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Ch4: More on CSS

Expand the following:

1. HTML – Hypertext Markup Language

2. CSS – Cascading Style Sheet
Fill in the blanks:
1. ___________ property is used to define how to break lines.
2. To use inline CSS, we must use the _______ attribute.
3. To use internal CSS, we must use _________ tag.
4. The ________ value of text-transform property capitalize the first letter of each word in a
5. When we apply multiple shadows to the text, it should be separated by a ___________
6. If a style is applied to a particular HTML element, then the style is called ________.
7. __________ property is used to increase or decrease the space between the lines of the text in
a web page.
8. __________ property used to create space around the elements.
9. ___________ property allows us to align the text according to the margin of the page.
10. ________ property used to set the thickness of the borderline.
Answer the following:
1. List the various text properties.
2. Name the property used to specify the indentation of the first line of the text.
3. Name the different values you can provide with text transform property.
4. What are the values of text-color property?
5. List font properties
6. What are the different values of font-style property?
7. List the four units of font-size property.
8. List margin properties.
9. Write the values of margin property.
10. What is the use of font shorthand method? Write its syntax.
11. Name the property where we can use negative values.
12. List the border properties.
13. Write the syntax of border shorthand method.
14. Rahul is working with css style sheets using the following properties:
• Heading 2 must be underlined, center aligned, with margin -top as 20px
• Paragraph must have:
- Use border shorthand method with border style as dashed, border color as red, border width as
- Font family as verdana, font size as 20px
15. Spot the errors:
<Body> {background=colour; blue,}

p[color-white;text.align= center;}



<p> Welcome to CSS. </p>




1. Word break
2. Style attribute
3. Style tag
4. Text-transform
5. Comma
6. Inline style
7. Line-height
8. Margin
9. Text-align
10. Border-width
Ch5: Lists and Tables in Html

Expand the following:

1. HTML – Hypertext Markup Language

2. DL – Definition list
3. DD – Definition Description
4. DT – Definition term
5. TH – Table Heading
6. TR – Table Row
7. TD – Table Data

Fill in the blanks:

1. ______ makes your webpage more readable and attractive.

2. ________ is a numbered list.
3. ________ is a bulleted list.
4. Each list item starts with the _____ tag.
5. ______ property specifies the type of list item marker in an ordered or unordered list.
6. The default value for an ordered list is ____.
7. The default value for an unordered list is ___.
8. A list created within a list is known as _____.
9. ______ are mostly used for displaying definition terms and their definition descriptions.
10. _____ property specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent cells.
11. Values of border spacing is in _____
12. ____ property used to set the space between the border and the content in a cell.
13. _____ property used to align the text horizontally in a table.
14. ______ property used to align the text vertically in a table.
15. Tables are created with ____ tag.
16. ___ and ____ are the tags of definition list.

Answer the following:

1. Write the list properties.

2. Write the table properties.
3. Define nested list.
4. Define definition list with example.
5. Write the syntax of definition list.
6. Name the tags involved in creating a table.
7. Differentiate between ordered and unordered list.

1. List
2. Ordered list
3. Unordered list
4. <li> tag
5. List-style-type
6. Decimal
7. Disc
8. Nested list
9. Definition list
10. Border-spacing
11. px or cm
12. Padding
13. Text-align
14. Vertical-align
15. <table>
16. <DT> and <DD>

Ch 6: Function and Array in Python

Fill in the blanks:

1. ________ is a block of code that only runs when it is called.

2. Function that are already defined in python are called _______.
3. Functions that are created by a programmer to reduce duplicity of the code are called
4. Keyword to declare the function is ______.
5. A ________ is a variable listed inside the parenthesis in the function definition.
6. A _________ is the value that is sent to the function when it is called.
7. A function inside a function is called ________.
8. _________ is a collection of items stored at contiguous locations.
9. Which of the following is a built-in function?
a) len() b) print() c) both a and b
10. At the end of each function, we put the ________
11. A return statement with no value will return an object ______.
12. To call a function, use the function name followed by __________.
13. An array should have _______ type of data values.
14. The index of array starts with_______.
15. In order to access array items, refer to the ________.
16. A function used to add elements to the array is ________.
17. A function used to add the value mentioned in its arguments at the end of the array is
18. An operator to access an item in the array is _______.
19. Array in python is created by importing ______.
20. Arguments are separated with _______.
Answer in short:
1. Define function.
2. Define array.
3. List the types of functions.
4. Write the functions for adding elements to an array.
5. Define nested function.
6. Write the syntax for defining a function.

1. Function
2. Built-in function
3. User-defined function
4. Def
5. Parameter
6. Arguments
7. Nested function
8. Array
9. Both a and b
10. Colon (:)
11. None
12. Parenthesis
13. Same
14. 0
15. Index number
16. Insert() function
17. Append() function
18. Index operator[]
19. Array module

Ch8: App Development

Expand the following:

1. iOS - iPhone Operating System

2. CPU – Central Processing Unit
3. ADK – Android Development Kit
4. SDK – Software Development Kit
Fill in the blanks:

1. App is the short form of ________.

2. ________ is an essential skill needed to build an app.
3. You can download apps from ______ on an iphone.
4. You can download apps on android phones by using _______.
5. Google duo app is used for ______.
6. Apps are developed to work on different ______.
7. _________ are developed to be used on a particular platform or a device.
8. ________ are developed to run within the browser of the device.
9. _______ are partly native and partly web apps.
10. _______ are developed for computers and laptops.
11. Development cost of native app is _____.
12. Development cost of web app is _____.
13. ________ is the modern way of communication as it allows us to interact with from
across the globe.
14. _______ is an example for social networking site.
15. ______ apps help us to shop online.
16. _______ is an example for entertainment apps.
17. ______ apps allows users to do online transactions.
18. _________ apps allows users to buy and sell things online.
19. _______ provide an interactive and interesting learning environment.
20. ______ are applications that run smaller devices such as smartphone or tablet.

Answer the following:

1. Write the advantage and disadvantage of Native apps.

2. Write the advantage and disadvantage of Web apps.
3. Differentiate between native, web and hybrid apps.
4. Distinguish between desktop and mobile app.
5. What are the requirements for downloading an app.


1. Application
2. Coding
3. Appstore
4. Google playstore
5. Making video/ voice calls.
6. Operating system
7. Native apps
8. Web apps
9. Hybrid app
10. Desktop app
11. High
12. Low
13. Social media
14. Reddit
15. E- commerce
16. Netflix
17. Finance
18. E-commerce
19. Educational apps
20. Mobile apps

Ch 9: Latest developments in Technology

Expand the following:

1. VR – Virtual Reality
2. AR – Augmented Reality
3. IoT – Internet Of Things
4. GPS – Global Positioning System
5. 5D – 5 Dimensional
6. 5G – 5th Generation
7. SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Fill in the blanks:

1. ______ is one of the leading online educational websites.

2. Visualizing is the best way to ____.
3. _______ can detect and warn about natural calamities.
4. Location at your doorstep can be experienced through _______.
5. ________ has helped people learn across the world.
6. Special VR devices like ______ and _______ is required for virtual reality.
7. Examples of Internet of things are __________..
8. ________ improves the quality of learning and understanding concepts
9. ____ saves time and helps people to know about their location.
10. _______ is the mode of communication with the customers to satisfy their needs.
11. _____ is known for its high speed.
12. Which service is used more with 5G technology? _____.

Answer the following:

1. Write the benefits of online education.
2. How does Virtual Reality are useful in education?
3. Explain the advantages of 5G technology.
4. What are the application of 5D printing.
5. Differentiate between virtual reality and augmented reality.
6. Define digital marketing. List any four components of digital marketing.

1. Creative kids Digital Home Tutor is one of the leading online educational websites.
2. Visualizing is the best way to learn
3. High speed sensors can detect and warn about natural calamities.
4. Location at your doorstep can be experienced through Augmented Reality.
5. Online education has helped people learn across the world.
6. Special VR devices like Google cardboard and Lenova Oculus is required for virtual
7. Examples of Internet of things are Siri, Google Nest, Alexa..
8. Virtual Reality improves the quality of learning and understanding concepts
9. GPS saves time and helps people to know about their location.

10. Digital marketing is the mode of communication with the customers to satisfy their needs.

11. 5G technology is known for its high speed.

12. Which service is used more with 5G technology? GPS

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