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October, 2023










October, 2023

Executive Summary

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) is a government association in the Punjab

district of Pakistan, focused on using data technology for the modernization of government

capabilities and the upgrade of administration conveyance. Laid out in 1999, PITB plays had

an essential impact in digitizing key government cycles and administrations, including the

presentation of imaginative drives like the Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control &

Communication (PPIC3) Center and the Land Record Management Information System

(LRMIS) With a gifted labor, areas of strength for force support, and a different arrangement

of administrations and items spreading over e-governance, medical care, schooling, and

agriculture, PITB is at the front line of computerized change in the locale. Regardless of

administrative difficulties and cybersecurity risks, it keeps on jumping all over chances for

development and coordinated effort, guaranteeing its continuous effect on public services and

governance. Throughout my internship, I went through a thorough learning venture. In the

underlying week, I acquired knowledge into the tasks of the association, making way for my

obligations. My tasks included dominating Java programming basics and OOP concepts and

improving critical thinking abilities. The subsequent week was committed to OOP

Programming in Java, where I accepted ideas like classes, objects, inheritance, and

polymorphism, laying the foundation for programming advancement. In week three, I

wandered into data set ideas and network utilizing MySQL, understanding SQL questions

and their execution. Week four rotated around web engineering, server establishments, and

servlets, with an emphasis on understanding how internet browsers speak with web servers.

In the last week, I wandered into making a powerful CV generator with HTML, CSS, and

JavaScript. This temporary position has fundamentally expanded my insight and down to

earth abilities, overcoming any barrier between hypothetical classroom learning and real

world application.
Internship Report on PITB
Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................2

CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................................6

OVERVIEW OF ORGANIZATION.....................................................................6

ABOUT PITB.......................................................................................................6

History of PITB....................................................................................................7

Company Links and Subsidiaries Related to PITB..........................................8

Organization and Number of Employees.........................................................10

Volume of the Company....................................................................................10

Control and Monitoring Mechanisms..............................................................10

PITB as a Services and Products Company....................................................11

Organizational Structure of PITB....................................................................13

EPay Team..........................................................................................................15

SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................15

Service and Product Portfolio...........................................................................18

CHAPTER 2...............................................................................................................19

INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES................................................................................19

Week 1.................................................................................................................19


Day 1: Orientation and Introduction...............................................................19

Morning Orientation..........................................................................................19

Tools and Resources...........................................................................................20

Internship Report on PITB
Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Supervisor’s Advice...........................................................................................20

Day 2-3: Basic Java Syntax...............................................................................20

Learning the Java Syntax:.................................................................................20

GUI Components................................................................................................21

Destructors in Java............................................................................................22

Day 4-5 Control Structures and Problem Solving..........................................22

Week 2.................................................................................................................22


Day 1....................................................................................................................22

Super Keyword...................................................................................................23

Day 2....................................................................................................................23

Polymorphism and Method Overriding in Java.............................................23

Method Overriding............................................................................................24

Day 3....................................................................................................................24

Abstract Classes and Functions........................................................................24


Day 4....................................................................................................................25

Exception Handling............................................................................................25

Day 5....................................................................................................................26


Week 3.................................................................................................................27

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


Day 1....................................................................................................................28

Day 2....................................................................................................................29

Day 3....................................................................................................................29

Day 4-5.................................................................................................................29

Week 4.................................................................................................................31


Week 5.................................................................................................................36

Week 6.................................................................................................................38

Chapter 3.....................................................................................................................39

Operations of Organizations.................................................................................39


Skills and Qualifications........................................................................................41

Aspects of Professional Work...............................................................................42

Objectives and Achievements................................................................................43


Correlation between Experience and Classroom Knowledge............................45

Chapter 4.....................................................................................................................46


Improvements in Organizations and IBIT..........................................................46


Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


Internship Certificate.................................................................................................52

Internship Joining Letter..........................................................................................53

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail




PITB, which stands for the Punjab Information Technology Board, is a government

organization situated in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It was established to advance the

utilization of data innovation and modernize different government capabilities to further

develop effectiveness, straightforwardness, and administration conveyance. PITB is

responsible for the execution of different e-governance drives, which mean to smooth out

government processes and make them more available to people in general. PITB plays an

important role in the modernization of Punjab's public area and the advancement of data

innovation across different spaces to further develop administration conveyance,

administration, and economic development in the region. PITB office is at Arfa Software

House Ferozpure Road Lahore HR Group is in 11th Floor and Working department where

developers work is in 12th floor where I worked as intern. I worked in ePay. My supervisor

was Hafiz Muhammad Ibrar who is graduate of PUCIT and His Designation at PITB is

Principle Software Engineer. I chose java as development language and ePay team work in

java, So I got a chance to work with respected personality (supervisor) from whom I learned

development skills in the java.

History of PITB

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has a rich history that spans over two

decades. Established in 1999, PITB plays had a vital impact in molding the computerized

scene of the Punjab region in Pakistan. During its underlying years, PITB focused on creating

an establishment for IT foundation and capacity building. One of the remarkable early drives

was the advancement of the 'e-Stamp Paper' system, which smoothed out the course of

property transactions by presenting electronic stamp papers.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Between 2008 and 2013, PITB gained significant progress in carrying out e-

governance initiatives. The introduction of the 'Computerized Land Record' framework was a

game changer. It digitized land records, decreasing corruption and questions connected with

property proprietorship. Moreover, the 'Automation of Driving Licenses' and 'e-Khidmat

Centers' were introduced to simplify and expedite services for citizens.

In 2015, PITB played an important part in the foundation of the Punjab Safe Cities

Authority (PSCA). PSCA, an subsidiary of PITB, focused on improving security through

technology. It presented surveillance cameras, integrated communication systems, and

advanced analytics to monitor and answer security-related issues in urban areas.

From 2013 onwards, PITB extended its extension to advance monetary development

through IT initiatives. The board launched various projects to boost IT-related business

venture, abilities advancement, and job creation. The 'Plan9' technology incubator and

'Punjab IT Policy' are great examples of initiatives pointed toward cultivating a flourishing IT

environment inside the province.

In the realm of healthcare, PITB introduced the 'Health Management Information

System (HMIS),' which digitalized health records, guaranteeing improved medical service

delivery and data management. Besides, in the education sector, PITB played a basic part in

digitalizing student records and exam results, improving administrative processes and making

education more effective.

PITB's focus also extended to the agriculture area with the 'Agriculture Information

Management System,' which furnishes farmer with fundamental data on crop management

and weather conditions conjectures to upgrade agricultural practices and increment


Throughout the long term, PITB has gotten various honors and awards for its

innovative IT initiatives. These awards mirror the organization's obligation to greatness and

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

its effect on further developing administration and services in Punjab. Today, the Punjab

Information Technology Board stands as a demonstration of the groundbreaking force of data

innovation. It keeps on driving the computerized change of Punjab, touching different areas

and emphatically influencing the existences of millions of residents. PITB's set of

experiences is an account of constant development and transformation, a journey that

epitomizes the capability of innovation to shape the eventual fate of administration and public


Company Links and Subsidiaries Related to PITB

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has established several subsidiary

organization and started joint efforts with parent organizations to further its main goal of

utilizing information technology for administration, innovation, and public service

improvements with the Punjab region of Pakistan.

Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA):

The Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) is an auxiliary association firmly connected with

PITB. Established in 2015, PSCA works as a critical part of the Punjab government's

endeavors to improve security, reconnaissance, and public wellbeing through the essential

utilization of innovation. PSCA's central goal lines up with PITB's more extensive targets to

modernize and work on the effectiveness of government services. The authority deals with

the Safe Cities project, which includes the arrangement of reconnaissance cameras,

coordinated correspondence frameworks, and advanced analytics to monitor and answer

security-related issues in metropolitan regions. The cooperation among PITB and PSCA

exhibits how innovation can be harnessed to establish more secure and safer metropolitan

conditions for the residents of Punjab.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Punjab Information Technology University (PITU):

Punjab Information Technology University (PITU) is one more striking drive firmly

connected with PITB. PITU was laid out to offer specific IT education and advance

innovative work in the IT area. It gives a stage to hopeful IT experts and business people to

get the essential abilities and information to add to Punjab's digital transformation. PITU's

projects are intended to meet the developing requirements of the IT industry, guaranteeing a

consistent stock of qualified people to support PITB's drives and the more extensive IT

environment in Punjab.

Plan9 Technology Incubator:

Plan9 is a leader project under PITB that cultivates business and innovation inside the IT

industry. Established in a joint effort with the Lahore University of Management Sciences

(LUMS), Plan9 is intended to incubate technology startups and furnish them with

fundamental assets, mentorship, and chances to flourish. The incubator not just adds to the

development of the IT industry yet in addition lines up with PITB's objective of advancing

IT-related business venture and occupation creation inside Punjab. It exhibits the

collaboration between educational institutes and government-backed initiatives in propelling

the IT landscape.

Public-Private Partnerships:

PITB has likewise forged partnership with different confidential area organizations to execute

IT projects and services. These associations influence the skill and assets of privately owned

businesses to speed up the digital transformation of Punjab. For example, joint efforts with IT

firms for the development and sending of programming arrangements, IT foundation, and

framework combination have been instrumental in improving e-governance, health,

education, and different areas inside the region.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Organization and Number of Employees

PITB works as a government department, and its design is partitioned into different offices,

divisions, and specific units. The approximately number of employees working in PITB is

XXX, however it normally involves a significant labor force, including IT experts, engineers,

project supervisors, regulatory staff, and backing faculty. This labor force is answerable for

the preparation, advancement, and execution of IT projects across various areas of the Punjab

government. The size of the labor force mirrors the association's obligation to driving

advanced change in the district.

Volume of the Company

PITB, as a government agency, doesn't have a size or volume in the customary sense that

privately owned businesses do. Its "size" is fundamentally estimated by the extension and

effect of its drives, ventures, and administrations. Throughout the long term, PITB has been

associated with a wide cluster of IT projects across areas like e-governance, health,

education, and agriculture. These tasks all in all structure a significant computerized

impression that emphatically influences the existences of millions of individuals in Punjab.

Control and Monitoring Mechanisms

As a government agency, PITB works under the administrative and checking system laid out

by the Punjab government. Its exercises are dependent upon government strategies, monetary

guidelines, and review methodology that guarantee straightforwardness and responsibility.

Also, PITB normally has inner control and observing components to regulate the

advancement and viability of its ventures. These systems incorporate undertaking the board

structures, execution pointers, standard revealing, and assessment of venture results. They are

vital for guaranteeing that IT initiatives are executed effectively and meet their expected


Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

PITB as a Services and Products Company

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) is an entity that works at the convergence

of government and innovation, giving a wide exhibit of administrations and items that work

with digital transformation, governance, and innovation inside the Punjab region of Pakistan.

This outline dives into how PITB capabilities as a services and product company, the scope

of contributions it gives, and the effect it has on different areas.

Services and Solutions:

PITB essentially works as a service company, offering an assorted arrangement of IT-related

administrations to various government divisions and offices. These services are pointed

toward upgrading the proficiency, straightforwardness, and availability of government

activities. A portion of the services given by PITB include:

E-Governance Solutions: PITB plays a significant part in carrying out e-governance

initiatives. It digitalizes government processes, making them more available to residents.

Services, for example, the 'e-Khidmat Centers' and 'Automation of Driving Licenses' are clear

instances of e-governance arrangements that improve and facilitate services for public.

Healthcare Services: In the healthcare area, PITB has fostered the 'Health Management

Information System (HMIS)' to digitize health records, further developing medical services

administration conveyance and information the board. This service has led to effective

information assortment, worked on persistent consideration, and improved patient care.

Education Initiatives: PITB has introduced IT arrangements with digitize students records,

examination results, and managerial cycles in the education area. This improves the

educational experience and management of educational institutions.

Agriculture Information Management: The 'Agriculture Information Management System'

is a service that helps farmers with basic data on crop management, weather conditions

figures, and best works on, expanding crop efficiency and further developing vocations.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


While PITB primarily offers services, it likewise creates and sends different programming

and technology products. These items are frequently custom-made to the particular

requirements of government divisions and the more extensive public. A portion of the

remarkable items include:

E-Stamp Paper: This product streamlines property exchanges by presenting electronic stamp

papers, diminishing misrepresentation and further developing effectiveness in land and

income related dealings.

Surveillance and Security Solutions: Through its auxiliary, the Punjab Safe Cities

Authority (PSCA), PITB sends observation cameras, coordinated correspondence

frameworks, and advanced examination to upgrade security in metropolitan regions.

e-Vaccs: This computerized arrangement works with the checking and the executives of

vaccination campaign, guaranteeing that antibodies are managed proficiently and that

vaccination records are kept up with precisely.

Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control & Communication (PPIC3): This product

offers law a far reaching answer for wrongdoing control and public security, supporting

reaction and surveillance.

Organizational Structure of PITB

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) is an government organization in

Pakistan, liable for advancing and carrying out information technology initiatives in the

Punjab region. Its organization structure is intended to work with its successful execution

projects, support administration, and drive digital transformation inside the province. This

outline gives an examination of PITB's organization structure, its key components, and how

they function together.

1. Chairman:

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

At the top of the organization hierarchy is the Chairman, who gives initiative and vital course

to PITB. The Chairman is in many cases a noticeable figure with mastery in information

technology and governance.

2. Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors comprises of senior government authorities and IT specialists. This

governing body sets the all-encompassing strategies, objectives, and goals for PITB. It plays

a critical part in forming the association's central goal and vital needs.

3. Managing Director:

The Managing Director fills in as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PITB. This job

includes the everyday administration, organization, and coordination of PITB's exercises,

guaranteeing that undertakings and services line up with the board's directives.

4. Divisions and Departments:

PITB is organized into different divisions and departments, each well specialized in specific

domains. These divisions and departments include, yet are not restricted to:

e-Governance Division: Focused on creating and executing IT solutions for smooth out

government processes, further develop straightforwardness, and improve public help


Health Division: Answerable for IT projects in the healthcare sector, including the Health

Management Information System (HMIS).

Education Division: Entrusted with drives connected with digitizing educational records and

working on the nature of education.

Agriculture Division: Focused on the turn of events and execution of the Agriculture

Division Information Management System and related agricultural projects.

Infrastructure Division: Oversees IT infrastructure, data centers, and network inside the


Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

e-Rozgaar Program: Offers preparing projects to upgrade the employability of youth in the

IT area, adding to work creation and economic development.

5. Subsidiaries:

PITB has auxiliary associations under its umbrella. The most eminent among these is the

Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), which manages metropolitan security and

reconnaissance projects.

6. Regional Offices:

Regional workplaces are laid out in various urban communities inside Punjab to guarantee

the viable execution of IT drives and services all through the province.

7. Project Teams:

Project groups comprise of experts, engineer, and care staff answerable for the design,

advancement, and execution of IT projects. These groups are project-specific and team up to

execute innovation arrangements.

8. Technology Incubators:

PITB upholds technology incubators like 'Plan9,' which encourage IT-related business and

advancement. These incubators give assets, mentorship, and open doors to IT new businesses.

9. Advisory and Consultative Bodies:

PITB have advisory and consultative bodies or panels involving specialists who give

direction and proposals on different parts of technology and governance.

This efficient hierarchical structure guarantees that PITB's objectives and drives are executed

productively and that its projects are actually made due. The presence of auxiliaries, regional

workplaces, project groups, and advisory bodies shows PITB's obligation to expanding its

scope, advancing advancement, and further developing governance and public assistance

conveyance all through Punjab.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

EPay Team

ePay Punjab is the principal Government installment aggregator to acknowledge B2G

(Business to Government) and P2G (Public to Government) installments. The ePay Punjab

Mobile application and online interface permit clients to pay for different duties through

ADC ((Alternative Delivery Channels) and in a straightforward way. I worked as intern with

member of ePay team Hafiz Muhammad Ibrar who help me a lot and provide me training in

web development in java. He was my supervisor at PITB. Through Him I learned a lot that I

don’t know.

SWOT Analysis


Government Support: PITB appreciates solid help from the public authority of Punjab,

which furnishes it with financing and assets to execute different IT and e-administration


Skilled Workforce: The association has a gifted and talented workforce, including IT

experts, project managers, and data analytics, fit for driving technological development.

Digital Initiatives: PITB has effectively executed a few innovation driven drives, for

example, the Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control & Communication (PPIC3) Center,

and the Land Record Management Information System (LRMIS), which have worked on

public services and governance.

Data Analytics: The association has laid out information driven dynamic cycles, tackling

information to further develop public service delivery and governance

Strategic Partnerships: PITB has encouraged coordinated efforts with different tech

organizations and foundations, upgrading its admittance to state of the art advancements and



Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Bureaucratic Challenges: Government associations frequently face bureaucratic obstacles,

which can dial back project execution and advancement.

Limited Outreach: PITB's drives may not reach all citizens, as a computerized partition

exists, for certain segments of the population lacking access to technology and the internet.

Information Security Concerns: The treatment of delicate citizens information raises

worries about information security and protection, and occurrences of information breaks

could harm public trust.

Resource Constraints: Despite government support, PITB could have restricted assets

contrasted with private area partners, restricting its capacity to put resources into cutting

advanced technologies.

Protection from Change: Protection from digital transformation from inside the public

authority and public area can obstruct progress.


Digital Inclusion: Spanning the computerized gap and coming to underserved populations

can upgrade access to government services and further develop resident commitment.

Technology Innovation: Arising advancements like blockchain, computer based intelligence

( AI ), and IoT can be utilized to modernize government cycles and improve administration


Smart Cities: The advancement of smart city drives and metropolitan arranging can work on

the personal satisfaction for occupants in Punjab.

Public-Private Partnerships: Teaming up with private area organizations can carry extra

ability and assets to IT projects.

International Collaboration: Learning from and working together with different countries

on IT and e-governance best practices can speed up progress.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


Cybersecurity Risks: As innovation dependence builds, the gamble of cyberattacks and data

breaches rises, possibly harming public trust.

Political Instability: Changes in government administration can affect the coherence and

prioritization of IT drives.

Budget Constraints: Financial difficulties can prompt decreased subsidizing for IT projects,

dialing back advancement.

Competition: The high speed of technological headway implies that PITB should

consistently rival the private area to draw in and hold top ability.

Information Protection Guidelines: Developing information security regulations and

guidelines might require changes in how resident information is made due, possibly

expanding consistence costs.

In conclusion, PITB has taken huge steps in utilizing innovation for further developing

administration and public assistance conveyance. To expand on its assets and open doors

while tending to its shortcomings and dangers, it ought to focus on digital consideration,

development, and joint efforts. It's fundamental for PITB to adjust to advancing technology

and administrative scenes while keeping up with its obligation to information security and

public trust.

Service and Product Portfolio

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) in Pakistan offers a different product and

service portfolio pointed toward utilizing innovation to upgrade administration, work on

public service, and drive computerized development. Some of the key products and services

provided by PITB:

 Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control & Communication (PPIC3) Center

 Land Record Management Information System (LRMIS)

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

 ePay App

 Citizen Feedback Model (CFM)

 e-Khidmat Centers

 Health Management Information System (HMIS)

 School Information System (SIS)

 Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS)

 e-Stamping

 Vehicle Identification and Verification System

 IT Training and Skill Development

 Mobile Applications and Websites

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail



Week 1


This report offers a top to bottom glance at my experiences and getting the hang of during the

first week of my entry level position. I had the honor of joining a dynamic and creative

software development team, where my essential spotlight was on acquiring capability in the

Java programming language and leveling up my critical thinking abilities utilizing Java.

Day 1: Orientation and Introduction

The first day of my internship at PITB was tied in with making way for what might be a

thrilling and educational journey into the universe of web development. I was greeted into the

organization wholeheartedly, as my guide and supervisor Hafiza Muhammad Ibrar made a

special effort to guarantee I felt at ease and part of the team.

Morning Orientation

The day started with an informative and exhaustive direction meeting, where I was familiar

with the center parts of the organization's tasks. We examined the organization's central goal,

values, and culture, stressing the significance of collaboration, development, and a

commitment to excellence.

During this meeting, I was introduced with key staff, including my coach, who directed me

through the internship. I likewise got an exhaustive outline of the organization's strategies,

including those connected with information security, overarching set of rules, and the

legitimate utilization of organization assets. This direction imparted in me a feeling of having

a place and reason inside the organization.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Tools and Resources

In the afternoon, I was asked to install Intellij on my laptop but VS code was already installed

so I worked on it as I was told to have my laptop with me during the whole internship

because internee is supposed to have it. Other internees were also using their laptop.

Although in ePay team other internees had other supervisor.

Supervisor’s Advice

My supervisor played a vital part in assisting me with adjusting to the organization's current

circumstance. We had a one-on-one meeting where my coach made sense of the objectives

and expectations for the Internship. They stressed the significance of continuous acquiring

and critical thinking abilities, which are exceptionally esteemed in the development field.

I was likewise given a starter outline of the tasks I would be dealing with during the

internship. This brief look into the tasks ahead additional filled my energy and excitement to


Day 2-3: Basic Java Syntax

In 2nd and 3rd day of my internship we started working on basic syntax of java. We started

with how in Java we write everything in class except for two things:

1. Package Declaration

2. Inheritance Relationship

Learning the Java Syntax:

I was asked to watch the basic syntax of java using youtube.

In the start I learned that ‘System.out.print’ that basically use for printing in java in which

System is class in which Out object of PrintStreamClass is created and print and println are

function of PrintStreamClass. At that time my supervisor told me that Stream is used for

reading and writing between two channels. Basically it is a path. System Class belongs to

Java.lang Package.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

For Java I have already installed JDK on my laptop. Execution of Java code is done by JVM

that is virtual machine. Java provides us platform Independence. Byte Code generated by

JVM can be run on any computer having JVM of its O.S. “Write Once Run Anywhere”.

Then I learned about some streams that was initially require as a basic writing of code:

1. System.out


3. System.err

Then I learned how to take input from user using Scanner class and its function

nextLine(),nextInt() etc. And for scanner class Java.util package is needed to be called.

GUI Components

I learned some basic gui components. Javax.swing package is required for it and JOptionPane

class having two of its functions:

1. showMessageDialog()

2. showInputDialog()

One for output and other for input having return type string and for numerical purposes we

have to convert it into other data types using appropriate class for example, to convert it into

integer we need Integer.parseInt() function and for other data types we need other appropriate


Destructors in Java

I learned that there is no destructor in java. JVM periodically invoke service named as

garbage collector program to delete the unused object from memory. It we want to execute

any piece of code at the time of destruction we use function named as Finalize(). Still we

don’t know when this piece of code will be executed.

On 2nd and 3rd day I almost learned syntax of java its operators, data types and few other

things as I describe above.

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Day 4-5 Control Structures and Problem Solving

On 4th day of my internship I review some control structures that I already learned in C if-else

statements and loops and all that. After that my supervisor gave me some problems to solve

using my knowledge I learned in the past 2-3 days in Java. I found difficulty in solving them

because using only class for problem solving was little bit new to me. I stuck at some points

where I asked help of my supervisor. But I did them in a very effective manner. As I was glad

at the same point because having practical experience on these thing was new to me. And I

really thankful to Almighty for all this.

Week 2


In my second week of internship we covered OOP concepts in java i.e. Classes, Objects,

Inheritance and Reusability, Polymorphism and Method Overriding, Abstraction and

Interfaces, Exception handling in java and small portion or streams and did complex

problems related to these concepts.

Day 1

As I was already familiar with classes and objects in C so It was to solve problems of its in

java for me. Still there were some other things like object of any class in java create with

keyword of new.

Then we moved towards inheritance basically I know what inheritance is in OOP but from C

language there are some different concepts in Java like by default inheritance is public in java

and there is no concept of multiple inheritance in java although multi-level do have. Since

there is no concept of multiple inheritance in java there is no diamond problem exists. Plus

there is no virtual keyword in java every function of parent class can be override in java.

Super Keyword

This keyword has two uses in java.

Internship Report on PITB
Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

1. To invoke desired constructor of parent class

2. To access the overrided functionality of parent class

There is one thing to remind that super keyword should be used in the first line of child class

constructor and function we want to access functionality of its parent function.

By default in java there is always a parent class of every class in java that is not inheriting

from any other have some methods that any class can use e.g. we discussed about finalize()

function earlier that is method of that default parent class. Also we call it universal class.

After learning these concepts I solved some problems and my supervisor checked them.

Day 2

Polymorphism and Method Overriding in Java

Polymorphism was new to me as I was not that much familiar with its concept I learned that

is basically by literal meaning is having many forms in general we can take is example as a

teacher doctor can be are employees and employee is a person but it is not necessary that a

person is employee or doctor or teacher. In specific we can look onto it as Reference variable

of parent class can hold the object of any child class in hierarchy. But reference variable of

child class can’t hold the object of parent class.

Method Overriding

In case of polymorphism if we assign the object of child class to the object of parent class,

the object of parent can execute those methods of child class of which it has definition.

Second scenario is that we have two object of child class one of them is reference variable of

parent class so we can only assign the late one to the other using explicit type casting.

After learning this concept I solved some of the problems of inheritance and polymorphism


Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Day 3

Abstract Classes and Functions

This concept of OOP was also new to me. I learned about abstract function that it is a

function without body. If any function of class is abstract that class is also declare as abstract.

Abstract class basically means that its object can’t be created. Now it is the responsibility of

child class to define every abstract function of its parent class if child class does not do that it

will be also declared as abstract class. Abstract keyword will be used with function and class

that is abstract. These can’t be declared as abstract:

 Constructors

 Private Function

 Static Functions

 Variables


The concept of interface is related to abstract classes but it is not a class we create it with

keyword of interface and traditionally its name also starts with alphabet ‘I’. Its object also

can’t be create. All functions of interfaces are abstract only definition of function is declare in

interface. We implement interfaces with classes. A class can implement multiple interfaces at

the same time that could cause diamond problem.

Day 4

Exception Handling

On the 4th day of 2nd week we started with entire new concept exception handling in java. We

go through with types of error (syntax, logical, run time ). Why we need exception handling

that was my question on which my supervisor told me that for some kind of situation x/0,

DBMS server errors generated by operating system are not understandable by general people.

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Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

So we convey meaning message in such situation using proper exception handling. There are

many types of exception handling for example:

 Runtime Exception

 Arithmetic Exception

 Number Format Exception

 Array Index Out of Box Exception

 IO Exception

 SQL Exception

We have five keywords in java to handle exception

 Try

 Catch

 Finally

 Throw

 Throws


In try block we write piece of code in which there is chance of exception occurring.


In this block we handle the type of exception occur in try block

Try and catch block are adjacent to each other. One try block must have at least one catch or

finally block. Maximum 3 catch blocks can be used. In catch block we create the object of

expected exception. Or at least in one catch block we create the object of universal exception.


The piece of code in finally will be executed either exception will occur or not.


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If we to handle exception of function in which exception to be handle at the function was

called we use keyword throws.




m2() throws Exception{….}

In this case exception we be handled in the block of m1 function.


The keyword throw is used to create our own exception class. For that purpose we have to

extend Exception class to the class we want make our customized exception class.

After having all that information I solved some problems of exception handling in java.

Day 5


On the 5th day of 2nd week I learned about streams in depth. I already have basic know of

streams after that I came to know about some other stream:

Low Level Streams

 FIS (File input stream)

 FOS (File out stream)

 BIS (Buffered input stream)

 BOS (Buffered output stream) etc.

High Level Streams

 FR (File Reader)
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 FW (File Writer)

 BR (Buffered Reader)

 BW (Buffered Reader) etc.

High level streams are need to be connected with low level streams to connect to end point.

Although low level streams are directly connected to end point.

Syntax of using streams

1. Import*

2. Class{

3. Try{

4. Connection Established}

5. Catch(){}

6. Close connection.

Week 3


In the 3rd week of my internship I learned about some concepts of MySQL and Database

Connectivity with java using appropriate connectors and software.

Day 1

On the 1st day of 3rd week my supervisor asked me to install MySQL on my laptop but I

already have XAMPP installed on my laptop so with it MySQL is already installed that’s

why I did not install MySQL separately otherwise I have to change the port of MySQL.

So we started with basic concepts of MySQL on first day in which I learned about how to

create table in database through queries.

Create Table Name_of_Table{

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Column name with defined data types;

Then I learned about how to insert values in the given table through SQL query

Insert into table_name( Colume names separated by coma ) values ( value i.e. ‘Hajra’,

F20BA022 )

Order of values should same as that used in column names.

Then I learned about how select values from database for representing or if require for any

reason like there could be multiple ways for example:

 If I want to select entire table I will write is as

Select * from Table_name

 If I want to select some particular column I will write it as

Select column names separated by coma from table_name

 If I want to select some specific values from specific columns I will write query as

Select Column name from table name where name=specific name of person or

age( column name < or > or == specific value.

Then onwards there is concept of joints means if I want to access information from multiple

tables I will use a concept of joints in which we will write query as:

SELECT table_name1.column_name, table_name2.column name

FROM Database name

INNER JOIN customers ON table_name1.column1 = table_name2.column2;

There are many other things about MySQL but we studied basic at that time.

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Day 2

On the second day of 3rd week my supervisor give me problems to solve related to MySQL. I

solved them easily because I found them very easy to solve on small level although on bigger

level it would be difficult but the queries I was given was easy to solve.

Day 3

On the 3rd day of 3rd week my supervisor told me that some concepts about database and its

communication with java language like if we will use MySQL statements in java code there

would be some rules and regulations for it and to connect those queries to database we need a

connector between JVM and MySQL. So for that purpose I downloaded connector for that

and we install connector for it and did some settings it was a short day as I didn’t do much


Day 4-5

On 4th and 5th day we learned rules about how to connect JVM with MySQL. For other

databases there are different rules. Steps to connect with database are:

1. Import package java.sql.*

2. On the second step we with tell the operating system that with which database we are

going to connect. Basically we will load the driver like in case of MySQL


3. Then we create connection like this:

Connection con=DriverManager.getconnection(“url(location where DBMS is

running”,”username of database”, “password”)

4. Then to execute SQL query we need to create the object of Statement class in case we

will create statement every time and assign that object the object of connection class

with method of it createStaement() then the object of statement class with its

functions, I learned two functions:

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1. executeUpdate().

2. executeQuery()

Both have different purposes and result type. If we want to insert any value in the

table we use executeUpdate function its return type is integer that we tell us how

many column’s values have been inserted in the table. On the other hand the return

type of executeQuery() is Result Set which has its function to represent different types

of data for example if the data type of first column is string we will use getString()

function to access it and so on and to check where the next row is available or not we

will use next() function. Both function of Statement class will take query as



import java.sql.*;

public class class_name{

public static void main(String arg[]){


Connection con=DriverManager.getconnection(“url(location where DBMS is

running”,”username of database”, “password”)

Statement st=con.createStatement();

int rs = st.executeUpdate( query ); // In case we are inserting deleting or creating

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Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


Result Set rs= st.executeUpdate(query) // In case we use selection statement )

Other statement as per requirement

Then I learned about other type of statement class that is preparedstatement we studied about

it theoretically that if we want to write statement once and use it again and again means it will

be executed once and we will change its value like in where statement we use it.

Week 4


In 4th week we looked into some database activities the we move towards the web

architecture part like how is web design and then we moved towards the servlets and server

installation part on local host.

Day 1

On the first day of 4th week I did problems related to database connectivity like I was given

every kind of problem ( to insert value, to create table , selection problems)

I did stuck in selection problems but was able to do them with the help of my supervisor)

But all of this beside we need to create some time database because I was having problem

with syntax of some SQL statements.

Day 2

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I learned about architecture of web based system. Basically to view websites we have two


1. Client

2. Server

Web browser is basically a software at client end and there are three methods to request


1. URL

2. MENU (Link)

3. By pressing a button.

Browser takes request from client and send to server. Then web server perform three


1. Listen client request

2. It will examine the type of request and execute the desired service.

3. To generate response to the client.

The thing about web server is that it only understand language of html and to build a website

both static and dynamic coding is required. In case of dynamic coding server may needs to

communicate with DBMS.

In conclusion what I understand is client side browser will generate html request to server.

Server will examine request will execute desired piece of code and if DBMS communication

is require and will do that and will generate response to client sided browser in the form html.

Day 3

On the 3rd day of this we started working on server installation. We started with installing

local host tom cat on my computer. Then I was learned how to work on manual server

although when we work practically on organization’s project we don’t have to do all this

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things but my supervisor told me that you should know how the things work manually. Then

I did path settings to active server on local host.

Then I learned that sequence to place files in server like in web apps ( folder of tom cat )

inside it we create folder of name we want to make website then we place html, css,

javascript files in it and we create folder named as web-inf and place xml file in it and create

another folder in which we place java code. There were some things about this server that is

if we change anything in code we have to restart start whose file is placed inside bin folder.

And other thing is that one computer can have different server running on different port.

Day 4

On 4th day we started working on the concept of servlet of which I was asked to watch videos

already but I didn’t understand that much so my supervisor told me that servlet is basically a

java code that is used to process client code. There are two types of servlets:

1. Protocol independent servlet ( generic )

2. HTTP base servlet.

Java provide libraries for servlet i.e. javax .servlet, javax.servlet.http. There are three methods

of servlets

1. Init()

2. Service()

3. Destroy()

Init() and destroy() call only once. When object of servlet created init() function is called.

Service() function calls no matter how many times the client will request. Web server create

object of servlet. Then there are two further categories of service() function:

1. doGet()

2. doPost()

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The difference between both of them is that doGet function does not hide attributes rather it

shows them in URL. On the other hand doPost hide attributes in URL.

Day 5

On the 5th day we started leaning some syntax of how to implement servlet. We worked on

forms like how we can get information from html forms. I learn that getParameter() function

use to access values of field defined. We pass name of field as parameter of which we want to

get info the user entered. Then there is one other function that we use in case we don’t know

the name of field known as getParameterNames() whose return type is enumeration and is has

following functions:

1. hasMoreElements()

2. nextElement()

hasMoreElements tells us that either there is any field name or not and other one gives the

name of field. Then I learned about proper syntax that how to implement servlets using java.



import javax.servlet.http.*;

import javax.servlet.*;

import java.sql.*;

public class Greeting extends HttpServlet {

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)throws

ServletException, IOException

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PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

String firstName = request.getParameter("firstName");

String surname = request.getParameter("surname");



String url = "jdbc:mysql://";

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root","");

Statement st=con.createStatement();

catch(SQLException e){}

catch(Exception e){}



out.println("<title>Servlet GreetingServlet</title>");



out.println("<p>Welcome " + firstName + " " + surname + "</p>");

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We have to generate response in the form of html because web only understands html


Week 5


In this work I develop a sign and log in page using servlets in java database sql and html css.

In the starting days of this week I worked on sign up and log in page of any database and then

I started working on html and css. On the daily basis I was given a template to make like this

using html css and at the end of the week I made sign up and log in page for the first time

using backend and front end support.

Day 1

On this day I was given a task to write backend code of sign up and log in page having

attributes, for sign up( Name , Username, Password, Email, Country and City) and for log in (

Username, Password).

For that purpose I created table manually and then I follow the procedure I learned in the past

week to develop the page. The thing is I was doing wrong that I was using init() function and

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that’s why I was having error. I asked my supervisor to solve this although I came to know

about this thing at the end of the week when I created html form of both that my code is not

working because in this piece of java code we were not using main. I chose doPost() method

for it.

Day 2

On the second day, I was given a task on making a website page for a Static Generator. The

essential goal was to plan an easy to use structure where people can enter their own data,

schooling subtleties, work insight, and abilities.

The page was organized with HTML and styled utilizing CSS. The plan incorporated a

header with the title "CV Generator" and a structure for client information section. Inside the

structure, I coordinated the fields into areas for personal information, education, experience,

and skills. Each segment comprised of important info fields, like name, email, telephone,

degree, school/college, graduation year, work title, organization, company, years of

experience, and a comma-separated list of skills.

The CSS was applied to improve the visual allure of the page. It highlighted a foundation

tone, adjusted holder with shadows, text designing, and info field styling. The structure

accommodation button was styled to give an obvious sign to the client while drifting.

Before the day's over, I had effectively made the establishment for our CV generator, which

would gather user information. The structure was practical and prepared for additional turn of

events, with the client contributions to be handled and designed into a CV on the following

day. This underlying work laid the foundation for an intelligent and user driven apparatus to

produce customized CVs.

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Day 3

On 3rd day I made forms of log in and sign up page and connect them with servlet code using

proper xml file format. My supervisor made xml file for me at that time and them I started

server and access my sign up page after entering field I was unable to process further I tried

for hours but the problem was not resolving then I asked my supervisor and he told me that I

forget to use init() function then by the grace of Almighty I made my first page having

backend and frontend support even though on very small scale but for me it was a moment of


Day 4-5

After all that basics according to my supervisor we moved towards java 8 features the first

thing that my supervisor told me about it that why we need java 8? Then he answer to write

concise and minimal code. Then he told me that to use functional programming in java, java

8 come still it is known as OOP programming. To utilize multi core systems in effective

manner. We didn’t studied in depth about it but we just had a overview of it.

Week 6

In the last week of internship my supervisor gave me simple project to create dynamic cv

generator using html css and javascript. I started working on defining the criteria like

executive summary education and experience. The dynamic thing was difficult for me to

understand like this so after struggling 2-3 days with javascript I finally use youtube video to

create dynamic cv generator as JavaScript was entire new thing to me so did not understand it

that much still I was able to complete my project using youtube video and on submitted to my

supervisor. On the last day of my internship I pay thankful regards to my supervisor for

training me and helping me in this entire journey.

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Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Chapter 3

Operations of Organizations

I have learned in a few critical perspectives about the operations of organization:

Organizational Culture and Values: I acquired bits of knowledge into how an association's

way of life and values assume a huge part in forming its workplace. Understanding and lining

up with the guiding principle and mission of an association is fundamental for progress as an

understudy or worker.

Teamwork and Collaboration: I figured out how cooperation and successful collaboration

are basic in accomplishing the objectives of an association. Collaboration upgrades efficiency

and takes into consideration the sharing of different viewpoints and abilities.

Communication Skills: Successful correspondence is significant for the smooth activity of

an association. I understood the significance of clear and brief correspondence in passing on

thoughts, sharing data, and settling issues.

Professionalism: I noticed and embraced proficient lead, which incorporates reliability,

sticking to organization strategies, and keeping an elevated degree of morals and


Critical thinking: My entry level position assisted me with creating critical thinking

abilities, especially with regards to programming advancement. I discovered that recognizing

issues, breaking down them, and giving powerful arrangements are crucial abilities inside an


Documentation and Reporting: I additionally understood the significance of exhaustive

documentation and revealing, as it assists in following advancing, sharing information, and

settling on informed choices.

Adherence to Rules and Policies: Each association has rules, arrangements, and best

practices. Sticking to these strategies is urgent for keeping an amicable workplace.

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Submitted By: Hajra Sohail


During my internship, I was given a reasonable level of responsibility by my supervisor. The

undertakings and obligations relegated to me were organized to improve my learning and

expert turn of events. While they might not have been of critical importance to the

association, they were intended to assist me with acquiring functional experience and work

on my abilities in the field.

My supervisor furnished me with a scope of undertakings connected with programming

improvement, Java programming, and web advancement. These tasks included learning and

working with Java syntax, essential web advancement, database management, and the making

of dynamic pages.

The degree of obligation expanded continuously as I acquired insight and showed my

capacity to actually deal with tasks. While the assignments might not have been mission-

critical for the association, they were huge regarding my own and proficient development.

My supervisor emphasized the significance of nonstop learning, and I was urged to clarify

some pressing issues, look for direction when required, and team up with other internees.

This approach permitted me to assume on greater liability as I turned out to be more capable

in the assigned tasks.

Generally speaking, the degree of obligation given to me during my entry level position was

appropriate for my learning and expertise improvement. It permitted me to acquire involved

insight and build foundation in area programming.

Skills and Qualifications

I have acquired a scope of skills and qualifications, both scientific and professional, that have

fundamentally added to my own and profession advancement. Here are the critical abilities

and capabilities I have acquired:

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Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Java Programming: I have obtained areas of strength for an in Java programming, including

information on syntax, object-situated programming standards, and the capacity to compose,

troubleshoot, and keep up with Java code. This ability is significant for programming


Critical thinking: My entry level position has upgraded my critical abilities to think,

especially with regards to programming improvement. I have figured out how to dissect

issues, recognize main drivers, and develop effective solutions.

Web Development: I have acquired practical experience in web development, which

incorporates HTML, CSS, and Java. This information empowers me to make intuitive and

outwardly engaging site pages.

Database Management: I have found out about data set administration, including making

tables, embedding and recovering information, and utilizing SQL questions. This expertise is

significant for information driven applications.

Programming Development Tools: I have become capable in utilizing programming

development tool such Visual Studio Code for coding, troubleshooting, and tomcat.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning: Associations are dynamic, and I found the

meaning of flexibility. The capacity to advance ceaselessly, adjust to new innovations and

procedures, and keep awake to-date with industry patterns is basic.

Using time productively: Overseeing time proficiently is fundamental in an expert setting. I

took in the significance of defining boundaries, complying with time constraints, and

distributing time really to different undertakings.

Technical Skills: In a software development context, I gained specialized abilities connected

with Java programming, data set administration, web improvement, and the utilization of

different programming devices and stages. These abilities are fundamental for contributing

really to an association's undertakings.

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Aspects of Professional Work

During my internship, I acquired an extensive comprehension of different parts of

professional work. These experiences stretch out past the specialized abilities and include the

more extensive professional scene. Here are a few critical parts of professional work that I

have come to understand:

Professional Conduct: I took in the significance of keeping an elevated degree of incredible

skill in the working environment. This incorporates reliability, dressing properly, and

displaying regard for associates and bosses.

Hierarchical Culture: I acquired bits of knowledge into how an association's way of life and

values shape the workplace. Understanding and lining up with these social perspectives are

vital for fitting in and contributing actually.

Effective Communication: I understood the meaning of clear and concise correspondence in

an expert setting. Conveying thoughts, sharing data, and settling issues productively are

fundamental abilities.

Professional Etiquette: I found out about proficient manners, which incorporates observing

hierarchical rules, complying to moral direct, and showing respectability in all collaborations.

Leadership and Mentorship: I noticed the job of pioneers and coaches in directing and

supporting colleagues. Leadership includes motivating and working with colleagues to

accomplish shared objectives.

Networking: I grasped the significance of building proficient organizations. Organizing

gives amazing open doors to individual and vocation development.

Professional Development: I understood that proficient improvement is a constant

excursion. Looking for open doors for development, ability improvement, and professional

success is fundamental for long-term success.

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Objectives and Achievements

During my internship, I had a bunch of objectives and expectations that I meant to

accomplish. Let's look at these objectives with the actual accomplishments and the truth of

the entry level position:


Acquire Proficiency in Java: One of my essential goals was to further develop my Java

programming abilities. I expected to become capable in Java during the temporary position.


I effectively educated the basics of Java programming, including language structure, data

types, and OOP concepts.

I acquired reasonable involvement with composing and troubleshooting Java code.

While I gained critical headway, I recognize that there is much more to learn and investigate

in Java.

Web Development Skills: I meant to obtain abilities in web development, including HTML,

CSS, and Java, and foster the capacity to make intuitive and outwardly engaging site pages.


I learned and applied HTML, CSS, and Java to make website pages.

I effectively created fundamental site pages and worked on how I might interpret front-end

web advancement.

I have an establishment to expand upon for further developed web development projects.

Database Management: I expected to acquire a comprehension of data set administration,

including making tables, embedding information, and querying databases.


I took in the fundamentals of database management and SQL.

I effectively made tables, embedded information, and retrieved data from databases.

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I have a strong starting point for future work in database driven applications.

Critical thinking Abilities: I expected to upgrade my critical thinking abilities, especially in

a web development.


I further developed my critical thinking skills by handling coding difficulties and

troubleshooting code.

I figured out how to examine issues, recognize main drivers, and develop effective solutions.

My internship experience was significant for leveling up these abilities.

Professional Conduct: I expected to find out about professional conduct, including

punctuality, communication, and teamwork.


I obtained information about professional etiquette and communication in the work


I took in the significance of reliability, collaboration, and viable correspondence.

I noticed and practiced professional conduct in a real-world setting

In general Appraisal:

My internship experience was effective in gathering a large portion of my goals and

assumptions. I acquired areas of strength for an in Java programming, web development, and

database management. I further developed my critical thinking abilities and found out about

proficient lead. While there is generally space for additional development and advancement, I

accept that the temporary job furnished me with significant information and practical

experience to expand upon in my future profession. It was a positive and useful move toward

accomplishing my objectives in the field of programming development.

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During my internship, I confronted a few real world difficulties that firmly reflected the

complexity of working in the web development field. For example, when entrusted with

developing a component in Java, I experienced a lofty expectation to learn and adapt as I

needed to get comfortable with the language quickly. Troubleshooting the code to pinpoint

and determine issues was a repetitive test, similar as this present reality situation where

distinguishing and tending to bugs in a creation framework is a basic part of an developer's


Moreover, I dealt with a venture that included making a web page. Adjusting different

undertakings and overseeing time effectively was another test that firmly reflected what

programming engineers frequently face while shuffling different task necessities and cutoff


Project scope the executives was a test too. Guaranteeing that the venture remained inside its

characterized scope, and staying away from tasks running amok, was fundamental to prevent

project delays

Generally speaking, these difficulties were not hypothetical yet rather intelligent of the

genuine encounters one experiences in the dynamic and always advancing programming

development industry. Each challenge furnished me with significant illustrations and

practical experiences that will without a doubt help me in my future profession.

Correlation between Experience and Classroom Knowledge

My internship experience had some correlation with my classroom information yet I likewise

experienced significant contrasts. While I did not had that much establishment in

programming and programming development from my classroom knowledge, the useful use

of Java programming, SQL database management, and web development was very not the

same as what I had concentrated on in the study hall. The complexities of genuine ventures

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

frequently exceed the worked on situations introduced in the study hall. I learned new ideas,

for example, servlets, database management, and web development, which were not covered

broadly in my coursework. This entry level position featured the hole between study hall

learning and practical application, underscoring the requirement for additional involved

encounters to really span that separation.

Personally I don’t think that this internship will reflect my future plans.

Chapter 4


Throughout my internship, I went through a thorough learning venture. In the underlying

week, I acquired knowledge into the tasks of the association, making way for my obligations.

My tasks included dominating Java programming basics and OOP concepts and improving

critical thinking abilities. The subsequent week was committed to OOP Programming in Java,

where I accepted ideas like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism, laying the

foundation for programming advancement. In week three, I wandered into data set ideas and

network utilizing MySQL, understanding SQL questions and their execution. Week four

rotated around web engineering, server establishments, and servlets, with an emphasis on

understanding how internet browsers speak with web servers. In the last week, I wandered

into making a powerful CV generator with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This temporary

position has fundamentally expanded my insight and down to earth abilities, overcoming any

barrier between hypothetical classroom learning and real world application.

Improvements in Organizations and IBIT

Overall I did not find anything wrong with the organization. But in IBIT we should focused

more into practical working in computer languages.

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Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

Internship Certificate

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Internship Joining Letter

Internship Report on PITB

Submitted By: Hajra Sohail

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