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Impact of Agriculture on the Environment

Mitigate, releasing, destruction, measures, essential, backbone, atmosphere, biodiversity

Agriculture is the ____________ of many economies and is ____________ for meeting the food needs of
a growing population. However, agricultural activities can also have a significant impact on the
environment. In this article, we will explore the ways in which agriculture affects the environment and
the ____________ that can be taken to ____________ its impact.


One of the most significant impacts of agriculture on the environment is deforestation. Forests are often
cleared to make way for agricultural land, leading to habitat ____________ and loss of ____________.
Deforestation also contributes to climate change by ____________ large amounts of carbon dioxide into
the ____________.

Desertification, freshwater, topsoil, availability, replaced, depletion, fertile, recharge, compresses, absorb
Overuse of Water Resources

Agriculture is one of the largest consumers of ____________ resources, accounting for 70% of global
water withdrawals. Irrigation, which is necessary for many crops, can cause waterlogging and salinization
of soil, leading to reduced crop yields and ____________ of land. Overuse of water resources can also
cause ____________ of groundwater, which can take hundreds or thousands of years to ____________.

Soil Degradation

Intensive farming practices can lead to soil degradation, which includes soil erosion, compaction, and
nutrient depletion. Soil erosion occurs when the ____________ is washed away by wind or water,
leading to loss of ____________ soil and reduced crop yields. Soil compaction occurs when heavy
machinery ____________ the soil, reducing pore space and oxygen ____________ for plant roots.
Nutrient depletion occurs when crops ____________ more nutrients from the soil than are
____________, leading to reduced soil fertility and lower crop yields.

Disposal, contaminate, direct, pollinators, residues, habitats, monoculture


Agricultural activities can also lead to pollution of air, water, and soil. Fertilizers and pesticides used in
agriculture can ____________ groundwater and surface water. Air pollution can occur from the burning
of crop ____________, which releases greenhouse gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere.
Soil pollution can occur from the use of contaminated irrigation water or the ____________ of
agricultural waste.

particulate matter: bụi mịn

Biodiversity Loss

Agriculture can lead to the loss of biodiversity, as natural ____________ are destroyed to make way for
agricultural land. Agricultural practices can also have a ____________ impact on biodiversity, such as the
use of pesticides, which can kill beneficial insects and ____________, and the use of ____________,
which reduces the variety of crops grown in a given area.

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