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I TARI.E'TOP CONFLICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 I < A N L ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BUILDING; T1-E MOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 HI'TJISG THE TARGF I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
DARCWLZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 H l t M Q U I F I F R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
NEWfLriYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. . R, \ N G E MOI)IFlERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15. .
CCXTK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS
.. .

I T1-1E G O R W M O R U BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
TllEBOVKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
.. YC .I.,
..,L.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMALI. & LARGE 'r;\RGfTS . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . 16
7~ Tt7 HIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... . . . . . . . . . . . .lh
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I /
T H E DUILDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... h I'INNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS ..

I COUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h.
l'E4IPLATI;S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . .7
IYJURIES ...........................
FLFSH U'OUIVT) .......................
DICF 7 i33M'N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I MIHA'i ELSE YOU NEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 OLT OF ACTIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MA MWbL PIYKED MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20. . .

I -......CTEIZISTIC5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
SHC)C3TlYC V.F.\UD.TI? I . l \ D COM RAT . . . 20
. ..-.......... SHOCrl'lNG A WARKIOR It'I-IO IS IY7\\''4 . . . . . . . 10
PKCIbI L t b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C:l I AKA< I u<15i I -8

SPECl,$L WEAI'C)NS RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

A M M O KOI.1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
hfOVEM IIXT O N F W T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
\-IOirING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Io
. HRND-TO-I4AhI CLIMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
I<UNSIYC; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 0 WHO CAN FIG1-I-I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
CHARGE' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 PRCX'EDURF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2;. .
z\TT.4 CK nil:E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2h
TERRAlM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . -11 FICHTIYC; WITH nu0 WEA~YWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.
CV'FhI GROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 11 DETERMINE 1.VINNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?b
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. .
DIFFICUI. T GRQLlN13 CC~Llllc\TSCOI<E\.f.IODI FI ERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?h
VERY DIFFICU1;T GROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 NUMBER <>I: STRIKFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
IMPASSABLE GROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1 l'r'OUNlX. AR'VIOUR AND IUlURlFS . . . . . . . . . . . .17 .
\V:%LiS ANT) B.ARRIERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 WEAPUY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
STRIKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . ... .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . 12
.- .....-. .- ..--.- .-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS
:\KMUUII hlWU1l-lk. t i >
TARGETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 THE R I , I K K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . 28
WHOCAN Sl4CQT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
. FIJMfI1.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . , . . . . . . , , , . . . , . 26
VEFIICLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30 M:E/\PO'\IZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?2
KNOI\.. \\'CITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- n- ;

VEHICLE MOVFMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1

CASIZNGNFS . . . . . . . . . . ?I HrZSD-TO-MAN I3 WE,4 PONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
TURNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 C'79.AIlI; ;IN13 FLA1I .S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ... . .- 5 3
SLOW SPEEDM.~UOEUVRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 'UGE CI rOrI\\ C><I c‘I.L.!~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,

TI-II<LIVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..?2.
THRLISTER RLISTEX 7AiZI.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
TURNING WITH THRUSTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
U V V E R S n r F F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
BIKES ANDTRAKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1
VFHICLES AKD TERMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
C;RTTNGC)NAhDOFT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '77
VEHICLES WITHOUT I\ DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
TAKING AND RACING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74.

RAM! RAM! RAM! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

RAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J5
RAKES AND SIDl3WIPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
CO1-1-ISIOYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3 6
CRASHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. . . . . . . . . .>q

VEHICLFS SHQOTlNG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -111

VEHICI.ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1

BOARDING ACTTONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
STATIONARY VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J-l
51. AVERZ' STUFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$.<

DA CLEUUER STUFF NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5% ....

HIDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4h
BOLAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50. .
I EXPLODING M A T ' O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
STTKKROMBZ WILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-I7 ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
EYCHOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 SIIIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.. cr. . .
FEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 STUDDED ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?e
TERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4~ FLAK A RMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .grr.
I STUPIDITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 'EAlfY ARVOUR .............................. W
HATRED ...................................... 49
FRENZY ...................................... .5
OVERWATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 UUUER STUFF
HTT LOCPiT16)N TARI. CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
BUGGY VlT LOCA'TION TAFLCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2
BIKE l-ll'r LOCn7'1ON W ELI"; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h4
1 . . .
INTRODUCTION 7 * + j i p

'Tnjs it; :I <tory of the s ~ l v a g en l i ~ nrace of Orkq and of a The. rnodcl:. in the game ltsclf p r o v j d ~vorl tvitli nn idcal
dkastcr-htrickcn world that Ilc* in the abal~cfoiied st~irt,Put you'll won iv2.ant to rccruit II(*IV w ~ l r r l r mand
depths c+f <pace. It is n world of Jcscrt %and<l-i~ld build Itinre vcll~cles.An e u t c n s i ~ cran$[, of rncrdcls is
spljnkrcd ruck, whcrr c r ~ ~ i land t . barbliric warrrors ha\-(- availabl~. tor Gtrrkilnrt~rkrt,and nc.17 n~odvlsart' I s ~ I ~ J ;
r a i d an i n ~ p l ~ ~ c ~1dr7l
~ i btol cthcir a n g w god. That god i% addtd all t h y tnmc. With thc,se volr can c v p n d Ivur
C;ORYAMORKr\, the rmbodi~nenb ot Lht Orks' ndli*ction, equip z\'~irr!or5 ivi th ni5w Wedpr>n>, and
i~~satiahlcb lust for conquest. Gork<imorkn is a heartle.;~ rccrult rnore p r s ~ ~ c r f uindi\.idu,~ls
l to your cnrlscb.
and blood tliirsty god, whosc metall ic shapc rjses ovvr
n <pr.iwIs brfnrt. hi3 feet.
thc shanty t r ~ a * that
Upon thi\ arid a t ~ dwind-\wept wclrld thc Orks Iivc~and
Each time ibiltr p l < ~ vG~rkltrrrrvkn you earn thc
ftght tor Gnrkamorka, ha t t l i n ~ncrurs , the wrlstes aboard
~ ~I+Yi ipand
~ > p p ~ r t ~ to h . your tnrrb. Ry w lnnlns grzines
r;imshacklc tightins machine\, the uther racw
rrf thclr plancr and brnding tli~,nito thc sewicc of their
you y i n wealth and cvperirnce 1Vith !he rvralth cart~cd
god. S I u n ~ a n s ,m u t a n t s a n d l t l s < ~ rcreatures must
1111 can bit\. murc deadly wcaptwr!; brt~ld rnc>rch
vehiclcq, and hire ninrtnscnrriors
w w i v e JS lwst thcv can, Somc servc the Orks and s c ~ k
tlltsir f;lvon r, O t h e idcf~r
~ t h t m and 5t rttggIe t o S I I W ~ \ ~ Cin Your mob \\{ill .~l.;nimprcr\tcov~rtime E\cry time ,I mob
the tiice uf thcir wrath. f~g,ht>,i t < members illcWdqt' ihelr skill. Ynuns 0rk.s
prr~gressto t~ecomch < ~ r d c ~ w
~ ca rdrirlrs, and warricrrc
group<trongcl. ;rnd morr pon.crfuf wlth c\ er! +ucce5<.
~2::the ~ ~ n g lrndcr
's becorncs rlchcr 2nd hi5 fnllorvcr\
GarL(r1trnrkn is the 1,ityst of the i%'<~rI~.~rn~ncr 30,UL)O
morP d~ngcrous,h~ tantr grow In the C V C ~~ r f
Skirniish scrics dcsiyned tu complement the Gork~nzorka.InFamouq \\-arrlor\ wrll wck l3lr1-1 r>uttn do
Lt'arhan~n~cr 40,OOl1 psrnr ~ ~ n i ~ c , rIts ci s. a gnmr in rts
Imttlc, i n d u s t r i r , ~ ~Mekbovs
? will offer thcir Iic\, and
urvn right, b i ~ ti t i5 also n p r n e f h ~ cuplorcs
t tlieh~story
r~valUrks will \>lot h ~ sdcstrucitcm. Fcnr and rchp~ct
of racc:: a 1 sr,~dv est,~tll isl.iud In kV~tr!tfrv~t~rr'r-1(1,000 snd
niarch hil~ad in lidl~d amongst thr Orks d< the t i \ In
hrmrmr~zrlrdn,t h c first game In this srrics. I'lavcrs of
mark., of lradvrship.
cither or both nf thew games N I I I tinti tnuch that is
farnil~arin Carkdrrrorkrr as wcll as n ~ i i c hthat $5 new &>nri
diifcrent. DA ROOLZ
Gorkntrlr7rlrn enables players to f i ~ h tabletop
t wargames Thih book con trtin\ thc ruLes c ~ thef p~rlic.Yrru don't
bcb-em rival warrior groups krlow-n n-; mobs, whicfi tc) lcarn all tfir* ruIe5 tr, play, h ~ r twc suggest you r r ~ d
battle isom crude ~ n db r ~ ~tmk.; t ~ l and wdrtrakh. The tlrrough the rtilcbook hcfore attcn~ptingvtrllr l i ~gatrrc. t
oppnsjnc, nirlhq n r r rcyrcscnt ~ dby models, .,.is<cmblrd Thr moct important rulvs nw \ummaristJ url the
and p,>~n tud 171 thc ~ I ~ I v w < ,each rcprcsenti~lg t h ~ sf pard te p l a y ~ h ~and
t ~ yoll'll
, q u ~ ~ k Find
l \ . tlrcse arc all
Following of an Osk Iradcr. Bntt1i.q betwoen thr. rival ?-clur ~ f c din most sitr~,itions.
mobs arc fought nut on ;1 tahlctc?p reprcwnt~ngthe
desvrb and wastfi ot this rvnrld. Yi~u'Tlfind n1ilrc about
Orks and the riomains ut Gtrrknrnork,~ in Dn Uvver NEW PLAYERS
Rook. If y > r ~ ' rnt'w
etc'r Garnc5 \4'ork\hop gartics then you'] l hr
rca+rrrtd t o kncnv that finding ~k17crpraoplc to F?I,IV rvitti
Thv aim rlt I l ~ rganlc i h to o ~ ~ f f ~ gyour
l l t t ~ p ~ o n e nbvt
~sn't normally 3 problcm - yru'll be s ~ r r p r ~ IIL>IV ~tl
meai~sof il mlxturr o f 4 1 1 1 , low cunning nrid I~rck.At
man! thrrth are: Thcrc may be a Gdmcs i,llorkshop <tore
your dtsposal yc3t1 hav~:p r i m ~ t ~ vbut
c c f f c c t ~ rvcapon3
ncarhi: whcrc you can obtain model., pnints , ~ n dp ~ ~ i c ,
and, most importantlv, ~ ~ l i i c which l e ~ arc ner%cicdto
sr~ppl(*tnentk, , ~ n dmeet other ~ l ~ ~ \ ' eCiarnes
r s . ktclrkshop
cross the burning n , a s t ~ <of thi.: rnhospitablt. world.
\tnrcs ,lrt, not ju5t ?hops, they drr* hobby rrntrcs ~ v h e r c
You'll sncm Icarn hnw tcr a r m and usc vour i%.arriorsto
tht- stdlff will happily lirlp you t c l Icarii the rulcs,
their h s t advantage, and h o w t v m;lntlcnuvrcthtkir crudc
dcmonstratr painting techn~rlues,and s~iggc-+t tva) s to
buggies slid fighting \,chicles to iimtroy voitr enemy.
, ,
vour collecl~on.Garncs tVorksfi(op shff arc also
players who cpllVctand paint tlzcir orvn fvrces and fight
battles thcrnseli~cs
This box contains the following models, rulebooks and card components.
, ,,,,, L.,,nk - 'Dn Roolz' Counters: 1 Sorcha tempIatr
1 .;nz~rrcbcrok- 'I3n Uvver Fkmk' 6 k r . 7 ~ctluntvrs 1 tube Scrlystvrcne Ccm~rtit
10 Hidc counters 2 spnlw Rattlefield Acccrsoric::
Uitadcl mrxlels:
10 Run C O L ~ ~ ~ P ~ S 6 plt?+tic l 3 ~lkt~cnds
12 Ork Boyz
10 O\'cnz';ltrh counters Dlcc, h s~\-qrdcddice ( D h )
2 Ork Warhaks
2 Range Rtrlers 1 Scattrr dice
2 Ork Trlikks
2 card Playshceti. 1 / \ r t i l l c r ~d ~ c c
Cnrrl 13uildings: 1 Ork Fort
1 Mining Shaft
2 Tusnv gubbir~s ? Su\t,lillr,cl Firc dice .
E Stikkbomb blast mnrkcr 1 Rwd Dls Furst lcdflut
t Strop Head



.. r

-. , 3 I

JT,rG 2, * -
J 4 's-,, , =FLet-
> \;
-c I

; a
- -


- I-

- I -
. C

.. :

I' .
' m

Seorcha - Ran Oil drums & -

T H E BOOKS Thc tipp plied in this box glvr vnu ,II .
4fdrting scenery to fight arounij. You can add nlllr
n l s bclok - 13'1 R O O ~ Z- c"r,rit;litw fht' gnnw rir[cs for
Games Mlorkshop btiildings, or vnu can makeacld~i~r~~l,~~
ba ttlcs bctw.t:cn n ? c h a~-tcIdt~.;criptIon< nf the I'J riou+
t\c.,i~'onc a n d i chrt-li~\rrhrd by thC 0 1 . k s rlf Gorki~rnr~rha.
hccytit'r! of ~0111.ow n to cupand thc baftlclield it yo11L,,
\". 1sh
Thc rrtht.r book, aptlv narncd Dd U v \ or Rook, ~ r m t ~ l l n y
The asscn~blyinstrr~ctians
t . \ t c n < ~t\o backgrortnd di..criptlon.; of thi. ivorld ~ r f
ior t h r buildi~igsarp
Crorkd rnorka and t i ~ l c sflu. battling \\.it11 \.our mobs over
ii~cludedin thtb
;1 seriuh id g,lrires In ordcs tcl gain eupericncv and (more
Kcad Uis Fur5t

Thc C;nrksn~orkab t n twt~tait-tsc n c ~ z ~Ckks s l ~ to form rntt,
f ~ ' ( 1 ptrh rrtt?! ~11~117~; of 1t~arrinr5 T ~ cOrkb on
Gorkam~>rha<Iresplit into t1t.o faction4 the Gorker5 -
J ~ tht* J 'ilorkvr< Each nnt. ha5 different ctilounnd tattoos
.ind r n a r k i ~ l pto ~ h o l vthc~lr allcgiaiic~ but thcy are
4 tltr samc i t C a. \
l ~ a ~ i c i l l al yr r n ~ ~ c111 \. ou can spll t up the

I!ov/ in thtx box to rcpreqcn t thrm

C;cwkarnt>rk.l also c.ontaln+ <pruc-- ~t l~ichl t ~ c l u d rOII
d r ~ l m >ftrt.1
, rnns ' ~ n d~ , I rI ~ c ~ i d11ji1
e ~ . cat1 usc t h e to
add i,\lr,j fcatrrws onto \.orlr vehicles O Y trl add to t h ~
sccrwry ~ j your i tahlctop L>attlefield, g,it i n g y o u r
vr-kiclcs morta ~>bstaclcsto kivrud anti !.our wc>rtiors
rnorc C C ~Cr
\ t13 lurk bchirzd.
>elect .I rnc~rlt.1.ind cnrrfulIy rc.mtrv(aall the corlit~crtirnts
~ G knifc nr c'lipp~rs.
iroin tlic spruc. ~ I ~ I aI craft Don't h\'~st
or p~il1tl7c piclce5 from tl~c sprue a< t h y m;ly break. AIIV COUNTERS
5car\ o r ~n.>rk:,left on t l t r 117odt'lr;can bc rcmvved with A selection of ctlunter5 been includnrl. Ther arc
craft L ~ ~ tor
i e filr I I W to
~ ~ models that urr rr~nning,nn nvcrwdrli
i n d i r te
IVc rcconimt~ndthat the models are glued tojictlicr using hiding and so on The counkrs d r r pm\.ided to s a w yorr
;I \uitabIc adhssivt. such a. the polystyr~nrcement ma king separa t~ tlntes or r c n ~ c n i h ~ r i nwhat
g vrvn

\upplied in thi.; bo\ or supergluc. Detailed instructions inodrl i s doing.

!or ~*.;cmblitlg the models can be fnund on a sepdmtc Snmc pcvple prefer not to clutter thc table with rountt<r+
instruct ion qhcet and s~rnplynote down thc pertinent detail.; on tlic~r
ivtrldcls <-,Inbtl p a ~ n t c ducing Citadel Colour paints. It I < roster sl~vcts. or s w a p of paper a s thcy go along
nclt <tr~ctlvnucessary tv p i n t models before you usc Whether y i use ~ the cnuntcrs, rnake notcs, or rncrc!)
tlirin, but ~.rm<tpeople c111cy painting and you will rcrnen~b~r,1s cntirdv u p tc, you

probably w,lti t tn p a ~ n !our

t models e v e n t ~ ~ a l (and
ly it
niakt.5 thern look cc>ol,too). A painting guide is liicluded
in tFic colaur p ~ j i ~nts Da Uvvcr Rook and more
c-lin~l'lctc<uiJc< .Irv ;tvailable from Games Workshop.

Run counter
Thc Corkan1 tlrka game corltnins three bit ild ing3. TI-tt.5~
mrxlcls concl5t of card and plastic componcnf.r n.l-tich
ran bp ~aktcncrltr~jirthcrand placed on v o u r t a b l ~ t n pto
prkn ~ ~ la t rcasoti,~l~I\
. stable thrcc-rlimens1011al p l , ~ y i n ~
Scrap counter
.urf.lcr \Vc rccomtiiv~idthat you glur the cclmpotivnts
togcltlir-1 with a s i ~ i t a l ~ lcontact
c adlic<i\e in urdcr trr (?
L. --
makc. thry \tructures <I:. .;table as posr;lblc Overwatch H,ce
counter counter
~ ~ ~ l are used to determine the rffccts OF
q ~ v c templates
\r~nrr~ ~ ~ c a p oFor
n s . puample, grenade burst>, and the
j:t>uf of blazing fuel prnjwted by a scorcha.

Ttrn plastic range rulers are also included. Thew are

~ ~ wforh ~measuring
l distances, and for poking between
thc scenery t o clrtrrmine whether a rnndc! has a clear
shot to its target.

DICE \ - \
n t are used in the nanlc, as explained in
Ikur d ~ l f e r ~dice Using the T u r y Gubbtns
-4 thir rulrbook. Don't worrv about how the die; ~vrrrki ~ r Posthon the po~nfybrY rAl over
the centp o l veh~cleTurn the
niw, thiq is covered in dcrail later on. The $iffVrcnt ciicr 1a
,I i-11
vehtcre lo face arrow (8)and
you ve made a 45' turn \ 6
Ordinary d i c {~n h )
Sustainrd Fire dice JICPt o ifetermint I>n\v far gl.cnarlt.s I<~ndtrolti their
tnark. A rn~zfarrcar1 r t w ~ ~i nl t a grcnadc%prru ing d u d or
5attcr dice
tven explc~ding'1.4 it i \ thrown.
On some occanon.;. 13 player is allou~rdto 're-rt~l I' a dlce
Ordinary dicr art. marked 1 to h in the usual way Thrw This is exactlv what it sounds likc - bhc player can pick
dicc <lrr used a lot during play and to save spacP crn LIP the dice and rolI ~t npiin. 1 Imz,r\w-, vou must itbidr
chart.: thcy nre n h a v s rrfrrrcd to as D6 (whrrr? 'D' bv thtl scronrl result, even i f i t ic tvrlr+c than the frr<tTN o
q 1 ~ i n t l 5h r dice a n d '6' for sjx-sided). So, when the rulcs dice m ~ l vh~ re-roiled morc than onre.
r,ill upon you to roll a Dh we are simply n s k i n ~~ U Uto
roll a d~ce.B+1means mll a dice and acid 1 in thu score. I
2136 means roll two dice and add the scnri- together to WHAT ELSE YOU NEED
nbtain a score of 2-1 2. In addit1011 to the box contents you will nc~rcitw.o nr
Occasionally you'll need to roll a 'DR'. This is simply morc players and J f~rin,level tabletop rlr ,lrra o f tlmr.
done by mlling a Dh, dividing tlic score by 2, a n d A kitchen tahlr ~ x - i l ld o fnne. SRmic. garners makc thelr
round in^ up. This means 1-2 = 1.3-4 = 2 and 5-6 =. 3. own gaming board frtotn a .licct o t chipboard or
something q~niilarStrcll a board can tw cliglrtly largcr
T I ~ c S ~ ~ ~ t a iFire
n t udice
l is marked 1, 1,2,2.3 and with a than thc t.~lllr rlr trestles thnt <\~pprbrtl a , ;lnd can hr
yvcial ji\M ~yrnbola s slinwn in the photo. This d icc is
~rsutlwhen a gim slronts a protracted brirst of shclls
which might inflict 1, 2 or 3 hits (as discl15sccl in the
divided into tw.o or mtuc ~)rtTcc< lc>r enw of ctur.~gr.
Many pl,avcr< tind that a hmvv blanket draped 4\t.tYr a
table ~ r ~prt'dd
r upc,ii ihc floor makes a fine ~lirl.q~r. rln
which t o f~gh!a battlc 1
Tlic Scatter dicc i s m a r k 4 with four arrows and two hit M u can do most ot thv n~cnsuringin Gorkamcwka with
\\rnbi~l?.This d m is used to determine where grmndes thc mcnsuru~g5ticks si~pplicdMowevrr, >onictin~es you
and $hells land if they miss their b r g ~ thrnce
, 'scatter '. rvlll find i t ir<ctul to h ~ v nc retractable tape measure
TI??dice call bv u e d to establish any random direction marked in twt .lnd ~tichcsfor e s p ~ c i ~ ~Icmc
l l c ranges or
from a p i n t . Note that the HIT symbot also has a small ~ n e a s i ~ r i n garcbiind obstacles. All distances in
arrow oil i t to facilitate this. Gorknrnnrk,~arc gii.en in inchcc
Thc Artillcrv dice is marked 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and a misfire Pens or prnci [s and plenty ot pa pcyrn j l l also be r e q u i r r d .
>vmhol. This dice i s uwd in cc~njunctionwith the Scatter you l SICCL+ t(, kwp track of wn~inds
D~rringthc ~ C I R W
suffcrcd by your warrinr*, darnaxe taken hv y o u r
vrliiclc~,and other s z ~ n J pdetails. This is rno.;t casily
~ Q J using
I ~ R roqtcr h l ~ ~ t - t ample^,
, of whir11 are
included in Da U\.vcr Dnvk. We recommend that v o ~ i
copy or photoct>pv additional roster ~ h r r t qand use
them to record d ~ h i l srflrri~lgthe game. We'll explain
more about mqtcr sheet!: and how tn usr them in the Da
From I d ! In nyht Svslafnea Frre dre Arhllrry drcp, Scatter dlcc ,?lid
I m r srx-srrlPd (JJCF
Uvver Book.
The brutal d c n i ~ c n sof Gorkarnorka battlv one ,~notlrrxr CHARACTERISTICS
~ n t l ~.;tor,-hin~
i t ~ c e : c s ~ ~rics~\.; . deserts and boulder-choCcd
MOVE (M). A 1nodt,C'4 Move shows thr numllrl 111
c~lnyons.Much of tlv ttinlc khc barbaric Ork wasrin1.s
~nclic+ it can mote In a turn undrr nnrmjl
b . ~ l t i c from thr barks of qttillly barh;trir jightrng
circuni\tarlc.r<. Thp ~ w a l~ ~ u r n b Ir<r 4 as alrnnct ill
n ~ n c h i t ~ cn s5 the\. p l t r u ~ hncrnsq thc p e n t duqtv plains
tv;irnnrs rtune 4" ptbr turn, n l t h o ~ ~ gthcy
h can mtnc
11k.e.;hips nf W J Thc rulcs tor Ork warrios are quite
trrstcr when the! ;Iru running or charging, as we shall
d ~lf~-ri'llt f r t m th<r*r ui the echiclps tlwy TILIPco t o hrq:in
~ . 1 1 ! i tvc are grjlng to conccntmtt* on I!?? icarrlors
thrrns(,l\,cs.We 1vi1l rctr~rrlto thc veli~cle<I ~ t e when
r we WEAPON SKILL (\j's). IVcapon Sk!!l is a meawre rlr
h;lve cst,3hli.;hu~l how bascc Ork warrior3 muvr: ahorrt c l i ~ wcc>rnb;ttabllity - how g [ ~ o ri l t warrior
~ is at hanll-
and flctit on foot, beginning by measuring just horv bard to-hand figllt:ng. :In old p i r z l d Ork rvarrinr will mow
dtffurcnt Orks a r e hv gi\'ing them char,?cteri~ticsfor than likely have a high \ , n l u ~conipared to a merc Yo-r:.
thcir 4:lced. ~trtwgfh,figlitins ahilify nnd 50 on. A n .?i\CraRc I - J I L I ~ . is 7
I ~ i t l i ~ ~ i d u0rk.l
a l have vnstlv diffcrcnt martial ahillties RALLlSTlC SKILL (135). R,~Ilu;tic Sk~ll*horcs how gm!
and physical attributes. %me are faster than otlwrs, shut thc ~ n r f i v t d ~ i nis.
l t'rT1hcn vou shoot a Elin t h ~
\(>me 7 trongcr, spine inore detcrrninrd. stme arc bcttcr clzancc of h~t:ing the target depcwdr; upon your Ralliqt~c
shots t j ~ \ ds n forth. T h i q varretv is fitlly r~.>yrc.;mtt.d in Skill. /In avcrngc scorc is 7 and a d ~ ~ 3 dshot - c ~micht
Gorknmorka in the form of c h o r a ~ t ~ r ~ s tainc s~ spcc~al
l have a Ralli5tic Skill ot 1, 5 cr t v m h~gher.
&ills Right now w e won't worrv about tho special skills STRENGTH (5). Strcngtti ~ ~ r n p ?how-5
lv how sstrnnq ,I
- they come I n k r ~ i t prdrttceh <muld battle exprrlenre. model IS! Stren~thi+ esprcially ~~nportilnt whrn rrori
Fnr the moment we'll i~rst c n n s i d ~ ~;in r Ork's frqht hand-tp-hand combtit t r ~ c ~ ~ uthe
s esl-rongerycruan.
cl~ar;r;tpri~t~rs. thc harder vnu can hit, An AueraRE v a l is,?. ~ ~ ~
Each mc>dclwarrior n dphned by a ~ c of t ch~rd~trrictics, TOUGHNESS (T). Tuut;hncs\ is n mensure of how
namelv: More, Weapon Skrlt, I3all1stic Sk~ll,5tsength, l v indlv~rlualcrin \t.ithkt,irld n hit frum a gun, a
~ ; l ~ i dn
T c u g h ~ ~iVounds,
s~, Initiati:.e. Attacks and Leadership. b l o ~ sfrom R club or t ~ s t ,or 3 SM.IPC fmm d pawn):
Each char,~cteristicis nssi~ncda valtre which in r~x>st ~rcliiclc.Thc. tirugher 1.011 arc the h ~ r d c ryou a r to
cases lies behuccn 7 and Irl The higher tfic v a l ~ r rof tl-rt. w o ~ ~ norrl kill 1\11 ii\.erilgc valu+& tor Orks (who arc irtbr\J
cliaracteristic t 1 1 ~ lwttrr - for exan~plc,a model with a tough) i < 4 .
t h6 is ronslderablv stronger than a rnod~!with
S t r ~ n ~ nf W O U N D S W ) .A mirdcl'k \Voundq v a l w >hn\r.s how
a Strength of 2. Descript~ons of the cliffercnt man)' time\ a warrlrIr Sdn bc nrOirndcd before Irc
characterrstics are givcn below. ct?ll'~p~cs
a i ~ dgc )cs dorr~nd c a d or ~ncapicit a t d . hfm!
i~idir.idual>h a w 7, Ltrc~undr,illu<:nf c71ilv 1 but I~nrdcncd
C)rk Buvz ni~ghtl i , ~ r c'1 vr31:re of 2 or mom.
A rnorfcl's rlramrtensiic rnlues are ~vrittenin tbi' fw In uf INITIATIVE ( I ) , The Initiat i ~ e. ~ . a l t ~reprwnts
a,convenlcnt chart rvhicl~ 5 . r ~call the ' ~ h ~ ~ r ~ r c t e r t s t i c a l c r t n t ~ ssnd rc,>ct~n~l
spccd. It dctrrrnin~sa warrior's
pmfil~'or j l ~ 'prctfjlc'.
~ t ch31tcc of d o d ~ i n <uddcn
~ blou or Ieaping a b r d n
speecling vcliiclc, A n avcrngc In~tiativcvalue for an Ork
Wa xrinr M WSRS S T W 1 A Ld i.; onlv 2.
Gurb,~~i I : . : : J F Z 1 7
ATTACKS ( A ) . The .4ttnrkc Ia1 IIP ind icatrq the numlwr
o i 'Xtt;rck dice' rolled when the mod?\ fight5 in hand-tn-
T h i s is the average profile lur nrdinL1ryOrk warriiwh or
'hy7.' ~ I - I c ~arc usually tillled W ~ ~ C'PI]
I I form \ n ~ ~ r
hr~r~c1 u a l only
comb~t.Mrl~t~ n s F ~ \ ~ r r l rull ~ onr dice and so
h.irvung a laigher t a J ~ ~ rnc,lrls
c. you roll correspondin~lp
first mob 11 will include Ooyz w i t h t'xactly tl?j+ pmflle.
n~ni-cdice. The more dice r-ou mll the mom chance you
As vou f i ~ l l tgames a ~ a i n s dt h e r pb\eri; yr?irr n.>rriors
will get better and thcir characterist~rst v ~Il rlsc. TI215 is h a r e of bratjng yc>ur oppc~nent!
cuplalnd later on. For now i t is menough to know \!.hat LEADERSHIP (Cd). Lcndrrship feprt*rentsraw courage
thc chsmctcnstics arc and how the values match up to and sclf-control.The l~igl~el. an ind iridual'~Leadership
the avrrragc. thr mvre likely he it; tn kccp his nen.c u n d ~ rFIWSLIre.
An axfrragc Leildcrsliip \.<llucis 7.
THE TURN f e i y

D u r i n ~the game y o t ~take coinmand of A mob of Orks

cornpt~ttl~vitlit h e ~ ranwhackle
r and dangerous z~eliiclts.
r of
Thr opposing player t a k ~ scommand of another mob,
+ma1 your de,i~ily rival4 in the forthcom~ngfestivitr. uf
t all
love i
l see Phta n~orlclwarriors, vehicles and scene? arc set up on ' MOVLMCNT. During the moxbement 1
as described for the encountcr roil are I phase you mav m o w ,
lighting (sce the Sco~orinssection in Da U r v e r Book). your warrinrs and
7 limw arc many diffcr~ntkinds of encounter, \ ,ir\-ing vehicles according to '
from the chance meeting of rival mobs, cunnlnR the mlcs given la tcr I
anibii.;lies, blatant thievery, and sneaky raids aqarn5t for movement. I
tnrtitjcd buildings. The mob is set I I on
~ the tablctr~pITI SHOOTING In the shooting phase
~l~f!rrtmtways depending on the encountcr vou arc5 you may shoot with
wd t~<I~tlng, but a11 the games are basically plnycd in t l ~ c any approprin t~ I

the 5amic fa4lion. weapons as dcscribcd ,

istic in thc rules for
~ n one side takes a turn, the11 t 1 - 1 ~~ t l l ~idc',
To i v ~ with ( ~ I

igli t I 5hwtjng.
thcn the original side and so on, much l i kr s ~ s m crt c
draughts or chess. When it is your turn you c;ln ~ m o \ ~J u[ l I HAND-TO-HAND During thr hand-to-
vour rnndels. shoot with any warriors ablc to do so, and hand pIi,i~call rntdrls
fjght hand-to-hand with cnernieq your niodcl.; arc. in hand-to-flnl~rl
touching. Once your turn is ctlrnplrt~ i t is your combat nisv i t ~ h t .
opponent's turn to movc, shn'ot and fight with his mob. Now that bolh'sides
fight in hand-to-hand ,
PHASES ~ ~ l i c l shlrn
e it u.
To keep track of wlin's doing what anti \%-hen,your turn
is divided into frlur clicrtinct phascq. Each phase is
) RECOVERY During the recovery
coinplctcd bcforr. beginning the next. So, begin by 1 phase vau can test to *

, ) scc if injiired warriors I

moulng all your modcls, then shoot with a11 models that
can ~ l r rso, t17c~ifigti t h,~j~d-to-hand,
and final!\- recover arc able to rejoin h e
nn!. nlodcts that Irnvc gone down due to injuries.
achon. The rules tor ;
recovery arc described
I later.

CTncc !our turn 1 5 ct~rnyletei t is your opponent's turn.

Your oppo~icn t ~ v c v k sthrough each phase, moving,
shooting, figlitrng Iinnd-to-hand and recovery, nftcr
which hi.; turn i q eyer and i t is your turn once niurp.
A fi"]nr1lasts u n t ~ one
l side e ~ t h c gives
r up ox i s dcfc~tcd
as dcscrrhed later. A s ~ d ecan a150 bt. obllgcd to
~eithdsawfrom a hght if i t s u f t e a too mnnv ca5tlnlttrs.
Sorne enco~~nters will invoIr,e a spvcjfic ~ b j c c t i x * ~~
example to escape with r.aluablc scrap or m u e a
captive. In Da Uvver Book we'll describ~a number of
different e n c o u n t e ~together with what you Iiavc to d o
to win each game.

During khr mo\ctnc,rlt phawy t.ou can m o t e all yotr~ rl~>tance,declart. that you aw c h a r ~ i n g'ind indicate
r n o J c 1 ~In .iccordnnc<- R-ith thc h/tc,vemer~t rulcs grj'cn encmv model v(?tlr twrrior rntcl-tds to att,ick.
\sclrl~r.. c your rnndcl.; one a t a tlmc - f ~ n i ~ h
moving 111!>0
A charge 1.r d o ~ i b l cpcrd,
<~ likc a run, .inJ ct-tds lcith the
'adi modcl b(,ttlrr rnn\.tng ~nclthesYcu can 1iinx.v your ('\~TL
rhargcr boundmg intr~the cncmv he ~ntrnd.. to f~ght.
n~trlrslkin an! ulrclcr you Iikr, you do not have tn n ~ o v c [lttll'
O p p o s i n ~rnoJels arc p l a c ~ dso t l i ~ ft l ~ e b~arq ~ >touch, or
veh~clt-, Iwforc w.>rl.iol:. o i l knot ur zcc \.crsa. W L ~ ' W \\'
close 2.: ptrssihlc i\'tirrc tIli5 ir not pract~wt (for
~ O I I I S to <o\.cr rno\'rtiirnt or1 font first; Inuv I ng ~ . e h ~ c l r \
I. roircred I,ltcr as i t rtvrtks it1 ;I different \zfn\.
cunrnplc, ~f t h r y ,irt> r f d ~ n cin or o n 1~~11iclcs).
~ltuntirrnrz,hcnl modcls rn,?!, riot be. lttrrall!. .~blc to
/\nother .acrh(
touch is ~f .I uparrnuri s crot~chinsbcq~dca \\.all rJr behind ,lrc' '

MOVING ,I mck, o r tn w I n c ctrniparablc ~lc~.itinn,,?nd in t h w 1\1c1

c ~ w the
s rntrdcls arc .;irnpl!l plnccd a\ clilsc ,3+ ps5ible y lar
D~rringthtbir rnoirumcnt phast* rs~.~sriors call mol-e irp to
t o indicate that they arc cngnged in ;1 fight. Iial
tticir M o ~ c n i c n chav,lr-tcristic
t it1 it~chesin any directjon.
V(b1iiclc.s .)nJ ivarri~r':riding in vcl~iclcscan also m o w , It can h ~ ~ p n yail dcsrlarc a charcc and yrrtlr
warric,r I,out~ds tortrartl ceagcyr to p i ~ n ~ m ehi< l cricrn7 wre
' ~ n d the rulv.; fnr moving vchi~lcs are d i ~ c u 5 r ; e d
wpsr,ltcly. Mort warriors h a r e n Mrl1.c. ~har~ic'tcristic in to the ~ r r ~ ~bl ~nl dfllil-
t to rcnch Ilk cncmy, b(~causrV(W
IWI c ~niscnlrirl,~tcd thc d 15tancc. I<c>nicmht-rthat charges por
(%I) of -1 and 5 0 can rno\.tx-1" in a n y clircctinn i n r l u c t i ~ ~ ~
u p or do\\*n ladders, r;tajrs, and ~o on. arthdcclared\ i , i t h o ~rnt.,1.urlng,
~t so ~t I \ quite possible to The
ovrrrtvch yourcclf In thi\ !\'a\: Wlitbn tlii.; happcbli\ the ti10
In ~ i o r ~ n drIrrumstai,ce<
l yorr dtr not I1nt.c to move a
chnrgcr 1 % mo\.cd ,15 far a: po++ahle tnwnrdq hi.; target .;pa
warrior the tilll permitted distance or cvcn a t ,111 r f v o r l
frcmetill~crto double. I;r>tIr nio\,t.') i ~ n dt r l r l 41, notlii~l): qlr;
do nt3t ~ri.;h. :\riy e r c c p t ~ r m care dcwribed I . E ~ L T S I ~
t o r the rcct rrt hi, t~1rr1. ill0
in\'r>l\.c. wthet chal-gc.; or cr~rnpulsorvmot r.5
Not(- that wdrrirvs lrnrlnot move lrifo hari~l-t~i-hancl
fighti~~ except
g by chnrging; , l n r rno\.cl in tcndcd to I~r~ng
RUNNING a warrir-rr into Ii,?t~d-to-I~and
Thc~licrrrnal -1.'' m o w Irprr<erttq a xrarrjor combat is, bv dcfiliition.
tnot'itrs a t a inirl! rapid r,lfr but allorving
tlmc t c l din1 a n d shoot ~3 \r,capun, v(:11 . . ---

cncouragclncnt to liis I T~ I ~R a~.lnd

1115 ~ t~e, ,tnkc in
~zrllnti s goins r r n round him. If y r ~ wish, i ;l

w ~ r r i o rcan rntrve inuch qliicker thm this -

he c,ln run! A runninji wtlrrior can ni(~vca t
doublr. sped: X" ~.~ithcr than 4".
A runi~ir,,~ t;varrinr I t l < t . t his clian~ccte sho~jtin
thc turn, lit, i.; far tcw t!ils\: r u n n i t y and is nclt
rrb,ldy tight, ha\-ing
rrb,ldvtn fight, 5hr1uldcrciI hi.;
ha\ ing ihr~uldcrciI hb\ weapon3
weapons or
placcd them in hnlstcr.;
hnl<tcr\ Lrr packs. Ucrlilre out Ilrllrl
rtllitwiq a:. t1ir.y
that modcls are rt~lit>jng t1ir.v move, a 4 this will Ii1,lp
to rcrnincl both pZ,it-t*rsthat Ilir warrior is unablc tu
&pot that turn. I'ou <,7t1 p1,~cc'1 litin counter I?t~ictet h ~
model tu j0.q y o u r menlor!, if yc?u 1vi5h.

If you want to move t o enpgr a n encnrl 111 hand-tt3-
hand coaibn t then yirll I I I I J S ~; l n r ~ ~ ( ~t hr i~~yrrur
tv rlrai.rjtrr
will charge. 'L'Iit reason \vr> do thl* ~c th,~t th(<rnenl!
mi~hg t ~At chancc to shoot ~f !our warrlnr '1% hc Ic,aps
t o w n r d ~his victim wavjng his w c a p u ~ i \, ~ n dp c l l i n ~a
hlnodcurdling bat tle-cry. Withour m c . t < u r i n ~ I lic
The worId of Gorkamorka is a bIeak landscape of DIFFICULT G R P U N D
~vindlrlown sand and crumbring rocks. I t 1s a n
Diffic~rttj i r r ~ ~ ~irmlcludcs
nd stccp o r trt',~rhrrou<slopcs,
xheip '\-" "le Ork' 'lnJ lit''
1F dcnrr .tendr of jiinrl, po()l5 ]i,i,qc q ~ l l d
kt. cxtrernclv h a d . It is not devoid of ve~etation,but thy

]itt]pthat gmM+sis mor;tlr f u n p of yario~qklnd5, Tr,mc h1drrir~r+(111 foot Inrjirc\ nt hdlf hpcccf clvcr difficult
of ~vhichgmws to the size of trey> and tr,rnls rlr~rnp.of gsotltlcf - rur.11 I " rrf ~ n o l ~ c ~ t l Cc On Lt ~ I I ~3S< i f t 1 1 ~wclri-!or
acridly pungent spore forest. had nit)ved 1".5).I warrinr wi4iir1g t c l tr.ri cr\c a htcrbp
slcjpc i%.crtild rntrjrc ,?t 2" pcr turn mthcr thirj1 J", or
:o Thp lands the Or'' ma'n sttlrmcnt, Mrk to'vn' $hi,old hr c-,lrl+rlurun hr p n > yn\;;rh 4'' re~~7rxr tlla,~ X''
d are qcattered with buried wreckage from thc hmr*l u ) ~ c t ~
If 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ i - rmnvr
i o r ' <I < divided open grottt~dnnd
'ITe Orkc' s ~ r e h u l k rrarllrd 'pan''1I' difflcu]tRn,ond tllrln i t covr~rr thr open jirollnd a t
le planpt's surface. W m k a g v >tick3 out a b o ~ cthc cfr<crt.
t~rrrmalrate and tlic diffic~iltground a t hnlf rpced.
Half buricd sections arc often adopted as tmipornrv
mcnmprnmts, hidpouts or fortrciecs. Much i f th'c
ivrtrkage is small and dispersed, but there MI' VERY DIFFICULT GROUND
hrction;s too, comprising rn t i p spaceships or l a r c ~ T h ~ rvs estrrmelv ha;.ardous ~ r o ~ ~that n d wnrrlor5
pnrtion~of even more massive I'PSSC~S. rvould gcncm!lv prcter to ai'oid. Tt ~ncl~udcs tdr pit5 and
Wie most striking topgraphical fcaturc i q thc Skid, a pvt ) ~ l ~ .
I I D ~ I C I U Sor c t ' r r r o ~ ~ v

fllous~ndmilc-lon~jiash c ~ ~ hto ' ~ plsnrt

s ~ ~ wrrinw fcmt nlo\,c o,.cr iecn ciifflcLl[tground a
L;pcl* J111lkR S i t plm1gI1~Y1thrrwgh thc dcscrt. This long,
quarter thcir norlnnl ratc. 50 a tv,irrlor with a 4" rnn1.e
~traigl-ttvallcy is stccp sidrul anrl drcp in places, and all ~rrnuldpro~wqson!\. 1 ".
along its l c n ~ t can
l~ t w fnu~iddcbr~sleft rn thc. <pacta
hulk'^ wake (therc is loads mow information abcrut the
qp"w hulk, the Skid and Mcktown in IJa Uv\,cr Rook). IMPASSABLE GROUND
Pilttl~.;mostly take place in the npcn desert around %me terrain is ~ ~ n i p Iin~possrbEc
y tn nlnlmeover a t dll,
Mcktown, or along the flat valley bnt tonr of the Skid. In for instance \.er\- deep or eutrernel\. mi-rosire pools,
thcrc arriis thc Orks' vehicles can f ~ n dmom to n1m.c deep dr~ltqot slnklng sand, and, ot coursc, E.OJICI
,~ndnlilni,cuvrc. However, nlany conflicts take plncc in such as big rack, luslls, and so on.
or ;lro~ljld !lidcotits and fortresses, or other tortifled
plncr\, ivhcrc onc sidc nlllst oust the other from its
t~cfc~iccs. , - the role of encines of war,
hattcring down doors or delivering w a r r ~ i r sonto the lVa'alts, pprlines, small heaps r d debr~s,rock5 and nthcr
rampart<of ciicmy-held walls. low obstaclm form bilrr~ersthat I\-arrtors on foot 1,3n
either ga around or le<ip01 er. \%hiclescannut cros\ <urh
All tllesc differcot kinds of terrain can affect the warriorr;
nbstaclm and must go round or run into them?
b a t t l i n ~acmw them, whether by creating dangerous
optanarraq wh~chmust be crossed a t s p ~ e dor patches of A warrior o n i r ~ l ran
t leap over a barr~crless than 1'
tangltd, impcnt=tmbleterrain which must be avoided. high and no more than 1" acm- lcitholrt impcd ~ n cit<
movement a t all A barrier bchvcen I " and 2" l i i ~ l i J. ~ I J
VEHICLES AND TERRAIN: The effects of terrain on
no more tllali 1" 1%-lde, cat3 still bc rro~wclb\ climbing
Ir cotwed in the Vehicles section, later.
over but vou must give up a half r,f your tntal rncn enrent
that turn to so. A ~ h w barrirr
r hi~lirr
OPEN GROUND than 2" is effrctivelv ~mpas>ablrr x c ~ p t
bv means of ladder- 01. w m c
-The flat desert areas represented by the tabletop surface,
kind of leg-up.
plus floor>, walkways and ladders within nr on
buildings and almost all flat solid surfaces are
cnnsidcrd to be 'open ground', which does not impede
the nlovcmcnt of warriors. Warriors can also move
frtvl!. through open dmnvays or through hatches as
lrmn aq the space would be large enough for the warrior
trr trt thmugh.
.. a lot! Ork warrirrrs carry a variety
Ork:, cnioi ~hrlrrt~ng W H O CAN SHOOT
of t ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ innil t i v \ rndividu;lt+
; oftcn have w ~ ~ c r ~ l
Each warrior ran shoot once in the s l ~ c m t i nphase~ 50
d~ff~rviit ~ L I Ithe I ~ odd
, knifc, 'I st] kkhnn-tb or two and ,I
long as he can >ty a target a n d a<.;litnlli): h e has a
+ p c ~ rp15toI
iy j ~ i c for
t l ~ ~ k
suitablc wcnpon. I-lc can't shoc>t i t htl .i a Frcndv fighting
Ihrrlnt; thC s h n o t i r l ~FIIJ~~' ut your turn, ~ a c hof \lour in hand-to-hantl combat (as dcxrtbrd later) or if he ran
tcdrrinr5 may shoot nnrc i it!^ one of his wpsprlnh. For or charged 117 tile rnovcment pha.;ch.A rt.nrrior is always
c \ ~ n i p l r ,a warrior ctluld rither fire ~\,ithh~.; .;lioota or az.un1c.d to bce the direction i 6 ~ r by ~ dthe model itsplf,
t h r o w n siikkbo~ilb(+inOrk grenade). JTIJIC. alilta to see within 9O dt:jiree arc to his front. Yo11
1Vtrk t h r v u ~ h!*crur 11iotfelsonc at a Zimc Pick which can o n l v shoot at a tarsrt within this arc as shown cln thc
war1 rr>r ih p u n S to chucrt, nominil tu the ttlrgct, work o u t dtagrnnr belotv.
whctlicr h(: h1t5 his cnemy m d , if I?c does so, anu
wuunrl. o r damage inflicted as ;l rrw!t. Then cnntinuc
i - . can take-shots in any order yo11
tin tht: ric\t s t ~ ~ o t c \'(nu
~vich,thpugh it's a gvorl idra to shoot w1t11 all the
rvarrior* rrding in n sinclc buggr. belorc goins r m ti) thc
next, a:. this helps you t o rCn~cnzbt.rwhich rnodcls have

At thi.; % t a p bj t ' ~~ v o r t hgetllrrg clnc tjiiog ti)tallv clear.
Gorkamrjrklz is bout c n m h t bctxvr~cti bikcs, trukks,
trakq buggit.5 as well a s t\srrior.; on font. A warrior
011 f ( l o t form.: .1 larget t11at !.ai~o n sliuot at assumin):

v r r i ~car1 >cc him, thnt hc's w ~ t h ~ranse, n and so on. A

ibi:li rzlc, I\ hrther it'> a h~rggl;,biLu o r, rc . I ~ v >a
linglc t a r ~ e int thc satnc w,~!,.. c~Fbcita much biggcs c)t~c!

I ti buggy
When you
of warriors is 5t1ll nnr tarxrt.
c r a r n r n r r l Ii1II
you .-ire 5hmting at lllc b ~ ~ g g
not at the indi~.idunl ~\.arricrrs
~ yn d

riding in i t , ,~lthuiigh they

might rvCII l>c hurt a s a

The warnor can shoot at

tdlk ;~l>r-ilt t ~ r ~ e t~s v c
target 1 because that
thcrt'forc, mcnnvchiclts, model IS wqlhln his 90"
bikw or warriurs nn f c ~ c l t , arc of s~ght He cannot
shoot at target 2 because
th~smodel IS outs~dehis
and not the
90" arc of sight.
In thc c a w ot warriors rrdfng In vehicles i t 15 not alivCiyk
pract~cal to arranRe a nlodel so thnt i t is t ~ c the ~ n ~
djrcction you want. Thc model's pow niifiht ~ ~ m p l v
make this irnpvs*iblc. Thcrcfore, a warrinr r l d ~ n gin a
vehicle is assumed to be able to turn round to rre and
<hoot in any direction. Warriors firing n \'chicle-
motrnted Ll~ggun, '1:: h7e!la5 dri\.crs, c , ~ n n o tturn round
in thi. 1t3;1yand are r~strictcdto ,i QO degree arc to tlw
I ~ like warrlrrrr an toot.
front of thc \ . ~ l i i c just
You tnust aIways \horlt a t the clusc.;r cncm\ L>+ thl.
FlRE ARC represent5 the most immcdiatc thrcnt and tht.rt.l(lr~. tthv
musf obvious target. Ho~vevcr,you can choow t r l <110(1t
a t a nmre distant brget if ~t 1s easicr to hrt t h a n s ~ [ o < c r
50 one. For ~xarnple,a closcr targct bc hard tcl Flit
s n beca~lseit is partly obsrurrd by crwcr, IVITII*~ n nioi-1%
-ing t in tlic ope11 atid thcrcfon- C I ~
distant target r n i ~ h bc
ran easier shut. A vel~iclco r ,I bikc IS n b i g ~ \ , tra r ~ v t , 1 1Carl
aps be chosen ns a target cven i f war1 l o r 5 tni fo(it artTc * l t ~ + t b r .


I iglnate
laam ine centre of
the firing vehicle.

Toshoot at your chosen target your warrior must be nblc

to see it, and the bcqt way to check this i s to stoop ovcr
the ta'bletop for a model's cvc view. Soometitnes it ~ ' 1 1 he
obvious whether a target can be seen or not, at other
times i t will be more difflc~lltas buildings and rocks will
he in the way So long 2s the sliuotcr can scc at Feast n Here the closesr target
pnrt of the target's body i n the case of a warrior on foot, 1 is behind cover so 1s
or any part of a vel~icle'sbody in thp case of a vehiclr, 11c more diff lcult to hit. In
can shi~otIfhe can see nothing but the tip ot a ~vcapi>t~, lh~ssituation the tirer
a gun, an axe, or, in the case of a vehicle, a dotcr-bladc, may shoot at target 2
whip aenal, or other peripheral part, then 11c cannot even though It is
further away because
shoot a s he i~ unable to see thc targct's body If in doubt
It is In less cover, or
check the line of sight from both the \hontcr's and larget 3, allhough even
target's psitlons a r ~ di,f you still can't decide, roll a dice further away bacauss
- on a 1,2 or 3 can't s w and on n 1,5 or 6 yuu call. i! u a larger target.

&, A I 4 lruggics and other vehicle models are usually left in
6 b
place aa 'wrecks' when they arc immobilised or

a ' fw:- crippled. Thrrr wrecks do not amount to viable targets
! < '
- * 8 ..- so you are not obliged to shoot at them. Similarly, n
vchiclc which has no occupants can always be ignored,
! '
as can a vehide whose occupants are all 'down' d u e to
injuries as cxplainccl later. Warriors on foot that are
'down' can also be ipored when choosing a target.
Obviousl? thew is little point in shooting at an empty
\.~hicler\.en i f it isn't destroyed, though ~ O L can
I dn so i f
Seeing a Target
I Warrior A is in the open, 6 1s In cover and C IS ~n partlal cover. You
9 ALP'

RANGE You will nohicethdt thr tathe ct,verq scort< of I ancI

even Icss. Wowe\.cr, a d ~ c croll of a 1 i \ alw,~ysa miss
Clr'lcc y o u ha\ iQ drcldcd to 41cmt and hnvp chnwn yrrilr
rc~ardlcs.;of circirmstanccs. Thcrc i.j t ~ suc11 o t h ~ as n A~
tRrqt't \ ' o i l mlJslmt,rrtrrC to check that tlrc sht): I< \*-ithin
certain hit - if thr J ~ c et i ~ r t wE1p a 1 you h ~ v nc ~ ~ s k t d !
r a n ~ e .Imacht \ pin of weapon has a maxlmlim rdrlgc J S
IIIJI;~~~'~ l d t ~ r ' l nt h \Ve,~pnns
~ S C C ~ I ( ~ IoI f the book. The
fn[lou I I L ' ~Y A R ~ ~ ~~U C1 1 0 ~shiv!, long, ;lnd nlaximum
r lt-t\ge<c>f -om(<t v y i ~ dOrk
[ u7eapul?s.
%)mt shot.: fire ca5ier than otlier.;. I I is ca<zrr t~.rhit a
targct that 15 In the optm c o ~ n p r t . dto n target hchrnd
Short Range loti^ R a n ~ e M a x i m u m rorcr. A large ~'cliiclei~ trnund to b r casicr to hit than a

li,'ltinnn 0-4'' 4-1 3'' 1 P" cotnpnred to on(> furtlarr nw'ly. Thcsc <ituatio~~s
liltinclert+u~s r!-ti' 6' w~rt*.;mtcil.!rt nlr rd~
thr t.j.,llow~ng hr~r-.
511-Shuc~ta 0-(1" 6-12" 12"
-1 I f khe target i s in partial cover
5Trkgp7 0-F,.' 6-12" 12" 'Up trl half thy t2rgc.t 15 obscured a s dc*t~nt.dIn the
'I'a\.y Shor.rta 0-20'' L(T-10" -10" 5ectinn on c t ~ t e r
Ir~rpot~iGun D-12 12-1FI" 18'
-2 If the target i s in cover
As51rrn rnsyour targrt is within r,1119r you can pmrciu-d Zlnrt* than ha'f thc targct is n b r i i r t d ,i+ def~ned
wrth tlw shot. If the t a r ~ e li? out nf r a n ~ thcn
c vou h < ~ u c ~n t l x ~ectli311
on cvvt3r
.~utclmst~ially rnisscd, bu' vnu qt~ll have to te<t to
dt~kermit~c a f~ult
wl-wther y r w r weapon deln~>hlF< -3 AppearinpJdisapp~aringor charginwtarnming
/I>rrrur, Kr-11s l a t ~ in
r this section).
The 5hootcr i<6riiig at n \uddt,-~l!'
app~a'inl;/disnp~~c'ilringo r ch;lrg!ng / rdmming
MOVING AND SHOOTING targcl ~chil-ton o \ > c n v . ~ t r hSer.
. thc Ch.crlvntch
In most cases 3 warrior ~ I S Vm o w ik nornial nFlovemVnt n ~ l e sin Ua C1evvr.r Stiff secrt~~lr-t.
rdte and shout. Thcrc is no :.ttlnlty tor this, a s the normal
-1 Firine, from a vehicle
rncn-c rate asslrrnr5 a certain amount of tllnc hpmt
whiclt has used its thrusters
st,~tjonan'nr ncarl??qcs.
Thc shcmtrr i.; firins iron1 a I chicle which h s ~
Mndrls which run nr charge may not ?hunt. used ~ t thrusters
s thk turn. Sc(8 the VvhicIc
L l r d c l s lch~chhave gone down a s a wsu2t of ;vl injun
bfovrinent iulcs I J ~ i lul t~h ~ book
s for d e t a ~ l \ .
cannot shoot. -2 Targct used thrusters
blndel.. tightin-g liand-to-hand combat catmot ~ I ~ o u,in) t, Thc tnrgct uxul t l i r t ~ c ~n
~ ~it<
~ rrrx
, IITU: turn, or if

weauons fire a t clorip Q L I R T ~ C T Sb. c i n ~worked out in Ihc firer 1s on 11 chnsinc vfhtcle 'lnd t h r t,?rect used ~ t >
hand-to-hand corn b,~tFhaqe. thsu.ters during the chase. Scr thc Lt~hrclr
Mlx.cment r u I w later in this bnok for drta~ls.

-1 Small target
HITTING THE TARGET Thc wholc target i \ 1 6 s than I /2" tall and wide.
Such tnrgcts mlgh t incl i ~ d eu~~cxplutlvd
Tr, dvtcrminc w h + t l i ~ar shot hits its tnrgek roll a D6. The rnechnn~c~lldel-~ccs,or s 5pe~r!1c point on the
ri~cr<Cure nrrdCCI \\'illclrpend ttpon hnw good a shot ground or a long ,irz-all Encmi' warricln arc.
thc f r r ~ \ r15 Id> ~ndicatcdbv his Dnllistic Skill or 8s).The .
a t w r ~ u 5Ielrncr
, than thl-:
I taL~lebr>Ion,>t~cws tbc rnlniinum IM roll needcd tn wore
,I h t t . +I Large target
Thv wholr target is 2't ~ l o1 r wide. Such targets
B5 of Shooter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 incl~adechicle.; (not includins bike*) but also
l)h k;c"urc h 'r 4 3 2 1 0 - 1 - 2 - 7 S L I C ~featur- a s I,lrgr drwrs and other sizcable
bits nf building 01 ~ n d u \ t r i a lcyuipn~cnt.
I c r r1ilviy7lu: lf tlr? shmfrr r~ R n~rrrjorn4lr R RS qf 3, o I ~ r v
1011 i f 4 or r j ~ ~ 15r rrcq~lirtpdto !{if tht, !or,q~t.A ~ ~*IJs!/
I iiltT!/ to
rr*~~wr)~(t'r 1111> i s jfrnpfiy lo srrbfrncl tlrr JTrrxS RS f i r r i 7 te
ftrrd Il1r8 1z11t111ycr to I11f.

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