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North East Region covers eight States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya,
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. NER is endowed with rich natural
resources. It comprises of 7.98% of total geographical area of the country and has 3.78% of
total population
ation of India with the population density varying from 17 in Arunachal Pradesh
to 398 in Assam. Approximately 67% of the area is covered by forests and trees, it has
mostly hilly terrain with three large valleys. It has long international borders (98% of
o its
borders) with Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Scheduled Tribes (ST)
constitute 27.70% of total population in NER, with states like Meghalaya, Mizoram and
Nagaland having ST population above 85%. NER has a literacy rate of 75%. NER ha has
immense potential for development. It is ideally suited to produce a whole range of
agricultural products, much of which could be processed and exported.

NER is one of the least developed regions of the country. SDG India Index 2019 released by
NITI Aayog, which has been constructed using 100 indicators and covers 54 SDGs targets
across 16 Goals, has given valuable insights into the social, economic and environmental
status of the country and the States / UTs in their march towards achieving Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Based on the overall index score, amongst 28 states, 4 North
East States are having rank below 20: Arunachal Pradesh (26th), Meghalaya (25th), Assam
(23rd) and Mizoram (21st). Three states have rank between 10-20 : Nagaland (18th), Tripura
(15th) and Manipur (13th). Sikkim with a rank of 7th is top ranked amongst North East
States. As per Good Governance Index released by D/o. Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances, Government of India, which encompasses different dimensions of governance
in the area of agriculture and allied sector, commerce and industry, human resource
development, public health, public infrastructure and utilities, economic governance, social
welfare and development etc., considering composite score of all the 28 states, barring states
of Tripura and Mizoram which have been ranked 16th and 17th respectively, the remaining
six states are at the bottom of the ladder : Arunachal Pradesh (28th), Nagaland (27th),
Meghalaya (26th), Manipur (25th), Assam (24th) and Sikkim (23rd).

In its policies and plans for development, Government of India has always given a special
thrust to NER. A separate Department of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER)
was set up in 2001 to coordinate the developmental efforts in the North Eastern Region
(NER). It was converted into a full-fledged Ministry in 2004. It is the only Ministry with a
territorial jurisdiction. Ministry of DoNER aims to give focused attention to address the
special needs of the NE region. The MDoNER is responsible for the matters relating to the
planning, execution and monitoring of development schemes and projects in the North
Eastern Region. The North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong, which was set up in 1971 and is
a statutory Regional Planning Body, functions under the auspices of this Ministry. MDoNER
along with North Eastern Council (NEC) provides resources to the NE States to bridge
infrastructural gaps. The Ministry is also implementing Schemes of Capacity Building, Rural
Livelihood and is focussing on production and marketing of handloom and handicrafts, as
well as agricultural produce through Public Sector Undertakings under its control.

The Ministry coordinates the efforts of various Ministries/Departments of Central

Government to address the special needs of the region and for ensuring optimum utilization
of earmarked funds by non-exempted Ministries/Departments. While the MDoNER
coordinates with various Ministries/Departments primarily concerned with development
and welfare activities in North Eastern Region, respective Ministries/Departments are
responsible for implementation of the projects and programmes and subjects allocated to
them. The Ministry has also appointed Chief Nodal Officers (at JS level) and Nodal Officers
(at Director/DS level) for each of the North Eastern States and Line Ministries. Various
Inter-Ministerial Committees (IMCs) have been constituted under the Chairmanship of
Secretary, MDoNER to review various matters and make suitable recommendations. The
central assistance is provided to NER States on liberal terms. As a result of these efforts,
implementation of various schemes in NER has gained momentum. GoI’s efforts for
development of NER and elimination of regional disparities will continue with enhanced
focused attention. Coupled with enhanced outlays, in the next 5 years, we will plan and
build on our achievements in all spheres of development.
As per extant policy, each non-exempted Central Ministry/ Department is mandated to
spend 10% of its Gross Budgetary Resources (GBS) of Central Sector and Centrally
Sponsored schemes for NER. During the last 5 years (2014-15 to 2018-19), 55 odd non-
exempted Ministries have released Rs. 1.62 lakh crore in NER against the RE of Rs. 1.71 lakh
crore (94.7%). In addition, M/o. Railways and other exempted Ministries and Central
organizations have made substantial investment in NER during this period. BE of non-
exempted Ministries for 2019-20 is Rs. 59,369 crores. MDoNER reviews the expenditure
position of non-exempted Ministries on quarterly basis and recommends to Ministry of
Finance (MoF), reallocation of likely surrenders to those Ministries who have the additional
absorption capacity within the financial year. Final decision in this regard rests with MoF.
The un-utilised funds of non-exemptedMinistries, get transferred to NLCPR as per an
approved formula. MDoNER calculates the accretions to the pool, which is finally vetted by
MoF. Till 2018-19, the net accretions to NLCPR are likely to be more than Rs. 50,000 crores.

Not only that NE States are less developed as compared to other states and UTs of the
country, there are wide inter-state and intra-state disparity in terms of level of development.
14 districts out of 118 of NER, which are relatively backward in terms of various parameters
have been covered under the ‘Transformation of Aspirational Districts’ Programme of the
NITI Aayog and MDoNER has been given the responsibility of overall coordination and
monitoring of the programme in these districts. Further, there are 75 hilly districts in NER,
many of which are very backward in terms of infrastructure and development. As has been
brought out by NITI Aayog in its SDG 2019 Report, on many critical parameters in the fields
of health, education, infrastructure, etc. NE States are far below the national average.
Considering the above, MDoNER in its role as main coordinating ministry for NER proposes
to work towards achieving Vision 2024, jointly with other Central Ministries / Departments
and organisations to achieve various goals / milestones in a set time frame.

Major initiatives for the Development of NER

2.12.1 Committed Budgetary Support to NER – Continuation of Policy of earmarking at

least 10% o GBS by Central Ministries/ Departments

Population of NER constitutes only 3.78% of India’s total population (2011 Census),
notwithstanding that, Government will continue with its policy of earmarking at least 10%
of Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for development of NER. During the last 5 years, non-
exempted Ministries/Departments have released an amount of Rs.1.62 lakh crore in NER
against their allocation at RE stage of Rs.1.71 lakh crore (94.7%). In addition, M/o Railways
have released an amount of Rs.25862 crore in NER and M/o DoNER released Rs. 10676.71
crore during this period. Government’s emphasis for increased allocations and releases to
NER will continue. It is proposed to allocate more than Rs.3.00 lakh crores to 55 non-
exempted Ministries for development of NER in the next 5 years. Budget allocation to non-
exempted Ministries/Departments for the year 2019-20 is Rs.59369 crore. MDoNER’s budget
allocation for 2019-20 is Rs.3000 crore. In addition, M/o Railways and other exempt
Ministries/Departments / organization will make substantial investment in the region.
Keeping in view the mandate given by M/o Finance, and as a step towards ensuring fuller
utilization of allocation of resources for NER, MDoNER will regularly monitor and review
the expenditure of non-exempt Ministries/Departments on quarterly basis and recommend
reallocation of likely surrenders to those Ministries/Departments who have the absorptive
capacity to implement additional schemes/programmes within the financial year. This
would help in minimizing the accruals to NLCPR of the unspent balances of 10% GBS at the
end of the year.

2.12.2 Extension of Schemes of MDoNER/NEC with enhanced outlays, expanded scope

and simplified procedures

For continuing growth of NER, Ministry is working towards extension of the schemes for
the next five years, (15th Finance Commission period) with enhanced allocation and
expanded scope. The projected requirement is Rs.50,000 crore for next five years. The
corresponding figures upto 2024 comes to Rs. 35,604 crores as detailed in Table-1. The
Ministry will take up projects in the infrastructure sectors of connectivity, water supply,
power, tourism promotion, other sectors of importance, etc. Ministry will also take up
projects for upgradation of major inter-State roads and major roads leading to international
border. Since NER constitutes 34.5% of the total bamboo area of the country implying
enormous scope for bamboo based industries, Ministry intends to develop handicrafts and
medium scale industries with focus on “Make in North-East” in (i) Cane and bamboo based
clusters, (ii) Collaboration with South East Asian Countries on innovative bamboo products
and (iii) Skilling and technology upgradation in bamboo sector and marketing of bamboo
based products. Ministry will facilitate setting up a Bamboo Industrial Park at Manderdisa
in Dima Hasao district of Assam in an area of 75 hectares at a cost of Rs.50 crore under its
Special Packages schemes.
(Rs. Crores)
S.No. Year NESIDS NEC Schemes NERSDS Other Total

2019-20 715 54 1000 320 2089


2020-21 1500 1800 1000 575 4875


2021-22 2500 2500 1200 1390 7590


2022-23 3500 3000 1500 1650 9650


2023-24 4500 3500 2000 1400 11400


Total@ 12715 10854 6700 5335 35604#

* includes Special Packages, HADP, NLCPR-State (committed liabilities), NE-

AHEADP,SIDF and few other ongoing and new schemes and support to important projects
of other Central Ministries / Departments / Organisations.

# includes normal budgetary allocation and additional resources to be provided by MoF

against the unspent balance of NLCPR

@ These represent proposed outlays/allocations. Actual Budgetary requirements may vary,

which will depend on pace of implementation of projects, ongoing as well as new, and
committed liabilities.

Ministry will also take up projects in the social sectors of health and education etc. Ministry
is considering to set up virtual smart classrooms with remote teaching facility, to begin with,
in secondary and senior secondary schools in Aspirational Districts of NE States. The scope
of the existing pilot scheme of HADP is proposed to be expanded to include most backward
hilly districts and all Aspirational Districts of NER.

2.12.3 Agri-Horti Value Chain

Agri-Horticulture being high-impact strategic segments for value chain that could create
better job opportunities and greater appropriable margin for women and the poor in NER.
Fruits and vegetables from NER are largely organic or near-organic, or natural as cultivation
is low on fertilizers and chemical use. India’s share of world fruit and vegetable production
is 11%. Major Spices produced in NER-Ginger, Turmeric and Chili has unique properties
and a better recovery rate of active ingredients when hydrated. Top six spices i.e. Chilies,
ginger, garlic, turmeric, coriander and cardamom constitute over 90% of spice production in
India, and NER’s share is 11.1% of total production in India. Fruits from NER namely,
Passion Fruits, Kiwis and Pineapple enjoys niche market and wider market base.

Existing value chain in horticulture products such as fruits, vegetables and spices in NER
largely cater to the strategic segment comprising fresh products for price-conscious
consumers brings very low returns to farmers and agricultural labour and sizeable margin
goes to intermediate buyers, processers and retailers. Also, poor cultivation and harvesting
practices of growers, lack of cold chain logistics along with poor handling and packaging
practices result in high levels of waste and a high share of low-grade production. In fact,
NER States face formidable barriers to trade, mostly across state borders. Migration of
people/workers from NER to nearby states and to far-flung states is fast-growing.

Value chain interventions are critical for upgrading product quality in NER. This segment
creates more and better opportunities for women such as the on-farm activities of cultivation
and harvesting, sorting, grading and packaging. The improvement in
infrastructure/connectivity in NER by rail, road and air would work as an added
advantage. It is envisaged that NER would create a ‘Brand North East’ with emphasis on
healthy living, environment-friendly production of horticulture products, social
responsibility on account of high female labour force. Creation of 10,000 FPOs throughout
the country with proportionate share in NER will help the Agri-Horticulture Sector.

Restructuring livelihood projects of NERCORMP and NERLP into North East Agri-Horti
Economic Development Project (NE-AHEDP)

MDoNER had been implementing two Livelihood Schemes, namely, North East Rural
Livelihood Project (NERLP) and North Eastern Region Community Resource Management
Project (NERCORMP) in the North Eastern States. NERLP was concluded in September 2019
while NERCORMP has been extended till March 2021.
It has been decided to restructure and merge the existing schemes of MDONER pertaining
to livelihood activities; formation of commodity cooperatives and producer organisations;
natural resource management; value chain addition; promotion of Agri-entrepreneurship
etc. into one and rename the restructured scheme as “North East Agri-Horticulture and
Economic Development Project (NE-AHEDP)”.

The scheme would augment the activities of livelihood development; formation of

commodity cooperatives and producer organisations; natural resource management; value
chain addition; promotion of Agri-entrepreneurship etc. The scheme will focus on product
standardisation and branding of “Organic North East” combining attributes of North East
that constitute a unique value proposition. In that direction, it has been planned to set up
410 value chain clusters in the entire NER region over a span of 6 years i.e. from 2019 to 2025
with an estimated cost of Rs. 3247.20 crore. Out of these, 220 clusters are proposed in
Horticulture, Floriculture, and Spices (Pineapple, Kiwi, Chilly, Turmeric, Ginger etc.). 160 of
these value chain clusters will come up by the year 2022 and next 160 by 2024 and balance in
2025. The focus will be on developing Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs), Farmer Producer
Organizations (FPOs) etc. with forward and backward linkages through convergence in the
supply of farm inputs and facilitates buy back arrangement of the farm produces. It has been
intended to set up Food Testing and Standardizing Laboratories under the Project.

2.12.4 Bamboo- Improving Value Addition and Productivity

India despite having more than 50% share in global bamboo area, its market share is low
(5%) due to sub-optimal usages of the available bamboo resources. There is low yield rate of
bamboo in India i.e. 11 MT/Ha compared to 40 MT/Ha in China. Further, 52% (15 MMT)
total domestic consumption in India is met through imports. NER has 40% of India’s total
bamboo resources. To be precise, availability of bamboo in NER is around 22 Million MT per
annum. Most of the bamboo resources in NER are untapped and consumed without value
addition. However, in NER 40% of bamboo is consumed in construction industries.
Connectivity issue due to hilly terrain and 66% forest cover in NER, marketing of
indigenous bamboo products is not getting due attention. Bamboo industry in NER is highly
un-organised with un-established supply chain.

Interventions across value chain are essential for enhancing competitiveness of bamboo
products in NER. Focus on 5-6 species for production, which NER is native to, will help in
long run. Bamboo can be used to produce bio-fuels, Bio-Gas, Agarbatti, Charcoal briquettes
etc. In fact, share of 5% in plywood raw material supply would imply a market of around
Rs. 1500 crore for the bamboo. Policy support for crop insurance, innovative financing,
Revision in Forest Bamboo Felling Rule and development of associated infrastructure in
terms of road, railway siding etc. are critical success factors for bamboo. To optimally
monetise the bamboo in NER, clusters based on parameters such as species, usage, market
proximity and connectivity are desired. Clusters comprising of Bio-ethanol Plant,
Aggregation point combined with Bio-CNG plant, units manufacturing Agarbatti sticks,
composites, etc with zero wastage are also desirable. Setting up of 3 Bio Refineries would
meet to Govt ethanol blending norms of 20% in gasoline by 2030.Based on parameters like
readiness of market, size of opportunity, availability of raw material etc., 10 focus products
have been identified i.e. timber substitutes, agarbatti sticks, charcoal briquettes, bamboo
fiber, paper and pulp, handicraft, bamboo panels for flooring, bamboo shoots, bamboo mats
and woven bamboo products to give a boost to this industry.

Bamboo Industrial Park at Manderdisa in Dima-Hasao

Ministry has granted in-principle approval for setting up a Bamboo Industrial Park at
Manderdisa in Dima-Hasao district of Assam in an area of 75 hectares at a cost of Rs.50 crore
under its Special Packages schemes. The project is likely to start by November 2020 and
would be operationalized by December 2023.

2.12.5 Infrastructure Development by Key Ministries/Departments

Government has taken a number of steps to create new and improve existing infrastructure
in NER. These steps inter-alia include concerted efforts to boost air, road, rail, waterways
and telecom connectivity in NER through ongoing and new schemes/projects being
implemented by various Central Ministries/Departments/Organizations. There is a need to
accelerate the pace of development in the North-East Region to bring it par with the rest of
the country and transforming the region as the Gateway to the ‘East Asia’. Sector-wise
details of major initiatives/steps taken for infrastructure development in NER are as under.

2.12.6 Air Connectivity

Ministry of Civil Aviation has undertaken several projects for development of NER, out of
which only the most important project is shown here:

New Airport
Greenfield Airport at Holongi, Arunachal Pradesh: This project has been planned to
enhance connectivity of Arunachal Pradesh with other parts of the country. The project has
been sanctioned with a cost of Rs. 955.67 Cr. Land acquisition has been completed including
all clearances. Tender action is in progress. The likely date of completion of the project is
July 2022.

2.12.7 Road Connectivity

The density of National Highways (NH) in the region is somewhat skewed, because of its
terrain and huge tracts with sparse population. This has started improving now with the
sustained effort for improving the connectivity in the region.

Capital Connectivity Projects - 2 capitals namely, Guwahati and Shillong are already
connected by 4 lane roads. The work of 4-laning of Kohima and Itanagar are ongoing and
scheduled for completion by 2022. Gangtok is being connected by alternate 2 lane highways,
as existing road is prone to landslides and consequent disruption in traffic. The scheduled
completion is by 2023.

i. Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North East (SARDP-NE)

Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North East (SARDP-NE) was
formulated by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) during 2005-06 with a
view to improve the existing National Highways network in the region besides providing
connectivity to all District Headquarters by 2-lane road with the nearest National Highway
and also to provide inter-state connectivity, connectivity with neighbouring countries and
strategic roads. Out of 10,141 kms of roads included in SARDP-NE 4,099 kms (modified
length 3,877 km as per DPR) has been approved by the Government for implementation
under Phase-A of SARDP-NE and 2,319 kms (modified length 2,104 km as per DPR) under
Arunachal Pradesh Package of Roads and Highways (APPRH). The balance 3,723 km is
included under Phase-B of SARDP-NE and has been approved only for preparation of DPR.
A total of 3029 Km (2101 km SARD-NE Phase - A and 928 Km Arunachal Pradesh
Packages)have been constructed up to 2018-19 with expenditure of Rs. 30315 crores under
SARDP-NE Scheme. The target for next five years is as under:

Table: Target of SARDP-NE Scheme

Year Physical (Km) Financial (Rs. crores)
2019-20 495 9000
2020-21 511 9300
2021-22 575 10500
2022-23 670 12000
2023-24 718 11950
Total 2969 52750

As a part of 5-year vision, some of the major projects ongoing under SARDP-NE (including
Arunachal Package) as under are likely to be completed:
 4- laning of Dimapur – Kohima (3 packages). Total length of the project is 42.87 km
with estimated cost of Rs.1066.55 crore. Physical Progress of the project in package 1
is 55%, package 2 is 71% and package 3 is 51%.
 2 laning of Chakabama-Zunheboto (C-Z) road from 0 km to 115.53 km (5 packages).
The project’s estimated cost is Rs.1420.22 crore and the beneficiary State is
Nagaland. The project is scheduled for completion by December 2021, however, the
section (0 km to 75 km) is affected due to delay in land acquisition.
 2 laning of Aizawl – Tuipang section of NH-54 from km 8.0 to km 380.0 (8
packages). The project’s estimated cost is Rs.6167.58 crore, it is being done under
JICA ODA funding, and contract was concluded on February 2019. The project has
just commenced.

ii. Roads under Schemes of MDoNER

Under North East Road Sector Development Scheme (NERSDS) which was launched by
MDoNER during 2015-16 for upgrading critical interstate roads, one project Wokha-
Merapani Road length 60.58 km (Assam-Nagaland) is ongoing and is likely to be completed
by March, 2020. Also, 13 new projects costing Rs.1000 crore with approximate road length
250 km have been sanctioned during 2019-20. Under NLCPR–State scheme of MDoNER
which was launched in 1998-99 to ensure speedy development of infrastructure in NER, 247
projects for Rs.3953 crore with 4075 kms road length which are ongoing are likely to be
completed by March 2021. Under North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme
(NESIDS),31 projects costing Rs 986 crore have already been sanctioned, which will improve
road infrastructure in the region. Also, under Schemes of NEC, works for 20 road projects at
an estimated cost of Rs. 1768 crore having a length of 1075 kms are ongoing and likely to be
completed within next 5 years.
2.12.8 Rail Connectivity

An efficient and quick railway network in NE region is required for integration of people of
North East with rest of the country; strategic requirements due to long international border
with many countries; for realizing full economic potential of the region and improve
connectivity across mighty Brahmaputra. Except for Assam and Tripura, the rest of the
States have almost non-existent railways infrastructure. Some of the important ongoing
projects likely to be completed in next 5 years

i. Capital Connectivity

(a) Sivok(West Bengal) – Rangpo (Sikkim)new BG line (44.96 kms) to connect

capital of Sikkim. (Rangpo is approximate 44.39 kms from Gangtok) at a revised
cost of Rs. 4085.69 crore. The project is likely to be completed by 2022.
(b) Jiribam-Imphal (111 km) to connect capital of Manipur, at a revised cost of
Rs.13809.00 crore. 12 km have already been completed and remaining to be
completed by 2022.
(c) Bhairabi-Sairang (51.38 kms) will bring capital of Mizoram on rail map and
would facilitate connectivity with rest of NE States. The project is likely to be
completed in 2022 at a revised cost of Rs.4600 crore.
(d) Dimapur-Zubza (82.5 kms) is a capital connectivity project of Nagaland (Zubza
is 17 km from Kohima), and covers two States; Nagaland (79.75 km) and Assam
(2.75 km) at a revised cost of Rs.3000 crore. The project is taken up for
completion in three phases – (Phase I: 0.0 km to 16.0 km; Phase II: 16.0 km to 46.0
km; and Phase III: 46.0 km to 82.5 km). The project is likely to be completed by

2.12.9 Connectivity and Act East

India’s Look East Policy has been a major pillar of our foreign policy since the early 1990s. In
the second half of 2014, India announced the transformation of Look East Policy to Act East
Policy. Act East Policy focuses on strengthening relations with India’s extended
neighbourhood in the Indo-Pacific Region. The Policy which was originally conceived as an
economic initiative, has gained political, strategic and cultural dimensions. One of the major
projects facilitating Act East is Agartala-Akhura Rail link.

Agartala-Akhaura rail link

Agartala-Akhaura new rail link project is a 12.24 km (5.50 km in India and 6.880 km in
Bangladesh) cross-border rail connectivity of Agartala (Tripura)-Akhaura (Bangladesh). This
is a dual gauge project (BG/MG). This will enable alternate and shorter (by 1000 km) transit
route from Kolkata to Agartala. The estimated cost is Rs. 972.52 crore (Indian portion- Rs
580.00 crore and Bangladesh portion- Rs 392.00 crore). The project has been scheduled for
completion by 2021.
2.12.10 Bio Refining Plant, Numaligarh (Assam)

Bio Refining Plant, Numaligarh taking Bamboo as feedstock from all North Eastern State is
being implemented as JV between NRL, Fortum and Chempolis Oy. The project cost with
Rs. 1259 crore intend to produce Bio Ethanol to meet the Government of India’s policy for
mandatory blending of ethanol with petrol to 10%. This plant intended to produce 49,000
TPA of fuel grade Bio Ethanol along with other products by using 3,00,000 TPA of bamboo.
The likely date of Mechanical completion of this project is September 2021.

2.12.11 AIIMS at Guwahati

AIIMS at Guwahati will bring world class health facility to the North East. Cabinet has
approved the setting up of AIIMS at Guwahati on 24.05.2017. The estimated cost is Rs
1123.00 crore. The foundation stone laid by Hon’ble PM on 26.05.2017. The present Progress
is about11% and likely to be completed by June 2021.

2.12.12 Major Initiatives of Other Central Ministries/Departments

Initiatives by few other Ministries/ Departments like Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME),
Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Department of Fisheries, etc. by
spending 10% of their earmarked Gross Budgetary Support in the region would certainly
bring development in the region. Initiatives of some of the Ministries/ Departments are
summarized in succeeding paras.

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries envisages to complete 21 food processing

projects (including 1 Food Testing Lab Project) in different states of NER over the years
2020-25 as part of 5 Year Vision.

The strategy for key intervention in fisheries sector for next 5 years by Department of
Fishery like, fish seed hatcheries (287), fish fingerling rearing units (4405.45 ha of rearing
pond), fish feed mill (139), cage culture (3461 units), ornamental fisheries (115 units),
integrated fish farming (7745 ha), ice plant (113 units), cold storage (54), fish transport
vehicles (382), development of 72 modern wholesale fish markets, establishment of 344 retail
fish outlets in NER will create employment and economic development of the people.

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying through various programmes, namely, (i)
Artificial Insemination Programme and Delivery of Quality AI services at farmers doorstep
in All districts of NER states, (ii) National Livestock Mission for development of piggery
production through introduction of AI, (iii) Development of poultry sector by setting up of
Abattoir cum meat processing plants and setting up cold storages for keeping chicken, (iv)
Enhancing of mutton production through distribution of good quality breed goat and sheep
to the farmers along with introduction of AI to increase their population, and (v) livestock
extension through training and capacity building, etc. in next five years would bring
significant development to the region.
Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare through National Bamboo Mission Scheme
envisaged establishing an end to end value chain in next 5 years for the holistic development
of bamboo sector in the NE states to cope up with the internal and international markets.

The initiative envisioned by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in NER till
2025 are (i) focus on short term and long term training for skill development, (ii) meet
aspiration of youths, (iii) strengthen skill infrastructure through creation of quality training
infrastructure and implementing training programmes through NSDC, (iv) strengthening
trainer ecosystem through NSTIs which will work closely with Singapore polytechnic and
NSDC, (v) deepening industry connect through skill certification program with industry,
etc. would enable in upgrading the skill requirement.

Setting up of Technology Centre in the area of Fragrance andFlavour Development at

Nilakuthi Food Park, Imphal, Manipur and several training programs organized with the
collaboration of premier institutions such as Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship by
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises would develop the MSME sector in the

Ministry of Textile envisaged to set up of one Mega Textiles Park in State of Assam in next 5
years. Further, in handloom sector its vision is to set up 30 producer companies of 500-1000
weavers each along with 15 export-oriented clusters and 5 handloom parks over a period of
next 5 years. In handicrafts sector, Ministry of Textile intends to set up 6 producer
companies and 10 export-oriented clusters also.

Department of Biotechnology with establishment of a Centre of Excellence on Bio-resources

and Sustainable Development in Arunachal Pradesh and launch of a comprehensive cancer
research programme focusing on diagnosis and treatment of cancer through advanced
technologies for head and neck cancer, advanced infrastructure for cancer molecular
diagnostics and therapy, among others will cater to the health need of the region.

Department of Health Research has proposed new initiatives like Establishment of Network
of Research Laboratories for Managing Epidemics and Natural Calamities, Establishment of
Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs) in the Government Medical Colleges/Research
Institutions, Establishment of Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs) in the States,
and Scheme for Human Resource Development for Health Research, etc. would give further
impetus to the health sector. Further fillip to health sector would be given by Ministry of
AYUSH under National Ayush Mission (NAM) by (i) setting up to 50 bedded Integrated
AYUSH Hospitals, (ii) upgradation of UG/PG AYUSH Educational Institutions, (iii) setting
up of New AYUSH Educational Institutions in the states where it is not available in
Government sector, (iv) setting up of New State Govt. AYUSH Pharmacy and DTL, (v)
upgradation of DTL/ AYUSH Pharmacies, (vi) cultivation of Medicinal Plants and (vii)
Medicinal Plant Processing and Post-Harvest Management.
(Section IV)

2.12.13 100- Days Agenda – Status Report

As a part of the 100- Days Agenda, this Ministry had two agendas namely, (i) to
sanction/start/complete/operationalise 200 projects worth about Rs.3000 crore (@ 2 projects
for Rs.30 crore per day) and (ii) to approve a Bamboo Industrial Park at Manderdisa in Dima
Hasao district of Assam in an area of 75 hectares at a cost of Rs.50 crore.

2.12.14 Status

Ministry has undertaken 206 projects costing Rs.3418.71 crore within 100-days, which
includes sanction of 111 new projects for Rs. 1871.07 crore and completion of 70 ongoing
projects for Rs. 866.13 crore. Also, Ministry has already given in-principle approval for a
Bamboo Industrial Park at Manderdisa in Dima Hasao district of Assam in an area of 75
hectares at a cost of Rs. 50 crores.

2.12.15 Conclusions

The Ministry has been playing a pivotal role in coordinating and synergising with other
Ministries/Departments to ensure rapid development of NER. The increased focus by
Government on rapid development of NER is reflected by sharp increase in budgetary
allocations to the region over last 5 years. The Ministry of DoNER is monitoring the
expenditure of other Ministries/Departments under 10% GBS at quarterly intervals. Based
on progress of expenditure by Ministries/Departments, MDoNER also proposes re-
appropriation of funds to better spending Ministries/Departments. Government of India’s
continued efforts for development of NER is finding reflection in improved ranking of NE
states in various parameters of social and economic development, though a lot of ground is
yet to be covered to reach the levels of developed states. Extension of schemes of MDoNER/
NEC with enhanced outlays, expanded scope and simplified procedures would enable the
Ministry to take up more projects in the infrastructure sectors of connectivity, water supply,
power, tourism promotion, other sectors of importance, etc. NEC as a state-of-the-art
resource centre for NER with necessary knowledge and skill would facilitate and support
the states in planning and implementing important projects on Infrastructure, livelihood;
Agri-Horti Value Chain; Production of natural and Organic foods; Bamboo Mission;
horticulture, etc. in the region. Use of Space technology through NESAC would be promoted
actively in project preparation, implementation and monitoring.

Restructuring and merger of MDoNER schemes pertaining to livelihood activities as “North

East Agri-Horticulture and Economic Development Project (NE-AHEDP)”, which focuses
ondeveloping Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) etc.
will facilitate both forward and backward linkages, through convergence in the supply of
farm inputs and facilitate buy back arrangement of the farm produces. Under the Scheme, it
is proposed to create a total of 410 value chain clusters in the entire 118 districts of NER
including Sikkim with an estimated project cost of Rs.3247 crores.

The completion of key infrastructure projects in the next five years in Rail, Road, Civil
Aviation, Inland Waterways, Petroleum and Natural Gas and Telecom would open up vast
new areas and sectors for rapid economic development. Capital connectivity projects in Rail,
Roads and Civil Aviation; opening of Inland Waterways via Bangladesh; Rail and Road
connectivity between Agartala and Kolkata via Bangladesh; Completion of projects under
Act East Policy of the Government would be real game changers for economy of NER.
Completion of Agartala-Akhaura rail link, India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highways,
and Kaladhan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project in Myanmar along with Development
of Integrated Check Posts and opening of new border haats in NER would boost trade and
economic development of the region. Comprehensive Telecom Development for North
Eastern Region along with Bharat Net and Wi-Fi connectivity for Village Panchayats in NER
would strengthen the communication issue. Implementation of all these schemes/ projects
of Government of India in next 5 years will bridge the critical infrastructural gaps in the

The key strength of NER lies in great potential in natural/ organic production of
Agricultural, Horticulture, Floriculture, Spices and Bamboo. With physical infrastructure
falling in place a greater and sustained focus on these sectors is required. This has been
realized by both Central and State Governments and the same is reflected in increased
support for Mission Organic Value Chain Development (MoVCD); National Bamboo
Mission; Bamboo Industrial Park; and Bio Ethanol Plant for production of Ethanol using
Bamboo as feed stock. Capacity building both in terms of physical infrastructure and human
skill training by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Ministry of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Food
Processing Industries and few other stakeholders ministries/departments in their line of
specialization would contributes towards sustainable development of the region and
personal growth of youth in the region.

The people of North East have a very strong service orientation. Industries in service sector
like IT&ITES, Tourism including Medical Tourism from nearby countries has a large scope
in NER. Skilling of the youth in these sectors would be a priority area. Considering the high
tourism potential in the region, tourist circuits coupled with infrastructure relating to
connectivity to those destinations would go a long way in attracting 5% domestic tourists to
NER. Close collaboration with State Governments in NER, coupled with enhanced outlays
in the next 5 years would lead to all round development of region.
Annexure 1

Recommendations of SGOS Group (09) on Governance: A Snapshot



Capacity Building
● Revamping the Capacity Building Framework
● Digital Learning Platform (i GOT)
● Language competency-Indian/Foreign
● Common Foundation Course
● Capacity building of International Civil Servants

● Digital File Management (e Reorganizing/Rightsizing
Office) ● National Recruitment Agency
● Digital Personnel Management ● Reorganisation of
DoPT (e HRMS) Ministries/Departments
DARPG ● Digitization of Pension Payment ● Review & Rationalization of
Process (e-PPO) CCS (Pension ) Rules, 1972
DoPPW ● E-Skill Registry

5 ★ DoPT / DARPG / DoPPW

★ Department of Posts/MEA

★ Legislative/Parliamentary
Affairs/Justice/Legal Affairs

★ Ministry of I & B / Department of

VISION & ACTION Official Language

PLAN ★ Development of North Eastern



Citizen at the Centre Capacity Building

● Pre Departure
● India Post Payment Bank
Orientation Training
● E Commerce and Parcel Delivery
● MADAD & e-Migrate
● Services through Post Offices
● Indian Technical &
Economic Cooperation
● Emigration Bill (ITEC)

India Abroad
● Extradition Treaties
Technology/Citizen Connect ● Diaspora Connect

Department of ● Digital platform for Consular

Services Reorganizing
Post ● Chip enabled e-Passport ● Protector of Emigrant
MEA ● Videsh Bhawan

Request from MEA”MADAD (TO BE ADDED BELOW Emigration Bill as 6 th Bullet in

Citizen at the Centre”


“e-migrate (in place of MADAD & e-Migrate”

Service Reform
● Reclassification of Group A Citizen at the Centre
Services ● Revamping (CPGRAMS)
● Empanelment reform ● Promotion of Digital Life
● Mandatory Tenure Certificate
● Removal of Dead wood

Incentivising Innovation/Delivery
DoPT ● Good Governance Index
DARPG ● National e-Services Delivery Assessment
● Broad basing PMs Award

Service Reform
● Review of existing Laws
● All India Judicial Service
● Repeal of Obsolete /Redundant Laws
● Strengthening the Indian
● Merger of similar Laws
Legal Service
● Sunset Clause in Appropriation Bills

Citizen at the Centre

● Apprentice Scheme for young lawyers Technology
● Youth Parliament ● National Judicial Data
Legislative ● Citizen’s duties - Awareness Grid & AI Analytics
● Tele Law & Nyaya
Parliamentary Bandhu
Improved Justice Delivery ● LIMBS
Affairs ● Establishment of Fast Track Special ● National e-Vidhan
Justice Courts Application
● Alternate Dispute Resolution
Legal Affairs 30

AI Analytics from technology to be deleted

Citizen Connect Facilitation
● Theme-wise communication ● Media/Entertainment Summit
● Integrated media plan ● Film facilitation offices in States
● Increased use of social media ● Film Institute in Arunachal
● Migration of TV Channels to Indian
● Feedback mechanism
● Counter fake news ● Integrated Dashboard

Citizen at the Centre

● All DD Regional Channels to be 24X7

Ministry of ●

Community Radio in Aspirational Districts
Free DD Dish/Set Top Boxes in border areas
Information & ●

Content creation focus on J&K/NE/LWE/Aspirational Districts
Yuva and Kids Channel
Broadcasting ● Internet Connectivity through Cable


India Abroad
● International Film Festivals
● Co-production of films with other countries
Ministry of ● AVs on Indian success stories
Information & ● Launch of DD International
● Broadcast/Telecast agreements with other countries
अहम पहल

राजभाषा ● ई-महाश दकोश ● सरल हंद वा य

वभाग का मोबाइल ऐप कोश बनाना


Development of North Eastern Region

Infrastructure Present 2022 2024

Airports (New) - 1 -
Airports Upgradation - 6 -

Capital connectivity 2 4 8
SARDP (NE) 3029 Km 4610 Km 5998 Km

Capital Connectivity 3 7 -

Rail Doubling (KMs) 45 465 -

Electrification - 2352 -

Inland Development of NWs 2 & Both protocol routes from Kolkata via Bangladesh would
Waterways 16 be made operationalby 2020

Development of North Eastern
● Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project
Act East ● Agartala-Akhaura rail link
(KMMTTP) in Myanmar
● India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway
● Promotion of Trade & Commerce

Socio-Economic Development
● Increase footfall from 0.6% to 5% by 2024
● Development of Tourist Circuits (Regional, Eco- ● Improve Road/Rail/Air/Water Connectivity
Tourism, Wild Life, Adventure, Cultural) ● Special Scheme for Viability Gap Funding
● Development of Tourist Infrastructure

● Widen market base for Spices and fruits ● Improve cultivation and growing practices
Agri/Horti Value
● Multiply productivity ● Brand North East
● Creation of FPOs ● 410 value chain clusters

● Bio- ethanol/Bio-CNG
● NER has 40% of India’s bamboo resources
● Timber substitutes, agarbatti, charcoal, paper &
Bamboo ● Improve value addition
pulp, handicraft, flooring, shoots, mats, woven
● Improve productivity


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