Position Paper - FROMUN - Haroon Safeer

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COMMITTEE: Pakistan National Assembly (PNA)

DELEGATE: Captain Safdar

Pakistan; the 9th largest population in the world holding 220 million people. The diversity of its physical
terrain directly influence the variety economic patterns. National interests of a state precisely define the
sovereign state’s goals and ambitions towards a truly democratic and developed nation. These national
interests are the bases of policy making and legislature composition with in a state, where these
interests differ in accordance to the state’s current position economically and socially. To precisely study
Pakistan’s current goals; these national interests are branched into three components i) economic
interest ii) social and political interest

As Pakistan ranks 43rd on the basis of economic growth worldwide, we need to prioritize the economic
measures to lead out of the current economic crisis. Studying the Low foreign exchange reserves; a
weak market investment was witnessed, consequently, resulting to lower FDI (Foreign Direct
Investment). To tackle this, the delegate of Captain Safdar suggests to limit external vulnerability by
maintaining currency liquidity. Furthermore, the issue of economic liberalization causes certain
inefficiencies, such as worsened services. To tackle this, Captain Sadar suggests a deprivatization process
which leads to expanded government services. Moreover, low exports are also a concern to Pakistan as
they lead to lower income flow, hence reducing trade barriers may help more traders to freely trade.

Secondly, the social interests of Pakistan branch into human security programmes to help tackle
extremism, crimes and terrorism. Certain initiatives like National Security Policy (NSP) should be
encouraged help rebuild states trust to the nation. From a PMLN’s prespective, extensive use of Human
Resource Development shall be taken to refine Education and Health sectors and facilitate new startups.
With the efficiency of ministries regarded, we can solve shock crisis such as flooding which causes mass
destruction with death of more than 1,739 people and 2.1 million left homeless. Hence these initiatives
may take certain committees and high decision making motives as Quaid-e-Azam stated “I don’t believe
in taking right decisions, I take decisions and make them right”

Government is solely working on regaining Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and is initiating many
programmes like Youth Business and Agricultural Loan schemes, for a stabilized economy. Hence the
national interests of Pakistan should be prioritized without ignoring the public’s interest too, where
delegate of Captain Safdar looks forward to progressive debates and a healthy conversation to find
solutions to the current crisis.

Floods also have been a major economy destructive force as 1/3rd of Pakistan falls underwater. This not
only destroys the agricultural sector, as massive field wheat destruction but also halted tertiary
industries. Delegate of Captain Safdar searches possible solutions to this crisis in the committee to build
a framework and perform policy making acts upon siding with negotiations and ties with the opposing

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