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NAME:Jancen M. Caranto. DATE: 05/09/2021


International Communication Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Writter Language

A. DIFFICULT CONCEPTS (What concepts did you find difficult to understand?)

1. Political Correctness
2. Colloquial, Neutral, Literary
3. Forms of Intercultural Communication

B. INSIGHTS (What new insights or learning did you gain from the topic?)

1. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that intercultural
communication is just an interaction with people from diverse culture.
However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that it
has a strategies or guides to improve intercultural competences.

2. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that phatic is
engaging in small plain talk. The speaker and Listener use minimal amount of
language to engage in the conversation.

However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that
this spoken language variety poses familiarity of topic and context between the
speaker and the listener.

3. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that cultural
sensitivity is just an attitude and way of behaving in which you are aware of and
acknowledge cultural differences.

However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize this is
crucial for effective interpersonal communication.

C. QUESTIONS (What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you want
explanation more?)
1. How can you differentiate non-politically correct and politically correct?

GEED 10063- PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION Metacognitive Reading Report

2. What are the forms of intercultural communication and its meaning?
3. Differentiate intercultural and intracultural communication?

GEED 10063- PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION Metacognitive Reading Report

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