Assignment ERP

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Assignment Title: Modernizing Operations - Implementing an ERP System for

TechGear Inc.

Scenario: TechGear Inc., a leading technology manufacturing company, is facing

challenges in managing its operations efficiently. The company currently relies on
disparate systems for various functions, leading to data silos, communication gaps, and
inefficiencies. To overcome these challenges, TechGear Inc. has decided to implement an
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Assignment Objectives: Your task is to lead the ERP implementation project for
TechGear Inc. The goal is to streamline business processes, enhance collaboration, and
improve overall operational efficiency. Students are expected to analyze the current
state, design an ERP solution, and present a plan for implementation.

Assignment Tasks:

1. Current State Analysis (20%)

 Conduct a thorough analysis of TechGear Inc.'s current business processes.
 Identify pain points, challenges, and areas that need improvement.
 Present findings in a concise report.
2. ERP Solution Design (30%)
 Propose a comprehensive ERP solution to address the identified issues.
 Define modules and functionalities required, considering finance, supply
chain, manufacturing, and customer relations.
 Outline integration points between different modules.
3. Technology Recommendations (15%)
 Recommend a suitable technology stack for the ERP system.
 Justify your choices based on scalability, compatibility, and industry best
4. Data Migration Plan (15%)
 Devise a plan for migrating data from existing systems to the new ERP
 Address potential challenges and propose solutions.
5. User Training and Change Management (10%)
 Develop a plan for user training and change management.
 Identify strategies to ensure a smooth transition for employees.
6. Implementation Roadmap (10%)
 Create a detailed timeline for the ERP implementation.
 Break down tasks, milestones, and key deliverables.
Submission: Submit a comprehensive report that includes all the components
mentioned above. Additionally, prepare a brief presentation outlining key aspects of
your proposal.

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