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introduction to Multi- Degree of Freedom 144 resented as a plot of the It can be presented as Peak Tie ws given as shown in Fig, 5.7-4 Vlg hee bo- Barmera) Fig. §.7-3. function of ‘ (6, and that the peak amplitude for open damping is found at ‘a tng equal t0 7 arn (5, conclusions can be arrived at by observing that the cury 5.723 ie through a common point P, regardless of the numerical y y Pans by equating the equation for |K6,/M| for § = O and ¢ = Eye) is found. The curve for optimum damping then must Pass through py i zero slope, so that if we substitute (/w,)? = 2/(2 + ) into the aerivaye Eq, (5.7-5) equated to zero, the expression for So is found. It is evident i, these conclusions apply also to the linear spring-mass system of Fig. ; which is a special case of the damped vibration absorber with the den, spring equal to zero. aT k c \ j atl. Figure 517-5. Untuned viscous dang / PROBLEMS @ / ~ sh Write the equations of motion for the system shown in Fig, PS-1 and determiy its natural frequencies and mode shapes. / = Determine the normal modes and frequencies of the system shown in Fig. PS! Tea "Figure PS-2. | © scanned with OKEN Scanner ' Problems 2 crap: § 145, g3, For the system of Prob, 5-2, determine the natural frequencies asa function of n Determine the normal modes of the torsional system shown in Fig. PS. | @ Bi msi syst in Fig. PS-5 for A us Fa Ke a, 9 Figure P5-5, $6 If K, = 0 in the torsional system of Prob. 5-5, the system becomes a degenerate two-DOF system with only one natural frequency. Discuss the normal modes of this system as well as a linear spring-mass system equivalent to it. Show that the system can be treated-as one of a single DOF by using the coordinate $ = (8, — 6). $7 Determine the natural frequency of the torsional system shown in Fig. PS-7, and draw the normal mode curve. G = 11.5 x 10° psi. Sib-in-sec? 4 Bib-in-sec? fk Figure P5-7. leeehed An electric train made up of two cars each of weight 50,000 Ib is connected by ‘couplings of stiffness equal to 16,000 Ib /in., as shown in Fig. PS-8. Determine the _~Ratural frequency of the system. differential equations of motion for the 0 nin Fig, P59, Show thatthe natural © scanned with OKEN Scanner a q Introduction to Multi~ Degree of Freedom 146 Oy stem are given by the equation frequencies of the sY* w= /fa42) Determine the ratio of amplitudes x,/x2 and locate the modes forthe ty, et of vibration. far 2 Figure P5-9. ie re up the equations of motion of the double pendulum in terms of angles 6 an 73\ 7/4 measured from the vertical. 11)Two masses m, and m, are attached to a light string with tension 7, as shownit Fig. PS-11. Assuming that T remains unchanged when the masses are displacd normal to the string, write the equations of motion expressed in matrix form. 72) get a ( r12/In Problem 5-11 if the two masses are made equal, show that normal mode frequencies ae w= VT7ml and ae reas eau, |e these normal Em and w; = y3T/ml. Establish the configuration 5-13 In Probl Rian ee Seen 2m, and m3 = m, determine the normal mode frequt™ torsic ‘ op Ree n in Fig. P5-14 is composed of a shaft of stiffness Ki rand moment of inertia Jj; four leaf springs of stiffness k,, and # a Figure Ps-14, © scanned with OKEN Scanner Problems 147 outer wheel of radius R and moment of inertia J.. Set up the differential ~Gquations for torsional oscillation, assuming one end of the shaft to be fixed. Show that the frequency equation reduces to . dA; wt — [of +0}, + Fob, ]u? + wo}, = 0 jon iia where ©, and w,, are uncoupled frequencies given by the expressions “ eek an tee ee (‘ 15) Two equal pendulums free to rotate about the x-x axis are coupled together by @ EMG rubber hose of torsional stiffness k tb - in,/rad, as shown in Fig, PS-15. De- BH termine the natural frequencies for the normal modes of vibration, and describe how these motions may be started. If / = 193 in,, mg = 3.86 Ib, and k = 2.0 Ib -in,/rad, determine the beat period for a motion started with @, = 0 and 8; = @,, Examine carefully the phase of Be motion as the amplitude approaches zero- EE——EIE———erreeees Figure PS-15. Determine the equations of motion for the system ‘of Prob. 5-4 when the initial "conditions are x, (0) = A, (0) = x2(0) = 420) = 0. ‘The double pendulum of Prob. 5-9 is started with the following initial conditions: x,(0) = x,(0) = X, (0) = ¥,(0) = 0. Determine the equations of motion. “The lower mass of Prob. 5-1 is given a sharp blow, imparting to it an initial ity (0) = V. Determine the equation of motion. ‘of Prob. 5-1 is started with initial conditions x,(0) = 0, x2(0) = = (0) = 0, show that the equations of motion are © scanned with OKEN Scanner Introduction to Multi Degree of Freedom g, / i 4 oe £20 Choose ates x for the displacement of ¢ and 0 clockwise (2 are rate shown in Fig. PS-20, and determine the Datura ray and mode shapes. ps |p| 5 —| Figure PS.20, ear set up the matrix equation of motion forthe system shown in Fj © coordinates x, and x, at m and 2m. Determine mode frequencies and describe the mode shapes. ogi Lt ge ig. PS.2) the equation for the ; 7 Figure PS-21, $22 In Prob. 5-21, if the coordinates x al will they result in? $23 Compare Probs. 5-9 and 5-10 in matrix form resent in each coordinate system, $24 The following information is given for a certain automobile shown in Fig. P52, ig. fm and @ are used, what form of coupsy and indicate the type of coupl W=35001b ky = 2000 Ib/tt 44k; = 2400Ib/ft b= 56 ft r= 4ft = radius of gyration about cg Determine the normal modes of vibration and locate the node for each mode. —. Nae a Figure PS.24, /An airfoil section o be in a wind tunnel is su spring | fae ported by a linear b ee Taha a Arar went 7 vesion is a distance ¢ ofthe point of suppor, determine the difeet) le en Be | © scanned with OKEN Scanner 5 Problems 149, ke m % K eae Figure P5-25. hes] petemine the natural frequencies and normal modes ofthe system shown in Fig, | 5-26 when gm, = 3.86 1b ky = 201b/in. | gm, = 1.93 1b ky = 101b/in. | When forced by F, = Fysin wt, determine the equations for the amplitudes and | plot them against #/41- ey [Ff sinet rf. ke ‘Arotor is mounted in bearings that are free to move ina single plane, as shown in Fa Pez The rotor is symanetrcal about O with total mass M and momen! of iaetia , about an axis perpendicular to the shaft If small unbslance. my dete ‘ ‘at an axial distance b Trem tis center O, determine the equations of motion for a ‘tational speed w. © scanned with OKEN Scanner introduction to Multi - Degree of Freedom 150 S) i Figure P5-28. 4639 In Prob, $.28, if a force is applied to m, t0 deflect it by unity and the sq released from this position, determine the equation of motion of each mass by normal mode summation method. 5.30 In Prob. 5-29, determine the ratio of the maximum shear in the first and sey stories. 5.31 Repeat Prob. 5-29 if the load is applied to m,, displacing it by unity. $32 Assume in Prob. $-28 that an earthquake causes the ground to oscillate in| horizontal direction according to the equation x, = X,sin wf. Determine! response of the building and plot it against #/w,. _ $33 To simulate the effect of an earthquake on a rigid Byilding, the base is assumel be connected to the ground through two springs; K, for the translati stiffness, and K, for the rotational stiffness. If the ground is now git harmonic motion ¥, = Yzsinws, set up the equations of motion in terms ol! coordinates shown in Fig. P5-33. : Figure, Solve the equations of Prob, 5-33 by letting ‘4 a) w= tr) mt M ( I ) 3 Sym © scanned with OKEN Scanner - Op pact 2:54 are shown in Fi Toe Verily the mode shapes for several values of the frequency ratio, in Fig. ‘The expansion joints of a concrete highway are 45 ft apart. These joints cause a snes of impulses at equal intervals to affect cars traveling at a constant speed. Determine the speeds at which Pitching motion and up-and-down motion are ‘ost apt to arise for the automobile of Prob. 5-24, For the system shown in Fig. P5-37, W, = 200 Ib and the absorber weight W, = 50 Ib. If W, is excited by a 2 Ib-in. unbalance rotating at 1800 rpm, Sstermine the proper value of the absorber soring k,. What will be the amplitude of W2 © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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