Entrepreneurial Management - 02 (Summer 2018)

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Entrepreneurial Management - 02 (Summer 2018)

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Business 406 Entrepreneurial Management Summer 2018

July 2 - August 9

KA 263 Monday & Wednesday 12:45-5:15pm

Professor Stryker srstryker@usfca.edu (mailto:styrker@usfca.edu)

Office Hours Monday and Wednesday 11:30-12:30 MH 121

Welcome to the accelerated summer session for Bus 406. Instead of meeting 16 weeks we will meet
6 weeks. Try to start on the reading so you will be prepared for the class. The more you review the
material the better off you will be to understand the course and the more you will enjoy the process of
project-based learning. Looking forward to hearing about all your interests and potential
entrepreneurial ideas

Project-based learning — learning by doing — has been a proven training method for craftsmen and
artisans for centuries. More recently, this model focused on inquiry or research-based learning, is a
form of project-based learning, whereby students are guided and iterate through an investigatory
and/or design process that brings them to and beyond the frontiers of a field. The senior
entrepreneurship class is ideal for this learning approach driving students to higher order learning
including timely and specific feedback, dialogic engagement, deliberate and effortful practice,
motivation through purpose and context, metacognition, and the development of interpersonal
competencies such as collaboration, creativity, and communication. Instead of sitting passively in
classrooms being force-fed information you will be pushed and encouraged to explore for yourself,
learning how to learn, a life-long skill everyone will need in the future.
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The learn-by-doing methodology, a central part of the progressive education pedagogical

movement, is gaining momentum in university education and is very apropos for the entrepreneurial
student. This methodology will train the next generation of university educated entrepreneurial
professionals led the way by software engineers with graduates now working for top-tier Silicon Valley
companies like Tesla, LinkedIn, and Apple as well as entrepreneurs starting their own enterprises. If a
student doesn’t have an internship or a project or research experience, they’re pretty much
noncompetitive in the job market. In this capstone class, you will be guided to develop a project for
launch and compete in a VC sponsored competition. To further prepare you for the project launch and
project competition the following class goals will be emphasized throughout the course: creative
thinking, time management, presentation skills, Q & A skills, financial skills, technology skills and
personal skill development for the entrepreneurial journey.

This capstone class, Business 406, presumes all students are familiar with the principles of
business as covered in earlier SOM courses. As seniors you have completed studies in the FAME
group of academics: finance, accounting, management and economics and are now ready to move
on to strategies for identifying and acting on economic opportunities in the business world. In our Bus
406 class, we will be using the newly published book, Entrepreneurship by Neck, Neck, and Murray
(2018) by Sage Publications. This book reflects the general topics covered in class to include
introducing the entrepreneurial lifestyle, creating and finding opportunities, evaluating and acting on
opportunities, and resourcing new enterprises. Students will learn entrepreneurship by doing
entrepreneurship. To connect our class to the entrepreneurial world, we will have entrepreneurial
speakers and workshops throughout the course. If you know of a local inspirational entrepreneur you
would like to suggest for a cameo appearance in our class, please let us know.

Readings, assignments, and cases will be used to highlight issues and problems that face
leaders as they create and implement processes, structures, and strategies to strategically manage
their technological innovation. By the completion of the course, you will have:

A familiarity with current topics in strategic innovation management, such as innovation networks,
idea brokering, open innovation;
A familiarity with innovation processes and structures such as R&D team idea generation
processes, the challenges of innovation in large and small firms;
An understanding of the strategies most effective for exploiting innovations;
The ability to apply entrepreneurial concepts directly to real-world situations;

This course depends heavily on class participation. Participation has three main elements: class
attendance, informed involvement in class discussions and exercises. Participation counts for 50% of
your grade and will be evaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the semester. Students will be
graded on the quality of their comments in class and on the class exercises. Unexcused absences
will result in zero points for attendance. Quality is judged based on:

your understanding of chapter topics (e.g. sharpening of key issues, depth, and relevance of
your ability to draw on course materials and your own experience productively;
your ability to add substantively to the class discussion

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Most importantly, you will be evaluated on your commitment to learning and exploring in the
entrepreneurial space we are creating in our class this summer.



Assignments 30% (Homework)

30% (In Classwork)

100 points for classroom

Class Work attendance 1 excused
absence for the 6-week
summer term.

40% (Final Project with

Final assignment

*Late assignment will be accepted until August 15 however, there will be a point reduction of 20%


Neck, H.N., Neck, C.P. & Murray, E.L. (2018) Entrepreneurship, Sage Publications.

Life in the Classroom

This is not a lecture alone based course. Classroom discussion is a vital part of your learning
experience and is important for your grade. You will need to come to class prepared to discuss the
day's case and readings and to respond to the ideas and comments of others. I will (generally)
facilitate a dialogue among the class participants rather than deliver a monologue. I expect your
interactions to be informative, well-reasoned and constructive.

Welcome to our learning environment! Let’s make this a productive and enjoyable class.

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Professor Stryker

Business 406 Syllabus: Spring 2018

*Assignments are subject to modification and relevant announcements will be posted on Canvas.


Review course materials &

Introduction to
1 7/02 Course
Presentations Q & A of
Project Interests

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Entrepreneurship: A
Read pages 1-35
Global Social

Chapter 2 Practicing
Entrepreneurship Read pages 36-61

Chapter 3:
Developing an
Read pages 62-86
7/4 Entrepreneurial
Mindset Happy 4th

Chapter 4
2 7/9 Supporting Social Read pages 88-116

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Chapter 5 Generating Read pages 120 -142

New Ideas Quiz Chapters 1-4

Chapter 6: Using Read pages 144-175

3 7/16
Design Thinking

Chapter 7: Testing Read pages 120-199

7/18 and Experimenting in
Markets Quiz chapters 5,6 &7

Chapter 8 Building
4 7/23 Read pages 202-223
Business Models

Chapter 9 : Planning Read pages 202-273

for Entrepreneurs Quiz Chapters 8, 9 & 10

Chapter 10 Creating
7/30 Read pages 250-275
Revenue Models

Chapter 11 Learning Read pages 276-301

from Failure Quiz Chapters 11, 12 & 13

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Chapter 12:
6 8/6 Bootstrapping for Read pages 304-327

Chapter 13 Financing
Read pages 328- 358
for Startups

Chapter 14
Read pages 382-411
Developing Networks

Chapter 15 Read pages 412-442

Navigating Legal and
IP issues

Read pages 382-466

Quiz Chapters 14-16

Chapter 16 Chapter
8/8 16 Marketing and
Pitching your Idea
Pitch presentations

Course Summary:
Date Details Due

 Class Exercise # 1 In
Inspirational ideas from class
Mon Jul 2, 2018 due by 11:59pm

Sun Jul 8, 2018  Class Exercise #2 Personal

Impact Statement due by 11:59pm

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Date Details Due

 Homework # 1 Case Study:

Entrepreneurial Acquisition due by 11:59pm

 Class Exercise #3 Reflections due by 11:59pm


 Homework # 2 Athletics and

Entrepreneurship due by 11:59pm
Sun Jul 15, 2018 (https://usfca.instructure.com/courses/1578127/assignments/6751875)

 Homework #3 Meet an
Entrepreneur and post on
due by 11:59pm

 Class Exercise #5
Presentations of Future Industry
Mon Jul 16, 2018 due by 4:30pm

 Summer 2018 Bus 406 Quiz

Chapter 3- Requires Respondus
due by 11:59pm
LockDown Browser
Tue Jul 17, 2018

 Summer 2018 Bus 406 Quiz

Chapter 4- Requires Respondus
due by 11:59pm
LockDown Browser

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Wed Jul 18, 2018 Chapter 6 due by 5:30pm

Sun Jul 22, 2018  Homework# 3 Social

Entrepreneurshiop due by 11:59pm

 3-D file for printing due by 11:59pm


 Class Exercise #4
Inspirational Ideas from
due by 11:59pm
Entrepreneur Interviews

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Date Details Due

 Create your own website for

brand "you" due by 11:59pm

 Class Exercise #6 In Design

Thinking (This exercise will be
Mon Jul 23, 2018 completed in class on Monday due by 11:59pm
July 23rd)

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 11- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 8- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser
Wed Jul 25, 2018

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 9- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

 Class Exercise #7 In Class

Story Board due by 11:59pm

 Final Class Project-

Sun Jul 29, 2018 Economic Opportunity Part 1 due by 11:59pm

Wed Aug 1, 2018  Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 12- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 13- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 14- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

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Date Details Due

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 15- Requires Respondus
due by 5pm
LockDown Browser

 Homework #4 Multi-division
company conflict (EXTRA
Sun Aug 5, 2018 due by 1:59pm

 Final Class Project Economic

Opportunity Part 3 Pitch Deck due by 11:59am
Wed Aug 8, 2018

 Effective Social Media

Analysis due by 12pm

 Final Class Project Economic

Wed Aug 15, 2018 Opportunity Part 2 due by 11:59pm

 .Short Answers Quiz 1-4


 Last two chapters from

NECK: Financials and PPT

 Short Answers Quiz 5-7


 Short Answers Quiz 8-11


 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 10- Requires Respondus
LockDown Browser

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 5

 Summer 2018 Bus 406

Chapter 7- Requires Respondus

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Date Details Due

LockDown Browser

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