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Unlock Smart Learning PICKLE JAR METHOD Complete the most significant tasks first and ft smalir ones around them. + Example: Start the day by Investigating a major cargo claim ‘and then handle routine decument reviews later. ‘2-MINUTE RULE if task can be done in 2 minutes or Reached , + Example: Quickly respond to Dimiins " conmaien wats ova ot on routine document requests. ‘Assign importance levels to tasks and ‘act accordingly * Example: Label urgent client ‘communications 5 ‘A and non= ‘essential paperwork as GETTING THINGS DONE (GTD) (Organize tasks by stages. from capturing to doing ‘+ Example: Log all now claims, clarify thei detals, organize by severity, and start withthe most ential ones, TASK BATCHING Croup simiar activites together to improve efficiency ‘Example: Review and process all cargo insurance renewals at 1a dedicated time, Allocate fixed times for diferent types of tasks. + Example: Set aside the first part of the moming for deep analysis of ‘complex claims, with afternoons reserved for meetings. 13-5 METHOD Plan to accomplish a set number of tasks by size each day. 2: Aim to resolve one follow up on three outstanding claim investigations, POMODORO TECHNIQUE ‘Work in 25-minute Intervals with short GI 024s 10 maintain focus, (RRR) «Example: Evauate cargo damage Feports in 25-minute sessions, taking S-minute breaks in between to stay sharp. WARREN BUFFET 5/25 RULE Focus on the top five proves and ‘void the rest unt they're done, + Example: Concentrate on the five ‘mast significant claims of the day ‘before moving onto anything ese EISENHOWER MATRIX ‘Sort tasks by urgency and importance 1opriontize effectively + Example: Proiize urgent claim investigations as ‘Do, while )| scheduling policy renewals as, ‘Decide’ Pace uur

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