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Resourcing and Resource Mobilization

Abdikani Abdillahi Osman

Monitoring Evaluation, Accord University

PRM566: Project Resource and mobilization


Instructor’s Abdikani Abdillahi


Resourcing and Resource


Why, What, how?

Resourcing means assigning actual resources (a rather cold expression which normally means
people) to the project. There are two very different aspects to this:

▪ deciding which resources to apply to which work items in the project plan, and

▪ actually getting the resources to work for the project.

Resource planning and scheduling

The allocation of resources to the project

plan is part of the overall process
of planning, estimating and resourcing the
project. Each time the plan is reviewed
and revised, resourcing will be addressed.

The initial planning will have identified

the work to be done. Estimates will have
been formed, not just for the overall effort
but normally showing effort per resource type.

Initially, the Project Manager will have identified resource requirements theoretically. For
example, you may have decided that project tracking requires:

▪ 10 days effort from a Project Office Manager,

▪ 20 days from a Project Administrator, and

▪ 5 days from the Project Manager.

Now you need to consider the real world.

▪ Do you have people like that?

▪ If not, would you be able to get them?

▪ What is their availability / when can you get them?

▪ What else will the Project Administrator and Project Office Manager be doing - is there
enough work altogether to justify two people - or could one person handle both roles?

▪ Is it practical to use a resource part time on the project?

▪ Who is able to agree and authorise the use of the resources?

▪ How do we get them to concur - particularly if it is a loss for their own area?

Very often these "real world" conclusions will have an impact on the original plans and
estimates. Maybe you could not get the number of people you wanted. Maybe a key resource will
not be available until later. Maybe you need to re-sequence tasks to avoid overloading a unique

As the plan is refined, the Project Manager incorporates these practical considerations and
repeats the scheduling process until an optimum achievable plan has been generated.

Here is a summary of the overall process...

Mobilizing resources

Getting the resources for a project requires very different Project Management skills. Just
because you put something in the plan and get it agreed does not mean that it will happen.

It usually takes strong support from the Project Sponsor and constant attention from the Project
Manager to make sure the participants are released to work on the project as agreed. These
resources usually have enough work to keep them busy full time in their normal line
departments. You have to convince them and their managers that it really is essential to make
them available - even though it causes pain in their own departments. Getting the right level of
input is particularly difficult where resources are only planned to be working part time on the
project. Try to get them physically away from their line job and working from the project team's
own accommodation otherwise they will constantly be diverted back to their regular job.

Here is an example from a real project that shows the potential difficulty and impact of resource
mobilisation. We produced these charts to show the Project Sponsor that the promised input from
the business was not materialising. Only the external consultants were matching our
expectations. We thought it was a strong message, but his response was - "it shows you can get
resources if you pay high fees for them". Nevertheless, our point was taken.

Resourcing at the start of the project

During the Project Definition and initial planning of the project, resourcing is generally
considered at a summary level. You will need to identify roles or classes of resource and their
general capability, availability and costs etc. This is also the time to start the campaign to
persuade line management that they need to participate and release resources for the project.

You might start by building a matrix of the resources you need - one dimension showing the type
of capability, knowledge or skill they provide and another dimension showing the level of their
authority and/or ability. To deliver a business solution you will need to include all the
participants required for the complete solution including those from the business and external

Resourcing needs will vary throughout the project. Typically, the early stages require intensive
participation from the organisation's leadership and management normally supported by
specialists in the industry, the processes, the technology, Human Resources and organisational
change. These tend to be senior people. For the detailed design, the balance will shift towards
more analysts and designers working alongside the "architects" from the earlier work. As the
solution is constructed, typically you will require a much larger number of more junior staff to
do the actual work. When the solution is ready for testing, you will again require participation
from the organisation's management plus a significant number of users.

For the initial high-level project plan you will not necessarily identify individual resources -
unless those individuals play a significant individual role. For example,

▪ you need to say that the Finance Director has to participate in formulating the vision for
transforming the finance function within the organisation - and you need to check
availability, commitment, etc, but

▪ you do not need to name the third programmer in the MIS reporting team.

It is enough that you can identify the types of resource, the general availability of that resource
type and the approximate cost. Based on this information, the initial plan, timing, costs and
benefit model can be reviewed and, if necessary, revised. Bear in mind, however, that obtaining
the desired individual resources can take time, so move on as quickly as possible to the
identification of individual resources - particularly those required for the initial phase of work.

Detailed resourcing per phase

As you determine the detailed plan, typically prior to the start of each phase, you will need to
consider the resourcing in detail such that individual resources can be assigned to specific tasks.
By this stage all individuals should be identified - assigning actual names to the roles identified
earlier. As part of that process, practical considerations and rationalisation may mean you need to
fine-tune the plan and estimates.

Now that you have a detailed view of the project's participants, you should also consider how
best to organise them into teams and sub-teams.

It often takes time to get the identified resources from their current work duties into the project
team. You will need to make plans sufficiently in advance that the resources can hand over their
current duties and be released for the team. Before making any decisions or assumptions about
resourcing, you will need to have agreed the details with the relevant line management. Use the
Project Sponsor to apply pressure where necessary.

As well as getting the people onto the team, remember to ensure they have the accommodation
and infrastructure they will need. Typically, team members may need to have:

▪ car parking,

▪ security clearance and physical access to the work areas,

▪ desk,

▪ telephone,

▪ PC with network connection,

▪ accounts on relevant computer systems (eg the target technology, the project's
documentation and knowledge repositories, the EMail system, the organisation's Intranet,
the external Internet, external hubs / storefronts etc),

▪ access to office facilities such as photocopiers, stationery, etc

▪ somewhere to eat, get coffee, go to the toilet etc.

If they are working away from home, you may also have to deal with their accommodation and
travel arrangements. They may also require initial training in the technology or coaching on the
project's working methods. In general, it is good practice to devote some time to welcoming team
members and coaching them about the project.

Further considerations about mobilising the team can be found in the Team Building section.

Managing resources during the project

During the course of the project, it is unlikely that you will make any major changes in the
resourcing. Of course, circumstances may change - plans may need review, progress may slip,
people may resign, individuals may perform poorly etc. In these cases the resourcing issues may
need re-examination.

Resourcing issues at phase end

At each phase end there are two choices for each resource, either:

▪ they stay on the project for the next phase, or

▪ they need to return from the team.

Ideally, this choice should be clear well in advance so they have sufficient warning and details
can be agreed. Detailed planning and resourcing for the following phase should be performed
well in advance. Where team members will be leaving, their next role or assignment should be
Resourcing issues at the end of the project
At the end of the project there are two choices for each team member, either:

▪ become part of the continuing benefit realisation team, providing such things as coaching,
support, maintenance, enhancements, and upgrades, or

▪ leave the team.

A good Project Manager cares about the well being of the project team. Where possible, you
should ensure your team members have a clear, valuable role to return to. Their capabilities and
experience should be rewarded and exploited in their line positions. Very often, former team
members make excellent coaches, team leaders, and managers back in their line roles since they
return with an excellent understanding of the new business solution. If the team member is
returning to a pool of resources, eg an analyst/programmer in the organisation's IT department,
make sure the resource managers for that pool know the details in advance so they can re-
allocate the resource in a valuable way.

The Project Manager will often have a formal duty to assess or appraise the performance of
project staff. Even where there is no formal process, it is appropriate to provide useful feedback
to the participant.


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