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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019) 546–551

2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing

2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing
(SMPM 2019)
(SMPM 2019)
Industrial Energy Conservation Initiative and Prospect for
Industrial Energy Conservation Initiative and Prospect for
Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Manufacturing
Onu Petera*, and Charles Mbohwaa
Onu Petera*, and Charles Mbohwaa
Department of Quality and Operations Management, University of Johannesburg,
a P.O.Box
Department of Quality 524, Johannesburg,
and Operations South
Management, Africa of Johannesburg,
P.O.Box 524, Johannesburg, South Africa

Industrial production as we know it is rapidly changing. Over the years, various technological advances have led to break-
through and
Industrial brought about
production as wenew knowinventions and development
it is rapidly changing. Over of sophisticated equipment,
the years, various the resultadvances
technological of which have
is dueledto to
research and
through and brought
about newThe revolution
inventions and evolution
developmentof products, processes,
of sophisticated and resources,
equipment, andofsustainable
the result requirement
which is due to intensiveto
mitigate climatic
research anomaly beams
and development. on the industrial
The revolution sector for
and evolution change. Worldwide
of products, processes, postulation of the
and resources, andincreasing population
sustainable requirement figure
beyond 8climatic
mitigate billion in a few beams
anomaly decadesonwill the lead to higher
industrial demand
sector for finished
for change. Worldwidegoods. Thus, pressure
postulation of the manufacturing companies
increasing population to
become 8more
beyond energy
billion in a intensive.
few decades Consequently,
will lead to task
demand to forreduce/eliminate production
finished goods. Thus, of non-environmentally
pressure manufacturing companies friendly
become Global call for
energy innovation
intensive. in technological
Consequently, development
task companies and strategies to production
to reduce/eliminate deliver futureof products and services friendly
non-environmentally offered
by companies
pollutant. nowcall
Global lookfortoinnovation
explore sustainability concepts
in technological within the
development andscope of conservative
strategies to deliver practices, and efficient
future products and effective
and services offered
by companies now The look
manufacturing sector must identify
to explore sustainability concepts ways
scope optimal utilization
of conservative of materials
practices, and improve
and efficient their
and effective
performances.processes through sustainable
The manufacturing sectormeans. This research
must identify ways paper is an exploratory
to ensure study which
optimal utilization evaluatesand
of materials explicitly,
improve thetheir
of energy conservation
operational strategies;
processes through alternative
sustainable durable
means. materials,paper
This research wasteis recovery, resilient
an exploratory studydesigns
which and integration
evaluates of emerging
explicitly, the role
technologies, in the manufacturing
of energy conservation sector to durable
strategies; alternative drive sustainability.
materials, waste Therecovery,
authors resilient
consider designs
the interplay of Energy
and integration of Trilemma
technologies, within
in themanufacturing
manufacturingoperationssector toand industry
drive techniquesThe
sustainability. for energy
considerclimate change abatement,
the interplay of Energyand overall
requirementsdevelopment. It is likelyoperations
within manufacturing that the manufacturing industry of
and industry techniques forthe future
energy will become
savings, climateautonomous, fully embrace
change abatement, the
and overall
green initiative
sustainable practices and
development. It isoptimize resources
likely that utilization while
the manufacturing consuming
industry of the less energy.
future will become autonomous, fully embrace the
green initiative practices and optimize resources utilization while consuming less energy.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019
2019 The
The Authors.
© Published
Published by
under responsibility
Authors. of Elsevier
by B.V.
the organizing
Elsevier B.V. committee of SMPM 2019.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMPM 2019.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMPM 2019.
Keywords: Energy; Industry; Manufacturing; Sustainability
Keywords: Energy; Industry; Manufacturing; Sustainability

Corresponding author. Tel.: +27638988294
* E-mail address:author.
Tel.: +27638988294
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2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
2351-9789 2019responsibility
The Authors. of the organizing
Published committee
by Elsevier B.V. of SMPM 2019.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMPM 2019.

2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMPM 2019.
Onu Peter et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019) 546–551 547
2 Onu Peter and Charles Mbohwa/ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

Technological innovativeness and socio-societal development will become the scoring issues for assessing
sustainable growth in the future. Sophisticated electronic components, transport systems, communications, and
energy technologies advancement so far, lay precedence to the actualization of a robust techno-economic framework
of operation in all things, and in the years to come. Research has identified that adequate energy management will
result in improved sustainable social, economic and environmental performance [1]–[3]. Medium and sizeable
industrial production and services delivery will transition to adopt robotic mechanism and autonomous systems for
manufacturing operations to meet the fast transforming trend of the future envisaged for efficient and effective
output in all facet of the industrial processes. Furthermore, the rapid transformation in the information technology
sector, tantamount to bridging the gap between challenges in data management, to execute complex technology and
its’ actualization is fast trending. As such, and in light of the energy conservation and climatic degradation control,
and in conformity with the sustainable development objectives; energy production and consumption which plays a
pivotal role in socioeconomic transformation has become a detrimental management concern [4].

The basis for energy conservation cannot be overstressed. Human desire towards the realization of modern
technology and the means through which the goals are achieved is contingent on how much effort is put while
considering the processes and methods being used. As much, while the technological evolution continues, energy
management and environmental security must be carefully examined. Otherwise, our current creations may
contribute to the future horror that threatens our existence (anthropogenic climatic situation). Hence, have led to the
birth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), attracted intergovernmental collaborations, and prospecting the
support of the seventeen agenda’s of the SDG [5]. Some researcher has already adopted the simplified definition of
sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs” [6], [7]. This research article offers clear insight into the
current technicalities and strategies which supports energy consumption proliferation in manufacturing as it impacts
on economic, social and ecological development from a philosophical stand-point. The authors argue concerning the
improvements in strategy concerning the nature and types of services, and products to conserve energy, with
inferences to energy usage during industrial manufacturing processes.

2. Sustainability from the Perspective of Manufacturing.

According to the United State Department for Commerce defines sustainable manufacturing “The creation of
manufactured products that use processes that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and
natural resources, which are safe for employees, communities, and consumers and are economically sound” [8].
Manufacturing, from the viewpoint of raw materials conversion and product development, has become of significant
concern due to the sectoral share of energy consumption and socio-environmental implication. The concept of
sustainability in manufacturing now explores optimal protocols to efficiently utilize resources through competitive
traditional and emerging techniques, while ensuring that the processes involved are environmentally nonharmful.
Different areas in manufacturing have been accessed to resolve energy consumption with regards to products,
process, and systems performance to actualize sustainability [9]. According to the ref, [10], had investigated the
possibility of integrating sustainability concepts with manufacturing, and specifically regarding the option of design.
Various work concerning energy management through different stages of manufacturing operation processes have
found groundbreaking resolve about the most effective routine and strategy to reduce energy consumption [11].
Schlosser et al., (2011) highlight viable challenges which involved sustainable development and technological
transfer [5], they captured developmental capabilities and the relational acceptance of technological systems which
affects decision makers to embrace low emission initiatives and technologies. The major challenge concerning the
assessment of the progress of the sustainability and the standard for measuring them still requires more insights by
researchers [12]. Other literature capture the concept of resilience from a holistic view of urban settlement to drive
sustainable development as a means of promoting technology and cementing the path for innovation in
manufacturing to thrive [13]. The big picture is towards a collective and collaborative response to mitigate climatic
disruption [14].
548 Onu Peter et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019) 546–551
Onu Peter and Charles Mbohwa/ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 3

3. Industrial Sustainability and Energy Conservation Strategy.

Accordingly [15], energy strategies for the future can be scored as being successful when it meets security,
equitability and sustainability goals with regards to saving the globe in the face of rapidly changing climatic
conditions. Thus, the push for sustainable energy becomes imperative. Although, various literature consider the
likelihood of achieving the three-dimensionally set goals to be dependent on the capability and capacity of the
interested parties involved and also based on policies which are in place to support the actualization of the
sustainable development goals [16], [17]. The newly evolving global requirement which calls for nascent sustainable
manufacturing initiatives, considering the rising pollution indices and the need to ensure cleaner production
initiatives for habitability through the establishment of closed-loop production, can be viewed within the context of

Advances in technologies from the perspective of power generation; renewable energy exploitation and
alternative energy technology development are on the rise to meet industrial energy demand. The search for high
capacity storage systems, sustainable material selection, and resilient product designs to consume less energy, and
invariably result in the reduction of harmful gaseous emission from the point of origin of the power generation.
Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment initiative, and collaborations on eco-innovation is
tantamount to ensure sustainable manufacturing [18]. Manufacturing firms “have the potential to become a driving
force for realizing a sustainable society by introducing efficient production practices and developing products and
services that help reduce negative impacts.

The experiences from different series of events which started from the pre-industrial, “agricultural age,” had
unveiled the first, second and what we experience today, the third industrial revolution: enabled humans to better
understand energy exploitation and the necessity for conservation through clean initiatives and green consideration
with regards to generation, transmission, and distribution of energy. Thus, nurture efficiency and systems
optimization, and processes, and not disregarding technological advances with robust storage potential for
sustainable energy management. It is ideal for re-evaluating energy concerns and preparing for tackling unfavorable
atmospheric temperature rise through sustainable energy systems and green engineering intuition (zero emission).
New technological integration with assembly lines, enabled by information technology (IT) will guarantee the future
of manufacturing sector excellence as per energy savings through monitoring assessment and reporting of energy
situations. Hence, influence the necessary decision on possible solutions to the excessive CO 2 release from

3.1. Energy Maximization Processes in Manufacturing

(a) Thermal Processes

The thermal heat processes in steel, mining, pulp and paper, and cement (construction) industries etcetera, have
in the past years consumed a significant amount of energy, which has led to the increased effects of carbon emission
due to the burning involved, and continues to do so. There is a great need to explore new dimensions with regards to
safe and durable material development for heat energy conservation and conversion [19]–[21], to replace the
predominant and conventional style of burning (woods, and fossils as fuels), and to reduce the production cost of
using electricity [22].

(b) Materials and Waste Processes

High-performance thermo-electric thermo-galvanic and thermochromic materials for waste heat re-utilization and
energy maximization have attracted research and innovation especially for industrial applications and continue to
record tremendous results with regards to effective conservation of electricity. Other perspectives of manufacturing,
concerning final product configuration with the potential to save energy, is essential during designs, using novel
materials. The onus must be to strategies for zero waste creation to eliminate energy and financial losses, especially
in designs. Adequate materials selection and the actual accession of the design configuration of parts, or production
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process concerning manufacturing specifications will drastically reduce wastes in the general industrial sector (lean
operations) discussed in section 3.2 illustrated as Fig. 2. Biofuels development from ethanol producing crops will
save value on the all-year-round disposal of wastes, and also, the pressure on the management of the land spaces.
Hence, bioengineering and quantum leap discoveries in biofuels production are pivotal to sustain manufacturing
duly, as nascent energy-intensive bio-based crops replace fossils fuels used on land, sea and air transports.

(c) Energy Systems and Efficient Processes

Process efficiency and energy systems performance optimization is expected to increase operational frequency,
e.g., in furnaces, boilers, compressor equipment, motors, and drives mechanisms. For energy management
consideration, apart from systems operational losses, the total available energy consumed by a system must not
surpass that which is necessary for manufacturing (Net energy demand). A more effective and efficient system will
operate, using even lesser energy, as well as the count of emission that would have occurred during the operation.
This analogy is described in Fig. 1. Also, as the production, operational and maintenance costs, decline for
renewable energy exploration, noticeable from the global market score-card, and learning curve which now ascribes
the cost to be below 0.10 US$ kWh-1 (Solar source) as per developed North-American, and Asian countries. Further
on efficient processes, the need to replace obsolete systems (chillers, boilers, generators, etc.), to ensure a reduction
in energy consumption will necessitate compliances to newly developed standards, as per energy management (ISO
5000 - series) on resources and equipment selections/criteria, and operational performance requirements.

Fig.1. Comparison of the net energy demand of systems for optimal productivity

3.2. Energy Conservation and Carbon dioxide Reduction through Resilient Approach

Whereas carbon capture techniques and technological innovations compactable with existing factory layout are
gaining scientific research and attention, the initiative which targets the multi-million dollar corporations and
renowned energy-intensive industries must also be scaled down to small workshops, mini-factories, and power
plants. Chemical looping procedures and retrofitting of high carbon dioxide emission based plants is essential for
carbon capturing technique among other advanced technological approaches (biofixation). Development of battery
storage technologies continues to witness consistent improvement for industrial energy management plans, where
grid electric power system are considered for industrial application. Modern-day safety precautions and
development in operational strategies for nuclear and hydel power resources make them the most promising for
future electricity generation [23], [24] to mitigate climatic degradation, especially, as in the case of a third
generation nuclear power systems. The energy systems mentioned above are free of carbon emission and the most
efficient to meet the significant power demands by the growing size of manufacturing industries. However, while
the different hydel option is considered and developed, as well as being deployed to different oceans of the world
(which meet specific criteria), the technicality of the cost of installation, maintenance and decommissioning, and the
licensing bureaucracy yet frustrates nuclear technology. Nevertheless, manageable sizes of safe atomic power-
systems design within 50 to 300 MW capacity are feasible and installable for industrial utilization (prone to lesser
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Fig. 2. A conceptual framework for Sustainable Manufacturing, showing: the Interplay between Energy Trilemma and Sustainability Strategies

3.3. Advanced Technological adoption and Information Technology Integration

The questions which beacon about innovation and technological transformation in the world we live in today:
how vital is new? The tough decisions of choosing between contemporary risks associated energy-intensive systems,
with cost, social acceptability, and being responsible for the uncertainty which may arise from the adverse effects of
the new development in technology is a challenge. Progress in additive manufacturing has shown proven potential to
handle a wide variety of material resources and capacity to improve product development timeously, thus, is an
essential technological option to transform the manufacturing industry through conservative designs and adequate
material utilization while using optimal energy. Hence, making it an environmentally cost-effective process and a
sustainable energy option for future manufacturing.

4. Challenges and Prospects for Sustainable Energy Actualization.

Manufacturing operations will spring up without having any adverse effect on the environment, or pressure of
energy demand. Technological development concerning efficient energy storage will become cost-effective and
invariably stimulate investment. The manufacturing sector must prepare amidst changing global policies on energy
management and carbon emission controls to transform their electricity portfolio. As such, lead to industrial energy
conservation, which will drastically reduce electricity consumption and simultaneously cause the decline of carbon
emission. Factory plant workers must also become agents and voluntarily champion energy conservation through
sustainable industrial practices, deemed successful premise adequate training and obligement to energy regulations
and standards. The cost and benefit of energy conservation awareness practice among industrial workers as it
translates to social, economic appraisal will encourage expedient commitments and action towards energy savings.
Tax waver allotment to manufacturing industries and energy efficient ambassadors to access business funding,
and those who comply with sustainable development standards can also boost investor interest, and productivity in
manufacturing through the deployment of advanced technological concepts to remotely monitor efficiency
performance and report exigency in case of off-limits operations.
Regardless, the gradual and consistent effort of integrating sustainability, and promote different conservative
mechanisms which focus on manufacturing is quintessential for sustainable energy and the success of
manufacturing. The authors arrive at the accession; in other to ensure that the current achievement on energy
efficiency is sustained, more efforts are needed to maintain already existing activities or improve upon it to meet
future expectation. For example, diligent practice to adhere with environmental management assessment standards
(ISO 14001) combined with performance reporting, and accountability assessment standards (EMAS - Eco-
Management and Audit Scheme, and AA1000 standard, respectively) across manufacturing and process industries,
and during production processes as a measure of sustainable approach to sanction efficient energy utilization which
conversely affects social, economic and environmental performance must become top priority.
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5. Conclusion.

Although, most of the concepts captured in this paper as routes to achieve sustainable energy in industries are still
under consideration and required to be commercially scaled. Also, while there is no guarantee that the entirety of the
challenges of carbon emission may be wholly combatted, over the ill-effect already registered, still, there are
assurances from records concerning the success rates of research and development on the subject matter. Energy
maximization will significantly tackle, via the step-by-step implementations of the sustainable measures, which at
all levels in the industrial manufacturing process can control energy drop and carbon emission. Hence, from the
philosophical overview of cutting-edge approaches and opportunities for new scientific thinking to address energy
challenges to improve social living, and with respect to economic and environmental gains, the contributions and
initiatives from the industrial manufacturing sectors to enhance their energy sustainability activity (Energy
Efficiency and Clean Energy) is paramount. Hence, this study is a contribution to the wealth of knowledge
concerning the technicality, and at the same time the imperative need to integrate sustainability strategies into
manufacturing to manage energy and transform social, economic and environmental dimensions of humanity. We
recommend tangible resolve on the assessment of economic and environmental performance through energy
accounting in industries to ascertain the level of implementation, consequential to the energy trilemma achievement.
Hence, the need for enlightenment; managers and decision-makers to become aware of the cause and effect of
energy conservation and innovative initiatives to lead sustainable energy in future manufacturing.

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