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FUN QUIZ: Woodpecker unique facts & behaviors

Circle the correct answer.

1. Why do woodpeckers peck on wood?
- A) To build nests
- B) To find food
- C) For fun
- D) To attract mates

2. What is a unique feature of a woodpecker's tongue?

- A) It's forked
- B) It's retractable
- C) It has barbs to help catch insects
- D) It glows in the dark

3. How do woodpeckers protect their brains while pecking?

- A) They close their eyes
- B) They have a special fluid in their skulls
- C) Their skulls have shock-absorbent features
- D) They take frequent breaks
4. What unusual substance do some woodpeckers consume?
- A) Chocolate
- B) Sap from trees
- C) Mud
- D) Berries

5. How do woodpeckers communicate with each other?

- A) Through scents
- B) By dancing
- C) Using vocal calls and drumming on wood
- D) Through body coloration

6. What adaptation allows woodpeckers to climb trees?

- A) Sticky feet
- B) Strong tail feathers used for support
- C) Webbed wings
- D) Suction cups

7. Why might a woodpecker drum on metal objects?

- A) To sharpen its beak
- B) To attract mates by making louder sounds
- C) By mistake
- D) To cool down
8. What does the diet of a woodpecker mainly consist of?
- A) Seeds and nuts
- B) Insects
- C) Small mammals
- D) Fruit

9. Where do woodpeckers typically nest?

- A) On the ground
- B) In tunnels underground
- C) In cavities they excavate in trees
- D) In abandoned nests of other birds

10. Which of the following is a threat to woodpecker habitats?

- A) Overpopulation of prey
- B) Deforestation
- C) Overabundance of trees
- D) Too much rainfall

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