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Paranormal Activity

Găinar Andra Silvia, anul I.

Paranormal activity is a large discussed field. I believe that, in our world everyone has a own
opinion about this subject. Many scientists and psychologists has tried to define this subject and
make it understandable to all of us, but there are still many ambiguities. So, these branches are
devided by many scientists which tried to make people understand these phenomens. We can talk
about what means “negative energy” and what can make us nervous or stressed. At this point has
been interest most focused on Zero Point Energy (ZPE) which was lately named (McTaggart, L.
2008) and the property of intertia has been derived as “a force created by the reaction of the Zero
Point Field to the vibrational energy of matter” ( Rueda, Haisch, Puthoff, 1994) (Borruta, 1928).
These energies are closely related to physics and what science means. For example, in times of
big stress our sensitivity to paranormal experiences and events which we can’t explain increases.
The “BEC”, which I will explain immediately. This have many characteristics that make it an
ideal candidate for paranormal activity in our lifestyle and psychic phenomena as well.. this
BEC means Bose-Einstein Condensate and “which responds by balancing the Stressor with
introducing some unusual events into the space-time we exist in normally” (Borruta,1928).
Paranormal beliefs may have lower levels of association with psychopathological distress if
compared with other psychotic-like experiences (Wigman, 2011).
Paranormal activity was defined by Myres like to be a faculty or phenomenon which goes
beyond the level of ordinary experience the word supernatural is open to grave objections; it
assumes that there is something about and after nature, and it has become associated with what
we called arbitrary interference with law. (Myers 1903, p. xxii)
Besides, the term ‘supernatural’ is still used today in world. The term ‘parapsychology’ has also
survived, notably through the term ‘paranormal’. “Jung studied esoteric - or else esotericist -
intuitions as supernormal occurrences rather than as paranormal phenomena. Jung’s respect for
the work of his elder notably appears in the fact that he attributed to Myers the discovery of the
unconscious” (Pilard, 2018).
Everything in this “area” are based on examples about religion, cultures, medicine etc. So, I tried
to find some examples. Paranormal experiences can be understood as ‘‘those instances in which
persons perceive phenomena that appear to defy scientific explanation’’ (MacDonald, 1994:35).
First of all, psychology studies is the one which is based on the explication of paranormal
activity and strange phenomena, inexplicable manifestation about people couldn’t do so much.
Humans are in the most of time concerned to explain all of events in their way, without any
information or science search on the internet, book etc.
There are so many strange events, like: encounters with the dead, OZN, strange accidents, weird
sounds and many others of these. These findings suggest that the paranormal is still a prevalent
feature in our everyday lives. These experiences can be contradictory to a large society that has
seen a decline in organised religious affiliation, about some people talk (Saad, 2012) and a
predominance of rational and scientific thinking.
On the other hand, previous research has suggested that paranormal beliefs and experiences are
associated with thinner mental boundaries and traumas during childhood. Many of us, has maybe
problem like “I see a ghost” or “I saw my uncle who was dead”.. but what means that ? Modern
science it has nothing to say yet about the spirits and considers the subject irrelevant.(Gough, MS
& Shacklett, 2002). Them just think that occult and demonic themes exist, or abuse which is
based on both of them, but not in ghost or other paranormal events or objects.
There are a various disorder which can make people to saw or heard strange things. Previous
research suggests that schizotypy mediates a relationship between paranormal experiences and
emotional well-being, so people which suffer about schizophrenia are liable to see or heard
strange things, object or people who are, in reality dead. Schizotypy has been defined as a multi-
factorial personality construct, aspects of which appear to be on a continuum with psychosis
(Claridge, 1997). “Positive schizotypy”, which was formed of elements such as “magical
thinking and odd experiences, has an intuitive association with religious and spiritual beliefs and
experiences;using the anomalous experiences inventory” (Schofield, Claridge, 2007).Separate
dimensions of schizotypy have been differentially associated with electrophysiological measures
of brain function, and further shown to be modified by sex/gender. So, many of these imensional
models of psychosis may be traced from Bleuler, through Eysenck’s concept of psychoticism and
Claridge’s schizotypy construct, to current dimensional and quasidimensional conceptions of
psychosis and psychosis-proneness (Sumich, Kumari, Gordon, Tunstall, Brammer, 2008).
Another type of disorder are paranormal beliefs and Psychotic-like Experiences (PLE) which are
phenotypically similar and can occur in individuals with psychosis but also in the general
population. Beliefs in the paranormal are common in the general population and paranormal
themes appear frequently in: tv series, movies and video games. However some paranormal
beliefs (for example, mediumistic communication and extrasensory perception) are in a large
type similar to symptoms of psychosis as reported by patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (for
example, telepathic communication).
There are so many examples about paranormal activity and exist so many superstitions.. one of
them is that the owl is considered to be one of the most evil birs and is full of of bad spirits. If
you see one at night it means that a spirit announce a bad event which it is about to happen. This
superstition is known in Chirchaua Apache culture where if one human being is dead, the owl is
giving the soul and go in our world (Varner, 2010).
In other type of words, paranormal activity are a normal effect of psychoactive substances, which
were discovered as being the earliest parapsychology experiments.They used:caffeine,
amphetamine, alcohol, amytal, and quinal-barbitone. (Luke, 2012).
Many of these substance altered state of consciousness, mind-altering are considered conducive
to the production of parapsychological experiences and phenomena.
There are so many explanations about all that means “paranormal activity”. There are an
explanation in every single domain..
There exist a neuropsychiatry explanation for strange experiences and paranormal experiences
might be considered a subset of these neurogenic processes. There are some type of paranormal
experiences at the neurosystem. One of them, these are frequently dominated by a sensed
presence and the second, appear to involve the acquisition of information from distances beyond
those normally obtained by the classical senses. Exist here a three type, which imply distortions
in physical time.
Experiences concerning death or crisis to others are reported to occur predominantly at night,
particularly between 2:00 and 4:00 A.M. The sensed presence is also more common during this
nocturnal period. (Persinger, Psych, 2001).
As well, religion and popular beliefs suppose the existence of some evil spirits named ghosts that
can appear in different forms. Religion agree the idea of “exorcism” or possession. The concept
of ‘possession’ could turn the moral world of childhood on its head, and positively encourage the
free venting of long repressed impulses. Firstly, many of the classic symptoms of possession are
convulsions, paralysis, strange anaesthesia and are also classic symptoms of hysteria, one of the
staple pathological categories of psychoanalysis (Tosh, 2002).
To sum up, paranormal activity are the most discussed subject over time. It seems to be
appreciated by some scientists, but the modern world of science do not believe in what could be
named “paranormal activity”.To conclude with, “She wasn’t religious. She didn’t believe in
heaven or hell, only in ghosts, Ouija boards, tables which rapped and little inept voices speaking
plaintively of flowers” (Greene, Rock, 1938).
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