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Jashore University of Science and Technology

Course Title : Dietetics

Course Code: NFT - 3104

A Lab report
Preparing Diet Chart

Submitted by Submitted to
Name: Md.Riazuddin Fatema Tuj Zohra
Roll:170910 &
3rd Year 1st Semester Eyad Ahmed
Dept. of Nutrition & Food Assistant Professor
Technology Dept. of Nutrition & Food
Jashore University of Technology
Science & Technology Jashore University of
Science & Technology
Preparing a Diet chart: High Cost
Patient Profile:
Sex: Male
Age: 23 years
Weight: 59 kg
Height: 165 cm
Activity level: Moderate

1. Energy Requirement Calculation:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) = Wt×24×1 M=1

= 1416
F = 0.9

Total Energy Requirement = 1416 + (1416 × 0.5)

= 2124

2. Determine the Requirement by CHO/P/F ratio:

Normal range of CHO, Protein, Fat
CHO = 55-65%
Protein = 12-18%
Fat = 20-30%

For high Cost:

CHO = 55%
Protein = 18%
Fat = 27%

CHO Protein Fat

2124 × 55 % 2124×18% 2124×27%
2124 ×55 2124 ×18 2124 ×27
= 100 = 100
= 100
= 1168.2 Kcal = 382 Kcal = 573 Kcal
3. Divided the calories from CHO/P/F ratio by 4/4/9 respectively

CHO Protein Fat

1168.2 382 573
= 4
= 4
= 9
= 292 g = 95 g = 63.66 g

4. Prepare the table of milk, vegetable, fruits, pulses (Secondary Source)

No of
Food Item CHO Protein Fat K.Cal
Fruits 5 5×10=50 - - 50×4= 200
Vegetables 3 3×5=15 2×3=6 -
Milk 2 2×12=24 8×2=16 16×4=64
Pulses 2 6.4×2=12.8 2.7×2=5.4 -
Total 102 27.4 10 606.8 Kcal

Caloric needed from the primary source = (2124 – 606.8)

=1517.2 Kcal

5. Calculate CHO servings from prescribed CHO and Subtotal CHO (Divided
by 15):
Prescribed CHO = 292 g
Subtotal CHO = 102 g

Difference = 190 g
= 15
=12.66 1 serving CHO = 15g
≅ 13 Servings
CHO Protein Fat
15×13 13×2 10 g
= 195 g = 26+27.4
= 53.4 g

6. Calculate the Protein Servings from Prescribed protein and Subtotal

Protein (Divided by 7):
Prescribed Protein = 95.5 g
Subtotal Protein = 53.4 g

Difference = 42.1 g
42.1 1 serving Protein = 7g
= 7
≅ 6 Servings

CHO Protein Fat

292 g 6×7 6×5
= 42 + 53.4 g = 30+10
= 95.4 g = 40 g

7. Calculate the Fat Servings from Prescribed Fat and Subtotal Fat (Divided
by 5):
Prescribed Fat = 63.66 g
Subtotal Fat = 40 g

Difference = 23.66 g 1 serving Fat = 5g

= 5
= 4.73
≅ 5 Servings

= 25 + 40
= 65 g
CHO: 13 Servings (From cereals, starchy root and vegetables)
Protein: 6 Servings (Meat, Fish, Egg, Plant based protein)
Fat: 5 servings (Cooking Oil)

 Formulate a menu plan and calculate total Calorie:

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Bread 3 3 medium size 3×70= 210
Egg 1 Hen’s egg 90
Milk 1 1 glass low fat milk 120
Fruit 1 1 small banana 40
Mixed vegetables 1 1 cup 28
Total = 488 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Fruits 2 2 medium Orange 80
Total =80 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Rice 5 5 cup boiled rice/1plate 350
Fish 1 1 medium piece 75
Pulse 1 0.5 cup medium conc. 36
Meat 2 Beef (medium fat) 150
Vegetable 1 1 cup mixed vegetables 28
Total =639 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Noodles 2 1 cup 160
Fruits 2 1 large guava 80
Total =240 Kcal
Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
3 cup boiled rice/ 3
Rice/ Ruti 3 70×3=210
medium size bread
Meat 2 Chicken 150
Vegetable 1 1 cup mixed vegetables 28
Pulse 1 0.5 cup medium conc. 36
Milk 1 1 glass low fat milk 120
Total = 544 Kcal

 From the menu plan the total calorie:

= 488 +80 + 639 + 240 + 544
=1991 Kcal

Fat = 5 servings
1 serving fat = 5g
∴ 5 Servings fat =5×5=25 g
1g = 9 Kcal
∴ 25 g=25×9=225 Kcal

Total Calorie = 1991 + 225

= 2216 Kcal
Food Note:
 During be diet preparation height, weight, age and sex should considered.
 Diet should be nutritionally adequate, high sugar. That should be avoided.
 1 servings vegetables must be from green leafy vegetables for iron and vit-A.
 I serving fruits should be citrus food for vit-C.
 If 1 meal is low is high in calorie another meal should be low in calorie to
maintain daily requirement.
 Rest of the tat must come from cooking oil.
 During menu planning test economic condition religious etc. must be consider.
 For Diet charts ±100 calorie is consider.
 In case of obesity fatty should be minimize and for growing age body building
food should be there incorrect proportion.
 Food should be not be monotonous.
 Water should be taken after 30min of the meal.
Preparing a Diet chart: Medium Cost
Patient Profile:
Sex: Female
Weight: 60 kg
Height: 160 cm
Activity level: Moderate

1. Energy Requirement Calculation:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) =Wt×24×0.9
=1296 M =1
Total Energy Requirement =1296 + (1296×0.5) F = 0.9
=1944 Kcal

2. Divided the Requirement by CHO/P/F ratio

Normal ratio of CHO, Protein, Fat
CHO =55-65%
Protein =12-18%
Fat =20-30%

For Medium Cost:

CHO =60%
Protein =15%
Fat =25%

CHO Protein Fat

1944 × 60 % 1944×15% 1944×25%
1944 ×60 1944 ×15 1944 ×25
= 100 = 100
= 100
=1166.4 K.Cal =291.6 K.Cal =486 K.Cal

3. Divided the calories from CHO/P/F ratio by 4/4/9 respectively

CHO Protein Fat

1166.4 291.6 486
= 4
= 4
= 9
=291.4 g =72.9 g =54 g
4. Prepare the table of milk, vegetable, fruits, pulses (Secondary Source)

No of
Food Item CHO Protein Fat K.Cal

Fruits 3 3×10=30 - - 30×4=120

Vegetables 3 3×5=15 2×3=6 -
Milk 1 1×12=12 8×1=8 1×5=5 8×4=32
3 6.4×3=19.2 2.7×3=8.1 -
Pulses 8.1×4=32.4
Total 76.2 22.1 5 438.2 Kcal

Caloric needed from the primary source = (1944 - 438)


5. Calculate CHO servings from prescribed CHO and Subtotal CHO (Divided
by 15)
Prescribed CHO =291 g
Subtotal CHO =76.2 g

Difference = 214.8 g
= 15
≅ 14 Servings

CHO Protein Fat

14×15 14×2 5g
=210 g =28+22.1
=50.1 g
6. Calculate the Protein Servings from Prescribed protein and Subtotal
Protein (Divided by 7)
Prescribed Protein = 72.8 g
Subtotal Protein =50.1 g

Difference =22.7 g
= 7
≅ 3 servings

CHO Protein Fat

210 3×7 3×5
=21+50.1 =15+5
=71.1 g =20 g

7. Calculate the Fat Servings from Prescribed Fat and Subtotal Fat (Divided
by 5)
Prescribed Fat = 54 g
Subtotal Fat = 20 g

Difference = 34 g
= 6.8 g
≅ 7 Servings

CHO: 14 Servings (from cereals, starchy root and vegetables)

Protein: 3 Servings (Meat, Fish, Egg, Plant based protein)
Fat: 7 servings (Cooking Oil)
 Formulate a menu plan and calculate total Calorie:

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
3 medium size
Bread 3 3×70=210
Egg 1 Hen’s Egg 90
1 glass low fat
Milk 1 120
Fruits 1 1 small banana 40
Mixed Vegetables 1 1 cup 28
Total = 488 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Puffed Rice 1 1 cup puffed rice 70
Fruit 1 1 small Guava 40
Total =110 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
5 cup boiled
Rice 5 350
Fish 1 1 medium size 75
1 cup medium
Pulses 2 72
1 cup mixed
Vegetables 1 28
Total =525 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Noodles 1 ½ cup 80
Fruits 1 1 medium size 40
Total =120 Kcal
Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Rice 4 4 cup boiled rice 70×4=280
Meat 1 Chicken 75
1 cup mixed
Vegetables 1 28
Pulse 1 ½ cup mixed conc. 36
Total =419 Kcal

From the menu plan the total calorie

=1662 Kcal

Fat = 7 servings
1 serving fat = 5g
∴ 7 Servings fat =5×7=35 g
1g = 9 Kcal
∴ 35 g=35×9=315 Kcal

Total Calorie = 1662+315

=1977 Kcal
Food Note:
 During be diet preparation height, weight, age and sex should considered.
 Diet should be nutritionally adequate, high sugar. That should be avoided.
 1 servings vegetables must be from green leafy vegetables for iron and vit-A.
 I serving fruits should be citrus food for vit-C.
 If 1 meal is low is high in calorie another meal should be low in calorie to
maintain daily requirement.
 Rest of the tat must come from cooking oil.
 During menu planning test economic condition religious etc. must be consider.
 For Diet charts ±100 calorie is consider.
 In case of obesity fatty should be minimize and for growing age body building
food should be there incorrect proportion.
 Food should be not be monotonous.
 Water should be taken after 30min of the meal.
Preparing a Diet chart: Low Cost
Patient Profile:
Sex: Male
Age: 23 years
Weight: 59 kg
Height: 165 cm
Activity level: Moderate

1. Energy Requirement Calculation:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) =Wt×24×1 M=1

F = 0.9

Total Energy Requirement =1416 + (1416 × 0.5)


2. Determine the Requirement by CHO/P/F ratio

Normal range of CHO, Protein, Fat
CHO = 55-65%
Protein = 12-18%
Fat = 20-30%

For low Cost:

CHO = 65%
Protein = 15%
Fat = 20%

CHO Protein Fat

2124 × 65 % 2124×15% 2124×20%
2124 ×65 2124 ×15 2124 ×20
= 100 = 100
= 100
=1380.6 K.Cal = 318.6 K.Cal = 424.8 K.Cal
3. Divided the calories from CHO/P/F ratio by 4/4/9 respectively

CHO Protein Fat

1380.6 318.6 424.8
= 4
= 4
= 9
= 345.15 g = 79.65 g = 47.2 g

4. Prepare the table of milk, vegetable, fruits, pulses (Secondary Source)

No of
Food Item CHO Protein Fat Kcal

Fruits 2 2×10=20 - - 20×4= 80

Vegetables 6 6×5=30 2×6=12 -
Milk 1 1×12=12 8×1=8 1×10=10 8×4=32
3 6.4×3=19.2 2.7×3=8.1 -
Pulses 8.1×4=32.4
Total 81.2 28.1 10 527.2 Kcal

Caloric needed from the primary source = (2124 – 527.2)

=1596.8 Kcal

5. Calculate CHO servings from prescribed CHO Subtotal CHO (Divided by

Prescribed CHO = 345.15 g
Subtotal CHO = 81.2 g

Difference = 263.95 g
= 15
=17.59 1 serving CHO = 15g
≅ 17 Servings

CHO Protein Fat

15×17 17×2 10 g
= 255 g = 34+28.1
= 62.1 g

6. Calculate the Protein Servings from Prescribed protein and Subtotal

Protein (Divided by 7)
Prescribed Protein = 79.65 g
Subtotal Protein = 62.1 g

Difference = 17.55 g
= 7
1 serving Protein = 7g
≅ 2 Servings

CHO Protein Fat

255 g 2×7 2×5
= 14 + 62.1 g =10+10
= 76.1 g =20 g

7. Calculate the Fat Servings from Prescribed Fat and Subtotal Fat (Divided
by 5)
Prescribed Fat = 47.2 g
Subtotal Fat = 20 g

Difference = 27.2 g
= 5
= 5.44 g
≅ 5 Servings

CHO: 17 Servings (from cereals, starchy root and vegetables)

Protein: 2 Servings (Meat, Fish, Egg, Plant based protein)
Fat: 5 servings (Cooking Oil)

Formulate a menu plan and calculate total Calorie

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Rice 5 5.5 cup boiled rice 5×70=350
Vegetables 2 2 cup mixed vegetables 56
Pulses 1 0.5 cup medium conc. 36
Fish 1 1 medium piece 75
Total = 517 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Puffed Rice 2 2 cup 140
Fruit 1 1 medium Guava 40
Total =180 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Rice 5 5 cup boiled rice/1plate 350
Egg 1 Hen’s egg 90
Pulses 2 1 cup medium conc. 72
Vegetables 2 2 cup mixed vegetables 56
Total = 568 Kcal

Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Bread 1 1 medium size 70
Fruits 1 1 small banana 40
Total =110 Kcal
Food Items Serving Size Description Kcal
Rice 4 4 cup boiled rice 70×4=280
Milk 1 1 glass whole milk 170
Vegetables 2 1 cup mixed vegetables 56
Total = 506 Kcal

From the menu plan the total calorie

= 517 +180 + 568 + 110 + 506
=1881 Kcal

Fat = 7 servings
1 serving fat = 5g
∴ 5 Servings fat =5×5=25 g

1g = 9 Kcal
∴ 25 g=25×9=225 Kcal

Total Calorie = 1881 + 225

= 2106 Kcal

Food Note:
 During be diet preparation height, weight, age and sex should considered.
 Diet should be nutritionally adequate, high sugar. That should be avoided.
 1 servings vegetables must be from green leafy vegetables for iron and vit-A.
 I serving fruits should be citrus food for vit-C
 If 1 meal is low is high in calorie another meal should be low in calorie to
maintain daily requirement.
 Rest of the tat must come from cooking oil.
 During menu planning test economic condition religious etc. must be consider.
 For Diet charts ±100 calorie is consider.
 In case of obesity fatty should be minimize and for growing age body building
food should be there incorrect proportion.
 Food should be not be monotonous.
 Water should be taken after 30min of the meal.

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