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Armin Qasimi

English 0126
January 30, 2024

Nature’s Silent Masterpiece: The Bottomless Canyon

Along the highway of Kabul-Nangarhar, a canyon stretches its mesmerizing yet frightful

expanse to unknowns. It is called “Mahepar Canyon “and has the reputation of “Death Abyss."

Off the top of the canyon, when you lay your eye on it, you wonder how this bottomless cliff

came into existence in the first place. You suppose just a misstep can lead to a person’s definite

death. You cannot dare to give it a watch from the edge. The sides, which the gorge is made

up of, resemble a 90-degree angle. As you continue observing the surroundings, something

incredible draws your attention. It is not only the end of the highway, but it is the most

worthwhile part. You can witness an intricate road that is stretched in a helix manner along the

canyon. The road is surrounded on one side by almost perpendicular cliffs and on the other by

relatively short obstacles, which, in turn, allows you to enjoy the ambient even more. But the

most frightening part is in the turns. Each time you pass one, you think you are about to fall.

Without a doubt, it is one of those indescribable feelings when you enter tunnels along the way.

Somehow, a mixture of excitement and dread ignites within you and makes that sense. Of

course, it is horrifying, but we cannot disregard its beauty. At the bottom, there are many small

waterfalls, but the tallest one is splendid; you can hear the echoing sound of crashing water and

the birds and grassland around it. From top to bottom, from left to right, they are all

indescribably beautiful, and you can explicitly witness a testament to nature’s unparalleled


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