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Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

Test Units 7:9

Vocabulary & Structures

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Feryal Ashraf ............ history in 2021 Tokyo Olympics.
Ⓐ gave Ⓑ reached Ⓒ did Ⓓ made
2. He was elected to be a ............... in the Parliament.
Ⓐ concealer Ⓑ counselor Ⓒ separate Ⓓ councilor
3. ............... is the antonym of "insist".
Ⓐ Give away Ⓑ Give in Ⓒ Give up Ⓓ Give out
4. You should ............... your parents.
Ⓐ be proud of Ⓑ take pride of Ⓒ take bride in Ⓓ A & B
5. Lots of money, a luxury house, a fast car - Mostafa had …………… all his ambitions
by the age of 30.
Ⓐ realized Ⓑ devised Ⓒ identified Ⓓ recognized
6. The successful candidate will be offered an internship in the ……… department.
Ⓐ edit Ⓑ edition Ⓒ editorial Ⓓ editor
7. The bus …………… down a slope and hit a telephone pole.
Ⓐ worked Ⓑ careered Ⓒ jobbed Ⓓ broke
8. What's the matter? What's ………………………… ?
Ⓐ happening Ⓑ occurring Ⓒ going on Ⓓ All are OK
9. A week later, ............ to my surprise, I was told my order must be changed.
Ⓐ many Ⓑ little Ⓒ much Ⓓ few
10. The shoe factory is the largest ............ in this area.
Ⓐ employer Ⓑ employee Ⓒ employment Ⓓ employed
11. When I was on holiday, ............ was stolen.
Ⓐ all my luggage Ⓑ my whole luggage
Ⓒ whole my luggage Ⓓ my all luggage
12. Muslims fast during Ramadan. Fast in this sentence is a / an ............... .
Ⓐ adjective Ⓑ adverb Ⓒ verb Ⓓ noun
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

13. I'm a student in the third secondary grade. I ……… English for 8 years. (2004)
Ⓐ learn Ⓑ learnt Ⓒ am learning Ⓓ have been learning
14. I was advised .............. by a doctor, but it was not possible.
Ⓐ seeing Ⓑ to see Ⓒ being seen Ⓓ to be seen
15. Don’t worry; everyone has .............. own problems; no one is immune to them.
Ⓐ his/her Ⓑ their Ⓒ its ⒹA & B
16. Eve works ............ except Sunday.
Ⓐ all days Ⓑ every day Ⓒ everyday Ⓓ A & B

B. Reading Comprehension

- Read the passage and the answer the questions:

“She’s coming. Hide it quickly!” The girls quickly shoved it under the table
and acted as if nothing had happened. When Miss Farida entered the classroom,
everyone stood up and greeted her. She gave them a smile. The girls noticed that
there was sadness in her eyes. Poor Miss Farida. They wished with all their hearts
that they could do something to help her, but there was nothing that they could do.
Miss Farida told them that she would miss them. She explained that she would give
anything to stay as their form teacher but she had no choice. Her father was
gravely ill. Her mother was too elderly to be left alone with him. She simply had to
return to her hometown in a neighbouring country.

Looking at the list of e-mail addresses in her hand, she promised she would
keep in touch with them. She encouraged them to study and play hard and to always
give their best. Then she got ready to leave. Our class monitor walked over to her
and handed her a small package. With tears in her eyes, Miss Farida opened it. “It’s
from our trip to Siwa last term. Look at it and remember us always,” said our
monitor. She nodded. “Thank you. I’ll frame it and put it up on the wall of my room.”
Then she left. Miss Farida is one of the best teachers who devotes all her life to
people, and she is never forgotten because of her cooperation and tolerance.
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

17. The best title to the passage is …………………… .
a) Miss Farida’s departure
b) The good relation between Miss Farida and her class
c) The gift to Miss Farida
d) Miss Farida’s good qualities and her strong personality
18. Miss Farida was …………………… .
a) the school headmistress b) a good student at a secondary school
c) the class teacher d) ungrateful to her parents
19. Miss Farida had to leave the school because ……………………
a) she was ill and needed to be looked after by her parents
b) she hated her work at the school
c) the students were naughty
d) she had to return to her hometown in a neighboring country
20. Miss Farida planned to keep in touch with the students by …………………… .
a) sending letters b) exchanging e-mails
c) visiting each other d) meeting at the nearby club
21. The pronoun “It” refers to ……………………
a) Miss Farida’s photo at school b) the picture of Miss Farida’s house
c) the picture of Miss Farida’s parents d) the gift for Miss Farida
22. The synonym of the word “devotes” is …………………….
a) dedicates b) takes c) withdraws d) lets
23. The students will remember Miss Farida because of …………………… .
a) the gift they gave her
b) her wealth and happiness
c) her good qualities
d) her care for her parents
24. Miss Farida encouraged her students to …………………….
a) study hard and do their best
b) play hard and give their best
c) study hard and not to play
d) both a and b
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

“Today is spring cleaning day !” mother announced cheerily. Gehad and her
sister groaned. This could only mean one thing -- a lot of hard work. However, they
put on a brave smile and got ready to work. They knew that their mother needed
their help. She was already working two jobs to support them and had very little
spare time. So, they quickly got on with the job. The two sisters were helpful and
grateful. They wouldn’t let their mother do the cleaning alone. Gehad opted to
clean the study while her sister was asked to clean their room. While dusting
and rearranging the book and stuff in the study, Gehad came across a picture of
her late father.
It was a picture of them having a wonderful day at the beach. Gehad felt
tears coming to her eyes. She really missed her father. When her mother came in,
Gehad quickly wiped her tears and busied herself with the shelves. She did not
want to upset her mother. She knew her mother missed him just as much as her.
Gehad suddenly went to her mother and hugged her tight. “What’s wrong, Gehad?”
asked her mother. “Nothing, I just want to tell you that I love you very much.
Don’t work too hard, Mum,” said Gehad. Her mother just smiled at her. The
mother thanked her daughters a lot. After the cleaning was over, they had a well-
deserved treat at McDonalds.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

25- The best title to the passage is: ........................ .

a) The good and cooperative family
b) Gehad and her sister
c) The meal at the restaurant
d) The good mother
26- The synonym of the word “groan” is ........................ .
a) run b) moan c) help d) accept
27- “They had a well-deserved treat at McDonalds.” “treat” here means ................. .
a) discuss b) cure c) meal d) behave
28- The two children groaned because ..............
a) their mother punished them
b) they wanted to do their homework
c) they wanted to have a meal at McDonalds
d) they knew that spring cleaning meant a lot of hard work
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

29- Gehad’s mother worked two jobs because ........................ .

a) she had to support the whole family
b) she wanted to save much money
c) the father was ill and they wanted money
d) she had much spare time
30- The words “late father” mean that ........................ .
a) Gehad’s father immigrated
b) Gehad’s father escaped
c) Gehad’s father died
d) Gehad’s father was imprisoned
31- Gehad didn’t want her mother to see her crying because ........................
a) she didn’t want her to know that her father died
b) she didn’t want to be punished
c) she didn’t want to upset her mother
d) she didn’t want to stop cleaning
32- What kind of girl do you think Gehad is?
a) She is a hard working girl.
b) She is a wasteful girl.
c) She is a cruel and aggressive girl.
d) She is a loving and thoughtful girl.


33. The …………………… can be used in compound words, to link words to prefixes,
and also as a way to show word breaks.
a. apostrophe b. comma c. hyphen d. dash
34. The goal of a/an …………………… paragraph is to convince another person to
change, or at least think about changing, their opinion about something.
a. expository b. narrative c. persuasive d. descriptive
35. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) Could you tell me why you didn’t do your homework?
b) Could you tell me why didn’t you do your homework?
c) Could you to tell me why you didn’t do your homework?
d) Could you tell me why you hadn’t done your homework?
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader


- Choose the best English Translation:

‫تشجع أماكن العمل وجود تهوع بھا‬

ِّ ‫ یجب أن‬،‫ لإیجاد حلول فعالة ومبتكرة للمشكلات التي ُتواجه المؤسسات‬-36

Ⓐ In order to find smart and effective solutions to issues faced by workplaces,

organisations may encourage diversity.
Ⓑ To reach effective and innovative solutions to problems that organisations face,
workplaces have to discourage diversity.
ⒸIn order to find smart and effective solutions to issues that organisations face,
workplaces should encourage diversity.
Ⓓ In order to find effective and innovative solutions to issues that institutes face,
workplaces should encourage diversity.

37. Some people believe that social networking websites play an outstanding role
in strengthening human relations, while others think they make relations

‫ تينما يعتقد الثعض اآلخر أنها‬،‫ يعتقد الثعض أن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى تلعة دورًا عاترًا فى تقوية العالقات اإلنسانية‬.‫أ‬
.‫تجعل العالقات فاترة‬
‫ تينما يعتقد الثعض اآلخر‬،‫ يعتقد الثعض أن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى تلعة دورًا تارزًا فى تقليص العالقات اإلنسانية‬.‫ب‬
.‫أنها تجعل العالقات فاترة‬
‫ تينما يعتقد الثعض اآلخر أنها‬،‫ يعتقد الثعض أن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى تلعة دورًا تارزًا فى تقوية العالقات اإلنسانية‬.‫ج‬
.‫تجعل العالقات فاترة‬
‫ تينما ينفى الثعض اآلخر أنها‬،‫ يعتقد الثعض أن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى تلعة دورًا تارزًا فى تقوية العالقات اإلنسانية‬.‫د‬
.‫تجعل العالقات فاترة‬
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader


38- Write an essay of about 200 (TWO HUNDRED) words on :

"Determination is the best way to success”.

The Novel

39- “Beauty is skin deep.” How can this proverb be applied to Estella?

40- "As a child, Provis was always hungry, so he stole and begged to survive."
Do you think that a difficult childhood is an enough excuse for becoming a
criminal? Why? Why not?
Mr. Mostafa Abd El-Aal El-Leader

1. D 6. C 11. A 16. B 21. D 26. B 31. C 36. C

2. D 7. B 12. C 17. B 22. A 27. C 32. D 37. C
3. C 8. D 13. D 18. C 23. C 28. D 33. C
4. A 9. C 14. D 19. D 24. D 29. A 34. C
5. A 10. A 15. D 20. B 25. A 30. C 35. A

39. Estella was beautiful but her soul was ill. She had no heart. She was
40. No, I don't think so. Because Pip also had a difficult childhood, yet he
didn't become a criminal. One must struggle honorably until one's conditions

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