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Construction of Teacher Knowledge in Context: Preparing

Elementary Teachers to Teach Mathematics and Science

Norene Vail Lowery

University of Houston

The purpose of this study was to further the understanding of how preservice teachers construct
teacher knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of elementary mathematics and science
in a school-based setting and the extent of knowledge construction. Evidence of knowledge
construction (its acquisition, its dimensions, and the social context) was collected through the use
of a qualitative methodology. The methods course was content-specific with instruction in
elementary mathematics and science. Learning experiences were based on national standards with
a constructivist instructional approach and immediate access to field experiences. Analysis and
synthesis of data revealed an extensive acquisition of teacher knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge. Learning venues were discovered to be the conduits of learning in a situated learning
context. As in this study, content-specific, school-based experiences may afford preservice
teachers greater opportunities to focus on content and instructional strategies at deeper levels; to
address anxieties typically associated with the teaching of elementary mathematics and science;
and to become more confident and competent teachers. Gains in positive attitudes and confidence
in teaching mathematics and science were identified as direct results of this experience.

Current reform efforts emphasizing the importance effects of innovative preparation programs on preservice
of teacher knowledge have produced national stan- teachers’ acquisition of teacher knowledge?
dards for mathematics education and science education Research of teacher knowledge, its acquisition, its
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics dimensions, and the social context of its construction
[NCTM], 1989, 1991, 1995, 2000; National Research adds to the knowledge base regarding effective teach-
Council [NRC], 1996). Created as guidelines, these ing, and further research is needed (Calderhead, 1987;
standards address improvements in student learning, Carlsen, 1991; Grossman, 1990; Wilson, Shulman, &
program development, assessment, and professional Richert, 1987). Educators need to know how teachers
development for teachers. These standards promote learn; what types of knowledge and levels of knowl-
learning environments that encourage the implementa- edge acquisition are necessary to become effective
tion of the constructivist learning perspective. These teachers; and what contexts are most conducive to
bold constructs create the need for new ways of learning how to teach. Brown and Borko (1992) re-
teaching and learning. New ways of teaching and garded learning to teach as the acquisition of knowledge
learning demand new ways of educating teachers. If systems or schemata; cognitive skills such as pedagogi-
preservice teachers need to be taught in the same cal problem solving and decision-making; and a set of
manner in which they will be teaching (Cuban, 1984; observable teaching behaviors that simultaneously in-
Lortie, 1975), then it is imperative that teacher educa- teract with experience and factors of change. Re-
tion programs keep pace with new recommendations searchers agree that understanding teacher knowledge
for their preparation (Sizer, 1991). Teachers are seen and teacher thinking is critical to understanding teach-
as the key figures of implementation of national stan- ing and learning how to teach (Berliner, 1986; Clark &
dards by both mathematics and science groups and bear Dunn, 1991; Clark & Peterson, 1986; Fenstermacher,
the burden of successful reform (NCTM, 1989, 1991, 1994; Grossman, 1995; Leinhardt, Putnam, Stein &
1995, 2000; NRC, 1996). Baxter, 1991; Shulman, 1986).
Reform efforts stimulate concern for the status of The context for learning how to teach is another
teacher education and suggest new emphases for re- important consideration. There is evidence to suggest
search. How well do teacher education programs enable that preservice teachers benefit from active, learner-
teachers to fulfill this responsibility? What are the centered constructivist environments (Brindley, 2000;

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Construction of Teacher Knowledge 69

Holt-Reynolds, 2000; Kelly, 2000). Teaching and learn- sources and methods triangulated information. Con-
ing occur in social contexts. Embedded in knowledge text-rich materials provided background meaning to
construction is the importance of authentic learning support data analysis and interpretations. Norms of
contexts (Cochran, DeRuiter, & King, 1993) and learn- qualitative methodology were observed and facilitated
ing in social context (Bullough & Gitlin, 1991; Piaget, the discovery and extent of knowledge construction by
1970; Vygotsky, 1978). Situated knowledge is the result preservice teachers. Respondents were 31 junior and
of such activity, content, and culture embedded in senior elementary education majors at a large university
authentic, relevant problem situations. It is believed to enrolled in a required methods course that fulfills
influence knowledge construction and its transferability certification for elementary mathematics and science
(Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989). Within this social instruction. A school-based setting was selected to
context, teacher reflection is seen as an essential factor allow simultaneous interactions of the complexities
for constructing teacher knowledge (Roberson, 2000), involved in teaching. This social context of school
particularly pedagogical content knowledge (Wilson et provided the opportunity to examine how preservice
al., 1987). teachers collectively and individually construct and
Contemporary foundations in cognitive psychology reconstruct meaning.
provide a developing knowledge base for preparing The site for methods instruction was located on a
teachers. One theoretical model of teacher knowledge suburban public elementary school campus (K-5) in a
suggests seven domains of teachers’ professional knowl- central Texas school district with an enrollment of 338
edge: knowledge of subject matter, pedagogical con- students. This campus was state rated with a student
tent knowledge, knowledge of other content, knowledge population as high performing and exemplary. The
of the curriculum, knowledge of learners, knowledge of teaching staff consisted of four team teachers each in
educational aims, and general pedagogical knowledge kindergarten, first grade, and second grade; three team
(Shulman & Grossman, 1988; Wilson et al., 1987). teachers in third grade; and two team teachers each in
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), one particular fourth and fifth grades. A portable building designated
interest of this study, is that domain of teachers’ knowl- as the mathematics and science lab was the site of
edge that combines subject matter knowledge and knowl- methods course instruction. Although called a profes-
edge of pedagogy (Tobin, Tippins, & Gallard, 1994). sional development school, this experience was con-
Studies that examine factors affecting the con- tent-specific in that the methods course involved only
struction of teachers’ knowledge, teacher learning, and mathematics and science instruction. This allowed a
context can make significant contributions in strength- more in-depth experience in these content areas for the
ening the preparation of teachers and complement a preservice teachers.
growing knowledge base for teaching. Research of Within this context, the preservice teachers expe-
PCK is limited in elementary school mathematics and rienced a standards-based (NCTM, 1989, 1991, 1995,
science. This study was conducted in a school-based 2000; NRC, 1996), rather than textbook-based, math-
setting focusing on the construction of teacher knowl- ematics and science methods course, with immediate
edge in preservice teachers and the construction of access to field experiences. National standards and
PCK of elementary mathematics and science. These state and local curriculum policies determined the grade
questions guided the study: (a) How do preservice level content that became the foundation of content
teachers construct teacher knowledge and what is the study in the methods course. Course goals were to
extent of that construction? (b) How do preservice become informed of national and state standards and to
teachers construct PCK of elementary mathematics become reflective practitioners. A constructivist ap-
and science and what is the extent of that knowledge proach to learning and teaching was modeled, ob-
construction? served, discussed, and implemented. Site-specific tasks
included teaching and tutoring mathematics and sci-
Research Methodology, Design, and ence to elementary students; designing instructional
Procedures materials; and creating family involvement nights. Field
experiences of observation and teaching were negoti-
A case study was chosen for this context-specific ated with the schedules of grade level cohort groups of
inquiry (as described by Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Data 4-5 preservice teachers and the in-service teachers’
collection spanning a semester allowed the researcher conference and instructional times. These sessions
to learn the school culture, to build trust, and to develop were specifically generated and designed by in-service
rapport to aid credibility. The use of multiple data teachers in collaboration with preservice cohorts in

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70 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

accordance with the school’s curriculum objectives. utilized throughout each stage of analysis. The first
The university instructors performed advisory roles for stage of analysis involved unitizing the data. Two
field experience activities. The primary instructor is a methods were used: note cards and note strips (com-
veteran science educator, grounded in public school puter generated); and computer-unit segmentation of
science, and is currently teaching preservice teachers, data (Erlandson, Harris, Skipper, & Allen, 1993). Each
in-service teachers, and graduate students. The re- unit coded the source, the type of respondent/infor-
searcher (the secondary instructor) is a veteran teacher mant, the episode, and other data that emerged. Sorting
of grades preK-8 and preservice teachers with elemen- was performed during the second stage of analysis
tary mathematics and science emphases. Both instruc- using the units of data (identified areas of learning) to
tors believe teaching mathematics and science must bring together provisional categories that were related
involve appropriate grade-level content with relevant (learning components). Inclusion was determined based
hands-on/minds-on approaches to learning. on the similarity of at least 10% of responses. The third
Participant observations, random individual inter- stage of analysis sorted learning components into
views and focus group exit interviews, methods course predetermined learning categories. Evidence of teacher
artifacts, and school artifacts were used to develop a knowledge and PCK emerged from these analyses. As
thick description of the learning context from multiple no new categories emerged, the next stage of analysis
perspectives. (See Appendix A.) Required products was initiated.
from coursework used as data sources were written Extensive subsequent analysis in the fourth stage of
assignments, anonymous weekly evaluations, a mid- analysis provided more depth in understanding the
term assessment project, reflective journals, summative knowledge construction by preservice teachers in this
portfolios, and a final assessment document. Various setting. Learning components within the learning cat-
course tasks included evaluation, synthesis, and imple- egories were found to be interactive, concurrent con-
mentation of teaching strategies and national standards; nections between and among categories. From this final
participation in inquiry and discovery activities; and analysis, learning in this setting was discovered to be an
participation in professional development activities with interactive process that suggested an active form of
in-service teachers. The use of constructivist instruc- acquisition, termed by the researcher as a learning
tional strategies and authentic assessment were inte- venue. The origin and extent of knowledge construc-
gral components of the experience. The methods course tion was determined by learning venues. Learning
included topic contents and methods instruction in components were sorted into corresponding learning
mathematics, science, and the integration of mathemat- venues. (See Appendix C.) Knowledge is constructed
ics and science. Classroom lessons were designed and by the preservice teachers through these learning
taught by preservice cohorts under the guidance of the venues. This was developed from a grounded theoreti-
in-service teachers and course instructors. Weekly cal perspective.
class meetings were divided into direct methods course
experiences and field experiences. A collaborative Results
environment was created by the attributes of the
setting, the methods course, and the personnel. There were many elements interacting within this
collaborative environment. The elementary school cam-
Analysis of Data pus, the in-service teachers, the principal, and the
elementary students comprised the School System.
The data were processed following the suggested Elements of the University System were the preservice
steps of synthesis of a constant comparative method teachers, the methods course, and the course instruc-
adapted from Glaser and Strauss (1967). The data tors. This collaborative learning environment provided
analysis chart (Appendix B) presents the order of the context for the construction of knowledge by the
procedures involved in the stages of analysis. Descrip- preservice teachers. Although each working system is
tive rules for the stages of analysis were devised that capable of functioning autonomously, placing these
rendered each internally consistent. Inclusion and ex- systems in a school-based setting allowed and necessi-
clusion decisions were recorded in the researcher’s tated the collaborative interaction. A direct result of the
reflexive journal. This ongoing analysis enabled deter- interactions between the systems and among the ele-
mination of source exhaustion, category saturation, ments of each system created the situated learning
emergence of regularities, and overextension in data context. As the two systems interactively merged in the
collection (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Peer debriefing was school-based setting, a third system was created. The

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Construction of Teacher Knowledge 71

researcher termed this third system the “Cohort of only from the methods course and instructors. They
Learners System,” (See Appendix D.) learned from elementary students, from in-service
Characteristics and attributes of each element teachers, and from themselves and their peers. A
contributed to the strength of reciprocal interactions continual, repetitious appearance of learning compo-
resulting in the creation of this third system. The Cohort nents surfaced from one category to another. This was
of Learners System provided the arena for situated interpreted by the researcher to represent an active
learning. The reported and observed results indicated state of learning. The term “knowledge construction”
there were two distinctive, influential, and active ele- suggested that another dimension of learning was
ments within the Cohort of Learners System. These generated within this school-based context. Tracing the
were the “dailiness of school” (patterned after common appearances of learning components created
Lieberman and Miller, 1978) and the methods course. pathways of learning between and among learning
The two systems merged as the preservice teachers categories. Further analysis implied that these path-
realized the dailiness of school. The demands of the ways were the missing links in determining how knowl-
collaborative aspects of the methods course were edge was constructed and the extent to which that
conducive for system interactions. Preservice teach- construction occurred. An active form of knowledge
ers, in-service teachers, course instructors, as well as acquisition existed in these pathways. The researcher
other school personnel, collaborated and negotiated the envisioned these active processes as venues. This form
teaching and learning experiences framed by the stan- of knowledge acquisition in this context was discovered
dards-based methods course. From these efforts, pre- and defined by the researcher as a “learning venue.”
determined learning categories were identified. These
categories were the foundational emphasis addressed Learning Venues
by the preservice teachers in the summative portfolio:
(a) Learning from teachers; (b) learning from children; The descriptions of these learning venues are
(c) learning from the methods course and instructors; presented as separate entities; yet, they are interactive,
and (d) learning from self, peers, and others. vibrant, and alive. Learning venues share common
These categories created a framework for report- strands of learning components. Venue figures consist
ing the construction and extent of teacher knowledge of those predominantly identified learning components
and PCK in mathematics and science by preservice for reporting purposes. The learning venues are learn-
teachers. Data analysis confirmed and verified these ing through collaboration; learning through reflection;
categories. The selection and structure of the school- learning through exemplary models; and learning through
based context, the methods course, and the involvement situated context. (See Appendix C.) In the Cohort of
of all elements in both systems provided the crucial Learners System, the existence of knowledge gain was
foundation for the collaborative interactions. The Co- actively orchestrated, scaffolded, and constructed
hort of Learners System developed and flourished as a through the learning venues. The acquisition, the dimen-
result of the interactive contributions. Data analysis sions, and the context of teacher knowledge and PCK
confirmed that learning occurred and was nurtured in are evidenced in these learning venue descriptions.
this situated learning context. Data analysis revealed that common strands (espe-
The preservice teachers did acquire teacher knowl- cially, group dynamics, negotiation, and cohort interac-
edge in this school-based context. Data analysis re- tion) further substantiate the strength of the interactive
vealed that learning components of teacher knowledge nature of the learning venues. The learning reported
and PCK in mathematics and science were identified in here originates from all data sources, as described
learning categories. However, analyses displayed a earlier. (See Appendix A.) The excerpts that follow
crossover and overlap of components between and were selected to be the most revealing and indicative of
among categories. Merely listing the learning catego- common responses made by the preservice teachers in
ries and learning components was determined to be an the data. (See Appendix E for data reference codes.)
insufficient response to the purpose of the study.
Further data analysis was performed to determine how Learning Through Collaboration
preservice teachers construct this knowledge and the Collaborative efforts from each element were vital
extent of that construction. for knowledge construction. The preservice teachers
A redundancy of the learning components was became familiar with their in-service teachers’ identi-
present in the four learning categories. Preservice fying attributes of enthusiasm, flexibility, patience, cre-
teachers did not learn about classroom management ativity, and motivation. Actually designing and

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72 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

implementing lessons that were valid, existing curricula and mediator of potential discord among all groups.
was a tremendous source of knowledge growth. Through Through observation, mediation was determined. Mutual
this collaborative venue, the preservice teachers learned respect, trust, and acceptance were imperative.
about, from, and with children. Teachers should work collaboratively to use the
How can a teacher learn from a student? Actually, standards for math and science in their curriculum
it is very easy and happens constantly. Children so that our teaching and learning in these subjects
have a great deal to offer. They represent a large will improve in our schools...I have also learned that
variation in learning styles, interests, abilities, we should develop an inquiry-based program and
etc....We all can learn so much from one another if assess the students learning from their inquiry...
we listen...Children have a great deal to offer and You have also taught us that we should believe in
share, and I have learned that I need to take that into ourselves and that confidence is the key to success
account when I am teaching, because it really isn’t in teaching...I have learned more in this class this
my room; it’s ours. (PF: 20.7) semester about teaching than I have learned in any
From experiences with the elementary students, other education class... (PF: 28.6)
the preservice teachers constructed teacher knowl- When teaching science lessons, preservice teach-
edge and PCK in mathematics and science. Learning to ers identified knowledge growth. Responses highlighted
think on one’s feet and to be able to adapt teaching to the value of active learning, the use of manipulatives,
meet the needs of students exemplifies developing the importance of group dynamics, and teacher’s pro-
PCK. Preservice teachers learned grade level appro- cedural knowledge. Learning from the mathematics
priateness, content, and lesson structure and execution, lessons revealed an increase in mathematics under-
as well as PCK. standing and student cognition levels, the importance of
The kids really enjoyed this center because they got hands-on manipulatives and real-world relevancy, as
to touch and feel the insides of a pumpkin. I think it well as the need for a variety of instructional strategies
was neat for them to get such a tactile experience. and teacher knowledge.
I did notice that some for the kids did not want to get Not only have I learned a lot from and about the
the pumpkin stuff on their hands. It never occurred children while learning math and science, but I have
to me that children wouldn’t want to get messy, also learned with them! I have learned more about
because I loved getting sticky and gooey as a child. leaves, flowers, buoyancy, gravity, logic and verte-
I let the kids who didn’t want to touch the stuff stand brates/invertebrates this semester all from the boys
back and watch or count seeds with a spoon. (LN: and girls... (PF: 28.5)
19.5) Learning about children doing mathematics and
Today we worked with individual children who science (PCK) was experienced daily.
were having trouble with borrowing and subtrac- The first most significant change in myself was the
tion. [One boy] didn’t really understand when to ideas I had about teaching science and the impor-
borrow and when not to borrow. I picked up that he tance of being a constant learner. This was defi-
wasn’t understanding the concept with the way his nitely a gradual change over the semester. Before
teacher was explaining it to him. So I took a entering this course, I never understood the impor-
different approach, and I could see that he truly tance of being completely informed and knowl-
understood the concept after I explained it. At this edgeable about the science content taught in the
point, I would tell his confidence was boosted and classroom. I did not realize the advanced knowl-
he had more enthusiasm. Seeing his excitement edge many students have in scientific content and
made me feel great. I had actually taught him my lacking knowledge in many areas. (FE:Q4:25)
something. (PF: 6.4) With teaching science you need to be sure that the
Direct interaction in the classroom provided needed children are comprehending the experiment/activ-
experiences in classroom management, the logistics of ity — not just going through the motions. (PSTWE:
teaching, and exposure and interaction with the value, Q2:11.8.2)
content, structure, and use of national standards. Team Science isn’t just fun, hands-on/minds-on activi-
teaching, teaching styles, and group dynamics were ties. You must foster an understanding of con-
evidenced in collaborative efforts. Continual, open lines tent literacies, too. (LN: 1.3b)
of communication were maintained. Negotiation of Through daily negotiations in this problem-solving
miscommunication gave way to learning situations for context, the cohort interaction experienced by preservice
all personnel. The researcher functioned as a coordinator teachers was a tremendous source of learning. These

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Construction of Teacher Knowledge 73

collaborations were the result of the Cohort Learning indicated in the data that the growth in posture of the
System. Learning through this school-based collabora- preservice teachers had a tremendous effect on their
tion fostered growth in teacher knowledge. The exten- observed performances.
sive learning reported and documented in these results I also feel that I have gained confidence in my
is overwhelmingly supportive of the values of collabo- knowledge of mathematics and science. I always
rative efforts. Exit focus group interviews with the enjoyed these subjects, but did not feel confident
preservice teachers and the in-service teachers verify about my knowledge until now. This was such a
the importance of collaboration. Collaboration with valuable experience, because I will carry this con-
peers and colleagues is essential for developing quality fidence with me during my teaching career. (FE:
professionals. Q4: 19)
I have always been afraid of math and science. I
Learning Through Reflection have never been good at either one because they
Reflective thinking before, during, and after teach- were boring and abstract to me. Through this
ing was considered imperative for a thorough teaching semester, I have learned ways to make math and
experience by course instructors. The reflective pro- science relevant, fun, and interesting. I now enjoy
cess is valued in professional growth and successful learning scientific things and events and look for-
teaching (Dewey, 1933; Kraus & Butler, 2000; Schön, ward to teaching them. (FE: Q4: 13)
1987; Valli, 1992). Preservice teachers were continu- The greatest area I feel I can improve in is my
ally encouraged to develop reflective thought as a tool knowledge base of scientific concepts. This course
for developing confidence and competence (autonomy proved to me there are many content areas I could
and self-efficacy) in teaching mathematics and sci- be teaching and in some ways I am scientifically
ence. Knowledge of self as a learner and as teacher illiterate. (PF: 4.27)
surfaced through the reflective process. This was Now I know that the best way to teach these
encouraged and accomplished through daily journal subjects is through discovery and exploration,
entries, informal daily evaluations, and other course connecting math and science to the real world is
artifacts. Growth in confidence and competence were vital. I feel more confident about math and science
reported in the summative portfolios, the final assess- as I enter student teaching. (FE: Q4.6)
ment, in weekly evaluations, and documented by re- Achieving acceptance into the school culture was
searcher observations and in-service teachers’ focus instrumental in the development of self-efficacy, as the
group interviews. preservice teachers became effective members. The
What I gained from myself in this course was quality and depth of the reflections grew over the
confidence. What an important and imperative semester. The researcher’s journal indicates the tre-
thing to have! That is the most rewarding discovery mendous growth in reflective clarity and depth ob-
I can carry with me. (PF: 7.9) served in reading the reflections by the preservice
During individual interviews, preservice teachers teachers throughout the semester. Promoting reflective
were asked what they saw as the most important teaching was a course goal that was deemed achieved
aspects about science/mathematics teaching that an as a result of observation and documentation. Preservice
elementary teacher should know. Responses suggested teachers confronted their own learning and the extent
that teachers should work with the students using of that learning through their summative portfolio as-
hands-on, real-world situations; make lessons relevant sessment. Responses specifically identified knowledge
and challenging; realize that abstract concepts are hard; acquisition of teacher knowledge and PCK.
have more problem solving; know the students; act as The classifying activity that I had planned took
a facilitator of learning; and integrate mathemathics and them less than five minutes. By the time the center
science, as well as other areas. The importance and was finished, I was grasping in the air to find things
value of content was apparent through the reflective to say. This taught me to always be overprepared. I
venue. The preservice teachers came to terms with should have had a few “back-up” ideas. Also, I
their own attitudes toward mathematics and science, as needed to have more critical thinking questions in
was evidenced in the data. This content-specific, school- mind. The next time we did these centers, I modified
based setting promoted many opportunities for my lesson and it went very smoothly. Learning from
preservice teachers to develop confidence and and modifying lessons is very important. (PF: 16.7)
competence in learning to teach elementary mathematics Learning attributed to interacting with mathematics
and science. The researcher and in-service teachers and science lessons included: content knowledge; the

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74 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

importance of hands-on/manipulatives; relevancy; in- planning, effective curriculum, discipline management,

structional strategies; group dynamics; and student at- assessment, grade-level appropriateness, and more.
tributes and cognition (ability and levels). Instructional These excerpts revealed the acquisition of teacher
strategies were identified and implemented, as well as knowledge and PCK through specifically designed
effective questioning, timing, lesson planning, classroom course tasks that placed the preservice teacher in the
management, preparation, and authentic assessment. posture of the learner.
This collaborative interaction was a relevant, au- This opportunity provided by the instructors gave
thentic learning environment for preservice teachers. me a deeper understanding of these concepts
Reflection revealed that group dynamics and problem because I was actually engaged in the activity.
solving were only successful after terms of negotiation Being in the position of the child helped me to learn
were established. Through this venue, preservice teach- how vital it is to utilize these instructional methods
ers were able to track their learning, evaluate their to grasp children’s attention and maintain their
learning, and project their learning. Construction of interest. (PF: 4.18)
teacher knowledge and PCK was present throughout I learned that real learning takes place when given
the summative portfolios. Individual and focus group meaningful and relevant hands-on/minds-on activi-
interviews, researcher observations, and other data sources ties. I learned more about math myself through this
confirmed, verified, and supported these results. course. I feel more sure of my ability to teach math
in the classroom (use of manipulatives and activi-
Learning Through Exemplary Models ties allowing children to think, problem-solve, con-
In-service teachers, video teachers, course in- struct number concepts, etc.). (FE: Q4.17)
structors, and other preservice teachers were exem- I feel now that science and math are very important
plary models employed in this venue. skills for children. My attitude about how to go
The teachers and the reactions from their students about teaching them has changed. I think that I
taught me that their way of teaching math and have become more concerned with hands-on ac-
science by reading textbooks was not successful. tivities and discovery learning. The children learn
(PF: 6.6) so much more by becoming involved in the lesson
The national standards for mathematics and sci- and experimenting themselves. (FE: Q4.21)
ence and the state standards were used as guidelines I think that the most valuable thing I learned ... is the
for the teaching and learning experiences addressing power of inquiry. My group used this tool in every
skills, processes, and subject matter content. Involve- lesson we taught. It means so much more for the
ment with a variety of instructional strategies provided child to discover on their own why something
opportunities for knowledge growth. Practicing and happens and how to alter the results....The most
experimenting with questioning techniques was instru- influential process I can give to my children is
mental in the development of teaching strategies. A problem solving and discovering on their own. The
variety of classroom management techniques were feeling as we manipulated our helicopters for them
demonstrated, analyzed, implemented, and adapted to become just what we wanted them to be cannot
within this methods course. Efforts were made by be matched. We had so much fun with that activity
course instructors to provide learning experiences that that we did not even know we were learning about
challenged the mindset of the preservice teachers. It gravity and free fall. We were allowed to bring
was imperative that new ways of teaching and learning prior knowledge into our thought processes and
become part of their beliefs system. In order to do this, change our helicopter to what we wanted it to be.
the constructivist learning approach offered the (PF: 30.7)
preservice teachers experiences in mathematics and I liked seeing all the manipulatives and I like playing
science as both learner and teacher. with them. This is helpful because some of them I
Simply hearing methods to implement is not enough. had never experienced before. (PSTWE: Q1.10.5).
Learning becomes real as we see management I am much more confident after this semester. This
taking place. We cannot predict what we will have change was gradual because I was terrified at first.
to handle from the children, but seeing teachers After I was in the classroom, my confidence began
handling problems makes the information more real to build each week. (FE: Q4: 10)
and meaningful. (PF: 7.5) Data confirm that learning was attributed to the
Exemplary models provided and demonstrated interactive and collaborative nature of the learning
professional development, professionalism, lesson environment. The transfer and application of learning

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concerning exemplary models were well represented in I have noticed that the children are not the only ones
specific course tasks data. Evidence that the preservice learning. I have learned so much from the children
teachers had taken ownership of many of the models just by being able to work with them in their
was overwhelming, as documented in interviews, port- classroom. I learned about the ways they think
folios, and observations. The researcher’s and in- about things in the world around them. I also
service teachers’ classroom observations over the learned that the children see things in ways I teach
semester revealed a continual pattern of emerging that I never saw before. I am able to see how the
growth in teacher knowledge demonstrated by the theories and methods of teaching math and science
preservice teachers. In-service teachers reported that apply to children. I have been able to observe how
they, too, had opportunities to observe new ways of the children use math and science and apply it to
teaching and learning elementary mathematics and their daily living. Through this course, I am not only
science. Learning components emerged through group learning math and science methods, but I am also
dynamics, negotiation, and cohort interaction through learning about myself and how I can best work with
this exemplary models venue. children. (PF: 13.3)
Mathematics and science content learning was
Learning Through Situated Context experienced as a group and individually. Many preservice
Identified learning components indicated acquisi- teachers had limited or no meaningful experiences with
tion of teacher knowledge and PCK of mathematics mathematics and science content. There were “Aha’s”
and science through this venue. Learning occurred in while working as learners in content activities. On a
this situated learning context. There were many oppor- weekly evaluation form, one preservice teacher re-
tunities for preservice teachers to apply and transfer ported that the most important thing she had learned in
learning (theory to practice) through authentic learning science this week was “not to teach science the way I
experiences. There were “real” teachers, “real” chil- was taught!” Preservice teachers researched and
dren, “real” lessons, in a “real” school. learned many mathematics and science concepts prior
My experience allowed me to apply the techniques to teaching the elementary students. The importance of
which I have learned in my courses to real teaching content learning and subject matter was evidenced in
situations. This professional development school planning and teaching lessons for the elementary chil-
experience was, itself, an application of the “hands- dren. Preservice teachers valued content learning in the
on, minds-on” learning which I have been taught to role of teacher and as learner.
provide my students with. It presented me, a A sense of belonging and acceptance in the school
preservice teacher, with real world teaching and culture was achieved as the semester progressed.
problem solving opportunities. Through experience Trust and respect were exhibited as the preservice
and cooperative learning, I was able to determine teachers assumed responsibility for the elementary
solutions to complex situations. I learned from students’ learning. Group dynamics and cohort interac-
experience the necessity for a teacher to possess tion through negotiation were factors in the quality and
the qualities of flexibility, persistence, and confi- depth of learning. The dailiness of school can only be
dence. (PF: 19.9) realized in such a situated context. The preservice
Teaching strategies were planned, implemented, teachers were exposed to the events and unscheduled
adjusted, and evaluated by the preservice teachers as sequencing of situations that occur daily in a multitude
both teacher and learner. This was done in collaboration of ways while teaching school. This enculturation,
with the in-service teachers, other cohort groups, and originated and accomplished from this immersion, fos-
the researcher. This fostered more opportunities for tered the development of teacher knowledge and PCK
knowledge growth. The researcher observed a meta- through the situated context venue.
morphic evolution from apprehensive, shy preservice
teachers to cohorts of confident and competent novice Summary
teachers. The school-based context of this methods
course was critical in fostering many areas of learning. The purpose of this study was to determine how
Developing collaboration, classroom management, team and to what extent preservice teachers construct teacher
teaching, communication skills, planning, cooperation, knowledge and PCK of elementary mathematics and
confidence and competency with mathematics and science. The school-based methods course, based on
science, and learning about children were among many the national mathematics and science standards, was
of the benefits. content-specific, limited to mathematics and science

Volume 102(2), February 2002

76 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

instruction. A constructivist instructional approach was venues were the conduits of knowledge construction.
implemented to facilitate preservice teachers’ learning Learning venues only existed due to the presence of the
as promoted through the national standards. The use of attributes of the study: the content-specific methods
authentic assessment within this context promoted new course, the elements within the working systems; the
ways of teaching and learning. The school-based con- collaborative interactions of these systems; the school-
text provided the collaborative setting. The course based context; and the constructivist learning environ-
instructors and in-service teachers orchestrated and ment. What was the extent of knowledge construction?
scaffolded learning that enabled the preservice teach- A typical, school-based setting offers methods instruc-
ers to construct teacher knowledge. The findings con- tion in all content areas simultaneously and may be
firmed the acquisition of teacher knowledge and PCK quite overwhelming for preservice teachers. The depth
of mathematics and science by the preservice teachers. and strength of teacher knowledge construction was
The extent of knowledge construction was revealed. enhanced in this study, as methods instruction was
The learning reported fulfills conceptions of teacher limited to mathematics and science. The extent of
knowledge (Adams & Krockover, 1997) and of PCK the construction of PCK in mathematics and science
(Grossman, 1990). Repetitious reports of learning were was, in particular, fostered by the content-specific
embedded in the data responses from multiple sources. attribute of this school-based experience. Preservice
This confirms and verifies knowledge construction. teachers, as well as other data sources, revealed the
The redundancy of the responses suggested that teacher extent of knowledge construction in this setting.
knowledge and PCK became part of the schemata of That extent is embedded in the reported results and
the preservice teachers (as described by Anderson, will be manifested in the future classrooms of these
1984). Findings confirm that learning did occur. preservice teachers.
Identified learning components were framed by These findings have implications for the prepara-
predetermined, data verified, learning categories. These tion of teachers. Typical on-campus methods courses
four learning categories contained learning components do not allow for immediate access to teaching elemen-
that were shared and overlapped. Categorized evi- tary children in real-world situations. School-based
dences of learning did not portray how knowledge was methods courses allow preservice teachers immersion
constructed or the extent of learning acquired by in authentic learning experiences and context. The
preservice teachers. Through further analysis, the re- acquisition, dimensions, and social context of the con-
searcher envisioned knowledge construction to involve struction of teacher knowledge have been revealed
active processes. Learning was not stagnant, but full of from the results of this study. What better place to learn
motion radiating in every direction and was a direct to teach than to be in a school context immersed in the
result of the interactive nature of this context. The term, culture and dailiness of school? Only through a situated
learning venue, was chosen to actively illustrate the context of school could these preservice teachers
“construction” of knowledge. Active forms of knowl- experience their chosen profession. The preparation of
edge acquisition, learning venues, were discovered that teachers in authentic methods and contexts is a valid
accommodated for crossover, repetition, and blending alternative to the limitations of campus-based prepara-
of the categories. These learning venues were discov- tion. As in this study, content-specific, school-based
ered: learning through collaboration; learning through experiences may afford preservice teachers greater
reflection; learning through exemplary models; and opportunities to focus on content and instructional
learning through situated context. Learning venues strategies at deeper levels; to address anxieties typi-
diminished the boundaries of the predetermined learn- cally associated with the teaching of elementary math-
ing categories and illustrated active learning processes. ematics and science; and to become more confident
This was achieved as the elements of the School and competent teachers.
System and the University System joined and enhanced The discovery of the learning venues was inher-
the formation of an interactive Cohort of Learners ent on the specific attributes of this study. It is
System. (See Appendix C.) reasonable that further investigation of this context
Data analysis revealed that these learning venues is warranted. Another in-depth analysis of the data is
provided the means for the preservice teachers to planned. It is anticipated that the interactions in this
acquire the ends, teacher knowledge and PCK of context concerning the acquisition of teacher knowl-
elementary mathematics and science. How was con- edge and PCK through learning venues will reveal yet
struction of teacher knowledge and PCK in mathemat- another level of understanding of the waysteacher
ics and science achieved in this setting? Learning knowledge is constructed.

School Science and Mathematics

Construction of Teacher Knowledge 77

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School Science and Mathematics

Construction of Teacher Knowledge 79

Appendix A
Descriptive Profile Of Data Sources

PRESERVICE TEACHERS. Individual interviews: One volunteer preservice teacher from each grade level
group. Others were selected redundancy. Focus group exit interviews: Included all participating members of
the preservice teachers’ grade level teaching cohort. Weekly evaluations: Completed as an ongoing source of
evaluation and innovative class adjustments. Reflective journals: One of the goals of this experience for the
preservice teachers is to become comfortable with and proficient at scientific and mathematical investigations of
everyday phenomena. During the course, the preservice teachers were asked to keep careful track of
investigations pursued for in-class activities and in their teaching. The records should include, for example,
questions asked while investigating, predictions made (along with reasons for the predictions), observations,
experiments, and any conclusions or generalizations drawn. Reflections about learning during the process should
be kept to better empathize with children when helping them engage in inquiry. This should include entries for every
class meeting, weekly evaluations, reflections, planning sessions, laboratory, and so on. It should be a complete
representation of the daily events of this course and its components. Final Assessment: Four structured questions
addressing learning experience and the course content. Portfolios: A portfolio is required that provides evidence
and documents the details of how the preservice teachers planned, prepared, executed, and evaluated the tasks
that were performed. The portfolio documents the process as well as the products. The reflection part of the
portfolio will detail the involvement and personal evaluation of the individual’s own involvement and participation
in the group task. The predetermined four learning categories determined the sections of the portfolio. (Required
course task.) IN-SERVICE TEACHERS: Structured questions used to initiate discussion with allowances for
further discussion with open-ended questions for individual interviews and focus group interviews. OTHERS
(Principal, librarian, course instructors): Structured questions used to initiate discussion with allowances for further
discussion with open-ended questions for interviews. FIELD NOTES: This is a daily record of all events that
occurred within the realm of the researcher and that involvement of this methods course. ARTIFACTS FILE:
Collection of documents received during this semester from school district, campus mail, and other appropriate
communications. REFLEXIVE JOURNAL: The researcher’s record of investigative decisions, embellish-
ments, questions, and pondering while researching this context and its participants.


Individual Preservice Teachers
Tell about any memorable experiences you have had in science/mathematics as a child? What about college? Talk
about the major areas that make science/mathematics a field or discipline? Tell how and if the areas are related.
What have you found to be the most important aspects about science/mathematics teaching that a teacher should
know? Is there anything particular about teaching science/mathematics that is different from teaching other
content areas? What would be your goals for your students in learning science/mathematics? What strengths and/
or weaknesses when teaching science/mathematics will you bring to the classroom? Tell me what your main
reasons are for becoming a teacher. What formal experiences do you believe have influenced your teaching
experiences and your conception of teaching? How important are field experiences are in education courses?
What have been the benefits of this experience to preservice teachers that you have observed? to practicing
teachers? What have been the disadvantages to preservice teachers? to practicing teachers? What were your
initial thoughts about this arrangement? What are your present thoughts?
Grade Level Focus Groups Questions
What were your initial thoughts about this arrangement for the field experience? Were there apprehensions? How
is this different than other experiences in which you have participated? As the experience proceeded, did you
develop any goals for yourself and your group? Summarize and evaluate working in your grade level group. What
have you learned from this field experience? from your grade level teachers? from your elementary students? from
your instructors? from your peers? from the standards from other sources? from yourself? Has this interactive
experience influenced how you intend to teach mathematics and science in any way? What suggestions would
you offer for improvement?

Volume 102(2), February 2002

80 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

Weekly Evaluation Form Questions

Keep this sheet in your notebook. At the end of the large-group session, you will be asked to answer these questions
anonymously... You may make a carbon for your notebook so that you may track your attitudes throughout the
semester. (These responses would be appropriate inclusions for your portfolio.) What was the BEST THING about
class this week?; What was ONE THING ABOUT TEACHING SCIENCE and MATH that you learned that you
will remember for a long, long time?; A SUGGESTION or CONCERN.
Final Assessment Task
Use the material you have accumulated during this semester to develop a list of items to include in an integrated
lesson format for use in your school district. For each item, explain why you would include it in the format. Make
a list of all of the science lessons/mathematics lessons you and/or your group have taught this semester (include
dates). Describe each lesson and your involvement in the lesson in no more than 2 sentences. Include a final
sentence that summarizes what you learned from the experiences . Think about the most significant changes that
have occurred in you, your thinking, your knowledge, your attitudes, and your skills. These changes have occurred
in relation to what? Your knowledge about yourself? Your knowledge about teaching? Your knowledge about
mathematics an/or science teaching? Were these changes gradual or was there a definite turning point? Please
identify, discuss and characterize that change (as gradual or abrupt for THREE of the most significant changes that
you have experienced. Each should have direct connections to your preparation to be an elementary teacher of
mathematics and science.
Interview Questions: Individual Inservice Teachers/Course Instructors
Tell about any memorable experiences you have had in science/mathematics as a child? What about college? Talk
about the major areas that make science/mathematics a field or discipline? Tell how and if the areas are related.
What have you found to be the most important aspects about science/mathematics teaching that a teacher should
know? Is there anything particular about teaching science/mathematics that is different from teaching other content
areas? What would be your goals for your students in learning science/mathematics? What strengths and/or
weaknesses when teaching science/mathematics do you bring to the classroom? Tell me what your main reasons
are for becoming a teacher. What formal experiences have influenced your teaching? How important are field
experiences are in education courses? What have been the benefits of this experience to preservice teachers that
you have observed? to practicing teachers? What have been the disadvantages to preservice teachers? to
practicing teachers? What were your initial thoughts about this arrangement? What are your present thoughts?
Focus Group Exit Interview Questions For In-service Teachers
What were your initial thoughts about this arrangement for the field experience? Were there apprehensions? How
is this different than other experiences in which you have participated? As the experience proceeded, did you
develop any goals for the preservice teachers? What, if anything, have you learned from this field experience? Has
this interactive experience influenced your teaching of mathematics or science in any way? What suggestions would
you offer for improvement?
Interview Questions With Support Personnel
What was the best thing about having students working with this school? How important are field experiences in
education courses? Tell about any of your mathematics and science teaching or learning experiences? What have
been the benefits of this experience to preservice teachers? to the practicing teachers? What have been the
disadvantages to preservice teachers? to practicing teachers? What were your initial thoughts about this
arrangement? What are you present thoughts? Suggestions for next semester. Any concern that you may have
regarding this experience.

School Science and Mathematics

Construction of Teacher Knowledge 81

Appendiix B
Data Analysis Chart

All original data

Data unitized and/or treated
Segmented Data:
All data sources divided into two
segments Areas of Learning Identified


Data categorized:
Data sorted: Areas of Learning
Learning Components sorted to
sorted to Learning Components Learning Categories

Subsequent Analysis:
Learning Components/
Learning Categories
produce Learning Venues

Volume 102(2), February 2002

82 Construction of Teacher Knowledge

Appendix C
Learning Venues With Learning Components

Learning Learning Learning Learning

through through through through
Collaboration Reflection Exempla ry Situated
Models Context

with these with these with these with these

learning learning learning learning
components components components components

teacher attributes Models: school-based

Standards/ immersion in
teacher planning TEKS dailiness
Wiebe's model
discipline & concept learning from
enthusiasm &
classroom mapping children
management videos learning
about children-
team teaching Strategies: -doing math/
teaching styles hands-on/ science
minds-on professional
curriculum inquiry- development
of content
communication integration belonging/
tasks acceptance
acceptance by
respect & trust questioning
tea chers&
manipulatives theory to
practice & classroom practice
experimenting management authentic
about children
with children about teachers learning
group dynamics group dynamics dynamics
group dynamics
negotiation negotiation negotiation
cohort cohort cohort
cohort interaction
interaction interaction interaction

to construct-orchestrate-scaffold
Teacher Knowledge

School Science and Mathematics

Construction of Teacher Knowledge 83

Appendix D
Learning Venues in Context

The School Elements
System join and enhance

forming an
Inservice interactive Preservice
Teachers Cohort of Teachers
Learners System

within a

Elementary School-Based Course

Students Setting Instructors

Other School in a Constructivist Standards-based

Personnel Learning Environment Methods Course

were found to use these venues

for learning how to teach

Learning through Learning through

Collaboration Situated Context

Learning through
Learning through

Appendix E
Data Reference Codes

Preservice Teacher Data Source Origin Code Examples

Weekly evaluation form: question: date PSTWE: Q3: 9.4
Lab notebook: student: page LN: 8.3
Final Exams: student: page FE: 21.7
Portfolios: student page PF: 28.6

Volume 102(2), February 2002

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