impact From Smells : No Odour

Airborne Emissions : Absolutely No Combustion - No Emissions Until the Point at Which the Gas is Turned into Energy.

Liquid Fuels : Opportunity to convert the High Energy Gas into Liquid Fuels, e.g. Automotive Diesel or Aviation Fuel.

Hydrogen : Opportunity to generate Low or Zero Carbon Hydrogen, from all manner of materials, including waste.

Carbon Char : Providing a Smokeless, High Energy, Renewable Solid Fuel

Carbon Char : Dramatically Reducing or Even Eliminating the Release of Greenhouse Gases From Soil

Carbon Char : Providing a Direct Means of Carbon Capture and Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Char : Producing Activated Carbon For Removal of Contaminants From Other Processes

Carbon Char : Providing Hydrocarbons Back To The Soils

Carbon Char : Providing a Means of Restoring Contaminated Lands

Renewable Heat : Providing Local Heat Networks With Renewable Heat

Renewable Heat : Providing Low Carbon Refrigeration & Air Conditioning from Renewable Energy

Renewable Heat : Providing Opportunities Via De-Salination To Create Drinking Water From Sea Water.

Renewable Heat : Providing Further Renewable, Low Carbon Electrical Energy

Additional Opportunities to Create a Wide range of Low Carbon, Environmentally Beneficial Projects, In Agriculture,
Food Production and Arboriculture, all based around the EPi Technology

Environmental Power International (UK) Ltd 30.08.2019

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