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State your understanding on:

1. What is your idea about the following?

a. Authentic Learning-

Answer: Authentic learning is an instructional approach that allows students to

explore, discuss, and meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in
contexts that involve real-world problems and projects that are relevant to the
learner. Students are more likely to be interested in what they are learning, more
motivated to learn new concepts and skills, and better prepared to succeed in
college, careers, and adulthood if what they are learning mirrors real-life
contexts, equips them with practical and useful skills, and addresses topics that
are relevant and applicable to their lives outside of school.

b. Zone of proximal development-

Answer: The Zone of Proximal Development is the space between what a learner
can do without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in
collaboration with more capable peers. It represents the space between what a
learner is capable of doing unsupported and what the learner cannot do even with
support. It is the range where the learner is able to perform, but only with
support from a teacher or a peer with more knowledge or expertise. When they
have guidance and support, learners can accomplish a task that cannot be done
by themselves. However, learners can fail even if support is given when the task is
totally cognitively impossible.

c. Socio-cultural factors related to learning-

Answer: Social cultural factors influence the feelings, attitudes, values, beliefs and
interactions of a population group. It include social classes, religious norms,
wealth distribution, language, business and health practices, social values and
attitude towards work and respond to different circumstances, contexts, brands,
and policies depending on their sociocultural factors. These drivers influence how
people view and perceive the world and other people around them.

2. Expound the main ideas of Jean Lave’s Situated Learning Theory

Answer: Situated Learning Theory was initially proposed by Jean Lave and Etienne
Wenger in the late 1980s. The concept of Situated Learning Theory is that learning occurs within
authentic context, culture, and activity and that it is widely unintentional. It promotes the idea
that students learn better in collaborative group settings and when the activities are based on
real-life experiences. Learning involves a setting that creates an authentic real-life context.
Activities should include opportunities for students to explore and investigate from a wide
variety of sources. The investigation should focus on a relatively wide focus rather than smaller
fragmented tasks so that relevant information can be sought. Students move from the periphery
within the community of practice circle as they learn and collaborate with one another.
Activities are designed with the group setting that allows for various viewpoints and difference
of opinion. Opportunities for students to interact with experts in the subject matter is another
important aspect of building their community of practice.

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