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Approved Individual Verifiers

Independent verifiers

EPDs must be independently verified before registration and publication.

There are two types of verifiers that may carry out this process:

Accredited Certification Bodies (see here)

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pp o ed d dua e e s.

Only Individual Verifiers currently listed on this page are approved by EPD International AB to carry out EPD
verification to The International EPD System.

Individual Verifiers work independently and without the direct involvement of the Secretariat in seeking out
assignments; the Secretariat is independent and not involved in this market transaction. I.e. manufacturer and
verifier arrange the process from contacting to signing of the contract for verification. The Secretariat
recommends manufacturers to contact 2-3 independent verifiers when requesting a quote for verification.

Individual Verifiers are free to offer their services in any country, except Australia and New Zealand where an
additional approval by EPD Australasia is needed.

When you want to get the contact details for our approved verifiers, please log-in to our EPD Portal. For
guidance, refer to our FAQ section: "How do I get in touch with a verifier?"

Go to EPD Portal

Approved Individual Verifiers

Name Company

Interested to register as an Individual Verifier at The

International EPD System?

We welcome LCA-experts to apply to become an individual verifier to The International

EPD System.

To get the details, please download and read the application form as well as the information on this page and in
our GPI (section 4.10 ff.) with care. Amongst others, here we inform about the requirements you will need to
meet and the procedure.

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When you feel that you meet the requirements and want to initiate the process, kindly send an email to the EPD
Secretariat responsible for Compliance and Quality Assurance. Please include the completed individual verifier
application form and any relevant documents as attachments.

Contact EPD Secretariat

General information (more details in our valid GPI)

The verifier shall be independent and have the following competencies.

Specific competences related to EPD and verification, including:

general knowledge of industry and product-related environmental matters,

good process and product knowledge, including relevant standards, within the product sector in which
the verifier intends to perform verifications,
in-depth knowledge and/or experience of LCA methodology, including ISO 14040/14044,
in-depth knowledge of the relevant standards in the field of environmental labelling and declarations,
including ISO 14020 and ISO 14025,
in-depth knowledge of the International EPD System, including the General Programme Instructions,
knowledge of ISO/TS 14071 LCA Critical Review Process and Reviewer Competencies, and ISO 19011
Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems,
knowledge in the overall regulatory framework in which the concept of EPDs has
been introduced,
experience in reviewing LCAs verification of EPDs, or the equivalent, and
sufficient proficiency in English to read and understand the General Programme Instructions, PCR, and
EPD and to document the verification in a verification report in English.

Specific competence requirements for individual verifiers

The requirements for the qualification of an individual verifier are:

at least five years of documented experience as a practitioner and/or reviewer in the field of LCA, carbon
footprint, or environmental footprint (according to ISO 14040/14044/14067, or similar), and
at least five documented critical reviews of LCA studies conducted maximum 5 years prior to the
application in line with the critical review requirements of ISO 14044:2006, verification of Type III
environmental declarations in other programmes, or the equivalent. This should include at least one LCA
study involving assessment of multiple environmental impacts.

If the independent verifier participates in a training course organized by the International EPD® System
(physical or online), requirements on performed reviews will be reduced to three. Participation in certification or
training programmes may be accounted for the requirement of documented experience.

Also, individual verifiers may build up verification experience by using the process described in section
Shadowing Program for LCA experts, who need critical review/verification experience, which may be taken into
account for the overall assessment. This process does not replace the specific competence requirements as
described above.

Other than these requirements, general auditor skills and regular auditing or certification experience is an
advantage but not a mandatory requirement 3/7
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advantage, but not a mandatory requirement.

In addition to the competence requirements to become an approved individual verifier, the verifier shall in each
assignment ensure that they have knowledge and experience of the types of products, the industry, and the
relevant standards of the product covered by the EPD and its geographical scope before taking on a verification

EPD International

The International EPD® System is a global programme for Environmental Declarations. Environmental
Product Declarations (EPD) present transparent, verified and comparable information about the life-cycle
environmental impact of products and services.

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