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Tool Setting

Date Shift Article Number Customer Name Machine/Equipment

Time (min)

9/28/2023 General 1123142 Abbott Haas 20

9/29/2023 General 1123143 acculife Mazak

ChipsCleaning Time
Part Start Time Part End Time
Programming Changeover Time Unplanned Good Total Rejected
No Power Downtime
Time (min) (min) Downtime (min) Count Qty

10 10 20 20 5 1
45 10 10 5

25.00% TEXT(P2 - O2 - (J2 + K2)/(24*60), "hh:mm")

IF(ISNUMBER(L2), TEXT((L2 / (L2 + M2)), "0.00%"), "")

D2: Batch Start Time (Cell containing the start time of the batch in hh:mm format).
E2: Batch End Time (Cell containing the end time of the batch in hh:mm format).
H2: Planned Downtime (Cell containing the planned downtime in minutes).
P2: Target Qty (Cell containing the target quantity).
Q2: Cycle Time (Cell containing the cycle time in minutes).
G2: Good Count (Cell containing the count of good parts).
F2: Total Rejected Qty (Cell containing the total rejected quantity).
S2: Availability % (The cell where you calculated Availability %).
U2: Performance % (The cell where you calculated Performance %).
V2: Quality % (The cell where you calculated Quality %).
G2 represents the cell containing the count of good parts.
F2 represents the cell containing the total rejected quantity.

Please replace these references in the

Cycle Time Machinig Angement
Target Qty Part Start Time Part End Time MTBF MTTR
(min) %

6 9:00 11:30 150 73%

5 14:30 16:15 105 48%


ase replace these references in the formulas with the corresponding cell references in your Excel sheet. These formulas use basic Excel fun
Plan production
UPPH UPH Rejection % production Plan Achieve %


Actuall productio Plan production time

D2 represents the Shift Duration.

E2 represents the Actual Production Time
F2 represents the Tool Setting Time (min)
G2 represents the Programming Time (mi
H2 represents the Changeover Time (min)
I2 represents the No Power (min).
J2 represents the Planned Downtime (min

formulas use basic Excel functions and should work correctly once you have the appropriate data in these cells.
Availability % Performance % Quality % OEE % Shift duration

86.67% 25.00% 83.33% 18% 2:30

57.14% 21.00% 66.67% 8% 1:45


esents the Shift Duration.

esents the Actual Production Time.
esents the Tool Setting Time (min).
esents the Programming Time (min).
esents the Changeover Time (min).
esents the No Power (min).
esents the Planned Downtime (min).

in these cells.
Actual Production Time


TE(D2),0))*24*60-H2)/((TIME(HOUR(E2),MINUTE(E2),0)-TIME(HOUR(D2),MINUTE(D2),0))*24*60)*100, "")
Tool Setting
Date Shift Article Number Customer Name Machine/Equipment
Time (min)

9/28/2023 General 1123142 Abbott Haas 20

9/29/2023 General 1123143 acculife Mazak
Programming Changeover Time Unplanned Good Total Rejected
No Power Downtime
Time (min) (min) Downtime (min) Count Qty

10 10 40 1 5 1
45 10 10 5

IF(ISNUMBER(L2), TEXT((L2 / (L2 + M2)), "0.00%"), "")

D2: Batch Start Time (Cell containing the start time of the batch in hh:mm format).
E2: Batch End Time (Cell containing the end time of the batch in hh:mm format).
H2: Planned Downtime (Cell containing the planned downtime in minutes).
P2: Target Qty (Cell containing the target quantity).
Q2: Cycle Time (Cell containing the cycle time in minutes).
G2: Good Count (Cell containing the count of good parts).
F2: Total Rejected Qty (Cell containing the total rejected quantity).
S2: Availability % (The cell where you calculated Availability %).
U2: Performance % (The cell where you calculated Performance %).
V2: Quality % (The cell where you calculated Quality %).
G2 represents the cell containing the count of good parts.
F2 represents the cell containing the total rejected quantity.

Please replace these references in the

Part Start Cycle Time Machinig Angement
Target Qty Part End Time MTBF MTTR UPPH
Time (min) %

6 9:00 11:30 150 7267%

5 14:30 16:15 105 4762%

ase replace these references in the formulas with the corresponding cell references in your Excel sheet. These formulas use basic Excel fun
Plan production
UPH Rejection % production Plan Achieve % Availability %

17% 73.33%
33% 57.14%

Actuall productio Plan production time


hese formulas use basic Excel functions and should work correctly once you have the appropriate data in these cells.
Performance % Quality % OEE % S

25.00% 83.33% 15%

21.00% 66.67% 8%

UR(E2),MINUTE(E2),0)-TIME(HOUR(D2),MINUTE(D2),0))*24*60)*100, "")
20 1 5 1 6 9:00 11:30
Availability % - all -
Performance % - all -
Actual production- all -
Plan Achieve % - all -



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