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Teacher’s Copy

T his book contains

A) Whole year Micro Schedule

B) Lesson Plan

C) Notes of Lesson

D) Worksheet

E) Feedback of the Teacher about the Class

F) Home learning Activities prescribed

G) Suggestions to Asynchronous learning

Name of the Teacher SAVITHA R

Name of the Subject ENGLISH

Class CLASS 10
Lesson & Topic* : LESSON: TRIUMPH OF SURGERY Date :

TOPIC : Tricki regains health

Number of Students Present : Number of Students Absent :

Names of the Students Absent :

• The doctor advises Mrs.Pumphrey to cut down on the sweet things for
Recapitulation of concepts of
the previous class*
• As he expected, call came within a few days .He was called by Mrs.
Pumphery as Tricki refused to eat.
• He told her that Tricki needs to be kept under observation at his surgery
for a fortnight.
• There he gave him no food no medicine but plenty of water.
• Gradually he mixed with other dogs & started playing with them.
• He had a lot of exercises & fun at the surgery.
 To enable students to learn reading critically & develop the confidence
Learning objectives of the
current class* to ask & answer questions.
 To promote the habit of self-learning & reduce dependence on the
 To enable students to understand the surgery plan Dr.Herriot has for
 To enable students to enjoy the humor behind the story and express
their opinions with different situations
Learning Outcomes of the  Students will be able to interpret the moral of the story and justify the
current class*
(NCERT) role played by the characters in the story

 Students will be able to enjoy the humor in the story and give their
views regarding various situations in the story

• Despair [deh-speuh]
Vocabulary, terminology and
phrases* • Pathetic [puh-theh-tuhk]
• Trot [trawt]
• Whimper [vim-puh]
• Scrimmage [skri-muhj]
• Shaggy [shag-ee]
• Hover [ha-ver]
• Convalescing [kawn-vuh-les-ung]
• Reverent [reh-vuh-ruhnt]
• Lithe [laidh]
Teaching aid
Planned phases of the Duration* Details* /resources/Activity
class* (in min) supporting the learning
outcomes of the

 Recapitulation
 Introducing new words
(Beginning)  Reading Paragraph 5 & 6
 Silent Reading
 Loud Reading

• Gradually he mixed with other

dogs & started playing with them.
He had a lot of exercises & fun at https://
the surgery.
Details of the class* • Mr. Herriot and his partners
started eating those eggs for
morning sending in bottles of
20 Mins wine which was again consumed
by Mr. Herriot. He breakfast.
Then for improving Tricki’s
blood, Mrs. Pumphrey started
used to take two glasses before
lunch and some more glasses
(What is it that a student while having his lunch.
needs to learn/know in order • Then when she started sending in
to demonstrate the set of this bottles of brandy for Tricki that
session’s learning outcome?) was the time when Mr. Herriot
thought that he would really like
to keep Tricki as a permanent
guest in the surgery. Mr. Herriot
used to be really happy someday
by having two extra eggs every
• Tricki was really happy to see his
mistress and jumped into the car.
Mrs. Pumphrey said that she
won't be able to ever thank him
for what he had done and also,
that his surgery had been
successful as Tricki was now
cured. She was happy & Herriot
& said it was a triumph filled
with gratitude. She thanked
Herriot & said it was a triumph
of surgery.

Answer the following :

1. How did the other dog react on seeing Tricki for the first time?
Ans. The other dogs sniffed around him for some time and after that found him to be uninteresting and
then started to ignore him.

2. What arrangements did Mr. Herriot make for the stay of Tricki?
Ans. Mr. Herriot prepared a bed for him in a warm loose box beside the other dogs.

3. How did gradually Tricki start improving?

Ans. For the first few days, Tricki was given no food but plenty of water. After the second day, the dog
began to show some interest in his surroundings and on the next day, he started to whimper when he
heard the other dogs. By this way, his situation started to improve.

4. What steps did Mr. Herriot take to cure Tricki of his illness?
Ans. In the beginning, Mr. Herriot provided no food to Tricki. He was given plenty of water. After two
days, he began to show some interest. He was allowed to stay with the other dogs and gradually he was
given more food. He fought and played with the other dogs and no medicinal treatment was required.

5. What activities did Tricki do with other dogs?

Ans. Tricki used to eat the food with the other dogs. They had a competition while eating. He ran all day
with the other dogs. He became a member of the dog gang and they used to go for the rat hunt at night.

6. How did Mrs. Pumphrey keep news of Tricki? How did Mr. Herriot handle her over telephone calls?
Ans. Mrs. Pumphery hovered in the background and asked the doctor every after a while about Tricki’s
latest information.Each time Mrs. Pumphrey called Mr. Herriot, he would dodge her questions and told
her that the dog was out of danger and he was convalescing rapidly.

7. How did the word ‘convalescing’ bring a change in Mrs. Pumphrey?

Ans. When Mrs. Pumphrey heard that Tricki was ‘convalescing’, she started to bring fresh eggs, two
dozen at a time. Later, she even brought wine and brandy.

8. How did the household enjoy the egg, wine and brandy sent by Mrs. Pumphrey?
Ans. When Mrs. Pumphrey sent eggs, wine and brandy for the dog, the doctor and his partners used to
eat two eggs each for the breakfast. Later, when wine and brandy arrived, lunch became a ceremonial
occasion for them.
Teaching aid
Planned phases of the Duration* Details* /resources/Activity
class* (in min) supporting the learning
outcomes of the session***

End of the Class* • Herriot told Mrs.Pumphrey
(End) 8 Mins
that Tricki needed immediate
hospitalization for keeping WITHOUT FEET
under observation at his http://
surgery for a fortnight.
• There he gave him no food no m/2020/05/extra-
medicine but plenty of water. questions-and-answers-of-

• Gradually he mixed with other triumph.html

dogs & started playing with

He had a lot of exercises & fun
at the surgery.
• He was completely recovered
& transformed into a hard
muscled dog.
• James Herriot treated the dog
without medicine or surgery.
• She was happy & filled with
• She thanked Herriot & said it
was a triumph of surgery.
 End of the class Quiz

CLASS & SEC: _____________ NAME:_________________

Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the lesson:

1. What message does the story ‘The Triumph of Surgery’ convey?

2. What was Tricki’s real disease?
3. How would you describe Dr. Herriot? How does he treat the dog?
4. Why was there a ‘Temptation’ about keeping Tricki as a permanent guest?
5. How did Mrs. Pumphrey take Tricki back? How was her emotion then?
6. What things were sent with Tricki by Mrs. Pumphrey? Were those used? Why? Why not?
7. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey say at last “Triumph of Surgery”?
8. Consider the story to be a didactic one.
9. How is the character of Mrs. Pumphrey a common in today’s society?
10. How does the story mock our instinct of the present society?

Describe activities to
 Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a
challenge more abled
learners* mixture of both?

Describe activities to support slow  What do we learn from this story?

learners of the current class*
ICT Links*

Art & Craft Activity supporting Draw a comic representation of the story of Tricki with suitable tagline
learning of the current concept* and illustration.
Music/Dance or theatre/ role play Watch this funny song on dogs by -Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out
Activity supporting learning of the (Original version) | Full HD › watch
current concept*
 R.K Gupta, Golden English Communicative
Additional reading resource in the  Together with-English Language and Literature
library or eBooks*  Arihanth Publishers-NCERT Solutions
 Oswal School books, Oswal publications

Extensive Reading:
A Dog Named Duke by William D Ellis

End of the class Quiz* (Check the Quiz Time:

1 What did the dogs know about food?
a) last ones will be liable to have competition for the leftover food
b) there was no competition c) it wasn't good
d) it was the best part of the day
2. What does the narrator refer to Tricki as, in the group of other dogs?
a) silky little object b) shaggy little object
c) he didn't say anything d) none of the above
3. How would you describe Mrs. Pumphrey?
a) Loving b) over-doing c) intelligent d) rational
4. How would you describe the vet?
a) Tactful b) over-doing c) careless d)irrational
5. Why is the narrator tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest?
a) because he loved Tricki
b) none of the above
c) he thought Mrs. Pumphrey woudn't take good care of Tricki
d) they would lose all Luxuries like eggs, wine and brandy


Were the lesson objectives

realistic and realized?

Was there a need to make

changes to the plan? If so,
describe why?

Any occurrence
Home learning Activity: Story writing

Create a funny story on any of your favorite pet to the story -Triumph of the surgery. Give a catchy tagline.

Asynchronous methods prescribed for learning* :

 A power point presentation about the author
 A YouTube video on the lesson []

Rubric (what is expected of the student to get a particular grade on an assignment)* :

 Students should be able to interpret the moral of the story
 Students should be able to describe different situations in the story with relevance to the humor behind it

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