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To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024


Week : 14 Preparing date: 01/12/2023
Period : 56 Teaching date: 07/12/2023
Class : 3B
Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

Unit 9: Colours
Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “colours”
- use What colour is it? – It’s ……… to ask and answer questions about colours of
school things
- Vocabulary: blue, brown, red, yellow, colour
- Skills: speaking and listening
2. Competences:
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups.
- Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 111, 112, audio Tracks 87, 88, website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 62, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1.Warm- up: (5’) Finding a keyword
*Aims: to create a friendly and active
atmosphere in the class to beginning the

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024

- Divide class into 2 groups - Ss listen
- Ask Ss look at some pictures and answer. -Ss look at the picture and guess the
If Ss have the correct answers, they can find topic : Colours
letters to guess the topic
*Lead-in the topic:
- Ask Ss look at picture and guess the name
of the new lesson today

- Say “Open your book page 62” and look at -Ss open their books
“Unit 9, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
2. Presentation (15’)
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand and
correctly repeat the sentences in two
communicative contexts (pictures) to talk
about colours.
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b and -Look at the pictures and say
identify the characters (Minh and Mary) in
the pictures.
+ In picture a: Mary asks Minh: Do
you have an eraser?
Minh replies: Yes, I do.

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024

+ In picture b: Mary asks Minh: What

colour is it?
Minh replies: It’s blue.

- Play the audio twice (sentence by

sentence). Correct their pronunciation where
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of the
class to practice.
-Ss listen and answer
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 2: 2. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the new
lesson and able to correctly use What
colour is it? It’s ……. for asking and
answering questions about the colours of
school things.
- - Ss listen and repeat
- Teaching the new words by eleciting + Choral repetition (3 times).
from Ss + Individual repetition (3 ss)
+ blue : màu xanh da trời (visual) - Ss take note
+ brown : màu nâu (visual)
+ red :màu đỏ (visual)
+ yellow : màu vàng (visual)
+ colour: màu sắc (translation) -Ss listen and repeat in chorus (twice)
* Introducing model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture b and helps Ss
know the structure from the dialogue. -Ss practice the dialogue
- T introduces new structure for Ss. -Ss listen

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024

- T explains, models and gives meaning. - Ss look, remember and write

- Have Ss repeat the model sentences.

3.Practice: (7’)
*Drill pictures -Ss look at the picture and answer.
- Have Ss look at the pictures and identify + Picture a: a blue eraser
the names of the school things in the + Picture b: a brown ruler
pictures + Picture c: a red pen
+ Picture d: a yellow pencil

-Ss listen
- Game: Passing the ball -Ss play a game
+ Divide class into 2 groups, then invite a
few pupils to stand up, pass the ball, find the
correct cards, stick them on the board and
color to recall the structure
+ If the group has more correct answers and
goes faster, they will be the winners
- T gives feedbacks.
4.Production: (7’)
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance the
correct use of What colour is it? – It’s ……..
for asking and answering questions about
the colour of a school thing.

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024

- Have Ss look at the school things on the -Ss look and say
desk and say their names, and then their
- Give Ss time to practise asking and -Ss work in pairs
answering the question What colour are
they? – ……. in pairs.
- Invite a few pairs to practise asking and -Ss point and say
answering questions about the colours of the
school things on the desk in front of the
- If time allows, let Ss point at the school -Ss listen.
things around them, ask and answer
questions about their colours.
* Handout
Name Ruler Pencil Pen Eraser Other -Ss ask and answer about their colours
Anh Red
Minh Blue

*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate and
wrap up the content of the lesson.
- T asks ss to answer the following
-Ss answer the questions
+ What have you learnt from the lesson

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

To Vinh Dien Primary school School year: 2023 – 2024

+What are the core values of the lesson? (if

the teacher can take from the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and model
- T praises some Ss who are hardworking / - Ss listen
active/ good…. as well as encourage others
to try more. -Ss listen and clap their hands
5. Homework. (1’)
- Learn the vocabulary and model sentences
by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9, Lesson 1 -Ss listen and take note
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):


HP chuyên môn duyệt Tổ trưởng duyệt Giáo viên soạn

Trần Công Thanh Nguyễn Viết Thắng Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

Teacher: Hoàng Thị Phi Nga

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